Hsn Vitamin/supplement 2017 Challenge (january 1, 2017-december 31 2017)

My hair's definition has improved tremendously, I am seeing my strands soften. My goal is to see more thickness and reduce split on my ends and along my hair shaft.
Currently, are you using Cap Energy or Phytophanere?

Thinking about 2018 - if I will continue on these or take something else, so my body doesn't get "too use" to these.
Finished up: 60 Days of Phytospecific Cap Energy.

Switched over to ApoGhee for the next 30 days and Bamboo Extract. Will return to Phytophanere and 10,000 mcg Biotin,

Almost finish with Pi.ping Rock's Bamboo Extract. Will reup on Bamboo hopefully from Beautifully Bamboo (on BF or CM).
Finished up: 60 Days of Phytospecific Cap Energy.

Switched over to ApoGhee for the next 30 days and Bamboo Extract. Will return to Phytophanere and 10,000 mcg Biotin,

Almost finish with Pi.ping Rock's Bamboo Extract. Will reup on Bamboo hopefully from Beautifully Bamboo (on BF or CM).

These come back up on me. :barf:

So, after I finish up both packs, they won't be a repurchase.:eek:....:nono:

Plus, they are huge.:ohwell:
I feel comfortable recommending Curls liquid vitamin. I haven't had any adverse side effects and the taste isn't bad. I feel like I'm getting a boost in growth because these grays are not playing smh. It's expensive ($50 per month) so I'm hoping to stock up during a good sale. How's everyone doing with their vitamin/supplement reggie? 2 months left in the challenge. Let's finish strong!
Hi everyone, I've been apart of this challenge (in my head at least) since I joined the forum. But I would like to officially join, by posting what I have been and what I am currently taking. From January 2017- August 2017, I took Manetabolism. I took one bottle of Hairfinity in one month during this period (just to test it out), but stuck with Manetabolism. I saw amazing growth as well as thickness, but the growth decreased after a couple of months. Therefore, I decided to try Beautifully Bamboo Vitamins-- I bought a 2 month supply, but only completed 1 1/4 bottles, due to increased shedding that I felt like I was experiencing.

I am one week into Curls Liquid Vitamins; I have a 3 month supply (6 bottles). The vitamins have a new and improved taste (according to the bottle) and I can say that I have no problems taking it. After my three month supply of these vitamins, I will be going back to Manetabolism (plan to stock up on BF). I also have two bottles of Nature's Bounty HSN pills, I'll probably take those in between Manetabolism, when I feel growth has slowed.
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Hi everyone, I've been apart of this challenge (in my head at least) since I joined the forum. But I would like to officially join, by posting what I have been and what I am currently taking. From January 2017- August 2017, I took Manetabolism. I took one bottle of Hairfinity in one month during this period (just to test it out), but stuck with Manetabolism. I saw amazing growth as well as thickness, but the growth decreased after a couple of months. Therefore, I decided to try Beautifully Bamboo Vitamins-- I bought a 2 month supply, but only completed 1 1/4 bottles, due to increased shedding that I felt like I was experiencing.

I am one week into Curls Liquid Vitamins; I have a 3 month supply (6 bottles). The vitamins have a new and improved taste (according to the bottle) and I can say that I have no problems taking it. After my three month supply of these vitamins, I will be going back to Manetabolism (plan to stock up on BF). I also have two bottles of Nature's Bounty HSN pills, I'll probably take those in between Manetabolism, when I feel growth has slowed.

Glad to have you!
1 bottle is a 2 week supply.
Pricey. Hmmm.....I don't think I'll be getting this, unless I can get it during a 40% Curls Sale.

I may get it for a 30 day off Phyto or something, but probably won't get it to use on the regula' degula' since it only lasts 2 weeks. But I'm not sure. It's pricey.
I've been on my first bottle of Curls so I got two more from NC. It is kind of pricey, especially considering I have bamboo tea/pills/powder and MSM.

I will take all three bottles consistently and then see if I want more. Now if the site has a bigger sale come BF I'll probably pick up a couple more bottles.
Pricey. Hmmm.....I don't think I'll be getting this, unless I can get it during a 40% Curls Sale.

I may get it for a 30 day off Phyto or something, but probably won't get it to use on the regula' degula' since it only lasts 2 weeks. But I'm not sure. It's pricey.

I was thinking about doing that...using Curls during my month off from phyto.
@Beany @Hairties

The last 40% Curls Sale (not too long ago) it was OOS. I looked. I think they usually do 40% BF, but I bet it will be OOS or sell out very quickly.
I got mine during that sale as well. It was out of stock, but I kept refreshing until the status changed and I checked out very speedily. It actually took over a week for them to ship mine out because they were waiting to restock. To save even more money, I would suggest going for the bundles. I actually forgot all about that and added the vitamins individually. Bundles + Sale is the best way to go.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but the Curls Blissful Lengths Vitamins might actually be better than Manetabolism by the Mane Choice. I really didn't want to believe the hype, but I am now a believer in liquid vitamins. The price of those Curls vitamins though.....I'll have to switch between the Mane Choice and Curls every few months.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but the Curls Blissful Lengths Vitamins might actually be better than Manetabolism by the Mane Choice. I really didn't want to believe the hype, but I am now a believer in liquid vitamins. The price of those Curls vitamins though.....I'll have to switch between the Mane Choice and Curls every few months.

Yeah, the Curls vitamins are good. I plan to stock up during another good sale.