New Member
Wow, I really needed to see this thread today so I can appreciate where I am now... my hair has stalled out at waist length for like 6 months, I just can't seem to get any growth
but reading this thread makes me remember the time when Waist seemed like an impossible dream. My goal is Classic length, that has not changed from my first day on this board.
It is so frustrating for me because I know that if I had not texlaxed, I'd be running up on Classic right now.
and I'm actually halfway contemplating a BC down to just my natural hair, which is about shoulder length, and wearing my C&G braids till I get there. I don't have time to put braids in at this length.
Anyway, Waist is pretty long, and someday I will attain my goal length
come hades or high water.

It is so frustrating for me because I know that if I had not texlaxed, I'd be running up on Classic right now.

Anyway, Waist is pretty long, and someday I will attain my goal length