SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

The whole back of my hair is natural and its so dry n hard. I cant b natural. It would b hard to manage.





Took out my hair to get a perm tomorrow. Not getting the chance to prepare my hair so im going to put coconut oil on it n go get it. Hopefully I see progress
I just measured one of my shed hairs and it was 8 inches long! I was sooooo excited! I looked at the hair like 'wow, that's long' then I saw another of a similar length. I don't know if it's weird that I check to see if the hair is out due to breakage or shedding every time I see a hair outside of my head. I don't think I have excessive shedding as I've heard that ppl normally shed up to 100 hairs a day, but I don't like any shedding. I wish there were a way to completely avoid all shedding.
My middle crown is 8 inches, and my bangs are 10 inches. I keep my hair cut in an a line bob. Shoulder Length is about 13 inches from the middle of my head.
I just measured one of my shed hairs and it was 8 inches long! I was sooooo excited! I looked at the hair like 'wow, that's long' then I saw another of a similar length. I don't know if it's weird that I check to see if the hair is out due to breakage or shedding every time I see a hair outside of my head. I don't think I have excessive shedding as I've heard that ppl normally shed up to 100 hairs a day, but I don't like any shedding. I wish there were a way to completely avoid all shedding.

I do that too so its not weird! I agree with wishing to avoid all shedding!
IDK I try to pay attention to my hair but it's hard to really determine how it feels. After I wash my hands are all soaked and cold just like my head of hair so I can't tell what's going on with it. I'm pulling out of this goal and all others and will just embrace the hair I have and whatever happens, happens. I've learned a lot from the forum and will keep the basics but anything additional is just too much for me. Good luck, ladies.
I washed my hair Saturday after doing the coconut creme relaxer and let's just say that session ended badly with overly moisturized hair! So Monday I had to clarify my hair and do a protein treatment! Feels much better but will do another one next week and then my hair should be back to normal! I had to stop using Hair trigger as a growth aid because I was shedding more than I was increasing my growth! Will be trying Njoys growth oil next! Have my hair in plaits so I can dust my ends without having to unbraid my cornrows and rebraid them. Will be tweaking my regimen because I feel like I'm doing too much to my hair.
I took some pictures before I started my new moisturizing program. Want to see if I can track my progress visually. So here is my twa now. It's 6 months after my bc, but I think I have dusted 4 times. Hopefully I won't have to do that for a while.

PreMoistLeft (634x640).jpg

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I took some pictures before I started my new moisturizing program. Want to see if I can track my progress visually. So here is my twa now. It's 6 months after my bc, but I think I have dusted 4 times. Hopefully I won't have to do that for a while.

faithVA what's your new moisturizing program?
I took some pictures before I started my new moisturizing program. Want to see if I can track my progress visually. So here is my twa now. It's 6 months after my bc, but I think I have dusted 4 times. Hopefully I won't have to do that for a while.

faithVA what's your new moisturizing program?

It's nothing really established. I'm trying to figure it out as I go. My Komaza Care Analysis stated for a period of time I need to moisturize my hair every day because it is really dry.

So I bought a new product line - 4 Naturals. I will be using that along with As I Am Leave-In and Aubrey Organics Blue Chamomile for my DC.

I will use the line on wash days and co-wash days; Sundays and Wednesdays
The other days I am trying to spritz with a tea mix and seal with a creamy moisturizer. Haven't determined if this works yet. I am using Qhemet Amla and Qhemet Burdock root for right now.

I will be moisturizing daily for 4 straight weeks. So I will take pictures each week to see if I notice any progress.
Well ladies, looks like I will be here a lot longer than planned. I overprocessed my hair last relaxer and at first my hair was fine but now its breaking and thinning. I've been doing protein tretments but I learned that just slows down the process. Eventually that hair will be gone hopefully leaving behind healthy thick hair. Mostly just the back of my head (nape) and some of the middle as the front is strong and thick. I may have to try the half and half method until I get faster because I don't trust no one doing my relaxers but me.
Well ladies, looks like I will be here a lot longer than planned. I overprocessed my hair last relaxer and at first my hair was fine but now its breaking and thinning. I've been doing protein tretments but I learned that just slows down the process. Eventually that hair will be gone hopefully leaving behind healthy thick hair. Mostly just the back of my head (nape) and some of the middle as the front is strong and thick. I may have to try the half and half method until I get faster because I don't trust no one doing my relaxers but me.

So sorry to hear this. Hopefully the sulfur oil mix will work wonders for you and you'll get length while trying to get your hair healthy. I am afraid of doing exactly this with self relaxing.
Well ladies, looks like I will be here a lot longer than planned. I overprocessed my hair last relaxer and at first my hair was fine but now its breaking and thinning. I've been doing protein tretments but I learned that just slows down the process. Eventually that hair will be gone hopefully leaving behind healthy thick hair. Mostly just the back of my head (nape) and some of the middle as the front is strong and thick. I may have to try the half and half method until I get faster because I don't trust no one doing my relaxers but me.

Sorry to hear that. But glad you know what to do to recover.
Well ladies, looks like I will be here a lot longer than planned. I overprocessed my hair last relaxer and at first my hair was fine but now its breaking and thinning. I've been doing protein tretments but I learned that just slows down the process. Eventually that hair will be gone hopefully leaving behind healthy thick hair. Mostly just the back of my head (nape) and some of the middle as the front is strong and thick. I may have to try the half and half method until I get faster because I don't trust no one doing my relaxers but me.

Glad that you found the root of the problem instead of having to go through a bunch of problem solving steps!! It'll get right!! I don't even think that I want to touch my nape & edges with the relaxer next time. Them growin's soooo slow & all I would be doing is putting relaxer right on top of some already processed hair.
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So sorry to hear this. Hopefully the sulfur oil mix will work wonders for you and you'll get length while trying to get your hair healthy. I am afraid of doing exactly this with self relaxing.
I'm praying it will! I will definitely keep my stretches to at least 18-20 weeks so I can get the maximum length, thickness, and retention...
Sorry to hear that. But glad you know what to do to recover.

Thanks to this forum! Idk what I would do if I never joined!
Glad that you found the root of the problem instead of having to go through a bunch of problem solving steps!! It'll get right!! I don't even think that I want to touch my nape & edges with the relaxer next time. Them growin's soooo slow & all I would be doing is putting relaxer right on top of some already processed hair.

Girl, I know what you mean! But I think this half and half method will give me the time I need. After watching a few videos it doesn't seem as complicated as I thought!
So sorry to hear this. Hopefully the sulfur oil mix will work wonders for you and you'll get length while trying to get your hair healthy. I am afraid of doing exactly this with self relaxing.

Is there a recipes for this sulphur oil mix or is someone selling it?
Dusted my ends yesterday. All is definitely not lost! I still think I will make it in December! I'm claiming it!

Amen! Its yours!! I want to cut these last lil bit of raggedy ends off so bad!! I'm holding off til the end of our stretch though before I trim them. Its about a half inch in some places & a whole inch in others not to mention them cheeren in the top of my head that need to grow to meet the rest! Trying to stay away from the scissors is hard! :cry3:

On another note, I had my NG all nice & straight from this morning in the front to blend in with my wig. Then I hit the treadmill on lunch & sweated in my kichens! My hair looks wore out in the front & don't match my wig at all! Back to the BSS for my big curly wig this evening I go!!
Prepoo'd with walnut, grapeseed and avocado oil, decided to try oil rinsing, so no shampoo, rinsed with a cheapo condish, used a giovanni reconstructor for 10 min, now deep condish'ing with giovanni smooth as silk for the next 40 min
I know I've been MIA but I was stuck in these twists and nothing had changed but I have been checking in now and again. FINALLY I took these braids out!!:grin: I had to go back and count I just ended a 26 week stretch and I'm getting my touch next week:yay::yay::yay: Omgosh it was so nice to finally give my head a good scrub. I prepooed with a mixture of avocado, honey, and olive oil. Did a 45 min workout with it in my hair. I Shampooed, did a aphogee 2 mins treatment and dc'd with vanilla silk cond. It took be FOREVER to detangle in the shower but I kept slapping on the cond. and took my time. Afterwards I spritz my hair with aphogee green tea and keratin,dcb leave in, and gvp version of chi silk and did a rollerset. It turned out nice BUT my roots are 1 big soft puffball. I did like 5 big pincurls last night, and now its pin curls on top of a big puff lolololol. I will totally be rocking a head band until my TU next week.
Moisturizing and sealing my hair and ends and retwisting every night. It is taking some commitment. But I only have 3 weeks left to go before I re-evaluate. My hair is feeling better and my ends are holding in there. Hopefully they can hold out until I dust in May. Started NJoy's growth oil this week as well. I will do my 1st qtr length check next Sunday. Not expecting to see any difference from the start since I have been trimming away bad ends.
Last night I washed, Dced, LOB, all in these celies and my hair feels great. I will keep these in hopefully for 4-6 weeks or until I prep my hair for my next touchup.
Late to the party.
I tried to go natural and I did the BC leaving myself with half an inch of hair. Six months later I decided to go back to the relaxer. Time is the biggest reason I'm giving up my quest for natural hair but I'm sure I'll be more successful in the future.

So my hair is about 3 inches long all over except a little bit of breakage in my crown.

I'm attempting to protective style using a sew in weave that I did myself. Again that is about time restraints. I can finish a weave in a few hours but doing my own micro braids take a week or two depending on my work schedule. Since I'm not spending $160 every 6-8weeks... Sew in time!

I just bought prenatal vitamins and biotin yesterday. I'm NOT pregnant but planning to try in six months.

My goal is to PS all year and this winter get a nice cut and style. I'm using a lye relaxer this time around. I'm thinking I can stretch my relaxers to 12-16 weeks between touch ups.

Excited! I'm bout to go treat myself to a nice deep condition and flat iron.

