SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

It's my 1 year bc anniversary this weekend. I colored my hair last night with the Shea Moisture Medium Brown. It came out nicely. I think the Naturtint works better on my hair though. But I did at least get to try the Restorative conditioner which my hair ilkes. So I will pick up a bottle of that when my stash gets smaller.

Doing a rollerset for a wedding. I hope it comes out nice. :pray: I will try to take pictures before the style gets to old. Then it is going back into twists.

YAY!!! Congrats faithVA!!
I would love to see pics! My DD wants to try that SM color. I love the restorative conditioner too. I have only used as a moisturizer, though
It's my 1 year bc anniversary this weekend. I colored my hair last night with the Shea Moisture Medium Brown. It came out nicely. I think the Naturtint works better on my hair though. But I did at least get to try the Restorative conditioner which my hair ilkes. So I will pick up a bottle of that when my stash gets smaller.

Doing a rollerset for a wedding. I hope it comes out nice. :pray: I will try to take pictures before the style gets to old. Then it is going back into twists.

Congrats! Glad your treated yourself to nice color. Can't wait to see pics. Have fun at the wedding :-)


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I hendigo'd today too. Did some flat twists, so I'm anxious to see how they are going to come out bc I haven't done them on my hair wet. I tried them last night on dry hair but I had been doing a regular twistout all week so wasn't sure about the result this morning after take down. Hope the results are good tomorrow since my hair was done tonight after my hendigo and wash. Oh yeah and I applied my NJoy sulphur oil while hendigoing.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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Okay ladies so here's my flat twistout. I', kind of on the fence :ohwell: about it bc I like big full hair but I guess and am hoping it gets bugger by tomorrow.


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faithVA, HairPleezeGrow, @ronie, Wenbev, probably chopping again before i cornrow. i think the last 5 inch chop has made me a cutting addict :lachen:

my hair is growing fast, but my breakage 2-3 inches from the ends is not catching up. thinking of taking myself up to an inch above SL (basically where i started in late may) to completely start over. if my growth is consistent, i'll be back where i am now in 3 months....but without see-thru ends. would anyone sign off on this, or do you all want me to wait until i get some more growth so I don't lose length progress?
Sorry i'm just seeing this. I must have missed the tag alert. So yeah, as the ladies said before me: stay from the shears if your ends look good. It can get a bit addictive. Just make sure to keep your ends protected and moisturized.*I usually have to fight myself not to cut the 2 days following a trim. I put myself on a 8 week schedule and keep it moving. I could do better at protecting my ends, but i am enjoying my hair too much:look:. Besides my hair is too short to not be manipulated often, if i want to look decent. Good luck chica.
Okay ladies so here's my flat twistout. I', kind of on the fence :ohwell: about it bc I like big full hair but I guess and am hoping it gets bugger by tomorrow.

HairPleezeGrow it is very pretty. I am with you on the bigger hair. The one time i tried it, i found the curls were too defined, and the do came out flat. I never gave it another try, as i think i will like it better either on blown out hair, or on much longer hair.
ETA: Your hair looks so soft and silky.
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Okay ladies so here's my flat twistout. I', kind of on the fence :ohwell: about it bc I like big full hair but I guess and am hoping it gets bugger by tomorrow.

Maybe lifting the roots with your fingers will help with some fullness. 2nd and 3rd day may give you more of the results you are looking for.
I have my camera with me but I left the cable at home so I will have to post pics tomorrow night. It was a great rollerset but it was good enough for the wedding. In the future I will try it on wet hair when I have more time for it to dry.
I'd changed my routine up a bit about a month & a half ago to just DC'ing once a week instead of twice. Then instead of co-washing I use a sulfate free poo & a 3-5 minute condish since my scalp has been producing extra oils in the summertime. This method works better for me than co-washing alone for some reason. My hair feels cleaner & softer since the sulfate free poo doesn't strip my hair. I now do the regular wash & DC on Wednesday or Thursday night.

So today I Poo'd w/ CON Argan oil sulfate free poo & condish with Silk Elements Megasilk (I prefer the Organix Shea Butter & Argan Oil condish over this one). Elasta QP leave-in condish & four ponies to airdry while I'm watching a movie! I just realized that its one more month to my anniversary of my HHJ! :grin: Woo hoooohooo!
Starting to worry about breakage from buns and detangling ., slacking on vitamins and co-washing :/

These days I've been so lazy with my hair ! Hopefully I have NO setbacks tho , just m&s ps'ing and praying lol.
Here is my curly fro as my SO calls it. I rollerset on dry hair so it isn't straight but it served it's purpose. I was deciding whether to wear a headband or not. Decided not. Maybe next time I will rollerset on wet hair to see if it gets straighter. But I hate a dryer :lol:



Here is my curly fro as my SO calls it. I rollerset on dry hair so it isn't straight but it served it's purpose. I was deciding whether to wear a headband or not. Decided not. Maybe next time I will rollerset on wet hair to see if it gets straighter. But I hate a dryer :lol:

It look so soft and fluffy... :-)


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Sorry i'm just seeing this. I must have missed the tag alert. So yeah, as the ladies said before me: stay from the shears if your ends look good. It can get a bit addictive. Just make sure to keep your ends protected and moisturized.*I usually have to fight myself not to cut the 2 days following a trim. I put myself on a 8 week schedule and keep it moving. I could do better at protecting my ends, but i am enjoying my hair too much:look:. Besides my hair is too short to not be manipulated often, if i want to look decent. Good luck chica.

