Should I be disappointed? <<Pics + Vent>>

Don't be discouraged, you can see the growth.

But being a natural myself, I do know how you feel.

I have been really pushing for healthy, natural hair and when it's curly it's fine, but as soon as I flat iron I see the damage from the knots.

I'm not really ready to relax so I want to start flatironing my hair a little more.

I was reading a great thread about Moisture Block and I think I'm going to try it. After seeing all these beautiful heads here, I know you can use heat and still have healthy hair.

So maybe you can try to straighten maybe once a month or every other month, so you can treat your ends before they get real bad.

Be encouraged!
You are being hard on yourself!!!

I see growth more in the back than in the front and it looks so healthy!!!

You are beautiful just like your hair :grin:!

First & 4most I wanna say thanks 2 all u ladies. This is y I love me some LHCF - y'all are the best bunch of internet buds ever!!! Thanks so much 4 the encouragement. Of course I run 2 a thread when I c pics & I'm always oohing & aahing over someone's seemingly miraculous growth. Well my own just didn't seem 2 special 2 me. But I sooooo appreciate all of the words of encouragement. :grin:

Are you just hearing the pops when you comb the flat ironed straight hair?

It may help is you use some cones while it is straight. They will reduce the static, give more slip and should help reduce that bad

Yes, the pops are when I comb the flat ironed hair. It's the micro knots all over my ends. + I haven't had a real trim since I BCed in August. I used the Chi Silk Infusion when I flat ironed it - that was the only cone I used.

It's hard to grow out layers. In the back you've gained a lot of length!

In the front (your haircut is fierce by the way) it is growing out.

My hair used to be layered and the front of my hair has looked mostly the same to me for the past year (until I got it bluntly cut about a month ago).

LOL - u must've missed the note - this isn't a hair cut - just how it grew out after I butchered, I mean BCed it.

now you and I have talked about this before and what did I TOLD you?:whip::kiss:

Your hair is beautiful!

I was hoping you wouldn't c this!
Don't be discouraged. I see growth and your hair looks great. When we don;t straighten our hair often, I think its just human nature to want to see some huge phenomenal difference-- so much so that we miss the more subtle differences. (I know I am guilty of this :blush:) Your hair is longer, and its full and looks way healthy. You're clearly doing great on the bootcamp!
Thanks for posting-(VENTING)
I have felt the same way. I was natural for four years and texlaxed since last July. It seems as though my hair should be a lot longer than shoulder length-striving for apl.

I look at my college pics and see the length of my hair when use to totally butcher it and overprocessed it. I was longer and looked better than now.

I am tempted to relax also. I'm striving for APL this year. If not, I'm sure I'll relax.

Again, thanks for your VENT, your not the only one.

Not to be discouraging, I do see length-but I know it isn't the length you were looking for after 6 months.
Thanks for posting-(VENTING)
I have felt the same way. I was natural for four years and texlaxed since last July. It seems as though my hair should be a lot longer than shoulder length-striving for apl.

I look at my college pics and see the length of my hair when use to totally butcher it and overprocessed it. I was longer and looked better than now.

I am tempted to relax also. I'm striving for APL this year. If not, I'm sure I'll relax.

Again, thanks for your VENT, your not the only one.

Not to be discouraging, I do see length-but I know it isn't the length you were looking for after 6 months.

Though I am totally thankful for all of the support of the other ladies I feel like you truly understand what I'm going through. Thanks...
I'll let you slide with this one:lachen: i know sometimes we can get all down and stuff. it's cool and its normal. but your hair is doing great, so just hang in there.
ma'am your hair is GOREGOUS!!!

if that's something to be disappointed in... then i need to have a nice long hard look at my life :grin:

sheesh, you've got me all kinds of wanting to BC, so my hair can grow out all fierce like yours!
Your hair looks really good and full. I am glad you mentioned your disappointment though you should not be. I have braids rightnow and I am hesitant to take them down an dlet my hair breath because I get disppointed quickly. Hang in there you are doing great, I'd take it.
Sorry I have to do this but....:rolleyes:

Your hair looks great, stop playin. To eliminate tangles, use lots of conditioner and baby your ends while natural.

When flat ironed, use a paddle brush when blowing your hair out and add a little moisturiser to your serum. (A little!) HTH
This is the very reason I am going to relax in a couple of weeks.

So...I had 2 use my Bootcamp pass 2 flat iron my hair 4 an interview on yesterday. & of course I went ahead & took some progress pics 4 comparison sake. Well y does it seem that I don't have much progress? :nono:

This makes me ponder my decision 2 remain natural. When I flat ironed my hair, my ends were so crispy b/c of all of the darn knots. Everytime I've run a comb thru my hair since yesterday it's been nothing but tangles & pop-pop noises. :rolleyes:
I know there r the threads on better growth with natural vs. relaxed hair but I'm really starting 2 think that perhaps my hair grows better relaxed.

& of course it doesn't help when I c all of these ladies on here w/beautiful heads of relaxed hair. "What is I'm gone do?"

Note: The different lengths n the back r due 2 my doing my own BC.

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the first thing I said when I opened the thumnbnails was , 'AWW her hair is LOVELY'. I was in skool at the computer and every1 was like huh? cuz i shouted it out LOUD.

anyways I like your hair. I wish mine was that thick!

give it time... keep on caring for it and the length will come
Your hair look so full and pretty. I wouldn't be diasppointed if i were you.

I must say too that your straightened hair makes your face so much lighter and it looks prettier too. Be happy girlie i'm sure you have what lots others are longing for.
Your hair has definitely grown. Give it some more time. You'll see more progress. Just be patient.

I don't think you should be disappointed at all! You have retained length and the thickness is out of this world!

Looks great to me! :)