New Member
I can understand where she is coming from but where there is a will there is a way. If she really wanted to be in attendance she would be!
She should find a small church (one that's not high profile) to attend.
Because that's a trick of the enemy to lure her out of church.
She has no problem going to the clubs and having people come up to her and ask for her autograph so she shouldn't use it as an excuse.
There still are many church's around that care for your soul and not the autograph they can sell on ebay.
Going out in public to eat or going to clubs where you are paid to be seen and talking to fans is totally different from being in church. When you are out you put up a front to deal with your celebrity. Maybe when she goes to church she just wants to be herself, shout, holler, cry, fall out, etc., without worrying that someone might sell it or put it on youtube. For some people being in church is finding peace and oneness with the Lord. How can you be at peace when you always have to watch your back? Its like being mobbed by fans when you are sitting on the toilet trying to do #2. You're not comfortable and why shouldn't she be able to feel at peace?
She may have gone to church for years or pray with her mother on the weekends. I don't think going or not going to church makes you more or less christian. I don't need a pastor to interpret the bible in the way he sees fit, I can read it myself and gain my own understanding. I'm sure there is plenty of people she can call if she has questions about a passage from the bible, or she can google it.
Well, the only scripture that comes to mind about this situation is, "Don't forsake the fellowship of saints.
Hebrews 10:24-25
24And let us consider and give [a]attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities, 25Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.
I remember Michael Jordan saying how he had to stop going to church because they would always want him to address the congregation and stuff plus folks wouldn't leave him alone. Can you imagine how that must feel? You come to praise the Lord and hear the Word and people are taking your picture, whispering and staring at you throughout the whole service, getting mobbed once service is over etc. And y'all know that once folks found out that Beyonceor Michael Jordan belongs to such a such church there's gonna be way more folks up in there besides the congregation. There won't be a calming down after a while, it'll become a tourist attraction/freakshow.
Going out in public to eat or going to clubs where you are paid to be seen and talking to fans is totally different from being in church. When you are out you put up a front to deal with your celebrity. Maybe when she goes to church she just wants to be herself, shout, holler, cry, fall out, etc., without worrying that someone might sell it or put it on youtube. For some people being in church is finding peace and oneness with the Lord. How can you be at peace when you always have to watch your back? Its like being mobbed by fans when you are sitting on the toilet trying to do #2. You're not comfortable and why shouldn't she be able to feel at peace?
She may have gone to church for years or pray with her mother on the weekends. I don't think going or not going to church makes you more or less christian. I don't need a pastor to interpret the bible in the way he sees fit, I can read it myself and gain my own understanding. I'm sure there is plenty of people she can call if she has questions about a passage from the bible, or she can google it.
reflect on those times that you are fighting yourself to go to church.
I mean you had a long week, you're tired, you don't feel good, you have a lot to do...and you can come up with a million reasons why missing church today is no big deal...he believes and I believe that for some reason...that tends to be the Sunday Pastor preaches on something you NEEDED to hear. I've found that to be true.
I've talked myself out of going to church a few times...wasn't doing anything special but after I hear my Pastor say that I went back and listened to the internet sermons from weeks that I missed and boy oh boy...they were right on target for what I was going through at the time. I should have been there!
The thing is every time I've come up with reasons NOT to go I'm always very fulfilled when I go and I always feel better about having gone. That's just me. But no, one Sunday doesn't ruin me.
The other point is for most of us, it starts off as one Sunday at a time. You miss one then it becomes easier to miss others then it becomes easier to miss a prayer time you committed to or a bible study you committed to and before you know it you haven't been to church or picked up your bible in a year and some.
This doesn't HAVE to occur in a church building. We fellowship on this board all the time, for example.
If she is still being led, God will lead her to exactly where she needs to be.
You know what is funny....... and I apologize because I did not read every posted remark....but people are choosing to define a building as church. Everyone talks about not JUDGING. Yet in the same paragraph still JUDGE. If GOD be our judge- then so be it. Beyonce' is human as is all of us. Her mistakes are magnified because of her public popularity. If none of us have a close enough relationship with her to offer to have devotion with her or to invite her to a bible study- then none of us should voice any negative opinions. We do not know how she is being fed, and therefore we can not say she is or is not being fed. Women of God please learn to love and respect everyone. I have grown and learned more spiritually through my interaction with "Ordinary" people who God places in my life. I minister and others minister to me on the street corner through casual- deep conversation. Open your hearts and eyes and understand our God is not confined to a BUILDING.
All I have to say is JESUS wasnt too popular to go to church.
Well, when you're as rich as Beyonce, what you need church for anyway?
I can always count on you Bloss to make me smile
I can't say that Beyonce's telling the truth 100%, but assuming she is..............
My personal concern is why people are MORE CONCERNED with Beyonce when they are in church, than in RECEIVING THE SPIRIT OR CONNECTING WITH GOD OR GETTING A SPIRITUAL MESSAGE/DELIVERANCE!
That's where my focus is. Beyonce is a human being, and people should not be worshipping her in church! They should be worshipping God
I can always count on you Bloss to make me smile
I can't say that Beyonce's telling the truth 100%, but assuming she is..............
My personal concern is why people are MORE CONCERNED with Beyonce when they are in church, than in RECEIVING THE SPIRIT OR CONNECTING WITH GOD OR GETTING A SPIRITUAL MESSAGE/DELIVERANCE!
That's where my focus is. Beyonce is a human being, and people should not be worshipping her in church! They should be worshipping God
The bolded statement has prompted me to post my thoughts because it is APPALLING to me that one celebrity can disrupt an entire worship service. If this is the case, everybody from the pulpit to the back door need a shake-up call.... Ain't no celebrity on planet earth should have that much power to disrupt a TRUE worship service unto the Lord.
With that said:
I think Bey simply does not want to go to church anymore and she's using the whole fame/popularity thing as an EXCUSE. If she doesn't want to go to church anymore, fine. But don't blame the fans.
Celebs go to church and folk don't bother them and if they do, then those so-called fans are in church for the wrong reasons and 2) that pastor needs to put folk in check. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST went to synagogue EVERY SABBATH (St. Luke 4:16) so if Jesus did it, so can we, regardless of our "celebrity"....
At my church, we have waves of celebrities that come through... we have some sports celebs/legends that attend as well. Some folk are star-struck for a minute but then they get over it fast, esp. after regular attendance and a swift reminder from the pastor about WHO and WHAT the worship service is REALLY supposed to be about: JESUS CHRIST!
And a couple of posters have mentioned this as well: who you MARRY can have an influence on church attendance...esp. if the church attendance was sporadic or non-existent already....
I can always count on you Bloss to make me smile
I can't say that Beyonce's telling the truth 100%, but assuming she is..............
My personal concern is why people are MORE CONCERNED with Beyonce when they are in church, than in RECEIVING THE SPIRIT OR CONNECTING WITH GOD OR GETTING A SPIRITUAL MESSAGE/DELIVERANCE!
That's where my focus is. Beyonce is a human being, and people should not be worshipping her in church! They should be worshipping God