Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters
Ok. I think I'm going to drop out and go back to lurking. It seems as though after all of these years my hair still wants to side eye Shea. Maybe, I'll emulsify it and give it a shot, but for now I'll be using the remainder of my batch as a body butter. :(

What happened? You have super fine hair. I would think Shea could weigh it down in a loosened style, like the one pictured in your avatar. How are you wearing your hair with Shea?
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I, Chicoro, on this day, Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 formally nominate @sgold04 to the
Shea Made Hair Unicorns 2018 Hall of Fame!
You have been formally inducted.





Go, on...gallop on over to your Unicorn Hall of Fame Counterparts. They are waiting for you.


And when I squeeze my hair I get a slightly oily sheen in my fingers. My hair just feels spongy.

Normally, when I moistuize I feel all sorts of moisture and softness. I don't think that the shea is penetrating my strands. It's ok. It just reminds me that if it ain't broke don't fix it. :rolleyes:

You are absolutely correct! I understand. We don't want to mess up all that beautiful growth and length!
What happened? You have super fine hair. I would think Shea could weigh it down in a loosened style, like the one pictured in your avatar. How are you wearing your hair with Shea?

I only answered half of your question. I wear my hair in twists. Right now they're in large twists. I usually m&s with my hair twisted. So after applying the shea like I would with my other products, my hair feels spongy. Not a bad thing, but it doesn't feel moist...but also not dry. When I squeeze is when I get the grease on my hands. Usually, I use my diy moisturizer and my broccoli seed oil and my hair feels nice and moist. The oil penetrates my hair within minutes and I'm good to go.

I think the shea is too heavy and the oil just sits on top. Much like coconut oil, but less greasy. I think that medium oils aren't "bad" for my hair, but they also don't do as much as my broccoli seed (which is super light).
I whipped up some shea yesterday with olive, coconut and grapeseed oils. My fragrances were black fig and honey, sandalwood vanilla, amber and I added cassia oil. It’s not my favorite scent. It’s very light. I can’t even describe it and it doesn’t linger. I also use it as a body butter. I won’t do this combo again.
@Garner From the 3Cayg site.

Girl, I don't have to hide packages from my husband. He likes to spend as much as I do. LOL We haven't always been that way, but we are fortunate enough to have met our savings/debt elimination goals around 4 years ago. Once we did, I quit my day job and we be chilling like....

View attachment 425967

:lachen:Throw our disposable income at whatever we want :lachen:
One day...
Is anyone in this thread still doing wash and goes including Shea butter? If so, any updated tips? TIA!
Wash and gos are what kept me at SL since I went natural years ago. I wore them exclusively for years! You see my hair looked awesome and they were so easy to do so I quickly got hooked. Plus my hair was highlighted :love: so whew Chile... Only problem is, my hair hates wash and gos! Tangles galore!! But did I listen to my hair? Nooooo... I kept right on wearing them even though my mom (who had long hair when she was longer) told me to stop and keep my hair stretched. I’m hard headed and wasn’t ready to accept reality. Wanted to get different results even though I didn’t wanna change my terrible habits. That’s the definition of insanity right? :lol: Thank goodness I came to my senses and with @Chicoro ’s help now I’m here. Sorry about the dissertation Yvette. :lol: All that to say, no I don’t do wash and gos. My hair type can’t handle them.
It's been an eventful Shea day. We've got some of us leaving the fold, such as @snoop . And we had a Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame Induction which was @sgold04 . We also discovered that one our Unicorns is part Leprechaun because she has a pot of gold and a tremendous treasure which was @ElevatedEnergy . And, she was generous enough to share some tips with her fellow Unicorns and aspiring Unicorns.

One of my hooves is bothering me and I think I just need to go out to pasture, temporarily, and eat some grass. I will talk with you all next Tuesday.

Actually, I'm in the midst of changing my food, and lowering my salt intake take temporarily for the next five (5) days. I've forgotten how tiring it can be when you transition from eating one type of way to another. I've not had any sugar in about three (3) weeks and now I'm going to address the salt, albeit temporarily.

Please nurture one another, and this thread while I'm away. Be loving and kind. The world is hard, no point in us being hard, too.

Night, night ya'll! I wish you Shea Made Unicorn Dreams. Talk to you soon.
I would like to continue wearing wigs and weaves but I need to learn how to protect my edges and nape.

I have a nutritionist, so I'll look into getting on a regimen with Vitamins B and D. Thank you so much for the encouragement and suggestions.

Yesterday I bought some sb and whipped it with Evoo and coconut oil. I had to remember that it wasn't cake batter so that I wouldn't lick the beaters.:lachen:I slathered my hair and body. Looking forward to journeying with you lovely ladies.
Maybe try just wearing wigs? As you know, weaves can pull at your hair and cause more breakage. Plus with wigs you can take them off regularly to care for your hair underneath. I wear wigs exclusively for these reasons, and aside from my postpartum shedding bout, my edges and nape have always been in good shape. Try using the elastic band method to avoid having to use any glues if you are using closures or frontals. Try the Curly Proverbz oil (with MSM) to stimulate hair growth.

looking for scents to try in this thread led me to the P&J brand. I don't know if you went to the website but you can create your own box for the same prices and they have free shipping on all orders. I'm making my own box with Snickerdoodle, Pina Colada, and more. I'm still going through the scents.
Say what now???

*runs to website*

I, Chicoro, on this day, Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 formally nominate @sgold04 to the
Shea Made Hair Unicorns 2018 Hall of Fame!
You have been formally inducted.





Go, on...gallop on over to your Unicorn Hall of Fame Counterparts. They are waiting for you.

Yay!! I was waiting for this post! :lol: Welcome to the Shea made unicorn hall of fame!! @sgold04
It's been an eventful Shea day. We've got some of us leaving the fold, such as @snoop . And we had a Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame Induction which was @sgold04 . We also discovered that one our Unicorns is part Leprechaun because she has a pot of gold and a tremendous treasure which was @ElevatedEnergy . And, she was generous enough to share some tips with her fellow Unicorns and aspiring Unicorns.

One of my hooves is bothering me and I think I just need to go out to pasture, temporarily, and eat some grass. I will talk with you all next Tuesday.

Actually, I'm in the midst of changing my food, and lowering my salt intake take temporarily for the next five (5) days. I've forgotten how tiring it can be when you transition from eating one type of way to another. I've not had any sugar in about three (3) weeks and now I'm going to address the salt, albeit temporarily.

Please nurture one another, and this thread while I'm away. Be loving and kind. The world is hard, no point in us being hard, too.

Night, night ya'll! I wish you Shea Made Unicorn Dreams. Talk to you soon.
Aww... take care of yourself sweetie! We’ll see you when you get back.
I'll start by saying that during my years of working, it was always in finance. I've done everything from banking, to investments, to being a credit/budget advisor. I learned the most in the advising area because one of my duties were to teach budget classes for the local attorneys whose clients were filing bankruptcy. Another duty was to offer counseling to older people that had paid off their homes but were trying to reverse the mortgage to get cash out of it. My biggest take away was that being in debt was like being in financial jail. Also that not having a solid savings account to fall back on makes you do some strange things.

So my tips are not new, but they worked for us...and as long as there are 2 solid incomes coming in the household, I can't see why they wouldn't work for someone else.

1) We lived on one income. For the first few months, we really just wanted to see if it was possible. It was. It was also an eye opener on all the things we were spending money on frivolously.
*Tip: If you are single, look for ways to increase your income. (2nd job)

2) We used my entire income to pay off about 90% of all the debt we had. I still have a small student loan, but the interest is super 1 or 2%. So I was not in a rush to pay it off. However, we paid off everything, credit cards, personal loans, etc.

3) Once the debt was paid off, we put my entire income in savings. Most advisors say do a few months as an emergency fund. We plugged away for years and I'm definitely not bragging but what I can say is...we ain't got no worries. LOL

It is not rocket science. Most that know my financial background usually ask what they should invest in. Don't worry about the investment market.....Invest in you.

Make more or spend less.
If you can, do both of the above at the same time.
Eliminate debt
Save like your life depends on it.
Mind your business. Silly but it works. Focusing on what others have or what they are doing not only does something to you also makes you want to spend money to do what they are doing.

Don't stop keeping track once you hit your goals. To this day, we still make a monthly household budget. I know everything that comes in and everything that goes out. And even on one income, we still have a high amount of disposable income because we don't save anymore and we don't have to push those monies out to debt outside of normal average living expenses.

May all my Shea family be wealthy in joy, finances, love and life. Slide on Sistah's!
@ElevatedEnergy Very Inspirational!!! A lesson for us all. You were able to use your financial background toward goals you and your husbands had. That is what I call working together. That is what marriage is all about. Loved, when you indicate...Invest in you. Thanks for sharing. :)
It's been an eventful Shea day. We've got some of us leaving the fold, such as @snoop . And we had a Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame Induction which was @sgold04 . We also discovered that one our Unicorns is part Leprechaun because she has a pot of gold and a tremendous treasure which was @ElevatedEnergy . And, she was generous enough to share some tips with her fellow Unicorns and aspiring Unicorns.

One of my hooves is bothering me and I think I just need to go out to pasture, temporarily, and eat some grass. I will talk with you all next Tuesday.

Actually, I'm in the midst of changing my food, and lowering my salt intake take temporarily for the next five (5) days. I've forgotten how tiring it can be when you transition from eating one type of way to another. I've not had any sugar in about three (3) weeks and now I'm going to address the salt, albeit temporarily.

Please nurture one another, and this thread while I'm away. Be loving and kind. The world is hard, no point in us being hard, too.

Night, night ya'll! I wish you Shea Made Unicorn Dreams. Talk to you soon.
I'm doing the same as you @Chicoro - I'm also taking a short break. I need to reflect on some things going on in my life and re-evaluate what I'm giving my energies to, if they're worth it or not. I believe the best way to do this is to take a step back and upward to get a bird's eye view of my situation and assess it from up there. I'll need about a week but will be back soon after.

@ElevatedEnergy, you have given me a lot to think about. Thanks sis! You don't even know how much of what you shared here means to me :kiss:.
Can I meet his Brutha'?:lol:.....:love:

I am joyously happy for you.:love2:

More of "us" need to be able to stay at home and live our best lives. I am sick of "grinding it out"

I can see myself at home chillin' like a mad villian.:sekret:

LOL! All his brothers are taken....they are all so sweet too! I tell my mother-in-love all the did good girl! :bdance:@IDareT'sHair

I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again.

:drool: :love: soooo purty!!!!!!!

ETA - although, with my new found knowledge of the powers for shea plus my hair laziness leading to weeks on end of low manipulation..... :look:

Talk me down sis!!! @ElevatedEnergy

@tapioca_pudding I'm getting weak myself. Let's hold hands and pray for each other! :amen:
@ElevatedEnergy I aspire to be a housewife so your posts really inspired me (and taught me). I'm 18 and don't have a lot of girls my age or older who understand me. I really felt you when you said people ask you what you do all day. I kind of get the same reaction when I tell others what I want to do. But I see myself gardening, cooking wonderful, love-filled meals, taking care of my children, keeping my home beautiful and volunteering to help others all over the community. Like I said before, I'm so happy for you and look up to you! Thank you so much for posting!

On another note, I will be getting some Shea butter to try in my hair and on my skin soon. :love: I will try it whipped with no/little oils since I can't be greasing up my couch.

You are so sweet @FadingDelilah

My oldest son is around your could literally be my baby! If you ever need to chat just PM me and it will go right to my email.

In the meantime, my advice would be to have fun! You are in your wonder years!

Educate yourself....a woman with knowledge is an unstoppable force. No one can take it away from you. It's like once you learn something, you can't unlearn it. LOL

And the most important is to love yourself...first! I love my husband and kids, but I love me more...and unapologetic about it. No one can treat me better than I can treat myself, no one can love me like I can love me. I am my best friend!

Like I said, PM if you ever need anything! :2inlove:
@ElevatedEnergy Very Inspirational!!! A lesson for us all. You were able to use your financial background toward goals you and your husbands had. That is what I call working together. That is what marriage is all about. Loved, when you indicate...Invest in you. Thanks for sharing. :)

Anytime Sis @Garner Thanks for opening up the conversation!

I'm doing the same as you @Chicoro - I'm also taking a short break. I need to reflect on some things going on in my life and re-evaluate what I'm giving my energies to, if they're worth it or not. I believe the best way to do this is to take a step back and upward to get a bird's eye view of my situation and assess it from up there. I'll need about a week but will be back soon after.

@ElevatedEnergy, you have given me a lot to think about. Thanks sis! You don't even know how much of what you shared here means to me :kiss:.

@Aggie Awwww I am happy it helped!!! :2inlove:
Maybe try just wearing wigs? As you know, weaves can pull at your hair and cause more breakage. Plus with wigs you can take them off regularly to care for your hair underneath. I wear wigs exclusively for these reasons, and aside from my postpartum shedding bout, my edges and nape have always been in good shape. Try using the elastic band method to avoid having to use any glues if you are using closures or frontals. Try the Curly Proverbz oil (with MSM)

Thank you for the tips! My fear is what to do in the summer? It's so hot here! What's your regimen? I haven't read all the way through the thread.
You are so sweet @FadingDelilah

My oldest son is around your could literally be my baby! If you ever need to chat just PM me and it will go right to my email.

In the meantime, my advice would be to have fun! You are in your wonder years!

Educate yourself....a woman with knowledge is an unstoppable force. No one can take it away from you. It's like once you learn something, you can't unlearn it. LOL

And the most important is to love yourself...first! I love my husband and kids, but I love me more...and unapologetic about it. No one can treat me better than I can treat myself, no one can love me like I can love me. I am my best friend!

Like I said, PM if you ever need anything! :2inlove:

okay and thank you! :2inlove:
I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again. I will not go blonde again.

:drool: :love: soooo purty!!!!!!!

ETA - although, with my new found knowledge of the powers for shea plus my hair laziness leading to weeks on end of low manipulation..... :look:

Talk me down sis!!! @ElevatedEnergy
Dear Black Jesus,
Please keep our sister @tapioca_pudding strong against the temptation that are these luscious golden highlights. :lick: Please help her forget all the compliments, attention, care free attitude and extra confidence that blonde hair bought her over the years. Take the phone away from her hands before she can call her hairstylist for a color touch up. Lead her not into temptation for she can find the way there herself but deliver her from these golden tressed urges. :amen: