Sherri Sherpard's comment on the View today


Well-Known Member
She and the other host were looking a Barbie dolls and there was comment made about hair. A guest host asked about the black barbie's hair length being a weave. Sherri stated that since doll had waist length hair it probably is a weave because most black women don't have hair that long. Ladies we have to break this mode and get on shows and present AA women with long hair.
She and the other host were looking a Barbie dolls and there was comment made about hair. A guest host asked about the black barbie's hair length being a weave. Sherri stated that since doll had waist length hair it probably is a weave because most black women don't have hair that long. Ladies we have to break this mode and get on show about AA women with long hair.

I agree LaurenD! Although I hate when women assume a sista's hair is a weave when it's a certain length, there is some validity to what Sherri is saying. MOST black women don't have hair that long and much of it is because we don't know we can grow it that long. We don't even realize it's an option. I think it would be awesome for some LHCF members to kick down the door and change folks minds about this and let US see that it's possible thus completely changing that "it's long oh it's a weave" mentality FOREVER!!!!
Can I get an A to the MEN!!!

I try to blow that myth out of the water EVERY chance I get!
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That is the most ignorant ish I ever heard :lachen:! She needs to get slapped for that public display of ignorance :hardslap:The whole idea that black women can't grow their hair long really makes me angry. I'm nl now due to a major setback, but all my life I've been between APL and BSL (and mind you that's before I gained all my knowledge about taking care of my hair). Had I known what I know now then, I'm pretty sure I'd be past BSL making my way to WL. AA's have been brainwashed completely! It's so sad on our part that we can't even imagine an AA woman with long hair :nono: That definitely needs to change!

Edit: Although most AA women don't have WL hair, Sherri is basically implying that we can NEVER attain WL hair ever. It would have to be a weave for a black women to have WL hair. That's a generalization that is not true at all.
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There is nothing to complain about. Most Black women do not have WL hair. Even on here.

Most of us do not have WL hair on LHCF. Try as we may...... :look:
I was watching this too..and honestly, before I found this board years ago..i thought THE SAME THING TOO...

but..this board was an eye opener
Although her comment is untrue, I understand where Sherri was coming from as WL hair is not something you see commonly on us. But here is my issue, did she have to put it out there like that to millions of viewers? She is a contributing force that miseducates and conditions people to believe that AA cannot grow long hair.

The funny thing is, had Elizabeth said some mess like that on air(or any white woman), wouldn't there be a problem?

I say get Sherri a subscription to LHCF and direct her to the waistlength thread STAT!
yes I agree i believed it was not possible unless your mixed or just have growing genese. Until now. I know its hard work and no play to get the length. Its getting there slowly but surely. I also learned it depends on how your hair response my cousin does less then me and her hair is very long. she says her hair holds moisture and that contributes to her great growth. She has cut her hair down three times I have only cut my hair down once and still trying to get my length back and she has surpassed me.
She and the other host were looking a Barbie dolls and there was comment made about hair. A guest host asked about the black barbie's hair length being a weave. Sherri stated that since doll had waist length hair it probably is a weave because most black women don't have hair that long. Ladies we have to break this mode and get on shows and present AA women with long hair.

:ohwell::yep: Ain't like she's lying. Neither do most yt women. *shrugs*
:ohwell::yep: Ain't like she's lying. Neither do most yt women. *shrugs*

However, when we see a White, Hispanic, or an Indian doll with that length we don't question it because it seems more plausible. Somehow, we need to educate AA women on growing long hair. What can we do?
We need to realize that LHCF does not represent the views of the world, we're in the minority, the majority still believes black women cant grow hair and if you do then you're mixed somewhere along the line. I believe change will come......but it will be slow.
However, when we see a White, Hispanic, or an Indian doll with that length we don't question it because it seems more plausible. Somehow, we need to educate AA women on growing long hair. What can we do?

You're exactly right. I think this board is an excellent start! It was a Godsend for me to find this place.

Truth be told, I have started to question yt's length too. A good many of them wear weaves as well and don't know how to grow long hair either. I was very surprised at how many of them wear weaves once I started looking for them, especially the ones who dye their hair.
I'm tempted to say invite her to the board, too but there's a drawback. I actually mentioned in the Oprah/Chris Rock thread that I wish Oprah could do a feature on LHCF or the healthy black hair community. A poster brought up a very good point - TV is sensational and they would find something (i.e. Monistat on hair) to scrutinize and the board might not be presented in the best light. Now if that's the case with Oprah, can you imagine the possibilities if Sherri's dumb-a** was exposed to the some of the "eyebrow-raising" techniques on here?

