SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

Just washed out my henna, sitting with a dc now and feeling sleepy

I really want to try Henna but I'm scared. I really don't know how to do it and do t clearly understand the benefits. Does it make since to do it if I am hiding my hair? What are the benefits you see? I'm transitioning so I have many issues and not sure how to correct most of them other than to just wait...
HairPleezeGrow You went on a spree! I love shopping sprees! It would make my day to jump on that wagon with you but if I buy one more thing, I think my husband will try to commit me for hair addiction. He already called himself having a intervention... He made up this stupid song called "Hair Manipulation" that he walks around singing. I can't help but laugh cause he is kinda right but there is sooooo much more I want to try...Lord help! And my poor dd things all this is normal cause she doesn't know any difference. Bless her sweet little heart. I love playing in her hair. And she loves the mommy and me time getting all prettied up as if she could get any prettier...
LOL you went shopping!! Please report back after you've tried some of them :)

Yeah I will. I normally do these good sales bc it takes so long for them to come out with another one. Plus the stuff will last me til the next sale. Did I mention I have 3 daughters and have to share lol.
HairPleezeGrow You went on a spree! I love shopping sprees! It would make my day to jump on that wagon with you but if I buy one more thing, I think my husband will try to commit me for hair addiction. He already called himself having a intervention... He made up this stupid song called "Hair Manipulation" that he walks around singing. I can't help but laugh cause he is kinda right but there is sooooo much more I want to try...Lord help! And my poor dd things all this is normal cause she doesn't know any difference. Bless her sweet little heart. I love playing in her hair. And she loves the mommy and me time getting all prettied up as if she could get any prettier...

That is so funny...yeah my hubby has a problem too sometimes it depends on how much I'm spending lol. I can just here that song hahaha and you dd sounds like a sweet heart. You done got her spoiled with the good stuff so wait til she gets older you in for it lol.
Maybe I should have asked what didn't you Enjoy your goodies. I think I may pick up some products from silk dreams myself. Please share your experinces with your purchases when you get around to using them.
I really want to try Henna but I'm scared. I really don't know how to do it and do t clearly understand the benefits. Does it make since to do it if I am hiding my hair? What are the benefits you see? I'm transitioning so I have many issues and not sure how to correct most of them other than to just wait...
Jobwright Henna offers strength especially with fine hair, color if you want it, added thickness after multiple use, colors my greys to make them look like highlights. Its also loosened my hair slightly but not enough that others notice. I would do a henna gloss since you're ps'ing. A gloss is using less henna and more conditioner. Here's a receipe
You can do the gloss in between your ps stretches. If you like to color your hair regularly in different colors, henna may not be for you as it makes your hair resistant to hair color. I've been using henna for about 2 yrs and I love it.:grin:
Jobwright Henna offers strength especially with fine hair, color if you want it, added thickness after multiple use, colors my greys to make them look like highlights. Its also loosened my hair slightly but not enough that others notice. I would do a henna gloss since you're ps'ing. A gloss is using less henna and more conditioner. Here's a receipe
You can do the gloss in between your ps stretches. If you like to color your hair regularly in different colors, henna may not be for you as it makes your hair resistant to hair color. I've been using henna for about 2 yrs and I love it.:grin:

Hey ma'am can you tell me if the ayurvedic (not sure on spelling) powders are the same with making the hair resistant to color also like henna?
HairPleezeGrow Henna, katam and indigo are the only powders I'm aware of that deposit color or make hair resistant to box dyes. Have you decided if you're ready to henna?

Man I have no idea...I bought all the stuff I need so I may give it a go before my month is up for my sew in bc I'm already ready to take this mess out lol. I think I'm going mix mine with tea instead of water. I will post pics for sure when I do do it. Thanks for the info! :-)
Deep conditioning now with Keracare Creme Humecto after my hendigo treatment. I need to henna my hair a little more often now though since my grays are coming in pretty fierce as of late.
Man I have no idea...I bought all the stuff I need so I may give it a go before my month is up for my sew in bc I'm already ready to take this mess out lol. I think I'm going mix mine with tea instead of water. I will post pics for sure when I do do it. Thanks for the info! :-)

LOL! I agree with tea instead of water for sure! Make sure to brew it nice an strong and let it cool a bit before adding the henna or whatever powders you decide to use.:grin:
Deep conditioning now with Keracare Creme Humecto after my hendigo treatment. I need to henna my hair a little more often now though since my grays are coming in pretty fierce as of late.

Aggie I know what you mean, since I've been wearing my hair straight, I've only henna'd every six weeks and I was trying to hide my grey roots. I'm going back to once a week or a the very least, every two weeks.
Okay I've been sitting with my hendigo on for about an hour now. My batter was extremely thick after sitting over night kind of like thick brownie batter if that makes sense. It didn't bother me though bc application was very easy. I will rinse it out in 3 more hours and them try one of my new dcs and leave on about an hour lol I can't wait. I might try the YAM from BASK but we shall see...I will post pics later of my hair with the hendigo and then once rinsed out and dc'd.
Still in my kinky twists. Its been almost 3 weeks & to be honest a sister is scared to wash her hair!! I don't want them coming out! LOLOL! I get plenty of compliments on them to say I did them myself but they come loose so fast. I was running on the treadmill today at work & was fixing my twists because my ponytail kept coming loose. Why did one of my twists hit the treadmill & roll off onto the floor?! :lachen::lachen: Good thing no one was paying attention. I picked it up & kept running like I had to tie my shoe. Gotta figure out my next style because these will not last the 2 months I wanted them to.
Still in my kinky twists. Its been almost 3 weeks & to be honest a sister is scared to wash her hair!! I don't want them coming out! LOLOL! I get plenty of compliments on them to say I did them myself but they come loose so fast. I was running on the treadmill today at work & was fixing my twists because my ponytail kept coming loose. Why did one of my twists hit the treadmill & roll off onto the floor?! :lachen::lachen: Good thing no one was paying attention. I picked it up & kept running like I had to tie my shoe. Gotta figure out my next style because these will not last the 2 months I wanted them to.

Hey lady!!! How you been?
Still in my kinky twists. Its been almost 3 weeks & to be honest a sister is scared to wash her hair!! I don't want them coming out! LOLOL! I get plenty of compliments on them to say I did them myself but they come loose so fast. I was running on the treadmill today at work & was fixing my twists because my ponytail kept coming loose. Why did one of my twists hit the treadmill & roll off onto the floor?! :lachen::lachen: Good thing no one was paying attention. I picked it up & kept running like I had to tie my shoe. Gotta figure out my next style because these will not last the 2 months I wanted them to.

I've been good! Between my work schedule & not really doing anything with my hair, I haven't been able to get on LHCF like I want to & when I do its not much to post about. :sad: How have you been?

Lol! I still enjoy your posts! I'm good! Finally getting back to work after taking the year off for my LO... idk how to balance it all! I guess everything will fall into place :perplexed:
HairPleezeGrow yeah, I have a few ideas but I don't think my hair is long enough. Not to mention that my boyfriend prefers my hair out. The only thing I can think of is a cornrow braid around my head to protect my ends but idk how that would work in reality given my length.

something like this.

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I want to straighten without heat to do a length check. I haven't done a real length check since my July 2012 BC! And tt's been since last summer I flat ironed and i'm trying to avoid it, even though my hair appears to be OK with low heat...

I'd use my curlformers but they're too narrow and I dont want a halo of curls. Just straight hair for once.

Would have no clue what size of round rollers to get...3" for NL hair?
Lol! I still enjoy your posts! I'm good! Finally getting back to work after taking the year off for my LO... idk how to balance it all! I guess everything will fall into place :perplexed:

I definitely know what you mean about trying to balance it all! That's how my head got tore up in the first place, lolol! Between taking care of my family & working, taking care of myself didn't even fit into the equation. You're doing great though & I'm positive that everything will fall in place for you! :grin:
I want to straighten without heat to do a length check. I haven't done a real length check since my July 2012 BC! And tt's been since last summer I flat ironed and i'm trying to avoid it, even though my hair appears to be OK with low heat...

I'd use my curlformers but they're too narrow and I dont want a halo of curls. Just straight hair for once.

Would have no clue what size of round rollers to get...3" for NL hair?

Flexirods might work...