Sex on first date

There's a guy I know who makes my toes curl when we're just chatting about anything. Smh.
It's the one and only guy I've ever had insane chemistry with. I'm glad that showers work for you, I have yet to figure how to "calm it down" w/o actually having sex, lol.

LOL! I never slept with either guy that I had this feeling about. We never got far at all. It didn't past the physical.
Honestly, I'd be a little nervous if I'm really feeling someone and really feeling them in that way too. Goodness! That would be a lot too soon to deal with and try to control.
I'm a grown ass woman and do what I if that's what I wanted to do I would have no issues. That said I do realize having a man enter you is also a very spiritual unless we had bonded somehow prior to the first date, I probably wouldn't.

But my recent ex....ate like a starving man on our first date and we only recently broke up because I just felt it was going nowhere. So yeah...he definitely hooked me with the sex. And to echo what another poster said and I agree, good sex will bond your *** so it's safer all around to get to know the person first. Lest you could become bonded to a certified grade A bad guy.
I don't do it bc I don't feel comfortable doing it with someone I just met and I don't know anything about them as a person or their std status. I've done casual sex when i was young and wild, it was fun at the time, but I'm over it and its no longer appealing to me.

However, I don't knock those who do (never understood women who r concerned so much about other women's vaginas) and none of my reasoning for not doing it has anything to do with what some guy thinks. I think thats where most women trip up. People have these 3 month, 6 month rules, etc...and then be mad when they STILL get dumped like yesterdays garbage once they give up the goods. Waiting is not a guarantee he's going to stick around, so if you do wait, do it for YOU.

And yes, I also know folks who have slept with guys on the first date and they had long lasting relationships. No its not the rule, but I think it happens more often than most like to think. I think it makes some women who are on their moral high horses feel better to think that it never ever happens that way.

Also...the guy who is scrunching up his nose and going "oh I don't respect her...she's a HO bc she gave it up to me on the first night"...I wouldn't want him anyway bc obviously he is extremely hypocritical which is a huge turn off...being that HE also participated in sex with a stranger.

Completely agree. I hate guys with double standards. And that is one of the things I listen for when we first start talking. I was recently talking to a guy and had finally agreed to go to dinner with him. Thank God he blew it the day of our date...talmbout I really hope you just be spontaneous tonight. Kneegrow please....can we say blocked!
Oh I just read it fully. I don't think sleeping with someone you've known for years is the same as meeting someone in a club and getting it on. I mean one of my friends admitted she had a random date where they didn't even finish their first drink :look: They got up and went to **** on the beach.

I haven't had sex on the first date, but if I did it would be much more likely to happen with someone I know, rather than a random joe. Just because I can't see stranger sex ever being my thing.
I have before and then dude wouldn't leave me alone. I lost interest after that date and encounter.

And I have indeed dated some guys where the chemistry had me like...."do you mind if I give you some?" But I didn't do it.
I don't even remember writing this. My arse is crazy. Attacking people for why they are or aren't humping on the first date. :lachen:Issues I tell ya.