....So I met this guy and he tells me.......


New Member
He is 47, in rehab, but he doesn't have a problem. Insert eye roll. He moved back to the area a bit ago because his mother passed away. His siblings let the house go to shambles, basically living and not doing anything, folks coming in and out who he didn't know. He said that he couldnt live there any more and he had a friend who had completed a rehab program and was now a counselor. So his friend "told" him he could "stay" at the rehab for a year if he admits himself, so far he has been there 4 months and said he could leave at any time. He has food and shelter and had to follow the rules, no cellphones etc. He alledges he purchased one just to call me, Insert another eye roll.

Oh, but it get better than this. He hasn't worked in a few years because he is disabled. He wrote retired on in his bio. Only 47 year olds that are retired that I know are independently weathly or ex military. My brother could afford to be retired a 47 because it is only him. There is more, his brother crashed his BMW after he came to rehab, so now he doesn't have a car. He plans on staying at the "rehab" for 4 more months to save up to get his own place and a new car.

Now follow me on this check list:
No place of his own, check
No car, check
No job, check
In rehab, check

Yet, he ask me to go out Friday, as if I am going to pick up a total stranger.

Unlike another poster, I am not the one, I do not feel the need to be needed like that. I am 38 and I am doing pretty good for myself. I can work with no car, on a temporary basis but all the others are minimal standards, I mean minimal.

I met this guy on Plenty of Fish dating site (BTW I am done with the site.) We have played phone tag for 2 weeks after exhanging emails.

When he calls again, I will not answer the phone. Stick a fork in me I am done.

All of this after getting a 5 page letter from ex telling me how much he loves me and wants to be with me. Heck to the no for his a$$ too. I won't even start on his black arse.

Just a little comic relief for a Tuesday evening.

10/2/09 update, see page 2
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This guy is a pathological liar and a scrub. Lmao!
You think I don't know that. I just wanted to give everyone a laugh.

Dude should be worrrying about getting his miminal living arrangements together first before persuing a woman. Sounds like he is just fishing to find a woman to say, "Oh you can come live with me after we get to know each other". I AM NOT THE ONE.

I have had bf's come and go, but by the grace of God and my momma breathing down my neck, I have only lived with my exhusband. I only slept over a guy house in one relationship since my divorce. I do not allow men to sleep over at my place.
I really need to change the title of this thread to my "Plenty Of Fish Experience".

Another guy I "connected" with on Plenty of Fish was 46. Single, no kids, own car and own place. All these are allegations because we emailed back and forth for a bit then exchanged phone number. 1st conversation good, he calls me back later and all heck broke loose.

Very militant, I am a bit militant myself. He started talking about the government this and government that and how we need to get our own, ya know for us, by us talk. Um how was he getting his own, security guard at some school, mmmmkay.

The he ask when was I going to cook him breakfast. In my mind that requires a sleep over for his behind to be available for breakfast. Again, I am not the one. He swore up and down he was just joking. What I found out about people who jokingly say the same stuff over and over again, is that they are not really joking. They are stating there personal desire. Oh and he told me about his threesome. I did not need to know that. He called the next day and I didn't answer, he didn't leave a msg so he knew what the deal was. Thank goodness he never called me back.
Between this
Unlike another poster, I am not the one, I do not feel the need to be needed like that.
and this
What I found out about people who jokingly say the same stuff over and over again, is that they are not really joking. They are stating there personal desire.

thanking the post was not enough.

I was just talking to somebody today about when people 'jokingly' repeat themselves and then come with some "I was just playin". GTFOOHWTBS!
This sound just like this guy who ask my friend out except he had enough money to live on. He was discharged/retired from the military with "disability". He was married a couple of times. He is looking for another wife. I think he just need someone to take care of him. When my friend told him no, he ask her if she could at least have his baby....
He swore up and down he was just joking. What I found out about people who jokingly say the same stuff over and over again, is that they are not really joking. They are stating there personal desire. Oh and he told me about his threesome. I did not need to know that.

But see, SO many WOMEN will say that men are just "testing you" to "see where your mind is at." Like, to see if you're a "lady" or a "hoe."


A man with some home training, no matter how much he wants to sleep with you, knows better than to say that to someone before they've even met you or after just meeting you. If they do that, then YOU know where their mind is at... they are NOT joking.
This sound just like this guy who ask my friend out except he had enough money to live on. He was discharged/retired from the military with "disability". He was married a couple of times. He is looking for another wife. I think he just need someone to take care of him. When my friend told him no, he ask her if she could at least have his baby....
What is up with guys? Goofy I tell ya.
But see, SO many WOMEN will say that men are just "testing you" to "see where your mind is at." Like, to see if you're a "lady" or a "hoe."
My thing with the online dating thing is that there are woman who want FWB type relationships. They will state them straight out. That is who dudes should be replying too. Not woman who want to start a meaning relationship. I have read on Craigslist, there is not a shortage of woman who will sex you down and not have a problem with it.

I have been doing the online thing for about a year using various sites. Surprisingly the thing is the 2 guys who I am still friends with and there was never any issue except we didn't have a Love Connection, I met them on Craigslist, I was looking for a relationship not a FWB situtation. I speak to them both about 2-3x's per week. The one alludes to he was just looking for "auto parts" and came over to the personals we have great time together, there just wasn't a spark. He is trying to date other's now and he said he is running into raunchy woman all over the place. So I know they are out there, they are meeting the nice dudes. The raunchy fellas are meeting the nice ladies.

What gives?
Good choice! I felt the same way about Plenty of Fish. All type of duds and ugly men were emailing me. I'm like no thanks and cancelled my account :dighole:
What I found out about people who jokingly say the same stuff over and over again, is that they are not really joking. They are stating there personal desire.

he's just kidding like jason... unless you're gonna do it :look:

my ex used to say "there is truth in every joke"
and a joke isn't funny unless it's true. what do most people say while watching chris rock? they say 'hahaha that's true!' or 'true, true!'
Lord! Thanks for the Tuesday night laugh:lol:

You know, these men say that black women shouldn't believe the stereotypes and statistics but we can't ALL be talking to the same damn fools across states and around the world:nono:
Your post had me laughing at the end..thanks for that. Seems like you've made all the right decisions..good for you.
Dang, lol.

I met my current s/o on POF and he's great so far.

Had to sift through a loser with baby mama drama on the first date though.
I had to cancel my account on POF and OKcupid. POF had too many single fathers, multiple baby momma havers, freaks, etc. OK had the uglies and the crazies.

I met one guy from POF that was all good on paper. Model face/body, lawyer, went to church every Sunday with his parents, had a cute dog. We talk for a little while then he tells me about the crap he wants to do to me. :perplexed I told him I was celibate. He stopped calling. :lachen:

I am thinking online dating is not for me.