What is wrong with him?? I need help again..

I guess I'm one of those midlife biddies now...:rolleyes:
but truth be told, I didn't even do this kind of silly mess when I was in college. What's the point? You only end up looking dumb.
i chose to stay out of this one. there is nothing left to say, besides what has been said. i might not have been as blunt, but i hope the point was taken. you live and you learn...:nono:
Its gone be alright! Young, in love and not a clue as to what to do with it. Do you partake in recreational drug/alcohol usage? Cuz that was my excuse. Blame it on 'drunk dialing.'
If you're in a relationship with someone new, why would you prank call an ex-boyfriend WITH your new SO? I don't understand the point of that. You should've known something would've happened either in regards to your SO's feelings or your ex's. He was bound to figure out that it was you.

ETA: It appears everyone else has stated what I was thinking but in all seriousness:

1. Grow up. If you want to be in a relationship and do grown woman things, stop acting like a child.
2. I would strongly advise against seeing your ex-boyfriend, unless you like a life full of drama. Going off of the fact that he said I Love You alone would have me running in the other direction unless I secretly felt the same way.

Use your head, OP and stop participating in such tom foolery.
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just to put things in perspective-- you're pre-med? please don't let 2 guys distract you from what you need to do to get to where you want to be. study.

during the time you're fretting over what happened, and posting on LHCF, is your current bf studying?

it doesn't matter he promises you'll be married in 10 years and you're going to med school together-- when it comes down to it most guys that age can't decide what they want to eat the next day for dinner.
until then, strive to be your best and don't get caught up in unnecessary drama!

i agree with what most ladies said here, but the real issue (imo) is that you're giving them too much unnecessary time,attention and worry when that same time, attention and worry should be spent on school. it is important to have a balanced life- just because you're pre-med doesn't mean you can't have a bf but really-- this sounds like it is a distraction

if i'm wrong and school is perfect, then i'm happy for you and congratulations.
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Use your head, OP and stop participating in such tom foolery.
VIvez playing on the phone is not TOM FOOLERY...its living the college life :rolleyes:. I tried not to respond to this thread but I couldn't resist. I didn't have time for pranks in college. When one guy didn't work out I was moving on to the NEXT one.

The title of this thread should be "What's wrong with me???
VIvez playing on the phone is not TOM FOOLERY...its living the college life :rolleyes:. I tried not to respond to this thread but I couldn't resist. I didn't have time for pranks in college. When one guy didn't work out I was moving on to the NEXT one.

The title of this thread should be "What's wrong with me???

I sure wasn't doing that in my college life either. Between classes, friends, and having fun with guys, I barely used the phone and surely not for pranks.
Hopefully, in a year or two, the OP will have matured enough to not participate in such childish behaviors.

Thank goodness for the maturity and retrospect of us midlife biddies...
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Thanks for all ya'lls help for real!! I'm not in college yet (taking a year off) but when i get to college I bet I'll be hella more matured and ready to take on anything!!! :D
VIvez playing on the phone is not TOM FOOLERY...its living the college life :rolleyes:. I tried not to respond to this thread but I couldn't resist. I didn't have time for pranks in college. When one guy didn't work out I was moving on to the NEXT one.

The title of this thread should be "What's wrong with me???

Umm HELLO :grin:
-scratches head-

i will try to stick to the minimum...he wanted to "prank call" your ex and you said yes?

then ol' boy went all "its your fault we dont talk no more, let me make you feel guilty" and you went for it?

how long have you been with the guy that likes to prank call the exes of his g/f if you two are talking marriage? and...why 10 years? i believe you and i have had the whole premed discussion...and i still dont get why 10 is the magic number.

...not to mention the reason why you broke up with your ex.

dang, i said this was gonna be short. sorry.
Its gone be alright! Young, in love and not a clue as to what to do with it. Do you partake in recreational drug/alcohol usage? Cuz that was my excuse. Blame it on 'drunk dialing.'

haha :lachen:

Ive done stupid things too, but I just think OP is not over the ex fully

thats clear

or is at least unresolved on some things