Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters
I still wear my hair this way. I don't really have any tips though. I rarely if ever use a leave-in. I'm heavy-handed and smooth on my Shea before I smooth on my gel. My wash and goes do not last longer and I can definitely feel when wash day is due. Initial application on my damp/ wet hair leaves it little stiffer but I'll take it for the added suppleness and protection Shea gives to my strands.

@AbsyBlvd hair...:2inlove:
I still wear my hair this way. I don't really have any tips though. I rarely if ever use a leave-in. I'm heavy-handed and smooth on my Shea before I smooth on my gel. My wash and goes do not last longer and I can definitely feel when wash day is due. Initial application on my damp/ wet hair leaves it little stiffer but I'll take it for the added suppleness and protection Shea gives to my strands.

@AbsyBlvd hair...:2inlove:

Double post! Double love!
I got my color re-touched and straightened my hair. My strands are thriving with Shea, I can't live without it :2inlove:

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It looks beautiful! It looks like a wig because it is so healthy looking. Look how long it is!

@sgold04 ,
I have some questions for you, please!
  • How long have you been using Shea butter?
  • How do you use it?
  • Is your hair natural or relaxed?
  • What is your Shea butter blend combination?
  • Do you use refined or unrefined Shea?
  • Why do you think Shea is helping your hair? How so?
It looks beautiful! It looks like a wig because it is so healthy looking. Look how long it is!

@sgold04 ,
I have some questions for you, please!
  • How long have you been using Shea butter?
  • How do you use it?
  • Is your hair natural or relaxed?
  • What is your Shea butter blend combination?
  • Do you use refined or unrefined Shea?
  • Why do you think Shea is helping your hair? How so?
Lol @ looks like a wig. I do get wig/weave checked often (thanks to the knowledge gained on LHCF :cool:)
  • How long have you been using Shea butter?
  • Consistently--since I discovered this thread in late December/early January
  • How do you use it?
  • 1. The night before I detangle and wash, I slather Shea and a leave in on my hair, it's helps the strands slide out easier when detangling
  • 2a. As my C when using Alikay Naturals products. I use Alikay Naturals leave in, then EVOO, then Alikay Shea Yogurt. I then twist my hair in 4-12 twists (depending on laziness).
  • 2b. As an extra sealer when using other products like KCKT, then EVOO, curl enhancing smoothie, then Mane Choice "doesn't get much butter than this." Or sometimes I just slather a ton of cream on my hair, then seal with mane choice, then twist per usual.
  • Is your hair natural or relaxed?
  • Natural
  • What is your Shea butter blend combination?
  • I have not graduated to the DIY world of Shea butter yet, but I know it's coming.
  • Do you use refined or unrefined Shea?
  • Not sure? Whichever is in the above products
  • Why do you think Shea is helping your hair? How so?
  • Retaining moisture!! The blonde bits were more dry and I had a difficult time keeping my hair moisturized after several weeks of crochet braids that seemed to suck the life out of my hair (I've always struggled with hi-po hair also). Typically my hair dries in a flash, but I notice my twists stay wet longer since using Shea, and when I wear my twistouts, my hair is juicy. It's no longer brittle
  • Also, protecting my strands from each other and the elements. I have fewer tangles (due to slip also) and fewer split ends on my highlighted strands. I'm also experiencing less breakage around my nape. I had a trim right before I discovered this thread and I was experiencing some hairexia. When the stylist flat ironed my hair a couple days ago, she only had to dust for a more uniform look because my ends were full and strong.
Whooo, I cannot leave this thread alone for a few days!

But I'm still Shea sliding!

My hair is finally starting to look like it's recovering from postpartum shedding. It's growing, thickening, retaining, and my edges are coming in strong!
We your family, too! Got some tips to help us do the same as you?

I'll start by saying that during my years of working, it was always in finance. I've done everything from banking, to investments, to being a credit/budget advisor. I learned the most in the advising area because one of my duties were to teach budget classes for the local attorneys whose clients were filing bankruptcy. Another duty was to offer counseling to older people that had paid off their homes but were trying to reverse the mortgage to get cash out of it. My biggest take away was that being in debt was like being in financial jail. Also that not having a solid savings account to fall back on makes you do some strange things.

So my tips are not new, but they worked for us...and as long as there are 2 solid incomes coming in the household, I can't see why they wouldn't work for someone else.

1) We lived on one income. For the first few months, we really just wanted to see if it was possible. It was. It was also an eye opener on all the things we were spending money on frivolously.
*Tip: If you are single, look for ways to increase your income. (2nd job)

2) We used my entire income to pay off about 90% of all the debt we had. I still have a small student loan, but the interest is super 1 or 2%. So I was not in a rush to pay it off. However, we paid off everything, credit cards, personal loans, etc.

3) Once the debt was paid off, we put my entire income in savings. Most advisors say do a few months as an emergency fund. We plugged away for years and I'm definitely not bragging but what I can say is...we ain't got no worries. LOL

It is not rocket science. Most that know my financial background usually ask what they should invest in. Don't worry about the investment market.....Invest in you.

Make more or spend less.
If you can, do both of the above at the same time.
Eliminate debt
Save like your life depends on it.
Mind your business. Silly but it works. Focusing on what others have or what they are doing not only does something to you also makes you want to spend money to do what they are doing.

Don't stop keeping track once you hit your goals. To this day, we still make a monthly household budget. I know everything that comes in and everything that goes out. And even on one income, we still have a high amount of disposable income because we don't save anymore and we don't have to push those monies out to debt outside of normal average living expenses.

May all my Shea family be wealthy in joy, finances, love and life. Slide on Sistah's!
I'll start by saying that during my years of working, it was always in finance. I've done everything from banking, to investments, to being a credit/budget advisor. I learned the most in the advising area because one of my duties were to teach budget classes for the local attorneys whose clients were filing bankruptcy. Another duty was to offer counseling to older people that had paid off their homes but were trying to reverse the mortgage to get cash out of it. My biggest take away was that being in debt was like being in financial jail. Also that not having a solid savings account to fall back on makes you do some strange things.

So my tips are not new, but they worked for us...and as long as there are 2 solid incomes coming in the household, I can't see why they wouldn't work for someone else.

1) We lived on one income. For the first few months, we really just wanted to see if it was possible. It was. It was also an eye opener on all the things we were spending money on frivolously.
*Tip: If you are single, look for ways to increase your income. (2nd job)

2) We used my entire income to pay off about 90% of all the debt we had. I still have a small student loan, but the interest is super 1 or 2%. So I was not in a rush to pay it off. However, we paid off everything, credit cards, personal loans, etc.

3) Once the debt was paid off, we put my entire income in savings. Most advisors say do a few months as an emergency fund. We plugged away for years and I'm definitely not bragging but what I can say is...we ain't got no worries. LOL

It is not rocket science. Most that know my financial background usually ask what they should invest in. Don't worry about the investment market.....Invest in you.

Make more or spend less.
If you can, do both of the above at the same time.
Eliminate debt
Save like your life depends on it.
Mind your business. Silly but it works. Focusing on what others have or what they are doing not only does something to you also makes you want to spend money to do what they are doing.

Don't stop keeping track once you hit your goals. To this day, we still make a monthly household budget. I know everything that comes in and everything that goes out. And even on one income, we still have a high amount of disposable income because we don't save anymore and we don't have to push those monies out to debt outside of normal average living expenses.

May all my Shea family be wealthy in joy, finances, love and life. Slide on Sistah's!
I love love love this! Very inspiring! How much do you think I should aim for when it comes to saving? I think about all the things that can go wrong in life and I feel like saving does not have a limit and that's kind of depressing. Having said this, I am not much of a saver. I don't watch how much I spend and I end up spending ridiculously. Maybe if I had a goal, that would help me focus.
I love love love this! Very inspiring! How much do you think I should aim for when it comes to saving? I think about all the things that can go wrong in life and I feel like saving does not have a limit and that's kind of depressing. Having said this, I am not much of a saver. I don't watch how much I spend and I end up spending ridiculously. Maybe if I had a goal, that would help me focus.

I think starting off with one months worth of living expenses is a smart amount to focus on saving. So to figure that out: For a full month, write down everything you spend. Be realistic, so do your normal routine. If you drink Starbucks every day...continue to do so.
Whatever that amount is at the end of the month, aim to save that equal amount in a savings acct.

Saving does have an end to us.....we just have different views on it. My husband refuses to add any more money to our savings acct...period. I like to still save for short term things we know we have coming up. For example, we have a road trip planned in May to take the kids to Disneyworld. I wanted to save for it and he refused. LOL So I saved $1000 fom my half of our tax refund in my personal savings to go towards the trip. He is perfectly fine with just figuring it out when we get there and using our spending checking acct. He is pretty much burned out on savings, so me even mentioning the word will get a no in response. LOL
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My suggestions:
  1. Do not cut your hair for now. Leave it alone. Freshly cut ends are like a great treasure. They are usually split free and perfect. But, if you are still learning what your hair likes and needs, while you are getting your routine in place, you may neglect those ends and have splits again. So, until you get a regimen that you know is working for sure, don't cut. Just learn your hair and try to get it to a point where it's responding and getting better.
  2. Look into getting some vitamin B Complex- Stress Formula. Talk to your doctor first. When we have stress in our lives, our bodies lose Vitamin B sometimes 2x and 3x faster than normal. Vitamin B is water soluble and we do not make it in our bodies. During times of stress, hair is what usually suffers. Because our bodies processes, such as heart beat rely on this vitamin,
  • Are you doing in deep conditioning? Not as much as I should
  • Do you do protein treatments? Every 6 weeks with Aphogee
  • Are you natural? Texlaxed? Relaxed? Natural
  • Is your hair colored or dyed? No
  • What is your hair routine? :look: I'm so ashamed to admit this. Shampoo every 3 -4 weeks, deep condition, and get it rebraided. When I remember, I put leave in conditioner in and put coconut oil on it. That's it. I used to be such a pj, had tons of products, and lurked religiously on this board.
It's like I woke up out of a coma and realized that I just fell off.

I would like to continue wearing wigs and weaves but I need to learn how to protect my edges and nape.

I have a nutritionist, so I'll look into getting on a regimen with Vitamins B and D. Thank you so much for the encouragement and suggestions.

Yesterday I bought some sb and whipped it with Evoo and coconut oil. I had to remember that it wasn't cake batter so that I wouldn't lick the beaters.:lachen:I slathered my hair and body. Looking forward to journeying with you lovely ladies.
I would like to continue wearing wigs and weaves but I need to learn how to protect my edges and nape.

I have a nutritionist, so I'll look into getting on a regimen with Vitamins B and D. Thank you so much for the encouragement and suggestions.

Yesterday I bought some sb and whipped it with Evoo and coconut oil. I had to remember that it wasn't cake batter so that I wouldn't lick the beaters.:lachen:I slathered my hair and body. Looking forward to journeying with you lovely ladies.

This is how I make my Shea mix too. With the Shea Butter being the major component. I really like this particular mix :yep:.
My husband is so bad too...always encouraging me to buy stuff....talmbout spend what you want baby cause you can't take it with you. :poke" Well alrighty then
Can I meet his Brutha'?:lol:.....:love:

I am joyously happy for you.:love2:

More of "us" need to be able to stay at home and live our best lives. I am sick of "grinding it out"

I can see myself at home chillin' like a mad villian.:sekret:
No. Why do you ask?

Because mineral oil, petroleum and paraffin leave "cast" or coating on hair when mixed with Shea butter. It happens even if there is only a little bit, an ingredient of it, in the other products. You may want to check your products for any mineral oil, paraffin or petroleum or petrolatum or even wax.
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I have never made a butter mix that looked so creamy. Maybe I'm not using enough oils. Is this emulsified? This looks so good!

I can't move anything like the two chicks on the left of this gift. Goals for 2019!
Hey lady!! Yea I go fairly heavy on the oils because I like my mix really creamy and not as thick. I posted my process somewhere on this board; I'll find it and come back to post it here.

Basically I use the double boiler method to melt all my butters (Shea, mango, cocoa) then add my oils (EVOO, Avocado, vit E, jojoba). I put that in the freezer to harden (not completely just really firm). For this batch, I let the now hardened butters sit out for about fifteen minutes so it can get slightly soft and easier to whip with the hand mixer. So I whip it for maybe ten minutes and it starts getting fluffy. I add an oil as I'm whipping (for this batch I used avocado oil). Just to keep it loose. Then I refreeze it to get it solid again. Then I repeat the same process. The last step is adding a good amount of solid coconut oil (I used vatika frosting) and whip that in. That method gives me a super creamy, soft batch that stays soft. HTH lemme know if you need clarification!!
I'll start by saying that during my years of working, it was always in finance. I've done everything from banking, to investments, to being a credit/budget advisor. I learned the most in the advising area because one of my duties were to teach budget classes for the local attorneys whose clients were filing bankruptcy. Another duty was to offer counseling to older people that had paid off their homes but were trying to reverse the mortgage to get cash out of it. My biggest take away was that being in debt was like being in financial jail. Also that not having a solid savings account to fall back on makes you do some strange things.

So my tips are not new, but they worked for us...and as long as there are 2 solid incomes coming in the household, I can't see why they wouldn't work for someone else.

1) We lived on one income. For the first few months, we really just wanted to see if it was possible. It was. It was also an eye opener on all the things we were spending money on frivolously.
*Tip: If you are single, look for ways to increase your income. (2nd job)

2) We used my entire income to pay off about 90% of all the debt we had. I still have a small student loan, but the interest is super 1 or 2%. So I was not in a rush to pay it off. However, we paid off everything, credit cards, personal loans, etc.

3) Once the debt was paid off, we put my entire income in savings. Most advisors say do a few months as an emergency fund. We plugged away for years and I'm definitely not bragging but what I can say is...we ain't got no worries. LOL

It is not rocket science. Most that know my financial background usually ask what they should invest in. Don't worry about the investment market.....Invest in you.

Make more or spend less.
If you can, do both of the above at the same time.
Eliminate debt
Save like your life depends on it.
Mind your business. Silly but it works. Focusing on what others have or what they are doing not only does something to you also makes you want to spend money to do what they are doing.

Don't stop keeping track once you hit your goals. To this day, we still make a monthly household budget. I know everything that comes in and everything that goes out. And even on one income, we still have a high amount of disposable income because we don't save anymore and we don't have to push those monies out to debt outside of normal average living expenses.

May all my Shea family be wealthy in joy, finances, love and life. Slide on Sistah's!

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with all this specific detail and encouragement! It is very generous and kind of you to do so.
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Lol @ looks like a wig. I do get wig/weave checked often (thanks to the knowledge gained on LHCF :cool:)
  • How long have you been using Shea butter?
  • Consistently--since I discovered this thread in late December/early January
  • How do you use it?
  • 1. The night before I detangle and wash, I slather Shea and a leave in on my hair, it's helps the strands slide out easier when detangling
  • 2a. As my C when using Alikay Naturals products. I use Alikay Naturals leave in, then EVOO, then Alikay Shea Yogurt. I then twist my hair in 4-12 twists (depending on laziness).
  • 2b. As an extra sealer when using other products like KCKT, then EVOO, curl enhancing smoothie, then Mane Choice "doesn't get much butter than this." Or sometimes I just slather a ton of cream on my hair, then seal with mane choice, then twist per usual.
  • Is your hair natural or relaxed?
  • Natural
  • What is your Shea butter blend combination?
  • I have not graduated to the DIY world of Shea butter yet, but I know it's coming.
  • Do you use refined or unrefined Shea?
  • Not sure? Whichever is in the above products
  • Why do you think Shea is helping your hair? How so?
  • Retaining moisture!! The blonde bits were more dry and I had a difficult time keeping my hair moisturized after several weeks of crochet braids that seemed to suck the life out of my hair (I've always struggled with hi-po hair also). Typically my hair dries in a flash, but I notice my twists stay wet longer since using Shea, and when I wear my twistouts, my hair is juicy. It's no longer brittle
  • Also, protecting my strands from each other and the elements. I have fewer tangles (due to slip also) and fewer split ends on my highlighted strands. I'm also experiencing less breakage around my nape. I had a trim right before I discovered this thread and I was experiencing some hairexia. When the stylist flat ironed my hair a couple days ago, she only had to dust for a more uniform look because my ends were full and strong.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to all my questions! Your hair is quite lovely. And welcome to the Shea Made Unicorn Hair Hall of Fame (SMUHHF)!

SMUHHF is pronounced like Smoove!
I got my color re-touched and straightened my hair. My strands are thriving with Shea, I can't live without it :2inlove:

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I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again.

:drool: :love: soooo purty!!!!!!!

ETA - although, with my new found knowledge of the powers for shea plus my hair laziness leading to weeks on end of low manipulation..... :look:

Talk me down sis!!! @ElevatedEnergy
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@ElevatedEnergy I aspire to be a housewife so your posts really inspired me (and taught me). I'm 18 and don't have a lot of girls my age or older who understand me. I really felt you when you said people ask you what you do all day. I kind of get the same reaction when I tell others what I want to do. But I see myself gardening, cooking wonderful, love-filled meals, taking care of my children, keeping my home beautiful and volunteering to help others all over the community. Like I said before, I'm so happy for you and look up to you! Thank you so much for posting!

On another note, I will be getting some Shea butter to try in my hair and on my skin soon. :love: I will try it whipped with no/little oils since I can't be greasing up my couch.