Single Mother of Two- Anyone??


Well-Known Member
Just curious to see if there are any single mothers of two children on this forum? I have a son and another baby on the way, but my relationship with my significant other of five years is ending. So right now, I am absolutely terrified of having to raise two children by myself. Just needed the encouragement to know that it is possible to do and maintain some kind of sanity and happiness in my life.
I am a single mom of two. I am staying with my parents right now which isn't my ideal situation but I want to get a good emergency fund together and get all my finances in order before I get a place of my own.

I don't really have any advice for you since I am fairly new to the game but good luck. I am sure that you are more than capable of handling it.
Kerryann is a single mom of two. She's pretty funny... hopefully she'll chime in soon! You could PM her too.
I am a single mom of two. I am staying with my parents right now which isn't my ideal situation but I want to get a good emergency fund together and get all my finances in order before I get a place of my own.

I don't really have any advice for you since I am fairly new to the game but good luck. I am sure that you are more than capable of handling it.

HOLLY! What happened?

If you don't want to share, that's okay... but wow. I thought all was good in Holly-land!

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you are okay.
I'm not exactly sure of the type of encouragement you're seeking but I can think of a few things that can possibly encourage you.

1 - With 2 children, you will likely be able to qualify for more things such as income specific home grants and loans that you may not have been able to qualify for with just one child.

2 - Your older child might be "used" to pave the way for easier access to day care or schooling for two.

3 - There are men out there who will date and love a woman with more than one child even if the children aren't his. My friend who is a single mother of two married a guy who had no children and it wasn't an issue for him.

4 - If you end up raising your children all by yourself, that's even more for your kids to brag about when they speak fondly of you.

Hope that helps a little. :)
HOLLY! What happened?

If you don't want to share, that's okay... but wow. I thought all was good in Holly-land!

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you are okay.

It's okay I don't mind sharing. Mr. Golightly began to act the fool pure and simple. He thought the grass was greener on the other side. Now he has discovered that it isn't but it's a little too late.
It's okay I don't mind sharing. Mr. Golightly began to act the fool pure and simple. He thought the grass was greener on the other side. Now he has discovered that it isn't but it's a little too late.

Ugh to him. :rolleyes:

Well, I know it sucks to end a marriage no matter the circumstances, but good for you for knowing your worth and moving on. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck to you as you move forward. :yep:
3 - There are men out there who will date and love a woman with more than one child even if the children aren't his. My friend who is a single mother of two married a guy who had no children and it wasn't an issue for him.

Thank you for this post- really helpful. To be honest though- once this is done- it's over for me. I don't want to be in any other relationship from here on out. You have to give too much; I can't do it anymore.
Keep your head and spirit up. This is not the end of the world. It just maybe the beginning of finding your real strength and self. I raised one child alone for eight years by choice. I dont regret the choice or the experience.
I am not a single mother, but I was raised by a single mother of two daughters. It is most definitely possible, and people often look to my mother and are impressed at what she was able to accomplish in the daughters she raised. So, I think the most important and useful trait I saw in my mother was that she simply did what needed to be done, regardless of whether it was hard, she was less than happy, things were tight, etc. Other family members who are also single mothers a lot of times focused on maintaining their own happiness first, but their children suffered for it. The kids really have to come first.

That said, I think it's equally important to make sure that you are balanced within yourself. For instance, my mom liked to play softball and volleyball and took us to her games so we could watch. Those are good memories, and it was good for her to keep up that hobby. But it wasn't something that pitted her best interest against ours, it was still a family kind of thing.

Also, I think money makes a huge difference in the single mother/single parent experience. mother went to school at night to get her master's degree to get a better job, which most definitely paid off down the line--to the extent that she later adopted a boy as a single woman because she was in the position to be able to do so comfortably.

All that to say that yes, it can be done! But it most definitely is a sacrifice. But putting the kids first, maintaining your own personal wellbeing, and striving to make a better life for you and your children makes it possible. Also, my grandmother played a big role in being there to watch us, etc., so family support is really important as well.

ETA: I don't want to understate how hard it was. But that's where I think perseverance goes a really long way.
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My mom had 3 of us on her own until I was around 7. Is there any way you can live near family? If so this can be a big help. Everyone needs a support system, and even though family can get on your last nerves sometimes, they usually pull through and genuinely care. Don't focus on the negatives of your situation, there are many women who find love with a good man when they have children. Just be sure to get all of your ducks in a row financially and mentally and surround yourself with a good support system.
Is there any way you can live near family?

