Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters

Everybody is hating on the cayenne pepper in the recipe! I think I can find a powdered, ground cayenne. But it cayenne is out here eating up people's scalps, then the mere fact that it is powdered won't help that situation. I've been warned 3x's. There is the magic number.

I used 1tsp or less of cayenne pepper during my bald spot treatment several years ago, mixing with ACV and clay. It warmed my scalp but was never too much. The worst part was the pepper mix running into my eyes :cantlook:...:evil:, or the more coarse mix I bought getting stuck in my hair, which led me to abandon cayenne for my scalp.

It's easier to shake out if it's really finely ground but it does like to make a home in the hair.
Was out of town for the past few days and got tons of compliments on my hair. I was wearing a shiny, Shea'd up, freshly henna and Indigo'd braid out so my hair was on bling status. The first thing most people asked was what did I use in my hair. Y'all, I put like 3 people on Queen Shea! Even broke it down on how to mix it.

I ended up buying another 10 pounds in the pail from the website listed a few pages back. I just couldn't help myself. (Spoken like a true addict)


My husband is so bad too...always encouraging me to buy stuff....talmbout spend what you want baby cause you can't take it with you. :poke" Well alrighty then...I'll take a lil mo Shea!

:sekret: I may get a bit more before the hot weather hits so I won't take a chance of it melting in transit.

Last night, I moisturized and sealed with Queen Shea and put my hair in a few braids. Will probably wear them for the week, bun on the weekend and then wash early next week.
Was out of town for the past few days and got tons of compliments on my hair. I was wearing a shiny, Shea'd up, freshly henna and Indigo'd braid out so my hair was on bling status. The first thing most people asked was what did I use in my hair. Y'all, I put like 3 people on Queen Shea! Even broke it down on how to mix it.

I ended up buying another 10 pounds in the pail from the website listed a few pages back. I just couldn't help myself. (Spoken like a true addict)

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My husband is so bad too...always encouraging me to buy stuff....talmbout spend what you want baby cause you can't take it with you. :poke" Well alrighty then...I'll take a lil mo Shea!

:sekret: I may get a bit more before the hot weather hits so I won't take a chance of it melting in transit.

Last night, I moisturized and sealed with Queen Shea and put my hair in a few braids. Will probably wear them for the week, bun on the weekend and then wash early next week.
@ElevatedEnergy where did you buy the 10 lb pail of Unrefined Shea Butter? Cleopatria's Choice or 3Cayg? I think it is wonderful that your husband supports you in your purchases. At least you don't have to hide them when the pkgs come in! :)
This is why I wouldn't care for these and why I didn't get that set.:look:

I wish you could "Create Your Own" Scent Box.:angeldevil:

looking for scents to try in this thread led me to the P&J brand. I don't know if you went to the website but you can create your own box for the same prices and they have free shipping on all orders. I'm making my own box with Snickerdoodle, Pina Colada, and more. I'm still going through the scents.
@ElevatedEnergy where did you buy the 10 lb pail of Unrefined Shea Butter? Cleopatria's Choice or 3Cayg? I think it is wonderful that your husband supports you in your purchases. At least you don't have to hide them when the pkgs come in! :)

@Garner From the 3Cayg site.

Girl, I don't have to hide packages from my husband. He likes to spend as much as I do. LOL We haven't always been that way, but we are fortunate enough to have met our savings/debt elimination goals around 4 years ago. Once we did, I quit my day job and we be chilling like....


:lachen:Throw our disposable income at whatever we want :lachen:
@ElevatedEnergy ,

Please take a photo and post that pail, with your [gloved] hands dug inside! I'll just take the photo of the pail itself - If I have too.

And if it sounds creepy of me to want to see a photo of hands in the pail of Shea, that is because I am.




When it comes to Sssssssssssssssssssshea

I'll upload a pic :flahssssss:. @Chicoro It was shipped by UPS this morning! :bdance:
@Keen , @betteron2day and @mzteaze ,

I had this sulfur/onion/cayenne recipe on deck to use starting in February of 2018. But, was not able to start due to illness. I am excited to see that you are having such positive results.

For my next wash day, I will begin to incorporate this as my pre-poo. I have not modified my hair process in 12 months. I like to take my time when I add or subtract processes or products. My routine is ready and able to support a modification.

Extremely Black Hair (natural hair color) Pre - Queen Shea
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I want to maintain the dark, blackness of my hair. I didn't realize how naturally, black my hair is. I'm interested in starting to use the onion/garlic/cayenne mix to keep my hair black. It's nice to know that it thickens the hair and stops shedding, too.

That makes sense because there was a great post and thread on here years ago, where a member posted on her blog how she created a conditioner to stop shedding by using garlic powder. She added the garlic powder into her conditioner. I remember the responses and the members who tried it stated that it stopped shedding it its tracks.

This sounds like a win-win winner! I'm excited to do my next wash using the onion/garlic/cayenne mixture.
Your hair is so pretty that I literally gasped and almost started crying.
@Garner From the 3Cayg site.

Girl, I don't have to hide packages from my husband. He likes to spend as much as I do. LOL We haven't always been that way, but we are fortunate enough to have met our savings/debt elimination goals around 4 years ago. Once we did, I quit my day job and we be chilling like....

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:lachen:Throw our disposable income at whatever we want :lachen:
@ElevatedEnergy What a Blessing!!! That is wonderful!!!
@Chicoro I love your Hair!!! I have to ask, did you straighten on the pic seen previously? Healthy, Gorgeous and full of life!!! Your gif's...smh. You have me rolling!!! lol

Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate the compliments as well. I had my hair blow dried and straightened in the picture where I talk about how black my hair is.

I figure, outside of the forum, we have to be big girls and grown-ups. So, might as well have a little fun here, right?!
Do tell!! What do you mean? Elaborate and give us some details, please.

-Last time I made a comment how shea butter handles all knots and tangles. It wasn't an exaggeration. I lose no hair if I saturate my hair in scurl and shea butter and then detangle after a few hours or days. My other scurl combinations didn't work as well.
-I use it for my body and especially my expanding tummy. Not a stretch mark in sight. And my skin stays so smooth and hydrated for a long time.

-My toddler has the driest skin ever. Shea Butter and glycerine has answered my prayers because we searched high and low for remedies. He even had a touch of contact dermatitis this weekend that Shea Butter resolved within 24 hours.
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Is anyone in this thread still doing wash and goes including Shea butter? If so, any updated tips? TIA!

I still wear my hair this way. I don't really have any tips though. I rarely if ever use a leave-in. I'm heavy-handed and smooth on my Shea before I smooth on my gel. My wash and goes do not last longer and I can definitely feel when wash day is due. Initial application on my damp/ wet hair leaves it little stiffer but I'll take it for the added suppleness and protection Shea gives to my strands.
I'm going to join this regimen. 4.5 years ago I did a big chop. Ive been through a lot of stress and the thing that suffered most was my hair. I just flat out neglected it under weaves, wigs, and crochet braids.

Not sure what I should do next. I could bc again and start from scratch or I could leave what I have and cut it ad it gets healthy. It looks okay in a phony pony. Right now I'm wearing wigs with it cornrowed down.

I would love to hear your suggestions. Gonna start with page 1 of the thread.
I still wear my hair this way. I don't really have any tips though. I rarely if ever use a leave-in. I'm heavy-handed and smooth on my Shea before I smooth on my gel. My wash and goes do not last longer and I can definitely feel when wash day is due. Initial application on my damp/ wet hair leaves it little stiffer but I'll take it for the added suppleness and protection Shea gives to my strands.

Thanks! I hope I still get a crunchy cast. I'll plan to try it next wash day.
@ElevatedEnergy just stopped into say you are a blessed woman! Beautiful, long hair and financially gifted. Plus, you have a generous husband, don't have to work your day job and you're into taking care of your health. Plus you have a beautiful child! I'm so happy for you.

@Chicoro your hair is amazingly long, black and healthy! So inspiring.

Thank you for the kind words. Believe me, there was a long period when all we had was a dollar and a dream. :lachen:But I believed that we could get to a point where working was optional. I didn't have a plan B. I just believed that plan A would work. And I still believe it as strongly today as I did 15 years ago when we sat in our back yard holding hands talking about it.

I realize that the way I live seems boring to most. My family use to love to ask me what I do all day...I just shrug and say...I do whatever I want. LOL
But I don't need glitz and glamour. I don't even need to interact or be around adults all day. Matter of fact, I have learned that too much stimulation from my peers drains my energy and I have to go to a quiet & alone spot to recharge. I am content I crave a simple life...void of distractions and deeply in tune with Nature. There are many days where I can't even tell you what day of the week it is. LOL But I'm full of joy...and I like to spread that joy wherever I can and to whomever I can. :2inlove:

P.S. My family no longer asks me what I do all day. Most just ask for me to help them get to a point where they can do the same. LOL
I'm going to join this regimen. 4.5 years ago I did a big chop. Ive been through a lot of stress and the thing that suffered most was my hair. I just flat out neglected it under weaves, wigs, and crochet braids.

Not sure what I should do next. I could bc again and start from scratch or I could leave what I have and cut it ad it gets healthy. It looks okay in a phony pony. Right now I'm wearing wigs with it cornrowed down.

I would love to hear your suggestions. Gonna start with page 1 of the thread.

My suggestions:
  1. Do not cut your hair for now. Leave it alone. Freshly cut ends are like a great treasure. They are usually split free and perfect. But, if you are still learning what your hair likes and needs, while you are getting your routine in place, you may neglect those ends and have splits again. So, until you get a regimen that you know is working for sure, don't cut. Just learn your hair and try to get it to a point where it's responding and getting better.
  2. Look into getting some vitamin B Complex- Stress Formula. Talk to your doctor first. When we have stress in our lives, our bodies lose Vitamin B sometimes 2x and 3x faster than normal. Vitamin B is water soluble and we do not make it in our bodies. During times of stress, hair is what usually suffers. Because our bodies processes, such as heart beat rely on this vitamin, when Vitamin B Complex is limited, it goes to the heart and the brain, not the hair. Thus, the hair suffers without it.
  3. Look into getting some Vitamin D. Talk to your doctor first. Vitamin D works in conjunction with the vitamin B Complex-Stress formula. I'm not sure what form to take off the top of my head. It may be D3. Maybe someone else can chime in and give a definitive answer.
  4. Alternate your cornrows with braids. Cornrows can be stressful, too.
  • Are you doing in deep conditioning?
  • Do you do protein treatments?
  • Are you natural? Texlaxed? Relaxed?
  • Is your hair colored or dyed?
  • What is your hair routine?
  • How often to do you wash, condition and style your hair?
  • What products do you use?
  • How do you use them?
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Thank you for the kind words. Believe me, there was a long period when all we had was a dollar and a dream. :lachen:But I believed that we could get to a point where working was optional. I didn't have a plan B. I just believed that plan A would work. And I still believe it as strongly today as I did 15 years ago when we sat in our back yard holding hands talking about it.

I realize that the way I live seems boring to most. My family use to love to ask me what I do all day...I just shrug and say...I do whatever I want. LOL
But I don't need glitz and glamour. I don't even need to interact or be around adults all day. Matter of fact, I have learned that too much stimulation from my peers drains my energy and I have to go to a quiet & alone spot to recharge. I am content I crave a simple life...void of distractions and deeply in tune with Nature. There are many days where I can't even tell you what day of the week it is. LOL But I'm full of joy...and I like to spread that joy wherever I can and to whomever I can. :2inlove:

P.S. My family no longer asks me what I do all day. Most just ask for me to help them get to a point where they can do the same. LOL

We your family, too! Got some tips to help us do the same as you?