Since we all want a pibbs 514....

ETA: I have several comments:

1. I think we ought to include one of the other boards, like BHM. The reason why is that maybe we can get the price down even more with a great number of interests/commitments to buy. There are ladies on that forum who have expressed an interest.

2. Pay Pal is so convenient and efficient. I use it for everything and it's very safe.

3. We need to establish a date as well. I'm open for early next year...
ETA: I have several comments:

1. I think we ought to include one of the other boards, like BHM. The reason why is that maybe we can get the price down even more with a great number of interests/commitments to buy. There are ladies on that forum who have expressed an interest.

2. Pay Pal is so convenient and efficient. I use it for everything and it's very safe.

3. We need to establish a date as well. I'm open for early next year...

Do your thing in spreading the word.
I'm interested in a deal for the pibbs - either model. I also think that $200 would be a good deal and what I would be willing to pay. To me that would be an actually good discount. I am also thinking that we will get at least 50 people interested in this idea. A lot of people have responded and viewed this post. However, I do know that all may not be able to participate. I would like to be kept posted on what's going on with it, please. :drunk:
see if u can bargain with the guy...I dont think that price sounds right for the 512.....people have been getting it for like 207 shipped or something like that, which is the same as we will end up paying by the time u add shipping and paypal fees. About the same price and no hassle. $175 shipped would be pretty good though.
see if u can bargain with the guy...I dont think that price sounds right for the 512.....people have been getting it for like 207 shipped or something like that, which is the same as we will end up paying by the time u add shipping and paypal fees. About the same price and no hassle. $175 shipped would be pretty good though.

ITA will throw my money down now
UPDATE 10/25/07 @ 12:30 pm
First, the bulk purchase is wholesale directly from PIBBS company.

Secondly, The Pibbs guy got back to me this morning. There is no difference between the 512 and 514 besides the temp feature and the color. That being said, I asked him to call me again with price deals on the 512 also. Remember the lowest regular online price I found is $289 + $60-$80 shipping. So the numbers below are a good deal so far

PIBB 514

6 dryers @ $269 each

20 dryers @ $240 each

50 dryers@ $230


24 dryers @ $185

50 dryers @ $175

all shipping is between 2-4 days, These are estimates.

Georgia 16.44
Virginia 13.27
Texas 14.35
California 24.74
Illinois 14.35

As of now there is no tax, but I have to double check. I live in New Jersey and we rarely get charged online tax. If anything it will be a couple dollars.

I am still awaiting further discount for the 514 and price infor for the 512. I myself am up for the 512 since the size is the same. I dont care about the color, but you guys have to let me know. I will seeif I can do a mix.

The 512 50 price sounds good to me.
Also interested. $175 isn't bad and anything less would be great.

Oh yeah, thanks for all the effort you put into this!:yep:
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Just let me know when it's about to go down. I'm definitely going to take advantage of this. Tenjoy, thank you sooooooo much for coming up with this brilliant idea!!!
Ooooohhhh....I am SO down for this one. I think we can shoot for 50 ladies.:yep:

I saw someone else ask this question, but I don't think anyone responded. What about shipping out of the US?
I am not sure what the fuss is about. I don't even know what a Pibbs is. Info please. This might something I would be interested in if I knew anything about it. thanks to anyone that response
ETA: I have several comments:

1. I think we ought to include one of the other boards, like BHM. The reason why is that maybe we can get the price down even more with a great number of interests/commitments to buy. There are ladies on that forum who have expressed an interest.

2. Pay Pal is so convenient and efficient. I use it for everything and it's very safe.

3. We need to establish a date as well. I'm open for early next year...

Yeah, i agree w/ all of this.

I will be in if we go around Jan/Feb. I think that will be great time for you/tenjoy to get up to 50, and see which people still want it, and for people to save up money

Also, Tenjoy---I think at some time you should give your e-mail address or make a quick free one for this and post it on the front page, that way since you wanted non-members they can give you their name, and BHM members who cant talk to you can tell you they are intrested, and LHCF can also tell you. That way you can keep a tally/number of people. And you can post all of the people who are intrested on the first page of this thread, and anyone can email you at anytime & let you know if they dont want to be in anymore, and finally if we do the ebay thing, you can know that its not just a random person, but acutally people who knew about the deal and it can be recorded data incase anyone wants to say that they didnt/did ask for one.
Good idea. I will create a special yahhoo address for this.

Yeah, i agree w/ all of this.

I will be in if we go around Jan/Feb. I think that will be great time for you/tenjoy to get up to 50, and see which people still want it, and for people to save up money

Also, Tenjoy---I think at some time you should give your e-mail address or make a quick free one for this and post it on the front page, that way since you wanted non-members they can give you their name, and BHM members who cant talk to you can tell you they are intrested, and LHCF can also tell you. That way you can keep a tally/number of people. And you can post all of the people who are intrested on the first page of this thread, and anyone can email you at anytime & let you know if they dont want to be in anymore, and finally if we do the ebay thing, you can know that its not just a random person, but acutally people who knew about the deal and it can be recorded data incase anyone wants to say that they didnt/did ask for one.
I don't know that we should open this up even more, as it stands 50 is the cheapest deal, or is there another price break after that , that hasn't been listed. In addition if there isn't another price break its creating more work for the original poster. She can accept payments through ebay without doing a "buy-it-now" I believe, maybe she can PM the interested members here with an order number or something to track with. I personally think we need to keep it simple.
Okay i didnt read all 12 pages of the thread so please dont throw rocks at me if someone said this already :look: has the 512 priced at $199 and the 508 at $175, so i would hope the guy would negotiate much lower than $185 because that isnt a huge difference. Anyway i posted this because i hope you can use that as a bargain chip :grin:

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