Balancing friendships in a relationship

I think this is the real problem. They are being demanding which is putting pressure on you. Have you tried to sit down and talk to them about their attitude towards you attending every event? If they didn't get funny with you then it would be much easier to balance your friendships! I think explaining how you're feeling, that you are not that extrovert woman anymore and only want to attend ___ events a month may be a good idea. You are still their friend and want to see them regularly but not in the frequency they want and that should be OK. They need to know they are being silly about this. Its emotional blackmail to play up to guilt you into going.

See my friends know better and they know my personality and vice versa. If one of them says they cant make if or dont feel good etc im not like "oh come on! Just come out for a second, we never see you"...f that i dont impose guilt trips on anyone. If they dont want to come or cant...Alright see you next time!
And i have never heard men having problems with maintaining friendships. They basically do whatever they want and will find ways to make time for whats important to them whether it be friend, spouses, or children.
All my friends are pretty much married and or have kids. Perfect for me. Their time is occupied, im not being works! I hate talking on the phone and going out all the time. If you need consistent contact, im not the friend for you lol.

See my friends know better and they know my personality and vice versa. If one of them says they cant make if or dont feel good etc im not like "oh come on! Just come out for a second, we never see you"...f that i dont impose guilt trips on anyone. If they dont want to come or cant...Alright see you next time!

this is why we're friends.

Like hi and bye. Check in for bi-monthly maintenance and a yearly get-together.:lol: