Should I Be Worried


New Member
Ok here is the situation this is going to be long so bear with me:
My boyfriend and I have been together for going on five years. We are both still very young though we are both barely 20. Well we have had no problems in our relationship until this year when he left junior college to play at a major university.

There is a three hour difference between us now and I am a fulltime student balancing work orgs and etc. He is a full time student dealing with football as well. So this year has put alot of strain on us because we are not used to being away from each other for such long amounts of time and also because its hard fitting the other person into your life. It seems like every important game he had this season I couldnt make because I was busy with school and everytime I needed him for support or etc he was busy. We have been working through this and the summer has allowed us the luxury of being together more even though it has been mostly him driving to see me.

Anyway last weekend I finally drove to visit him and everything was going great until a group of young ladies came into the house. He shares a townhome with one of his teammates so I didnt think anything of it. But all of a sudden one of the girls we will call her Tiffany is all in his face and etc. She just went into his room freely and brought him dinner over etc.
Also every two seconds Tiffany is in his face saying oh "Bob" show me your bowl ring" and "oh bob bark for me and show me your brand" etc. Oh and let me not forget to mention that when I walk downstairs the whole group of girls looks at me and starts whispering like they had no idea that i existed. I have never been the type of woman to get loud with another chick or be worried about my position becasuse I know if a man is going to cheat he will do it.

When I asked him about Tiffany that night he tells me that there is no need to worry and that everyone knows who I am since my pictures are all over his room some of my clothes are in his closet etc. The thing is I know all those signs would stop any woman with some sense of dignity from crossing a line but it may not stop him or Tiffany. Moreso I am worried that the little bits of success he is having are starting to get to him when he left for this school he was still my humble "Bob" all of a sudden hes got this cocky swag. And is running around like hes the ish. So to the question lol...I am going down there this weekend?? How should I let him know that I am uncomfortable with Tiffany being so close?? And if Tiffany continues to cross the line should I say something to her??
Been there with a college football player at UT. Everything was cool until he got drafted to the Bills.

Really depends on how much you like the guy and how much ish you're willing to put up with. Either you'll stick it out now and get tired of it later or the relationship ends this summer because (as your post indicates), it's been a rough year already on top of the fact that he may or may not be cheating.

If I went up there this weekend, I would have a frank conversation with him. Real talk. Are you cheating? If I got the rolling eyes, accusations of my cheating, BS, then I'd be done.

But from experience, you're not done until your're DONE. I really hope it works out for the best though. :)
Um, he is banging Tiffany and she knows about you and doesn't care. Take it from there. No need to step to Tiffany because she is not your problem he is.
You should go down there and be very friendly with all the women. I won't put it past him that he's at least getting his dog licked by one of these chicks, but like you said, you're not the type to trip.

If you feel uncomfortable about the relationship, let him know he needs to keep his friends from being too friendly when you're around, at LEAST if he wants you to stick around. Best of luck.
Been there with a college football player at UT. Everything was cool until he got drafted to the Bills.

Really depends on how much you like the guy and how much ish you're willing to put up with. Either you'll stick it out now and get tired of it later or the relationship ends this summer because (as your post indicates), it's been a rough year already on top of the fact that he may or may not be cheating.

If I went up there this weekend, I would have a frank conversation with him. Real talk. Are you cheating? If I got the rolling eyes, accusations of my cheating, BS, then I'd be done.

But from experience, you're not done until your're DONE. I really hope it works out for the best though. :)
Thanks Ladies
I hope hes not cheating but like you all said I would really never know unless hes real enough to talk about it. I guess this all catches me by suprise because in five years he has never ever given me reason to doubt him. Then again we have grown up together pretty much and "missed" out on the wreckless years I guess. So idk.
This does not sound good at all. :nono: At least you are not ignoring the red flags. Just remember, YOU are the prize and shouldn't have to settle for less. He should not be letting these girls disrepect you like this
Sorry to burst your bubble but you are very young and have been together longer than most Hollywood marriages. You are moving in different directions and you're most likely going to break up. Very few people (since the 50's) spend their life with person they were with when they were a teenager.
life an experience is what is going on.....people ideally have to experience all sorts of different things in life if they are not where they want to be at yet....if success is going to his head its because he has yet to experience what it is about and he won't know what it is about until he goes thru it...attention, admiration, etc from others on a larger scale can easily go to somebody's head.....if we aren't content in what we are experiencing at the present moment we experience other things....although we tend to want to "punish" and "hurt" people experience and realize that what they had is what they want or things like that, its human nature and we really don't know what we do or don't want until we have experience all sorts of different situations....on top of that we live in a times of selfish conditioning and we can tend to be more concerned about what we want vs what somebody else wants so our actions in experiencing life tend to lead us to lie and be dishonest in a masked disguise of not hurting another person and tend to still do things that blow up anyways...

Not saying he is doing anything one way or the know in ur heart whether he is telling the truth or lying about what you are inquiring about so its not about him being honest here, its about u being honest....its not about him, her or anybody else...its about you because at the same time u are being put through an experience as well that can either make ur relationship stronger or break it because its time to move on and you will have opportunities to make choices and decisions regardless of what emotions they are based out of that will help you out for yourself in the long run

If you are worried he is carrying on with another chick, next time u see him...ask him what he really wants....if u really want an honest answer prepare urself to get an honest answer....put some options out there for him and tell him u want him to answer truthfully not answer as to what may make u feel better..

would u like to break up so u can experience college life and other women
would u like to stay with me and be faithful to me
would u like to stay with me and be able to experience other women

questions along those lines.....

how he answers u will know in ur heart whether he's being truthful or not...we are all accustomed to being PC and saying things that we think people want to hear, yet so many people are walking around disillusioned and insecure "IN LOVE" because honesty of real feelings are not being spoken on and we are still in selfish nature mode

then u have to be honest with u really want to be with somebody u are worried about...??? unless u guys are on a deserted island where nobody else is around then there will be tiffany's all over the place threatening ur peace of mind...true love is a secure place, not an insecure get to true love one must overcome insecurities not hope that nobody or no situation ever happens to highlight won't long as u are looking to be in love whatever is stopping u from being there within you will experience outside of you with other people playing a role in assisting u in the creation of experiences of insecure situations that only help you grow stronger
Ya'll are both young and getting out and experiencing life. This point in your lives would be hard on any relationship.
I would hate for you two to put restrictions on each other and then get hurt. You may want to think about taking a break from the relationship and focusing on your own life. Like you said, your'e both buisy and don't have much time for each other.
If it's meant to be, you both will come back to each other when the time is right.
I have had many guy friends who played sports in college and still loved their main girls but didn't hesistate to get down with the get down whenever the groupies came over. Sorry this isn't what you want to hear; and maybe he isn't cheating but the odds are against you hun. I would make sure to use some barrier protection while I'm making up my mind if I were you.
I hear you all and thanks for taking time to reply back.
I have never disillusioned myself into thinking that this would last forever because as most of you pointed out the odds are against us. I am going to really talk to him and see what he wants and think about what I want to. Im sure he thinks what would it be like to be single because I wonder sometimes myself. I just hope that he would be man enough to leave before he cheats. And I cant lie It hurts to think I may not have him
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I hear you all and thanks for taking time to reply back.
I have never disillusioned myself into thinking that this would last forever because as most of you pointed out the odds are against us. I am going to really talk to him and see what he wants and think about what I want to. Im sure he thinks what would it be like to be single because I wonder sometimes myself. I just hope that he would be man enough to leave before he cheats. And I cant lie It hurts to think I may not have him

Yeah it's tough. You probably feel like you need to know for sure huh? I understand. Well, like I said please take care of yourself by making sure you're safe until you see what's going on with him. You never know.. if it doesn't work out maybe you'll both date other people and see if you two were really meant to be together.
If he isn't already banging down one (or a couple ) of these girls already, he eventually will: long distance, his new found "fame"/popularity, girls around all the time...

Do yourself a favor and go on a few dates, give a few guys the opportunity to take you out. You all are too young to be putting restrictions on each other anyway.
Let us know what happens when you confront him this weekend. I wish you the best of luck and no matter what.........STAY STRONG.
Mmph! I had my pictures everywhere and stuff at his place, the chick saw them and STILL didn't care.
Mmph! I had my pictures everywhere and stuff at his place, the chick saw them and STILL didn't care.

Right! From experience I know that means absolutely nada.

OP I know it hurts, but this situation is not looking good. I hope you are able to move on and find someone who loves and cares for you in every way.:yep:
Both of you guys are young. You both need to BREAK UP and have a fun filled college life. Attempting to maintain this monogamous relationship at the age of 20 and have NEVER experience other people and life in general is a recipe for disaster in this day and age. Live a little, get over Bob and Tiffany.
Hey ladies--

we talked and lets just said there were alot of tears and whatnot lol. He basically told me that he was starting to resent our relationship and that he liked the attention Tiffany was giving him and the fact that she made him feel like "a big deal". He went on to say that regardless of what his feelings were he would have broken up with me before he ever cheated on me. He went on to say that he has just been dealing with somethings and that he loves me but maybe we need to take time apart so he can get some things out of his system. I was truly hurt. I dont know what to do. I mean we have been together so long and its hard to not be with him. Idk. Ive been keeping myself busy all day today lol so I wouldnt have to think about it. His roommate called to check on me today and tell me that hes really sad and has been locked in his room. I have made no effort to text him because I need space. As crazy as it sounds I have just been thinking that I never want to be in the position of Mechelle McNair, that might sound crazy but I hope you get what I mean. Anyway Im hurt and Im sad but im making light of it because thats what I do lol
Well, at least he was honest with you and not cheating behind your back.

My friends brother had the same issue except it's basketball. He broke up with his longtime girlfriend once he became a "big deal" at his university & started to get lots of attention from women.
It was very smart and mature of u to just get it all out in the open. Ur heart will heal and u will be fine. (((hugs))) keep holding ur head honey!
I'm sorry to hear that. :sad: I'm glad that he was honest with you instead of stringing you you have your answer and can have the closure you need to move on. (((hugs)))
Hey ladies--

we talked and lets just said there were alot of tears and whatnot lol. He basically told me that he was starting to resent our relationship and that he liked the attention Tiffany was giving him and the fact that she made him feel like "a big deal". He went on to say that regardless of what his feelings were he would have broken up with me before he ever cheated on me. He went on to say that he has just been dealing with somethings and that he loves me but maybe we need to take time apart so he can get some things out of his system. I was truly hurt. I dont know what to do. I mean we have been together so long and its hard to not be with him. Idk. Ive been keeping myself busy all day today lol so I wouldnt have to think about it. His roommate called to check on me today and tell me that hes really sad and has been locked in his room. I have made no effort to text him because I need space. As crazy as it sounds I have just been thinking that I never want to be in the position of Mechelle McNair, that might sound crazy but I hope you get what I mean. Anyway Im hurt and Im sad but im making light of it because thats what I do lol

simply a suggestion mama....
take the time to heal and deal with your emotions....its not a situation to make light of at all, this is a big part of your life and who you are what you don't resolve will follow you around your whole life, esp into new relationships or even a renewed one with this guy that will ensure that you will have to one day encounter the "pain" and deal with it and see what it is really telling you about yourself....those blocked and undealt with emotions that we try to brush or make light of like they aren't a big deal will start to get in the way of us heeding and feeling our hearts to lead us to love.....they will be roadblocks that won't go away until they are healed and resolved and then released

Im glad that you guys were able to be honest with each other....its one of the hardest things for couples to be able to how they truly feel without finding ways to justify why they have to repress instead
Korean, I am sorry to hear about your heart break. Believe that time heals all wounds. Hang in there honey. (((HUGS)))
Hey ladies--

we talked and lets just said there were alot of tears and whatnot lol. He basically told me that he was starting to resent our relationship and that he liked the attention Tiffany was giving him and the fact that she made him feel like "a big deal". He went on to say that regardless of what his feelings were he would have broken up with me before he ever cheated on me. He went on to say that he has just been dealing with somethings and that he loves me but maybe we need to take time apart so he can get some things out of his system. I was truly hurt. I dont know what to do. I mean we have been together so long and its hard to not be with him. Idk. Ive been keeping myself busy all day today lol so I wouldnt have to think about it. His roommate called to check on me today and tell me that hes really sad and has been locked in his room. I have made no effort to text him because I need space. As crazy as it sounds I have just been thinking that I never want to be in the position of Mechelle McNair, that might sound crazy but I hope you get what I mean. Anyway Im hurt and Im sad but im making light of it because thats what I do lol

I am very sorry that you're hurting. I know, it's rough.

And actually, what you said doesn't sound crazy AT ALL. If anything, you're thinking VERY clearly about what could happen in the future to YOU if you stayed with this man... maybe nothing as extreme as the Steve McNair situation, but a life of sidepieces, jump-offs and groupies could very much be a reality.

Hang in there, and big hugs to you. :bighug: