So my fiancee postponed our wedding!!

My Aunts husband postponed their wedding I think 5x, we actually stopped counting, that's how bad it was. But when it was all said and done, he was really holding out to provide her with the wedding of her dreams and a ring that will take your breath away:blush::yep:.
I think you should roll with him on this one.

Don't argue or act sarcastic. (if something is up with him, then he can't say it was your fault for being a 'difficult' woman when the truth comes out)

Just listen to what he's trying to tell you. (it's better to listen then to speak sometimes)

Don't read too much into this. Don't be so caught up in the wedding part as some have advised. Stop and observe what is really going on with him and most importantly, yourself.

Ok one last thing. Stop letting your families plan everything about your wedding. I'm almost certain your fiancee is wanting to stall because of some familial pressure. BE HAPPY with your man and stop trying to let them plan your day.
I think communication would be the best thing for you two at this point. Please let him know how you feel about waiting that long and encourage him to speak about his feelings too.
My Aunts husband postponed their wedding I think 5x, we actually stopped counting, that's how bad it was. But when it was all said and done, he was really holding out to provide her with the wedding of her dreams and a ring that will take your breath away:blush::yep:.

Stories like this really ruffle my feathers but I never get tired of hearing them. :lol:
I think you should roll with him on this one.

Don't argue or act sarcastic. (if something is up with him, then he can't say it was your fault for being a 'difficult' woman when the truth comes out)

Just listen to what he's trying to tell you. (it's better to listen then to speak sometimes)

Don't read too much into this. Don't be so caught up in the wedding part as some have advised. Stop and observe what is really going on with him and most importantly, yourself.

Ok one last thing. Stop letting your families plan everything about your wedding. I'm almost certain your fiancee is wanting to stall because of some familial pressure. BE HAPPY with your man and stop trying to let them plan your day.

Thank you. This is not directed at the OP buy prior to his deployment, DH wanted to afford this large and perfect wedding because he wanted "everyone" to come if they wanted - homeboy reached back to his TECH SCHOOL FRIENDS and people in his church he hasn't seen in like 8 years. I was like... :look:"What part of your BAH is gonna be enough to save for all that?"

People need to be happy that two people are building a good relationship instead of trying to be "right there"... Nasty opinion alert - weddings are all about people wanting to eat on your tab!
Pnly way you can check to see where he's head is at is suggest to get a marriage certificate (legal signing) THIS year and do the big hoopla next year and see what he has to say about that

If he comes up with an excuse, then you might wanna re-evaluate.
Sooo...He really did think the wedding was NEXT year! Even though he booked it for THIS summer, his parents were saying we should do it next summer and he thought I agreed to next summer at some point as well. We send a million emails a day when we are apart, and talk every other day, so I can kinda see how a detail like that may have gotten lost somewhere in between.

It doesn't really matter to me when we have the actual wedding reception, or if we EVER have a reception. We decided to take the advice of Bachelorette (above me, thanks for the advice, it's a great idea!) and to just do the paperwork and get married quietly in Holland this summer when we go on vacation. We will just tell everyone when we get back. I know all hell is going to break loose especially in my extended family, where I will probably be talked about for YEARS for cutting everyone out, but oh well, it's my life. I can already imagine Thanksgiving...not looking forward to that this year! My mom is on my side and thinks its a good idea to elope, everytime I get back from Germany she thinks I got married in secret anyway.

I hate planning the wedding, but now it seems like it won't be so bad b/c it will no longer be affecting the actual getting married part. I will probably still have the big receptions to appease those in our families who will be upset we ran off and got married and will probably feel like we purposely excluded them.
^^^It's what you and he want to do. And your mom's happy too? Sounds good to me:yep:. As a married couple there will be many times when you will do things others don't like, that's just how it is. And trust me they always get over it eventually.
Sooo...He really did think the wedding was NEXT year! Even though he booked it for THIS summer, his parents were saying we should do it next summer and he thought I agreed to next summer at some point as well. We send a million emails a day when we are apart, and talk every other day, so I can kinda see how a detail like that may have gotten lost somewhere in between.

It doesn't really matter to me when we have the actual wedding reception, or if we EVER have a reception. We decided to take the advice of Bachelorette (above me, thanks for the advice, it's a great idea!) and to just do the paperwork and get married quietly in Holland this summer when we go on vacation. We will just tell everyone when we get back. I know all hell is going to break loose especially in my extended family, where I will probably be talked about for YEARS for cutting everyone out, but oh well, it's my life. I can already imagine Thanksgiving...not looking forward to that this year! My mom is on my side and thinks its a good idea to elope, everytime I get back from Germany she thinks I got married in secret anyway.

I hate planning the wedding, but now it seems like it won't be so bad b/c it will no longer be affecting the actual getting married part. I will probably still have the big receptions to appease those in our families who will be upset we ran off and got married and will probably feel like we purposely excluded them.

Eloping in Holland in the summertime sounds uber romantic! Congratulations. :yep: