SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

How has your stretch been for you?

So far so good. I just don't know what to do with my hair. I'm so tired of wearing wigs. I'm really not ready to relax. It doesn't make sense to relax and then cover my hair with wigs all the time. I made an appointment to get box braids. I really don't want to relax until I'm sure I'm SL. So I may change my mind about relaxing at the end of this month and wear braids for awhile.
So far so good. I just don't know what to do with my hair. I'm so tired of wearing wigs. I'm really not ready to relax. It doesn't make sense to relax and then cover my hair with wigs all the time. I made an appointment to get box braids. I really don't want to relax until I'm sure I'm SL. So I may change my mind about relaxing at the end of this month and wear braids for awhile.

That sounds like a good plan. I'm not in a rush either, but I don't want things to get rough. I can't get braids. I have no edges.
Trying to grow out the hair on the crown of my head but since i do alot of ponytails , buns, etc. it just seems like it doesn't grow in the middle at all , any advice on increased growth would be great..

Working on wearing low buns , etc.. And thinking about flat ironing , and doing twist outs and braid outs more often .
When was your last trim? I usually trim 1/4 in with each relaxer- about 4 times per year.

xu93texas I got my best friend to trim me for free. She's amazing. I lost no length and just got rid of maybe 1/4inch of scraggly ends. No more roughness yay!

Ill do my next trim in December if I need it.twice a year seems like enough
still around...took out the box braids...I'm cornrowed under a wig now...Mini by Beshe. I'm thinking of wiggin it till the end of the year. The only thing I've been doing is oiling my scalp every other day.


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I'm still...around. Been in box braids for the last 3 weeks but I want to take them out already. Think I'll give them another 3-4 weeks, just to keep my hands out of my hair.

On another note, I'm on the hunt for a new moisturizer. Elasta QP Mango Butter hasn't been penetrating like it used to. Other than that nothing has changed.
did a cowash with suave naturals mint and rosemary and a final tea rinse with nettle and rooibos tea last night. First time to use tea as a final and I'll do it again.
Not much to report on growth, it seems I'm in telogen right now :ohwell:
I've noticed that the LOC or LCO is NOT me. Tried it different ways, clarified, protein before, but the results are always the same. greasy hair. And I am not heavy handed by any means.
[USER=322033 said:
Wenbev[/USER];18898317]I've noticed that the LOC or LCO is NOT me. Tried it different ways, clarified, protein before, but the results are always the same. greasy hair. And I am not heavy handed by any means.

What will you do instead?

I am thinking the same thing for myself. I am thinking about doing LC or LLC. Going to try several variations in September.
What will you do instead?

I am thinking the same thing for myself. I am thinking about doing LC or LLC. Going to try several variations in September.

faithVA i think just a creamy leave in and a non oily butter. Last night, I just used giovanni's direct leave in and darcy's sweet cocoa bean whip. I took the twists out this morning and my hair was moisturized, soft and shiny with definition.
Uhh I was transitioning and everything was going well but you see what had happened was....4 inches of NG does not go with working out when gel don't wannna make her stay slicked down. I was gonna try to wait & braid her up but no can doo (no pun intended). No other styles (braidouts, twistouts, etc) go with working out either as the NG became unrully from sweating in the head so much. So after 7 months of transitioning, a sista relaxed all 4 inches of that NG on 8/17 & loving every bit of it!! :grin: I thought it was gonna feel thin after relaxing but its actually still thick. I think that I texlaxed on accident anyway because my hair is wavy (as opposed to coily) when it has conditioner in it which it does not do when permed bone straight. I used a mild Elasta QP w/ no base & my edges now lay flat ALL day long when gel is in its presence!!

I'm considering transitioning again when I get to around Collar bone length but i'll see. I do see that I can stretch for at least 29 weeks so I'll be stretching quite a bit from now on between relaxers!! I also trimmed about a quarter of an inch from my ends as well and hoping to make it to SL by the end of my next stretch (going for 16 weeks). My regimen is still the same as reported last time but I've also started massaging my edges/temples & nape with Doo Gro's Megathick somebody or another & have noticed some growth. Not as thick as I want but at least it grew!! HHJ ladies!!
londonfog So after 7 months of transitioning, a sista relaxed all 4 inches of that NG on 8/17 & loving every bit of it!! :grin: I thought it was gonna feel thin after relaxing but its actually still thick. I think that I texlaxed on accident anyway because my hair is wavy (as opposed to coily) when it has conditioner in it which it does not do when permed bone straight. I used a mild Elasta QP w/ no base & my edges now lay flat ALL day long when gel is in its presence!!

