Single Mother of Two- Anyone??

This is most important here. Even if you have a lot of guy friends that would usually stop by when dad was there cut that out asap. I do not allow anyone to meet my kids and i make sure the guy knows that. If we are not getting married there is no need for you to meet my kids nope

SO. VERY. TRUE! I follow this practice as well and I don't mind telling people either. The more the better because it so important as a single mom. My son's father and I parted ways when he was 13 months old. My son has NEVER been around any other man besides his father and close male relatives. I've dated a few guys and have even had a year long relationship with one. None of them spent a minute with my son and I'm glad.
Around December that past this dude wanted my kids and his kids to hang out only after 2 weeks i was like are u kidding me you dont know me like that and i dont know you like that
i was like dont take this offensively but my kids will never meet u unless marriage is coming along and i dont want my kids to see men coming and going throughout my life. I also told him dont do that to his daughter neither cause she is fragile also even though she is 9yrs old i told him i dont want to meet her

From here he got cut off