SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

Nothing going on with me today. Still in my coils. My hair did pretty well this week. I didn't have to moisturize my hair until yesterday. I probably could have gone another day but I wanted to not let it dry out. So it looked decent yesterday. I misted it this morning, put on some leave-in and some sunflower oil. It's fuzzier but it's still holding in there. I plan on working out tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. So it may look busted saturday night when I go to the xmas party :ohwell: I will play it by ear.

I think in the future I will try to find a watery leave-in to moisturize my hair with instead of misting it. Just not sure if that will be enough. But it's worth a try.
^^^Like a water-based creamy one?

And yea girl I'm back. If I get to shoulder-length early, even better.

I'm trying to decide if I want to leave my hair alone or if I need to do a retouch. I did want to try out a perm rod set too. Think on Friday I'll set them on perm rods instead of my regular roller. Then Saturday night may do the retouch....I do kinda need it.
^^Yeah I am thinking something like Knot Today and then diluting that a little. I have some leave in that I can try it with next week.

Do your stretch your relaxers? How long?
^^^Nope I do so the opposite of stretching actually. If I get breakage, it's usually at the demarcation line so I have to be careful. I think once my hair gets longer and it's easier to leave it alone in protective styles, I can reconsider.
^^I do remember you saying that.

After reading everything on this board and learning all of the tips, I can't imagine stretching relaxers. I remember what my hair was like 4 weeks after a relaxer and it was fierce. Maybe it would be different now but I guess I will never find out :lol:
See, I'm a slow grower I think and my texlax texture is similar to my NG texture so I didn't really notice any problems until about 18wks post, But I do know its not for everyone because once upon a time my hair at 4 weeks would give me the blues too!

I'm not doing much with my hair because I don't want my scalp to burn. My hair is in pre part plaits so all I have to do is base and apply when ready!
Just washed my hair. Thinking of going back to the airdried rollerset and wearing it out with no heat. My hair would thrive that way. And its prob super suitable since I'm going back to headbands anyway. I'd be washing more often but maybe I can join the MN or sulfur challenge. I'll see how it looks in the morning.
I was lazy this morning. I didn't even tough my head. I just looked at it and walked out the door :ohwell: I am looking forward to a good wash on Sunday.
Hair looks just okay this morning. I know with frequent washings, my hair is almost in a different type of state. And when it's been a while since I've done it, it takes a few washings to get there. I'm thinking of doing the retouch tonight (was just too tired last night) and then doing the rollerset again. Another thing too...I didn't use the caps for the rollers, I just used clips. The caps are actually better and give me a better and smoother set. But I'm so concerned about breakage w/ the caps. Sigh. I'm thinking of going ahead and using them.

Trying to decide what challenge I'll do since I'm washing my hair more frequently maybe. I'm concerned that sulfur broke my bangs off that time. I was putting glovers on my scalp, but think some got on my hair and broke it. Or maybe I"ll just stick w/ the B&B grease and call it a day. I have it mixed w/ JBCO anyway. And will just keep going w/ that.
[USER=1636 said:
itismehmmkay[/USER];17481029]Hair looks just okay this morning. I know with frequent washings, my hair is almost in a different type of state. And when it's been a while since I've done it, it takes a few washings to get there. I'm thinking of doing the retouch tonight (was just too tired last night) and then doing the rollerset again. Another thing too...I didn't use the caps for the rollers, I just used clips. The caps are actually better and give me a better and smoother set. But I'm so concerned about breakage w/ the caps. Sigh. I'm thinking of going ahead and using them.

Some ladies are using the caps in the Setting to Success thread. Maybe you could ask them about how they are preventing breakage.
You are making me want to wash my hair tonight. It needs it but I could use those 2 hours to do something else. I'm going to try to hold out until Sunday.
^^^I saw this earlier and wanted to post how that's a great idea actually. Maybe the Set for Success will be my challenge actually. I wonder if they are natural. And you know, for the most part I don't think I get breakage, but sometimes it seems like I would. I wonder if it was just demarcation breakage again though u know?

And what all goes on w/ your wash day? lol
^^The Set for Success has both natural and relaxed heads there. I was checking it out in case I decide to rollerset. That will be a while though.
So just did a retouch. Was on a lil longer than I had plannned b/c my son poo-poo'ed right before I was about to smooth and wash out. Anyway. I did some neutralizing washes and let it sit a few times. Now I have ORS Replenishing pak on my head. Will wash out in a few, then do my rollerset w/ the Suave poo and con and NTM. I wonder if I still have that regimen in my profile :lol:
:lol: yep. Here's what's in my regimen and what I'm most likely going back to:

-Wash daily w/ Suave Humectant poo and con
-Rollerset w/ NTM; lay edges down w/ Cantu
-Comb out rollerset in the morning; wear w/ a headband

ETA: I should add 'airdry overnight'
Hey y'all!! So I'm in a sew in. I got it the day before thanksgiving. I'm actually thinking about wearing my hair in a rollerset with perm rods. I want to be able to wash my hair more. I haven't used a flat iron on my hair since May. I've been blow drying my hair though. I'm excited I hope to reach shoulder length early in the year tho. I'm not really close though lol.
I got an awful trim in November. It looked so bad. I am glad that I use wigs for protective styling. I cried for a week. I used heat to check the actual length today and I realized that all of the length I gained (about 5 inches) was cut off my hair was down to my chin in front and almost to the shoulders in the I am starting over in 2013.

I will add some photos tomorrow.

I am trying to use all the products I have this year. So whenever I change something in my reg. I will post it.

I am doing a modified curly girl routine. I will Co-wash 3x a week. Poo every 4 weeks with clarifying shampoo. Deep Con everytime! I will use the oil on my scalp and hair. I have a really dry scalp and seriously dry hair, and a moisturizer/hair butter. WIGS will be my protective style until the end of 2013 ( I love WIGS!!!).

I am starting on Tuesday, Dec. 18th - I have lots of Nexxus products so I am starting with those.

I did my touchup yesterday too! Relaxer twins! Lol!

So I'm not texlaxed anymore. I was so slow and nervous yesterday I ended up going from 15min processing time to 30 min processing time! I used Silk Elements Shea butter lye relaxer and I didn't burn at all (slight tingling but again thas cuz I'm slower than molasses). I still had no shedding and my hair is sooo soft and shiny but I do have some areas that are slightly underprocessed but no one would notice. My next one will be in April and I know exactly what to do differently next time. My ends on the other hand are a crunchy mess which is why I kinda figured I would have to trim. So I'm doing that today. I will post pics after that. I'm going back into hiding on Tuesday.
My hair is sooo choppy from that trim I just did I'm embarrassed to post any pics!!! But that was my first time trimming and my ends were worse in some areas than others so health over length. And next time will be better. I didn't style it just flat ironed it so I could trim. I will probably cowash tmrw or Tuesday.
I'm posting this anyway just so its that much sweeter when I get to my goal length this year. Please don't laugh.



My hair is sooo choppy from that trim I just did I'm embarrassed to post any pics!!! But that was my first time trimming and my ends were worse in some areas than others so health over length. And next time will be better. I didn't style it just flat ironed it so I could trim. I will probably cowash tmrw or Tuesday.

A trim is a good thing! And we woukd never laugh. Yeah I may cowash tmrw if im not too lazy lol.
A trim is a good thing! And we woukd never laugh. Yeah I may cowash tmrw if im not too lazy lol.

I agree. We would never laugh. It takes a lot of courage to trim your own hair.

My hair probably looks the same. You just can't tell it because I'm natural.
I agree. We would never laugh. It takes a lot of courage to trim your own hair.

My hair probably looks the same. You just can't tell it because I'm natural.

I second that. It's hard to trim your own hair when it's short. But I would still rather do it than go to a stylist.
Thank you ladies for making me feel better... I really almost just shaved my head again because I was so upset but I'm over it now with y'all help!!! <3
I think going back to my lil rollersets is the way to go. I don't think my hair was really liking that heat. What I do like is that it is in some form of shape and looks decent in my headband. I guess I'm not doing anything else extra, extra grease or scalp treatments. And really after my supplements are gone, I'll probably do away w/ them too and just have a good multi-vitamin. But I'll finish my MR and silica. The MR should last me until the challenge anyway.
Oh and wanted to say that I don't have breakage w/ the caps when I don't use a too small roller. So I've actually been back to my XL rollers. The pink ones.
Since Shea moisture is on sale at CVS, I'm going to wait til tmrw to wash so I can use the products I'm going to buy tmrw! :-)