Yes girl I am addicted to cutting. But it's also because I am a little OCD about breakage. To be honest I would rather be short than have shoulder length hair with little short pieces throughout like I do now. But I think I'm also out of my element right now. I've never had this big of a setback. I'll push through tho. xoxo
Here is my curly fro as my SO calls it. I rollerset on dry hair so it isn't straight but it served it's purpose. I was deciding whether to wear a headband or not. Decided not. Maybe next time I will rollerset on wet hair to see if it gets straighter. But I hate a dryer :lol:

That is suppppppper cute faithVA. What kind of rollers did you use? And products? You hair came out shiny, and it looks very soft. I just want to play in it, lol.
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^^Aw thanks ladies. I used the green, I guess they are called magnetic rollers. I colored my hair the night before and twisted it up; so I used As I Am leave-in, apricot oil and As I Am Double Butter. I followed that with a shea butter blend. Then the next morning I spritzed with Komaza Vitamain Reign and used Komaza Califia Curling Pudding.

The only thing that is a staple for my rollersets is the Curling Pudding. It doesn't matter what I mist it with. And I could have skipped the Double Butter and the Shea Butter blend.

It was soft initially. I think if I can find a replacement for the Double Butter my hair would come out better.
^^Aw thanks ladies. I used the green, I guess they are called magnetic rollers. I colored my hair the night before and twisted it up; so I used As I Am leave-in, apricot oil and As I Am Double Butter. I followed that with a shea butter blend. Then the next morning I spritzed with Komaza Vitamain Reign and used Komaza Califia Curling Pudding.

The only thing that is a staple for my rollersets is the Curling Pudding. It doesn't matter what I mist it with. And I could have skipped the Double Butter and the Shea Butter blend.

It was soft initially. I think if I can find a replacement for the Double Butter my hair would come out better.

Oh great thanks for the info. I really want to try that. How long did you leave the rollers on? I don't have a mist that I am really in love with right now.
What do you think if I apply my leave in, seal with my silk dream butter mix, twist but don't let the twists dry all the way? Then I can roller set (on damp hair, skipping the need for a mist) with the Shea moisture curl and style milk.
I am definitely trying it.
Oh great thanks for the info. I really want to try that. How long did you leave the rollers on? I don't have a mist that I am really in love with right now.
What do you think if I apply my leave in, seal with my silk dream butter mix, twist but don't let the twists dry all the way? Then I can roller set (on damp hair, skipping the need for a mist) with the Shea moisture curl and style milk.
I am definitely trying it.

The mist isn't important. It's only job is to wet the hair. I generally use water but I was trying to use the Vitamin Reign up. If I mist my hair it will air dry in 2 to 3 hours. I was in a rush Saturday so I sat under the dryer for 40 minutes.

You can try doing it on damp hair. My hair needs something to set the curl though, which is why I mist and then apply a product before rollersetting. Nothing you mentioned would have my curls hold. That is why I use a curling pudding.

But as you play around with it you will find what works.
Hmmm.... Yall have me wondering if I can roller set my hair now. I may try it this weekend since I have nothing planned but to clean.

I used to have a soft bonnet dryer but my brother broke it while I was in India... So I would have to air dry. Usually when I air dry I have to keep the rollers in for 2 days... But since I dont have that much hair any more it may dry faster. Plus when I roller set the only thing I do is put a little bit of cond on towel dried hair and roll.

I wonder
Hmmm.... Yall have me wondering if I can roller set my hair now. I may try it this weekend since I have nothing planned but to clean.

I used to have a soft bonnet dryer but my brother broke it while I was in India... So I would have to air dry. Usually when I air dry I have to keep the rollers in for 2 days... But since I dont have that much hair any more it may dry faster. Plus when I roller set the only thing I do is put a little bit of cond on towel dried hair and roll.

I wonder

A tip for relaxed or natural: use a spray bottle of water to mist each section so your hair is wet as it goes on the roller. This will help keep it smooth.
Hmmm.... Yall have me wondering if I can roller set my hair now. I may try it this weekend since I have nothing planned but to clean.

I used to have a soft bonnet dryer but my brother broke it while I was in India... So I would have to air dry. Usually when I air dry I have to keep the rollers in for 2 days... But since I dont have that much hair any more it may dry faster. Plus when I roller set the only thing I do is put a little bit of cond on towel dried hair and roll.

I wonder

Your hair is not as kinky/curly as mine so you shouldn't have any problem rollersetting. If you want to cut down on the time, let it dry stretched then mist it with a little conditioner and water and roll, so it is just damp and not wet. Your hair is also much longer than mine so you should be able to do it just fine.
Welp I'm glad you ladies can rollerset! I literally suck at it. I've tried numerous times but no beuno. I may have to get some flexi rods and do it that way bc the traditional way isn't working lol.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Welp I'm glad you ladies can rollerset! I literally suck at it. I've tried numerous times but no beuno. I may have to get some flexi rods and do it that way bc the traditional way isn't working lol.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

Traditional never worked for me either. My hair is too porous and kinky for old skool sets. Curlformers changed my setting life though. Gets it nearly relaxer straight and bouncy.

Reversion is another issue though :ohwell:

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
I think I made shoulder length officially. Roller set and wrapped for the night but will take a photo in the a.m. Wish me luck!!!!! Maybe unicorns will dance through my scalp tonight so I won't be disappointed in the morning...
i wanted to say faithVA that your hair looks delicious! dream afro length and texture.

i'm dying to know how long my hair is now and how thick my new growth is but I want to give my braids another 2-4 weeks. Probably the end of August so that I have a full inch of new growth and I'm three months post relaxer. Probably my longest stretch in a year.

dreading getting a trim as well.
^^Thank you naija

Yeah just let your hair be and enjoy the long break. You will enjoy all of the growth. Cant wait to see it.