I wish she would just keep her mouth shut sometimes, Whoopi too. The pair of them need to stop acting like they're the democratically-elected negrepresentatives of black folk.
Why are they asking about 'weaves' on Barbies anyway? Seems kinda odd. Most WW don't have WSL hair either. I usually only see hair that length on the Mexican American women around here.
Well it's true. The women here are the minority. The OP said that she said MOST black women don't have hair that long and if that's the case then Sherri is right.
Sherri Sheperd didn't have to say anything to be honest, because people thought this way before her comment and will sadly after. It's ignorance. I personally am not really bothered by what she said because I know she is a comedienne and she is balck and she is a woman,plus I had the desire to not just go by what people think is the reason for my short hair...I mean how many of us have been so angry at the ignorance of our own people that you pretty much talk in that can't-help-those-that-don't-wanna-be-helped type of tone? It's kinda like you give up on everyone else and just do you. I know it's not the way to be but it's natural for us to get frustrated with ignorance in any subject because that shows a person's willingness to be defeated in life. Some people are actually "fine" with being average. Just like we encourage newbies to hit search to open their minds to a new world we gotta help the folks out there get the thirst for knowledge and search. We didn't "stubmle" upon LHCF, we were looking for something, anything to give us some knowledge. I'm just grateful I am not ok with knowing nothing. I know you guys are glad you took charge and did something for your hair. It's a BIG step in the right direction and although it takes time we are still yet inviting others to join us on such a rewarding journey. :) Happy Hair Growing Everybody!
I don't even watch The View but it was on at the nail salon so I saw it. Though it is true that most black women don't have long hair it still stung a little hearing that.
Honestly I would just like all the celebrities (Oprah, Tyra, Sherrie, etc) to stop speaking on the issue because all they do is show a narrow-minded bias POV. They confuse other cultures on a issue that is very sensitive to Black culture already. I don't see why Black issues are always the focus of media, whether it's marriage, children, hair, health, education, etc. It's more important for us to focus on fixing the problems rather than making other cultures understand them when they will never have them.

Just my $0.02
I don't even watch The View but it was on at the nail salon so I saw it. Though it is true that most black women don't have long hair it still stung a little hearing that.

I didn't get a chance to watch it. Did she say most Black women don't have long hair, or most Black women don't have waist length hair?
Honestly I would just like all the celebrities (Oprah, Tyra, Sherrie, etc) to stop speaking on the issue because all they do is show a narrow-minded bias POV. They confuse other cultures on a issue that is very sensitive to Black culture already. I don't see why Black issues are always the focus of media, whether it's marriage, children, hair, health, education, etc. It's more important for us to focus on fixing the problems rather than making other cultures understand them when they will never have them.

Just my $0.02

I agree. I'm starting to get sick and tired of hearing about Black folks all over the darned TV all the time, like we are a new species. Why is everyone trying to analyze us and our habits now?
What is truly fantastic about today for black women is that in another 10 years, it will not be unusual to see black women with natural and relaxed SL hair and longer. My mother is African and the misconception she has growing up as a kid was that it's either long and stays that way or it is doomed to be short forever. My mother knows about styling her hair and maintaining her hair but not about retention and hair growth. She loves my natural hair but she doesn't agree with my methods (spritzing, washing in braids, not trimming every five seconds), but everytime I take my hair out to moisturise it and spritz it she is shocked that it is growing beyond the medium length that I used to have as a child.

I will say that yes as an African, I have seen some very coarse textures of hair that just grow extremely slowly so that it seems like it is not growing at all. But since I have been on this hair board I am proving slowly but surely that what we have all believed about black hair is a myth. Black women are powerful!!!!!!.

Almond Eyes
What is truly fantastic about today for black women is that in another 10 years, it will not be unusual to see black women with natural and relaxed SL hair and longer. My mother is African and the misconception she has growing up as a kid was that it's either long and stays that way or it is doomed to be short forever. My mother knows about styling her hair and maintaining her hair but not about retention and hair growth. She loves my natural hair but she doesn't agree with my methods (spritzing, washing in braids, not trimming every five seconds), but everytime I take my hair out to moisturise it and spritz it she is shocked that it is growing beyond the medium length that I used to have as a child.

I will say that yes as an African, I have seen some very coarse textures of hair that just grow extremely slowly so that it seems like it is not growing at all. But since I have been on this hair board I am proving slowly but surely that what we have all believed about black hair is a myth. Black women are powerful!!!!!!.

Almond Eyes

Totally agree Almond Eyes.

Ladies we won't have to SAY anything soon. We will all be walking examples of healthy relaxed/natural long hair.:grin: