

Active Member
Just wondering how those of you who have them deal with them...

My Future DH has 2 older sisters that are really giving me a hard time now that it's 30 days till the wedding. Family is soooooo important to me, but I am finding it harder and harder to deal with them. I'm really scared that their attitudes and issues (one is even claiming that she isn't coming to the wedding) will ruin our wedding day and wedding festivities. :wallbash:

Suggestions, advice, stories????
Just wondering how those of you who have them deal with them...

My Future DH has 2 older sisters that are really giving me a hard time now that it's 30 days till the wedding. Family is soooooo important to me, but I am finding it harder and harder to deal with them. I'm really scared that their attitudes and issues (one is even claiming that she isn't coming to the wedding) will ruin our wedding day and wedding festivities. :wallbash:

Suggestions, advice, stories????

Whatever you do, please don't let these two ruin your wedding day. It's supposed to be about you and your future DH, not them. I have a SIL who I truly believe is from another planet. As much as I would like to have a hallmark card-like extended family, it hasn't worked out that way. It is what it is and I consider myself very blessed with the family that DH and I have created. Best wishes to you and your future husband - that's what's really important.
What are they mad at? I say so what if they don't come, less drama for you.

I don't talk to my SIL, soon to be ex SIL that is, but that's because I'm not close to my brother so I don't have a relationship with her. Her and my mother can't stand each other. She's never done anything to me and vice versa. I don't have a problem with her I don't make it my business because her and my brother have always had a rocky marriage. The few times I see her I speak and we might conversate about the news but that's it.

My only advise would be to feed them with a long handle spoon. Be friendly and nice to them but don't get sucked up in their nonsense. If you have a problem with them tell your husband and let him handle it.
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Just wondering how those of you who have them deal with them...

My Future DH has 2 older sisters that are really giving me a hard time now that it's 30 days till the wedding. Family is soooooo important to me, but I am finding it harder and harder to deal with them. I'm really scared that their attitudes and issues (one is even claiming that she isn't coming to the wedding) will ruin our wedding day and wedding festivities. :wallbash:

Suggestions, advice, stories????

what is important is how your DF deals with them. Does he know they are giving you a hard time? Have you told him? Has he spoken to them about it?
what is important is how your DF deals with them. Does he know they are giving you a hard time? Have you told him? Has he spoken to them about it?

I totally agree with this. I was in a similar situation with dh's sisters and mother.:nono: All I can say is carefully observe how DF handles the situation and don't expect it to change once you get married.
I'm going to have to pay attention to this issue myself. I think I may have potential SIL problems :ohwell: with the SO's sister......a potential power struggle. I really don't have the patience for this and hope its not a deal breaker. A least we will be living hundreds of miles away.
I totally agree with this. I was in a similar situation with dh's sisters and mother.:nono: All I can say is carefully observe how DF handles the situation and don't expect it to change once you get married.

Oh, how right you are. Luckily, my husband isn't one of those who puts me third (after his mother and sister), but I know plenty of women have MAJOR marital issues because their DH routinely puts their concerns on the back burner.
Just wondering how those of you who have them deal with them...

My Future DH has 2 older sisters that are really giving me a hard time now that it's 30 days till the wedding. Family is soooooo important to me, but I am finding it harder and harder to deal with them. I'm really scared that their attitudes and issues (one is even claiming that she isn't coming to the wedding) will ruin our wedding day and wedding festivities. :wallbash:

Suggestions, advice, stories????

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! :bouncy:

Just remember that you and your SILs are equals and on the same level (much like you and your biological siblings- if you have them). While you might hold your tongue or chose your words carefully with your MIL or FIL (as you would your own parents), you shouldn’t feel obligated to walk on eggshells around your SILs when they have so little regard for your feelings. Don’t get me wrong, you should NEVER stoop to their level, but respect is a two-way street and they need to understand that.

Out of respect for your husband, and his feelings, he should be made aware of the situation. Have you talked to him about it?