So I think i shouks R U N!


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Hello all
So a little over a year ago, I met this amazing man on a dating site. He was a very sweet affectionate Latin man. I usually have all these standards when I date men but he... He just was so kind and opened about his feeling towards me and his situation. He was closing the doors to his restaurant due to it's lack of financial success. Basically we dated briefly, it was revealed to me (by his own mouth) that he was broke. He has two children, he lives with his grandmother, license was suspended due to him not being able to pay child support, his car was broke down, he had no money, just got a new job as a line cook. We went through a lot of ups and downs. Needless to say I realized this man had many flaws. No good with money, not good with handling his bills/responsibilities, has a resentful nature, plays around too much, accountability issues, brokenness from his past relationships/family, loses focus etc... However this man was loving, kinda, affectionate, happy, creative, a good heart and most if all a God fearing man. And i accepted him for the hot mess that is he. So I went all in! He moved in with me and my mom so we could save money/get himself together. (FYI he lost 3 jobs in the time I was with him). We worked in his resume and got him updated and now he has a great job with a great company as a sous chef. Amen! Failing back a little; He wanted to marry me two months into the relationship. He did a verbal engagement 5 months in, he told my mom and his mom. We booked the venue of next year. Have spent over $4000 on venue and $1200 on the dress so far. I even told close family and friends about the engagement. He has been saving for the ring.

Things have turned left about 3months ago. I went on a business vacation and when I came back, he flipped and changed. He was acting very distant, not affectionate, unhappy, tired (from work), and just there but not really there in the relationship mentally. Also I have been expecting the ring for some time now. I began to question his actions (and why has the ring not been bought yet) then told him to move out and go back to his grandmothers place so we could work on the relationship. (I thought that would help) After two days of him sleeping in his car because he didn't want to face his grandmother and ask her for help again. I told him to come back with me and my mom. After that he claims he looked at me different and is not sure if he wanted to be in the relationship. When we talk about the ring he tells me we were not doing good so he didn't want to give the ring under these circumstances. Finally we talk about the relationship again and he wants to work on our original plans of getting marrie. But his work load at work got heavier and he gets short tempered with me all the time. And sometimes mean. The sweet kisses have stopped, he doesn't have interest in my life like he use to. And most of all he does not look at me the way he use to. I feel exhausted. I am tired of trying to fix things on my own. I don't feel like I have done much wrong here. I am leaving out a few things but this is the gist of it. Should I count my loses and call everything off and run from this man, Or should I stay and put in more work into what I already build with this man?
Honest question not trying to mean or anything but what did you expect to come of this situation?

Tell me what you wanted and then I'll give my opinion.
My dear.....please leave, cut your cords, and keep it moving. Love is wonderful, and while you're in it.....common sense can fly out the window. It seems like his positive qualities have disappeared...I don't want to be mean, but he is a train wreck. I'm sure you can do better :)
Sounds like you have a good heart, but that doesn't mean you're a bad person if you decide to walk away from someone who sounds like a fixer upper.

You can lose $5,200 on the wedding now, or much more -- plus lost time -- if you get married and get divorced later down the line. The universe is giving you all the signs that this relationship isn't right for you. Pay attention to them.
If it ain't feeling right let it good...i never believed that love should be so complicated.
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He was "broken" and you "fixing" him was probably the basis of the relationship. Now that's done, there is no basis for the relationship.

I think that he should move out and learn to fend for himself and you both date from that perspective.

Secondly, I think that he needs to get himself up to date with CS and reintegrate himself in his children's lives, develop financial management on his own etc. before marriage is even considered. You are considering marrying a man who doesn't have a leg to stand on. I also think that you should count the money spent as money lost since it was a risky involvement anyway.
Honest question not trying to mean or anything but what did you expect to come of this situation? Tell me what you wanted and then I'll give my opinion.

Its not mean at all. I know this is a lot! Smh I would have never pictured myself in something like this. Prior to him I was single for 8 year cause I would be GONE after any sign of foolishness. I really truly and honestly wanted to give someone a chance. Someone that people looked over. He was very heavily into God and it showed me his best side. When work got hard he started to forget about God and I think that's what really started it all. I may have met him in a transition. I would like for him to take responsibility for his part in what went wrong and really work towards building a better relationship... What are your thoughts. Thanks for your reply.
You did everything wrong. Until you see that you'll keep making the same mistakes. He showed you all his red flags yet you thought him being God fearing erased everything else. It doesn't. A God fearing man gets his life together BEFORE taking on the role of provider for a God fearing woman. He shows you by his actions. Words are cheap.

He's not it. Put him out.
OP this isn't a question you need to ask it's blatantly clear this man is just using you and has no intention of sticking around once he gets himself together - I say this with love please think carefully before you go any further with this if you want to have any dignity left at the end of this.
You did everything wrong. Until you see that you'll keep making the same mistakes. He showed you all his red flags yet you thought him being God fearing erased everything else. It doesn't. A God fearing man gets his life together BEFORE taking on the role of provider for a God fearing woman. He shows you by his actions. Words are cheap. He's not it. Put him out.

I completely agree - please stop excusing your part in this so that you at least never make the same mistake again.
I completely agree - please stop excusing your part in this so that you at least never make the same mistake again.

Oh no! I am not excusing myself at all! I should had demanded that he get back on his feet first before taking him seriously (meaning just going out on dates seriously). I know that! However this behavior was different for me. I feel like I wanted to see if I could work with a man like this. I have learnt from it most defiantly. But it's hard to see all my efforts gone in vain. Even though I will leave with wisdom.
He is broken in many other areas than the ones you highlighted for us. He has to work on himself, he's not a project. It sounds as if he never takes responsibility for anything so you waiting for him to will never happen.

If he was so God fearing when work became hard for him he would of turned to God even more and not the other way.

And the other poster is right he would have taken care of himself before taking on a relationship. You have a good heart OP, what I learned last week in praying is you can pray to change situations and circumstances not people. You can't violate peoples free will. If he's not praying for the same things you are praying for him, it's a waste of your time.
Oh no! I am not excusing myself at all! I should had demanded that he get back on his feet first before taking him seriously (meaning just going out on dates seriously). I know that! However this behavior was different for me. I feel like I wanted to see if I could work with a man like this. I have learnt from it most defiantly. But it's hard to see all my efforts gone in vain. Even though I will leave with wisdom.

I understand but just think if you stay now in another 5-10 years you will have wasted even more time and even worse he may actually live you!' Get rid of him if he wants you he will prove himself and get you that ring and get on his feet.
But it's hard to see all my efforts gone in vain. Even though I will leave with wisdom.
That's the wrong way to think about this. You're treating him like a slot machine -- you dropped in enough quarters and now you're waiting for some kind of payoff where he sees the light and becomes a different person.
If he's treating you like this now, it will only get worse if you marry him. Also he seems to have a really large amount of baggage.
Oh no! I am not excusing myself at all! I should had demanded that he get back on his feet first before taking him seriously (meaning just going out on dates seriously). I know that! However this behavior was different for me. I feel like I wanted to see if I could work with a man like this. I have learnt from it most defiantly. But it's hard to see all my efforts gone in vain. Even though I will leave with wisdom.

But you went from lots of standards to hardly any. Why not just be a little flexible, vs completely settling? Why bring a grown, broke, irresponsible man into a home that you share with your mom? You were risking not just your well-being but also your mom's as well, over someone who was nice to you sometimes. In the future please please be more careful. You cannot fix a man like a car nor can you raise a man like he is a child. Let him go and move on. Kick him out and send him back to his grandmother, ex-wife, friends, anybody, before he decides he ain't going nowhere.

You must own this. You made a big and terrible mistake out of loneliness. You ignored all of the red flags and now he is also acting funky with you, and you are still considering staying. Are you afraid he will move on and marry someone else and magically be a nice, God-fearing man who adores his new wife, works consistently and takes care of his kids too? And that you wasted all this time and money? You don't seem to want to accept that you made a bad mistake and that you will have to be single again. I understand. Long-term singleness can be hard but I think this guy is going to make you wish you were single when this is over. Men like him prey on women like you. He's just who he is. Nothing you can do about it really. Sorry.
It's only been a little over a year. That's not really long enough to feel like you've invested too much to walk away. Not that it's ever a good reason to stay, but you're talking as if you've been with him for a decade.
But you went from lots of standards to hardly any. Why not just be a little flexible, vs completely settling?
i remember saying this exact same thing in a thread before. its odd how for black women our dating culture encourages that kind of extreme one or the other.
It's only been a little over a year. That's not really long enough to feel like you've invested too much to walk away. Not that it's ever a good reason to stay, but you're talking as if you've been with him for a decade.

Wait I thought it was a couple years?!
But you went from lots of standards to hardly any. Why not just be a little flexible, vs completely settling? Why bring a grown, broke, irresponsible man into a home that you share with your mom? You were risking not just your well-being but also your mom's as well, over someone who was nice to you sometimes. In the future please please be more careful. You cannot fix a man like a car nor can you raise a man like he is a child. Let him go and move on. Kick him out and send him back to his grandmother, ex-wife, friends, anybody, before he decides he ain't going nowhere.

You must own this. You made a big and terrible mistake out of loneliness. You ignored all of the red flags and now he is also acting funky with you, and you are still considering staying. Are you afraid he will move on and marry someone else and magically be a nice, God-fearing man who adores his new wife, works consistently and takes care of his kids too? And that you wasted all this time and money? You don't seem to want to accept that you made a bad mistake and that you will have to be single again. I understand. Long-term singleness can be hard but I think this guy is going to make you wish you were single when this is over. Men like him prey on women like you. He's just who he is. Nothing you can do about it really. Sorry.

You are absolutely right! I made a huge mistake. And I will have to do the work of picking up the pieces of me. I fear that he may be a narcissistic. With that said I know what I must do and will do tonight when he gets here. Thank you all!
i remember saying this exact same thing in a thread before. its odd how for black women our dating culture encourages that kind of extreme one or the other.

His actions have been very resent with him changing. There was no signs of him being mean till 3 weeks ago. He and I talked about biblical love. And truly that is what made me want to not judge him.
I feel like threads with this theme always have the undertone of: "but, but, I made him... I can't let him go now... I made him into who he is, and in some way he forever owes me niceness, gratefulness and love."

I understand why some women feel that way, but you can't treat a human being as a pet project. And you can't expect that they owe you gratitude and love and being all the things you want them to be, simply because you have decided that they should.

My intuition on this is that these men know they are pet projects. They might have been grateful at some point, but eventually all the receiving just starts to create expectations that no one can meet. Plus, people fall in love with how you make them feel about themselves. So, my thinking is that if a woman is treating a man as a project, and he knows it (of course he does), eventually he sees himself as never good enough for you, and always to be fixed by you. That can't be a nice feeling. And so when he meets a new lady in all his refined self (thanks to all your hard work), and she's crazy about who he is in the moment, not knowing where he came from, he's smitten, feels so good about himself in a way that he never has with you, and he wants to lock things down with her STAT. How he feels about himself trumps any kind of "debt" to you.

You have to let this one go. Let him go be just what some other standard-less lady wants, while you look for someone that you don't have to mold to such an extent. Your expectations of him are too high and he will never rise to them. You will likely keep begging for him to pay his debt to you emotionally and he will grow resentful of how big his debt is to you. No good either way.
You are dating his potential. It seems you just want to be 'right' about him and what you saw in him. Don't think it will end well.
I really don't know where to start. Where is your self esteem, your self respect???

You hustled all the way backwards by trying to rescue a basically homeless, jobless, deadbeat dad who you felt had a heart of gold. How did you even make it to his good qualities when he has so many negatives?

I'm not trying to diss you but for real OP...WHERE IS YOUR DIGNITY?????
He could have never moved in with me and my mom that's for sure...successful or not I wouldn't know how to fix my mouth to even suggest a thing.