SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

There seems to be quite a bit of variety to shoulder length. Shoulder length is when your hair reaches your shoulder bones that is right where the arms are attached. I thinks some people consider shoulder length when their hair passes the skinny part of their neck. The fat part of the neck is a very important neck muscle.

To me full shoulder length is when most of the hair covers the tops of the shoulder blades and almost reaches the arm pits
Took out my braids and now doing a dc overnight. Should of did a garlic treatment but I didn't think of it until last minute. Doing cornrow later on today, leaving it on for two weeks then will be in chicago. I believe I have lots of ng but wont get excited yet. If I get sl all over my head, ill be very happy.


This is the back of my head.


I mentioned that my choice of PS to help retain length would be braids, well cornrows actually. But it's really breaking my hair badly. Any ideas or routines on PS that can be done on hair that is natural but relaxed at ends (currently APL but want to be SL when I do my chop in Nov/Dec) that can be easily maintained during workout and on call work 24/7 and being called in majority of the time so I have little time to care for my hair. I really like the cornrows cause they kept my hair moisturized for the entire week until I redo them. But I am seeing more and more breakage so I have to quit or do them differently if anyone has an idea of how I may do so. Thanks.
[USER=382305 said:
MissTea[/USER];18008771]I mentioned that my choice of PS to help retain length would be braids, well cornrows actually. But it's really breaking my hair badly. Any ideas or routines on PS that can be done on hair that is natural but relaxed at ends (currently APL but want to be SL when I do my chop in Nov/Dec) that can be easily maintained during workout and on call work 24/7 and being called in majority of the time so I have little time to care for my hair. I really like the cornrows cause they kept my hair moisturized for the entire week until I redo them. But I am seeing more and more breakage so I have to quit or do them differently if anyone has an idea of how I may do so. Thanks.

I need more information. Are you seeing the breakage on take down or when you install? When was the last time you did a protein treatment? Are you moisturizing and sealing while in the cornrows?

I don't see cornrows being the cause of your breakage issue. You may be noticing it with the cornrows but I'm not sure they are causing the breakage.
Today I washed and DC my hair; its airdrying right now and will cornrow it later tonight or tmrw morn! Hair is doing okay. I need a seamless comb tho because I saw some hair in the seams today and that made me very unhappy :nono:
When I'm braiding it. I haven't been using protein treatments cause I intake a lot of protein in my diet. I may have to start though. I do moisturize and seal before I braid it. I didn't know if it was because I did it on wet hair but I don't have time for my hair to dry after washing to wait to braid it. I did it on dry hair and still experienced breakage. Finally I did it on dry hair that I dampened with leave in conditioner. Still breakage when I'd braid it. I take my time with it. Maybe I'm just braiding wrong of something. It's like when I pull my fingers through to get ready and pick up additional hair, I hear my hair tearing and it's all on my fingers. Maybe I'll try only once more in a few days. I'm letting these stay in a little longer cause I just did them yesterday. I'll double check to make sure I'm keeping my hair as detangled as possible. Hey, do you think maybe a detangler may help as I'm braiding?
Think I'm stay in my plaits under my wigs for another week and then wash n dc. Maybe...I want to do crochet braids on my hair but I dk yet. I did my sisters the other day.



[USER=382305 said:
MissTea[/USER];18014795]When I'm braiding it. I haven't been using protein treatments cause I intake a lot of protein in my diet. I may have to start though. I do moisturize and seal before I braid it. I didn't know if it was because I did it on wet hair but I don't have time for my hair to dry after washing to wait to braid it. I did it on dry hair and still experienced breakage. Finally I did it on dry hair that I dampened with leave in conditioner. Still breakage when I'd braid it. I take my time with it. Maybe I'm just braiding wrong of something. It's like when I pull my fingers through to get ready and pick up additional hair, I hear my hair tearing and it's all on my fingers. Maybe I'll try only once more in a few days. I'm letting these stay in a little longer cause I just did them yesterday. I'll double check to make sure I'm keeping my hair as detangled as possible. Hey, do you think maybe a detangler may help as I'm braiding?

No it doesn't sound like the issue with braiding. The protein in your diet is great for the hair as it grows out of the scalp but it does nothing for the hair after it is out. It sounds like your moisture protein balance is off. I would suggest a reconstructor, followed by a moisturizing DC. You may have to do that every 2 to 3 weeks to get your hair stronger. It sounds like your strands have weak spots.

And when you do braid, you should do so on damp hair. Extremely wet hair is extremely weak, and will break more easily than damp hair.
No it doesn't sound like the issue with braiding. The protein in your diet is great for the hair as it grows out of the scalp but it does nothing for the hair after it is out. It sounds like your moisture protein balance is off. I would suggest a reconstructor, followed by a moisturizing DC. You may have to do that every 2 to 3 weeks to get your hair stronger. It sounds like your strands have weak spots.

And when you do braid, you should do so on damp hair. Extremely wet hair is extremely weak, and will break more easily than damp hair.

MissTea I totally agree with everything said right here^^
MissTea Your hair seems extremely fragile. I take it you plan to cut that hair off eventually. Sounds like it was overprocessed by some chemical service, and the protein bonds have been completely destroyed.

I am natural and I am can braid my hair soaking wet without any breakage. I do not have to detangle to stop breakage. Detangling is done to remove shed hair so that it doesn't knot around healthy hair. If I braid my hair completely dry the fine strand can experience minimal breakage because I am not that gentle.

I say all this to say, you need to assess your hair.
1. Is your hair mushy while it is wet?

If the hair is wet do a hard protein treatment. You might need to do one per week until your hair is fortified.

2. Is your hair hard and brittle when it is wet?

If your hair is hard and brittle do moisturizing dc until you hair is pliable at least twice a week.

3. Do you have split ends?

If you see split ends - cut them off, they will just continue to break off

4. Do you have mid shaft spilts

These spilts are so deep into the hair, it takes a BC to remove them. You can go pick up a spilt end mender from Loreal or Pantene. Most drug store brands sell a spilt end mender, they just buy you some time. Most fine haired ladies have some of these, so don't worry if it is only a few. But a head full of mid shaft split ends and under conditioned hair is a recipe for breakage.
I am going to do a personal challenge for the next 30 days. I will be moisturizing daily, finger combing and putting my hair into as low a manipulation style as I can. That probably will be my switching between pin curls as my primary style and puffs as my back up style.

I will continue to cowash 1x to 2x a week and I will wash and DC weekly, using protein every other week. I will probably pick up some biotin and msm this weekend.

I will try to take starting pictures this weekend.
Just checking in, had my pressed today. happy to note no heat damage or breakage considering I've been pressing my hair since September. I was going thru a shedding period that was a pain, not much growth bit my hair definitely looks thicker and bigger. Cant wait to see the difference between the January and April check-in.
Checking in. Received my new wig from rpgshow and wow, really great. It's all black but I'm itching to turn the top layer white or turquoise. Meanwhile, my hair underneath is thriving...roots need to be bleached and colored, damaged ends need to be trimmed. Hair stays cornrowed underneath but it's days like yesterday when I long for straight hair cause I don't like to put heat in my hair (poor sedu gets no action lol), but cornrowing my hair while curly is trauma. Does any expert have a solution for me? I've stretched with Curlformers and while I love doing that, I can't always wait for my hair to dry (no overhead dryer unfortunately)...

P.S. looks like everyone's hair is thriving, good job^^.
Checking in. Received my new wig from rpgshow and wow, really great. It's all black but I'm itching to turn the top layer white or turquoise. Meanwhile, my hair underneath is thriving...roots need to be bleached and colored, damaged ends need to be trimmed. Hair stays cornrowed underneath but it's days like yesterday when I long for straight hair cause I don't like to put heat in my hair (poor sedu gets no action lol), but cornrowing my hair while curly is trauma. Does any expert have a solution for me? I've stretched with Curlformers and while I love doing that, I can't always wait for my hair to dry (no overhead dryer unfortunately)...

P.S. looks like everyone's hair is thriving, good job^^.

maybe tension drying if you have a blow dryer...
I hope it's not too late to join....

What length are you now? NL

Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning? Relaxed

What retention methods do you plan on using? Minimal Heat, Co-wash/DC weekly, Protective styling (mainly). Keeping my hair moisturized.

Are you taking supplements are doing anything else special?
I take a multivitamin, super-B complex and biotin daily. Drinking only water, and lots of it.


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Washed my hair this weekend and put cornrows right back in. Makes it so much easier during the week not having to fuss over what to do with my hair.
What length are you now?


What retention methods do you plan on using?

Protective styling, dc 1-2 times week, moisturize and seal every other day, cowash 1 time week, tea and acv rinses, henna glosses

Are you taking supplements are doing anything else special?
Tojilife Hair Density Vitamins

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Growth Aides
I am planning to order Vadik Herbs Brahmi Oil. It has excellent reviews on Amazon. Is there anyone in this thread currently using this product. If so I would love to hear a review
Im four months post. My hair in a sew in. I haven't been doing my regime since I put it. Only had it for a week though. Getting a perm this Friday. Tried to wait until april 1 but dont know what else to do with. Hair. Hope theres some progress. Taking prenatal, msm, and hair, skin, and nails. My nails are growing stronger though
Oh I forgot to mention that my hair grew 3 inches in 2.5 months except on one side I left out :( I only flat iron my hair that is left out the sew in 2 a month. It stays wrap mostly so kind of sad one side is not growing. I do protein treatments and dc 2 month with my sew in


It is longer it was still poofy and wasn't wrapped for long. Ill do better at before and after pics
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The other day I was getting irritated with feeling my cornrows on the back of my neck... then, it dawned on me that I can feel my cornrows on the back of my neck! Lol @ myself! Its growing! I know its crazy but its been a long time since I could feel my hair on the back of my neck. I'm beyond ecstatic!
The other day I was getting irritated with feeling my cornrows on the back of my neck... then, it dawned on me that I can feel my cornrows on the back of my neck! Lol @ myself! Its growing! I know its crazy but its been a long time since I could feel my hair on the back of my neck. I'm beyond ecstatic!

:lol: It's not crazy. Congratulations. I would be ecstatic too :yep:
I can't believe that I haven't posted in here in over a month :nono:!! I guess I must be in too many challenges. Anyhoo, I was hoping to be SL by March 2013 but still have a few more inches to go to reach SL & I'm hoping to be there by at least June. I'm a little over 8 weeks post right now & only made a few minor changes to my regimen & I've also found staples to my regimen (still looking for others).

  • I co-wash mid-week.
  • Alternate non-sulfate/sulfate poo on Saturdays.
  • DC twice a week with mild protein every other week & a hard protein treatment the week before my relaxer.
  • M&S every day.
  • Cornrows under my wig.
Current stretch is for 12 weeks but I think that I may be able to go longer. I've been going back & forth between whether I want to maintain my current NL & let the rest of my hair catch up but I think that I'll try to go to SL or maybe even CBL first then letting the rest catch up. I'll sleep on it some more.
londonfog I was thinking the same thing. I think I will maintain SL until the majority of my hair catches up and then grow out from there. I like layers that are closer together not cliffs! My hair would be NL, SL, and APL at the rate its going! Lol!