My family is nearby, but our whole impending separation is due to my family and his unwillingness to forgive. I just want to save money and move across the country for a fresh start. I don't want to be near him or my family. But I am wondering how possible this would be with two little ones to care for on my own. I'm just feeling really down about my situation now. Where's my white picket fence? :ohwell:
My mom had 3 of us on her own until I was around 7. Is there any way you can live near family? If so this can be a big help. Everyone needs a support system, and even though family can get on your last nerves sometimes, they usually pull through and genuinely care. Don't focus on the negatives of your situation, there are many women who find love with a good man when they have children. Just be sure to get all of your ducks in a row financially and mentally and surround yourself with a good support system.

Excellent advice! I am a single mother with two teenage boys. I had/have a great family support system that allowed me to graduate college and obtain my M.A. as well.

@ the bolded - so true!
Thank you for this post- really helpful. To be honest though- once this is done- it's over for me. I don't want to be in any other relationship from here on out. You have to give too much; I can't do it anymore.

I don't have any advice to offer you but....:bighug:I'm sorry you are feeling this way right now..I hope love sweeps you off your feet when you least expect it. Good luck with your journey.
Single mom of 3....It's not easy. But it can be done. Honestly the hardest years are when they are younger. You feel as if there are so many things you HAVE to do that you will never get it all done. Please rememeber to always take time for yourself! I started getting up early in the morning. About a 1/2 to an hour early, and take a long bubble bath. I prayed listened to music, just gettting my mind ready for the day. THis helps IMMENSLY!

Also, you can't take care of your kids if you don't take care of YOU! Treat yourself to a book, mani/pedi, a magazine. Just make sure that you don't forget you while you are taking care of everybody else.

Don't sweat the small stuff. There will be days when you walk into your house EXHAUSTED! And don't really care about the toys on the floor. IT'S OK! Sometimes peace of mind, a few extra hours of sleep and the sanity are better than a pristine house...

People think I was mean for this but they NEVER slept in my bed! I have a neice who is 5and still sleeps with my sister. I made sure my room was my sanctuary, it's one of the only things I can have to myself.

Keep your children on a schedule. I started IMMEDIATELY with my boys on a schedule of going to bed early. They are older now, but they STILL can't stay up past 9 or 10. On school nights nine is the cutoff unless we have plans or a project or something they are working on. This will give you a few hours in the evening to unwind/do housework or chores.

Think ahead....Cook meals one day on the weekend that will get you through the week so you don't have to worry about coming home cooking a huge meal everynight.
Lastly, the hugs and kisses you will get from those babies will make all of the hard stuff fade away! That's what will TRULY keep you going.

Lady you will be ok TRUST ME.
I have 2 kids and it is hard but as long as you have god in your life you will be all good.
Can you manage to pay all the bills by yourself?
Can you stay with a family member until you stack your money?

Might i ask why are you guys breaking up and if you can work it out through counseling if not then PULL UP your draws and prepare to be mommy and daddy. Make sure you keep busy with your son that will make him to occupied to ask you questions of whats going on

If you have faimly to drop your kids by for just a couple hrs or maybe the weekend do it because having a little time for yourself does wonders. Make sure after you have your baby you get back on the working out track because that helps with the stress of everything.

Call me whatever but i will let you know once homey sees you moving on with your life problems will come he will make sure try and make you miserable or even try to weezle himself back into your life.

One other important thing make sure your kids are set in every way possible CHILD SUPPORT IS YOUR FRIEND remember that i have friends that is living with the childs father and is collecting child support they dont play that its called making sure ur kids have

No matter what happens through out your day the kids will always be the ones to make you happy

YOU will be just fine
I don't have 2, but he has the energy of 2 people combined. :look:Anyway, I'm the single mom of a soon to be 4 year old son. I'm not gonna lie to you nor sugar coat it. He is so full of energy and wears. me. out. But I love him more than life. Some days I'm sooo tired after work, but when we get home I still have to cook, give him a bath, play countless games with him and help him with his "homework". He leaves me completely spent by the end of the night, BUT I love him more than life. :spinning: You will be so tired a lot of nights, but you'll be fine. Just continue to love your children and care for them. You will be sleep deprived, but just keep loving your children anyway. :yep:

It's not easy when they are young, but you can do it. My son is with his father every other weekend and his father's mom is a godsend as well. I chose a better grandmother for my son than I did a father for him, but that's another story because it could be worse. It helps to have someone to support you, to offer you a break even if it is for a few hours.

