Shea Growth and Retention Regimen 2015

I put conditioner in my hair in the shower and rinsed it out. Then I put in Darcy Botanicals Leave In and put Komaza Care Califia Moisturizing Cream on top. I need to order more of that Komaza Care. I'm in love with it and my mini twists are popping with curls at the ends.
I put conditioner in my hair in the shower and rinsed it out. Then I put in Darcy Botanicals Leave In and put Komaza Care Califia Moisturizing Cream on top. I need to order more of that Komaza Care. I'm in love with it and my mini twists are popping with curls at the ends.


I've been using the Komaza Care Califia Moisturizing Cream too, it has been the answer to my sealing woes! I usually order two of those and the coconut leave - in!

I've been using the Komaza Care Califia Moisturizing Cream too, it has been the answer to my sealing woes! I usually order two of those and the coconut leave - in!
I just started using the coconut leave in so I haven't been able to judge it yet. What do you like about the leave-in?
I just started using the coconut leave in so I haven't been able to judge it yet. What do you like about the leave-in?

Though the consistency is a bit thinner than others, it spreads through my hair easily (so a little actually goes farther). Also when it dries my hair isn't greasy + since using the two together my hair actually has started to look shiny and stays moisturized for two days at least.

They are definitely my new staple but let me know how it works out for you too.
I used Komaza Care Califia Care Leave In Conditioner and Califia Styling Pudding this morning before putting my twists in bantu knots. Both contain shea butter.
The last batch of Shea Butter I made is way thicker than my last batch. It isn't creamy or fluffy. I think it's because I rushed to use it & stored it in the freezer instead of cooling down on the counter.
Anyhoo, my sister loves it & is in it everyday. She has thick course hair that is ALWAYS dry.
I haven't been using Shea on my ends :oops:. I wonder how my hair would turn out had I been a faithful user.
Any of you notice a positive/negative change in your hair? Has anyone experienced major growth? Thanks in advance
made a new shea mix with clear castor oil, olive oil and argan oil. I mixed it while liquid, put it in the fridge till it was almost solid and then mixed it again. Loving this ultra creamy consistency. you mind sharing what's in this ayurvedic shea butter mix?

Here's the recipe. It's 3:1 shea/ayurvedic oil ratio. Makes 4oz. Scent is woody-herbal.

Combine 3oz shea butter with 15 drops carrot seed oil, 1 tablespoon each of Ramtirth Brahmi (coconut-based), Baidynath Mahabringraj & Divya Kesh Taila Neelibrigahdi oils (both sesame-based). Stir for 2 minutes. Let stand overnight to set.

Optional: Add 3 drops peppermint or 1 drop each lavender & chamomile EO. Stir for 1 minute. Let stand overnight to set.

I use commercial (heavy metal & petroleum-free) ayurvedic infused oils, but you can customize to fit your preferences.
Wash Day was yesterday - I used my Ayurvedic shea mix to deep condition & heavy seal wet hair.

I bought Nubian Heritage Patchouli & Buriti infused Shea Butter. It has a sweet Egyptian Musk scent:
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I will test this for the next two weeks.
@Bibliophile why only test for 2 weeks?

Two weeks is enough time to test reaction & stop a setback.
I'll have 2 wash days (co-wash, Ayurvedic wash) by then.

I should know:
Does it irritate my scalp?
Will the scent change?
Does it build up on hair/scalp?
Will it resist FL humidity?
Is it easy to co-wash/low poo out?
Does it transfer/wear off quickly?
Yeah...kinda nappy & Ramen noodle look. Looks nicer after a braid out though. My hair is on the fine side. Is that why?
I haven't checked in here in like forever but I've kept up with the challenge. I've been using SM curl enhancing smoothie as a leave in pretty much all summer. I've also started using my beloved kinky kashmere conditioner as well.