She told Beyonce to have an ABORTION!


Well-Known Member
Names have been changed AGAIN. lol

Mariah and Beyonce had been friends since college. They were even roommates at one point in time. They remained friends after they graduated from college and hung out all the time with their close circle of friends. Mariah had dated this guy named Vin Diesel when she and Beyonce lived together back then. She really liked him but things just didn’t work out between the two of them, so they broke up. Some years go by and Mariah ended up getting pregnant by another guy and even after that relationship ended, she moved on to other relationships here and there.

Well one day Mariah gets engaged to a man named The Rock and life is great and she is happy. Mariah later finds out that her friend Beyonce and her ex-boyfriend Vin Diesel had gotten their groove on (a one night stand) and Beyonce ended up pregnant with Vin Diesel’s baby. Well there was an all out war. Mariah felt betrayed! She even told Beyonce she needed to have an abortion and get rid of the baby ASAP because it wasn’t right what she had slept with him in the first place…Let me repeat that again… Mariah told Beyonce she needed TO HAVE AN ABORTION (was dead serious about it)! She didn’t want Beyonce to give birth to Vin’s baby.

Beyonce said HAWWLLL NOOO she was going to have her baby and she did! She didn’t understand why Mariah cared so much, so much time had passed between her and Vin; Mariah had moved on with her life and was engaged to The Rock now. Soon after Mariah reached deep down in her heart and forgave Beyonce for getting pregnant by Vin Diesel. They squashed the beef and were cordial to each other for sometime. But Mariah stressed that she didn’t want Beyonce to have anything to do with Vin Diesel at ALL. She didn’t even want her to see or talk to him even though Beyonce was going to have his baby. *looks*

Well, some time after Mariah got MARRIED to The Rock, she found out that Beyonce and Vin Diesel started seeing each other again and ended up in a relationship. Mariah was so pissed that she didn’t want anything to do with Beyonce. She didn’t even want anyone in their close circle of friends to hang out with her as well. She wanted her kicked out the group.

Well the circle of close friends told Mariah that Yes, Beyonce did the ultimate betrayal that any friend could ever do to a girlfriend. BUT that Mariah herself had FORGIVEN Beyonce for it already the first time! Also that Mariah was MARRIED now, she should just let it go! Move on! Focus on her own marriage! Mariah was upset and couldn’t understand why no one would take her side, why no one would kick Beyonce out the group of close circle of friends. But again the close circle of friends tried to explain that Beyonce and Vin Diesel have a child now. That Mariah CANNOT put regulations on someone else’s sexual organs. And that she cannot stop them from seeing each other, they have a CHILD, they are going to see each other for the next 18+ years.

The close circle of friends think Mariah is not happily married to The Rock as she makes it out to seem. I mean why else would a “Happily married woman” be going ape sh!t? She has a husband, she has a family of her own to be happy about? Its understandable she would be mad, upset and hold some grudge/bitterness, of course no one is trying to take that from her (you got to be mad as hell to tell your friend to have an abortion…damn lol) But why forgive her and hang around her knowing full well she was NOT going to STOP seeing Vin Diesel (a child involved) because YOU didn’t want her too!!!!! And because she didn’t do what you wanted her to do you mad again and don’t want anyone to hang with her. You cannot forgive a person with rules attached. It does not work like that! You either forgive them or you don’t.

*The "Close circle of friends" are 6 people/women (2 married, the rest single) who are female friends caught in the middle of Mariah and Beyonce drama*
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:barf: I wonder how many diseases are floating around between the members of this "close circle of friends" with all the unprotected dang-a-lang swapping goin' on:nono:
LOL no its just an issue between "Beyonce" and "Mariah" the other 6 people "circle of close friends" are not involved in any dangalang swinging just girlfriends who are caught in the middle of a falling out between Mariah and Beyonce lol.
I know that you weren't really talking about Mariah and Beyonce but I still was picturing their faces while reading the story. LOL:lol:
Maybe it's just time for the two women to sever their friendship or give it a prolonged break.

With a child in the picture, with Mariah being married, and Mariah having forgiven Beyonce, well she just needs to move on.
This sound like a story line out of a soap opera. The name of the characters makes it a lot funnier. If I was Mariah's husband, I would be pissed that she cared so much about the relationship of a man she used to date so long ago.
LOL no its just an issue between "Beyonce" and "Mariah" the other 6 people "circle of close friends" are not involved in any dangalang swinging just girlfriends who are caught in the middle of a falling out between Mariah and Beyonce lol.

Oh ok *puts hand sanitizer and Lysol away*

Me thinks Mariah is still in love with Vin Diesel. He's the one who got away and it's killing her that hm and Bey are a family while she's settled for The Rock. She wants to have The Rock AND Vin Diesel (who wouldn't :rofl:) but Vin Diesel picked Bey so now she's hating.

So where do Nick and Jay-Z stand in all of this?
Even though I gathered that the names were made up I kept thinking that Mariah Carey would do some shyte like
Oh ok *puts hand sanitizer and Lysol away*

Me thinks Mariah is still in love with Vin Diesel. He's the one who got away and it's killing her that hm and Bey are a family while she's settled for The Rock. She wants to have The Rock AND Vin Diesel (who wouldn't :rofl:) but Vin Diesel picked Bey so now she's hating.

So where do Nick and Jay-Z stand in all of this?

Girl Jayz and Nick don't fall nowhere up in there. Which is why I didn't use them..I mean who would really fight over Nick and JayZ Vs. The Rock and Vin Diesel lol

I changed the names so now people might find our post confusing! lol
see now the story isnt as titillating with regular names...oh well.

ITA. In fact I was thinking Mariah and The Rock are perfect for each other being that they're both Divas:lol: Still I don't blame Mariah....I mean what women could choose between Vin Diesel and The Rock?:lol:
Mary needs to move on and get over it. Im actually not all that mad at Bianca for getting with Marys ex since it was so very long ago and she was engaged. How is Mary going to tell Bianca she can't communicate with her baby daddy??? She had a lot of nerve with that demand.
Mary needs to move on and get over it. Im actually not all that mad at Bianca for getting with Marys ex since it was so very long ago and she was engaged. How is Mary going to tell Bianca she can't communicate with her baby daddy??? She had a lot of nerve with that demand.

Thank you thats all the 6 "close cirlce of freinds" are trying to say to Mariah/Mary. Just let it go! You cannot stop Beyonce/Bianca from seeing the baby daddy. Not only did she have a lot of nerves to say she didn't want Beyonce/Bianca to see the baby daddy she had the nerve to suggest she have an abortion!!
there is something missing in this story. its possible that mariah wonders if beyonce and vin were plotting behind her back, when she was still with vin. Also we dont know what kind of talks mariah and beyonce had when, her relationship with vin was breaking down.
yes mariah should be an adult and move on, but its hard...give her time.
Mariah doesn't want The Rock (I do), she wants Vin. Mariah really needs to get over HERSELF. Vin and Beyonce have a child and that is that. The other folks in the circle have nothing to do with it. It seems that Beyonce is doing her thing and not paying any attention to Mariah. I wouldn't stop my friendships with either of them, I would just tell them I will not stand for you two to talk about each other to me, point blank.

When The Rock leaves Mariah, she is going to wonder why. I don't understand why Mariah doesn't smell what The Rock is cooking.
there is something missing in this story. its possible that mariah wonders if beyonce and vin were plotting behind her back, when she was still with vin. Also we dont know what kind of talks mariah and beyonce had when, her relationship with vin was breaking down.
yes mariah should be an adult and move on, but its hard...give her time.
EXACTLY. I think that Mariah is a little mental with the whole abort thing. So she's an extremist anyways with that b.s ....However I think something bigger is going on that isn't being considered (perhaps) and that is this....perhaps there isn't any jealousy and it's just annoyance that a friend would have sex with someone who is supposed to be off limits. But instead of cutting her off (end of story)...she tried to find a way to mend the friendship (and of course can't because she's too emotional as demonstrated again by the whole abortion thing).

I'm thinking that knowing they're together (no matter why...remember she's a little irrational. The rational thing would be to know that you can't get over it and severe ties. But instead she demanded abortion and ceasing relationship with father) is a constant reminder of the betrayal. Imagine a wound healing but you keep pulling off the scab...yup that's what's happening imo.

This could all be ended and the drama would cease if they'd both realize they can't get along and move on. And then they could visit the "group" on their own instead of being around at the same time all the time. Just move on with their respective lives
Sorry, but this notion that once you date a man he's off limits for eternity to any of your friends is BS. Yes, it would be awkward and insensitive to start dating right after a break up but YEARS later? It just ain't none of Mariah's business, even more so since she's married. Mariah either still has feelings for Vin or is and has always been jealous of Bey.
hmm I don't see what's so wrong in Mariah wanting to kick Beyonce out of the group, you guys are telling her she should get over it, but how can she when its in her face all the time?
oh and ex-bfs are off limit, especially if we were together for more than six months and were sexing on the regular. Nobody thinks its weird for her to see him all the time now? When i break up with someone they stay in my past I dont do the friends with the ex thing AT ALL.
hmm I don't see what's so wrong in Mariah wanting to kick Beyonce out of the group, you guys are telling her she should get over it, but how can she when its in her face all the time?

If Mary's with someone else, then WHY should it bother her so much. This scenario just proves that she's not over it, and that's something that MARY needs to address. It's not Bianca's problem, and she should have to give up her friends because someone in the group is unhappy.

oh and ex-bfs are off limit, especially if we were together for more than six months and were sexing on the regular. Nobody thinks its weird for her to see him all the time now? When i break up with someone they stay in my past I dont do the friends with the ex thing AT ALL.

But they did, and Mary was even cool with that when Bianca said that she was keeping the baby, so I don't see why she's holding all of this animosity now that the couple are actually together. In fact, I would be happy that they're together and raising that child together, but, to each his own.
Mariah is EGO-tripping. She may actually not be in love with Vin Diesel, but simply doesn't want a friend to have what she considered to belong to her at one point.
Mariah is EGO-tripping. She may actually not be in love with Vin Diesel, but simply doesn't want a friend to have what she considered to belong to her at one point.
"When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
'Cause we belong together "
^^Ha ha! ROTFLMAO!

But really I just think it's messy to date your friend's exes. I don't pick up left overs.

I just respect my friends enough to have a hands off policy. Because feelings can get hurt and people act like they're okay but they're not sometimes. And sometimes I think people feel like it's about loyalty.

Say a guy did you dirty. Well if someone does my friend dirty I don't want anything to do with them, I don't turn around and have sex with them unprotected and have a baby. Basically I'm loyal to my friend. I am that way with people I love too, just fierce protector of those I love. So if that person is in the right, I'm going to back them. And not that I'll start some childish war, but I won't go out of my way to deal with you, if you've hurt them. So I'm thinking about it in this way. Not this whole she should get over it way, but in a betrayal way because I don't know the rest of the story. I DO think she's extreme with the abortion stuff. She should've severed the relationship if she values loyalty and just wished them the best and KIM. But I am not going to quickly jump to jealousy because I don't think that's always the case.
Dang it Thickhair Dang it to h-e- double hockey sticks! :nono: I was trying to finish writing a grant proposal for this documentary and what did you go and do?

Okay! Okay! I took a break and went to lhcf which is my fault but...I come here, read your comment, type my response, go back to work and...

We Belong Together starts playing in my head. And now it won't stop. I hope you're happy.:lachen:I need to hurry up and finish so I can catch a late movie with my sweetie:grin: Now if only I can concentrate.Curse Mariah and her song.
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IMO. . Its just a messed up situation . . BEYONCE was wrong in the first place for having a relationship with VIN. . ESP if her and MARIAH were still cool. .35 yeasr later . . engaged or not thats still like uncomfortable for MARIAH. . because MARIAH and VIN still shared special moments and memories . . BUT at the same time BEY is grown who dictates to her who to have relationships with. .
It probably was a LITTLE hard for MARIAH to see them together or grasp the fact that her ex smashin her BFF or whatever. . she should have just cut BEY off back then along time ago, instead of trying to hide her emotions about the situation in a bottle. . because now its exploding and she sound crazy. . telling another woman to kill her unborn baby. .

BOTTOM LINE. . MARIAH need counseling... and prayer that she can truly forgive BEYONCE. They don't have to be BFFs. It would probably be best if they weren't.

. . and BEYONCE needs at this point to cut off MARIAH because she dosen't need that negative energy or anyone trying to make her feel guilty.

ETA: I know this isn't the Christian forum but it sounds like MARIAH is dealing with a sprit or Jezebel a sprit that trys to control and manipulate often uses guilt and sees ones self in a situation and she should seek deliverance pray for her . . Identify and remove the Jezebel spirit