SAME HERE!!!!! I was and still am proud of myself for going that long but enough is ENOUGH! I feel my hairiest is waaaaay more healthy now and I am loving my relaxed hair!
Sooo I'm missing my hair already lol. I just can't get to my hair and scalp with this sew in. When my closure finally comes I'm taking this out to make my full wig like I wanted. I will be able to cowash, dc and apply my oil. So maybe in another week or 2 its coming down.


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Sooo I'm missing my hair already lol. I just can't get to my hair and scalp with this sew in. When my closure finally comes I'm taking this out to make my full wig like I wanted. I will be able to cowash, dc and apply my oil. So maybe in another week or 2 its coming down.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

I wish I could make a wig for myself. I bought one a few months ago but it seems too tight
I wish I could make a wig for myself. I bought one a few months ago but it seems too tight

It's not that bad actually. You just have to take your time while making it. Try it out with some cheap hair one day and just practice with that.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Hey ladies how you all doing? I'm thinking about cutting my hair again actually. My bangs are growing in good from the last cut and just thinking of bring it up some more for the blunt cut in the future.
I'm still around also. I have been in 2 strand afro kinky twists for 2 weeks now and will keep them in for about 6-8 weeks total. When I take them out, I'll treat my hair for about a week or 2 then repeat the twists. I am really trying to keep my hands out of my hair and achieve full SL this year. Then on to APL next year.
Still here...I think I'm officially SL in the back, and just about there on the sides. I experienced excellent growth this summer. I have been in protective mode with bunning and ponytails. I'll be getting my hair washed at the salon on Friday morning. So I'll wear it out for a week and a half and then back to some sort of protective style, buns, rollerset, something!
Really have to stay outta ponytails now .. My crown is breaking off something crucial ! Idk how I'm going to recover from it but I do know I have to give my hair a break somehow .
So close to SL I can smell it. My hair is healthy, not breaking, and responding well to touch ups. I doubt I need to do PS at all anymore either. I'm retaining length! By my next touch up in October I am confident that the back will be NL maxed out. So exciting!!

I'm starting to wonder if I can make it to APL by June or July next year :)
Hey Girls!

I baggied my ends for the first time last night! My ends feel softer than ever! Im gonna do this a few times a week after m&s to see if I get some better retention...esp on the left side. This area in the back is just hitting SL while the whole right side is beyond. I did a good dusting with the Split Ender a bit ago so my ends are nice and healthy looking. I wanna keep that up by avoiding split ends.
Yeah my sew in did not last another week. I just couldn't...I had to get to my head.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Since Ive been natural, I tried a weave two years ago and i literally took it out three days later. It was too hot, too tight and I couldnt get to my scalp.
Funny, when I was relaxed, I wore weaves for the better part of a year with no issues.
I just realized I hit 10 months post BC today! (Only because I read it in my siggy. :look:) Didn't think I'd make it past 6 months so I'm proud of myself. :)

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i might have to wait another month for my touch up. i don't feel like spending the money going to the salon right now, or buying some relaxer. i'd rather buy storage containers, or something. plus, my stretch is going good so far. i have been taking a lot of medication of the past couple of weeks, so i may need to hold off as well. i really need some more hair on my edges too. i don't want to relax scalp! lol. so a month it will be! i guess i will flat iron my hair. i am going to have to do a really good job. so it will take a lot of time to get a smooth, shiny press. i am going to have to do thin sections. i'm sitting here with coconut oil in my hair now.
i think i am going to challenge myself to wait until december to relax! i know that is crazy talk for me, but i really need my edges to fill in more and it might take that long to get an inch or more of new growth in those spots. so i am going to load up on the conditioners. i am sticking with my staples. not going to try anything different. maybe a different heat protectant spray, since i will be using heat. i want to keep my relaxers buddies though, so i hope they will just let me stick with them.
i think i am going to challenge myself to wait until december to relax! i know that is crazy talk for me, but i really need my edges to fill in more and it might take that long to get an inch or more of new growth in those spots. so i am going to load up on the conditioners. i am sticking with my staples. not going to try anything different. maybe a different heat protectant spray, since i will be using heat. i want to keep my relaxers buddies though, so i hope they will just let me stick with them.

Don't worry relaxer buddy, I'll stretch right along with you for a while:)
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