As women, we do what we have to do, whether we are married moms or single moms. I know quite a few married moms that feel like single moms, but for whatever reason their husbands refuse to lend a hand. :rolleyes:Once you become a single mother, you will discover a reservoir of energy in you that you had no idea existed, but it's there.

You will probably become a better mother, a more attentive mother, a more loving mother because you will realize that you're no longer caring for one, but two which will require more of your emotions...but you can do it.

I tell people all the time: I'd rather have my son in a loving single parent home than a dysfunctional and unhappy two parent home any day. So that's how I'm doing it until the right man comes along that deserves the love of me and my son.
I have friends and family members who were/are single parents...the other parent continued to be apart of the kids lives, WITHOUT drama...which I believe made a huge difference.
Keep your head and spirit up. This is not the end of the world. It just maybe the beginning of finding your real strength and self. I raised one child alone for eight years by choice. I dont regret the choice or the experience.

I've been separated and divorced for ten years with two children by choice too. It can be done. It's not a picnic but when you turn toward your children and put them first in your consideration, they will be fine. Just remember to consider how their reality must be and do your best to set an industrious example for them. Make sure you protect their right to develop and flourish as healthy individuals. Try not to have random men around them and build a family as a TEAM with them. Build stability for them. Sacrifice to show them they can achieve. When they see Mommy build, they learn to build. When they see Mommy is serious about certain principles, they will never forget those lessons. Keep them involved in extracurricular activities and be a hardnose about their education. Lastly, make yourself happy through self-introspection and enrichment. Find some time always to do things for you that will build your own sense of self so that you will feel whole...if Mama's happy, everyone's happy.

I have friends and family members who were/are single parents...the other parent continued to be apart of the kids lives, WITHOUT drama...which I believe made a huge difference.

EXCELLENT POINT. Though I'm divorced by my choice, I knew I had to forgive my exH and develop a working partnership with him for the sake of my childrens' development and self-esteem. I never bad mouth him to them. I never let them hear us argue. He and I have grown to a point where the only thing that matters is we function that way. There is no discussion of other things unless it's very pedestrian and superficial. Our focus remains them and we have developed a way of being sure to keep it there.

You can do this too over time. You are going to have to forgive old dude for your emotional health and for the future success of your children.
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I don't have 2, but he has the energy of 2 people combined. :look:Anyway, I'm the single mom of a soon to be 4 year old son. I'm not gonna lie to you nor sugar coat it. He is so full of energy and wears. me. out. But I love him more than life. Some days I'm sooo tired after work, but when we get home I still have to cook, give him a bath, play countless games with him and help him with his "homework". He leaves me completely spent by the end of the night, BUT I love him more than life. :spinning: You will be so tired a lot of nights, but you'll be fine. Just continue to love your children and care for them. You will be sleep deprived, but just keep loving your children anyway. :yep:

It's not easy when they are young, but you can do it. My son is with his father every other weekend and his father's mom is a godsend as well. I chose a better grandmother for my son than I did a father for him, but that's another story because it could be worse. It helps to have someone to support you, to offer you a break even if it is for a few hours.

As women, we do what we have to do, whether we are married moms or single moms. I know quite a few married moms that feel like single moms, but for whatever reason their husbands refuse to lend a hand. :rolleyes:Once you become a single mother, you will discover a reservoir of energy in you that you had no idea existed, but it's there.

You will probably become a better mother, a more attentive mother, a more loving mother because you will realize that you're no longer caring for one, but two which will require more of your emotions...but you can do it.

I tell people all the time: I'd rather have my son in a loving single parent home than a dysfunctional and unhappy two parent home any day. So that's how I'm doing it until the right man comes along that deserves the love of me and my son.

This is great and it reminds me...mine are teens now....just remember, the tough times when they are young will soon pass and pretty'll be chasing them through the house just trying to steal a hug and a kiss because they will have grown into independent teens who want to do their own thing. During those times, how you influence them as a parent's an involved, but sometimes, hands-off approach and it's really different.

So...the tough, baby/toddler/young days will pass and it will change. Hang in there and keep your head up.
Single mom of 3....It's not easy. But it can be done. Honestly the hardest years are when they are younger. You feel as if there are so many things you HAVE to do that you will never get it all done. Please rememeber to always take time for yourself! I started getting up early in the morning. About a 1/2 to an hour early, and take a long bubble bath. I prayed listened to music, just gettting my mind ready for the day. THis helps IMMENSLY!

Also, you can't take care of your kids if you don't take care of YOU! Treat yourself to a book, mani/pedi, a magazine. Just make sure that you don't forget you while you are taking care of everybody else.

Don't sweat the small stuff. There will be days when you walk into your house EXHAUSTED! And don't really care about the toys on the floor. IT'S OK! Sometimes peace of mind, a few extra hours of sleep and the sanity are better than a pristine house...

People think I was mean for this but they NEVER slept in my bed! I have a neice who is 5and still sleeps with my sister. I made sure my room was my sanctuary, it's one of the only things I can have to myself.

Keep your children on a schedule. I started IMMEDIATELY with my boys on a schedule of going to bed early. They are older now, but they STILL can't stay up past 9 or 10. On school nights nine is the cutoff unless we have plans or a project or something they are working on. This will give you a few hours in the evening to unwind/do housework or chores.

Think ahead....Cook meals one day on the weekend that will get you through the week so you don't have to worry about coming home cooking a huge meal everynight.
Lastly, the hugs and kisses you will get from those babies will make all of the hard stuff fade away! That's what will TRULY keep you going.


Sorry to keep quoting and posting but...YEAH....set boundaries...for YOU. My babies never slept with us either. Home from the hospital, straight to their own room, own crib...always been that way. My bedroom is my sanctuary and I am the QUEEN of reserving little pleasures for myself (cookies, haircare, showers, chocolate, prayer, journaling, ice cream, wine, boots, yoga, friends...whatever). It will keep you even and your children will be able to sense that you are at peace. Conversely, they can sense when you have anxiety and will reflect it back to you in other ways. So take care of YOU.

And on STRUCTURE...children THRIVE in a structured environment. They languish in a bad way when there is no structure. And structure will keep you sane. You all need it. Start planning for it.
I am single mother of one was in the military and retired. During the last 12 years of service I did not have family close and depend on my military family and friends for support. It hard being a parent single or not, there are times you'll want to scream and holla, you can't do this/that and want to get away but you'll make the right choice and it will better.
Sorry to keep quoting and posting but...YEAH....set boundaries...for YOU. My babies never slept with us either. Home from the hospital, straight to their own room, own crib...always been that way. My bedroom is my sanctuary and I am the QUEEN of reserving little pleasures for myself (cookies, haircare, showers, chocolate, prayer, journaling, ice cream, wine, boots, yoga, friends...whatever). It will keep you even and your children will be able to sense that you are at peace. Conversely, they can sense when you have anxiety and will reflect it back to you in other ways. So take care of YOU.

And on STRUCTURE...children THRIVE in a structured environment. They languish in a bad way when there is no structure. And structure will keep you sane. You all need it. Start planning for it.

To the bolded, this is SO very true! Even at 4 years old ( well he'll be 4 on the 26th), I'm still struggling with true structure with my son and I admit it is my fault. I need to learn to make him stay in the bed after he's been put to bed.

He always finds an excuse to get out and he uses excuses that he knows I will fall for like: "mommy I need to pee-pee" or "mommy my leg is hurting". Then he'll go to the bathroom and just have one drop for the potty or I'll check his leg and there is a 2 month old scar on it. :wallbash: I'm not really sure how to stop the "excuses" since I do want him to use the potty whenever he needs to use it or I don't want to ignore him if something is hurting him...he can play me like a fiddle sometimes and I need to learn to tell the difference and just ignore him. :look:

Any advice from anyone on this? Is this scenario familar to any of you mothers?
I've been separated and divorced for ten years with two children by choice too. It can be done. It's not a picnic but when you turn toward your children and put them first in your consideration, they will be fine. Just remember to consider how their reality must be and do your best to set an industrious example for them. Make sure you protect their right to develop and flourish as healthy individuals. Try not to have random men around them and build a family as a TEAM with them. Build stability for them. Sacrifice to show them they can achieve. When they see Mommy build, they learn to build. When they see Mommy is serious about certain principles, they will never forget those lessons. Keep them involved in extracurricular activities and be a hardnose about their education. Lastly, make yourself happy through self-introspection and enrichment. Find some time always to do things for you that will build your own sense of self so that you will feel whole...if Mama's happy, everyone's happy.


This is most important here. Even if you have a lot of guy friends that would usually stop by when dad was there cut that out asap. I do not allow anyone to meet my kids and i make sure the guy knows that. If we are not getting married there is no need for you to meet my kids nope
To the bolded, this is SO very true! Even at 4 years old ( well he'll be 4 on the 26th), I'm still struggling with true structure with my son and I admit it is my fault. I need to learn to make him stay in the bed after he's been put to bed.

He always finds an excuse to get out and he uses excuses that he knows I will fall for like: "mommy I need to pee-pee" or "mommy my leg is hurting". Then he'll go to the bathroom and just have one drop for the potty or I'll check his leg and there is a 2 month old scar on it. :wallbash: I'm not really sure how to stop the "excuses" since I do want him to use the potty whenever he needs to use it or I don't want to ignore him if something is hurting him...he can play me like a fiddle sometimes and I need to learn to tell the difference and just ignore him. :look:

Any advice from anyone on this? Is this scenario familar to any of you mothers?

All you have to do is be stern or you can wait till he falls asleep then put him in his bed. when he wakes up he will feel like a big boy
I have a friend that's a single mom of 3. Oldest son is 4 and a set of twins that are 2. She was married before she had her children but her husband became a weed smoking deadbeat that wouldn't help out with the kids, the bills and was always M.I.A. She had and still has support from his parents and hers. After they divorced dude shammed his earnings (he's a Barber) so now he only pays her $120 a month in child support.

She used to be a mess; overworked, tired and burned out. She's a teacher and has found a way to balance her family life and is now pursuing her Masters. She has a new guy that she's dating and it helps a lot with her emotional sanity. I tell u her story to tell u it will get better, I can't imagine why a man would do anything that would cause an expecting mother any stress. But chin up, handle ur business and stay prayed up. You'll be fine :)
To the bolded, this is SO very true! Even at 4 years old ( well he'll be 4 on the 26th), I'm still struggling with true structure with my son and I admit it is my fault. I need to learn to make him stay in the bed after he's been put to bed.

He always finds an excuse to get out and he uses excuses that he knows I will fall for like: "mommy I need to pee-pee" or "mommy my leg is hurting". Then he'll go to the bathroom and just have one drop for the potty or I'll check his leg and there is a 2 month old scar on it. :wallbash: I'm not really sure how to stop the "excuses" since I do want him to use the potty whenever he needs to use it or I don't want to ignore him if something is hurting him...he can play me like a fiddle sometimes and I need to learn to tell the difference and just ignore him. :look:

Any advice from anyone on this? Is this scenario familar to any of you mothers?[/QUOTE]

LOL- Very familiar :lachen:. Single, divorced mother of 3 here:yep:. What worked for me was establishing a predictable routine. Like Smuckieslick said the best thing you can do for your child is provide structure or stability. Children don't like surprises when it comes to their emotional and spiritual needs:nono:. I intentionally developed a regiment of activities that let them know- ok after we do this, mom puts us into the bed. It went something like this- bath time, storytime, prayers, into bed. When they would come up with all of the excuses and faux ailments, I would exam everyone, give kisses and promises that I would be there in the morning, very briefly discuss plans for what we would eat for breakfast, or quick review of tomorrow's planned activities, back into bed with a stern reminder that they were not to get out of bed. Sometimes we would do this a couple of times before they understood I was not kidding. Sometimes it was necessary to give them the motherhood eye with raised eyebrowand head tilted slightly downward:naughty: (even though I was laughing on the inside) to get the point across. In extreme situations, a little tap on the bottom was given as reinforcement too.:look: They would cry. I would time it. For someone 4, I would not let him cry more than say 2 to 3 minutes before going in and reassuring him that he is loved and I'm still here, etc. That would happen 2 or 3 times before they knew I was coming in, not smiling (not scowling either), and they still couldn't get out of bed. Whew, that was so tiring especially when I had to go to work the next day!!:coffee: Kids are smart though. They catch on quickly. I would say within a week I was not having problems with them coming out of their room etc except on rare occasions. You do have to establish boindaries with your son. You are right to start now. One day he will be bigger than you (around 12). That is not the time to start to demand respect or obedience to you. His very life may depend on the words you say to him. Sometimes, it's act first, get an explanation later- you know? Anyway, enjoy each stage of life. Before you know it he'll be off to school. You will wonder where the time went. Enjoy being mom.:grin: