This black dude I just met is pissing me off ****VENT****

if this was a female friend would you be going out with her this much after she's been pissing you off all this time?....speaking from experience it seems that women don't give other women 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances...or even the benefit of doubt

Yes!!! (Someone needs to do a thread on why women give trifling men more chances than their girlfriend).

I had a talk with a young woman that's been dealing with a man for 2 years and she keeps giving him chance after chance after chance and the friendship is so toxic and it's lowering her self-esteem. Yes they are friends.

I asked her if she'd let a GF do this to her. I've known her long enough to know that when a girlfriend gets on her nerves (for things not even worth losing a friend over) she cuts her quick--no second chances. But not a male friend. SMH.