Beyonce says she can't go to church because she's too popular....

My question...who r we to say, she is not getting filled spiritually. Are we there with her 24/7. Who are to JUDGE? Do we even have the right too. Last I know only the Lord has that right. Only HE know's Beyonce's heart and HIS relationship with her. She clearly is Christian. Beyond that it's between her and God. For me I'll leave it at that.

Sometimes people take "do not judge" out of context. I'm not saying that's the case in THIS situation.
I cannot understand how someone who says they NEED the church and to be there every Sunday means one should be unsure about whether they have faith (but you don't judge) but saying I don't want to attend church cause fans might bug me is okay. :/

Yeah, I guess that came out wrong. I don't understand people who say they absolutely can't miss a Sunday for fear of backsliding or losing faith, but if that is what they need to stay on their path, then I don't knock it.

It's the same for Beyonce...I don't fully understand her, and I think she probably just doesn't want to go to church, but I don't knock her for it and I hope she finds a way to get the fellowship she needs.
I'd like to kindly point out that I don't think anyone has questioned her salvation or her spirituality. I do question the validity/logic/soundness of her reasoning for not wanting to attend church. Apparently she feels church attendance is a vital part of her spiritual/religious walk, or else it would be a non-issue for her but she made remarks concerning it.

To blame someone else's actions for her own actions is giving up your own responsibility/accountability to the situation. And this same principle would apply to anybody, regardless of status.
Lauren I'm with you.

It is not the place of any of us to question her walk or her beliefs. If she feels uncomfortable, then she can be fed spiritually in other ways. Some of these responses, seem a little short sighted and preachy to me. And folks wonder why some people get turned off to the church.

She also gives back to her church home in Houston a lot and probably communicates with her pastor regularly, who officiated her wedding.

Thanks JR. I agree with you...I'm sure she's doing God's work in ways that we probably don't see or hear about, and I hope she's getting the fellowship and guidance she needs. But I won't sit here and say that someone in her position NEEDS a church home and NEEDS to be in it every Sunday.
Yeah, I guess that came out wrong. I don't understand people who say they absolutely can't miss a Sunday for fear of backsliding or losing faith, but if that is what they need to stay on their path, then I don't knock it.

It's the same for Beyonce...I don't fully understand her, and I think she probably just doesn't want to go to church, but I don't knock her for it and I hope she finds a way to get the fellowship she needs.

I used to feel that way, but now I don't...but I do notice that when I lax attendance (when I can go but don't versus if I'm missing Sunday service because I'm out of town or in class), I can slip re. my personal relationship and being in the presence of the Lord with like believers offers strength and encouragement.
Thanks JR. I agree with you...I'm sure she's doing God's work in ways that we probably don't see or hear about, and I hope she's getting the fellowship and guidance she needs. But I won't sit here and say that someone in her position NEEDS a church home and NEEDS to be in it every Sunday.

Exactly. If she is uncomfortable during the whole service, the point/message is lost.
I'm sure many of you have seen this but I thought this was a fitting place for it.
Thanks SuperNova for that link. I watched pt 1 & 2 and those videos had a weird effect on me. I found myself getting very excited and praising God for those videos.
I agree with many of the other posters on Beyonce going to church. Nothing should stop her. If she found herself in a situation really needing/wanting God I'm sure she would find a way, no doubt.
She should find a small church (one that's not high profile) to attend.

Because that's a trick of the enemy to lure her out of church.

She has no problem going to the clubs and having people come up to her and ask for her autograph so she shouldn't use it as an excuse.

There still are many church's around that care for your soul and not the autograph they can sell on ebay.
I remember Michael Jordan saying how he had to stop going to church because they would always want him to address the congregation and stuff plus folks wouldn't leave him alone. Can you imagine how that must feel? You come to praise the Lord and hear the Word and people are taking your picture, whispering and staring at you throughout the whole service, getting mobbed once service is over etc. And y'all know that once folks found out that Beyonceor Michael Jordan belongs to such a such church there's gonna be way more folks up in there besides the congregation:rolleyes:. There won't be a calming down after a while, it'll become a tourist attraction/freakshow:nono:.
Yeah, I guess that came out wrong. I don't understand people who say they absolutely can't miss a Sunday for fear of backsliding or losing faith, but if that is what they need to stay on their path, then I don't knock it.

It's the same for Beyonce...I don't fully understand her, and I think she probably just doesn't want to go to church, but I don't knock her for it and I hope she finds a way to get the fellowship she needs.

Okay, let me clarify. :) I don't mean that if you miss ONE Sunday you are going to turn into a crack toting prostituting homewrecking murdering bank robber. :grin: I just know...well let me put it to you this way.

A few weeks ago my Pastor said that we'd notice something. We have the benefit of listening to our Pastor on the internet if we must miss service. But one of the things he said is to reflect on those times that you are fighting yourself to go to church.

I mean you had a long week, you're tired, you don't feel good, you have a lot to do...and you can come up with a million reasons why missing church today is no big deal...he believes and I believe that for some reason...that tends to be the Sunday Pastor preaches on something you NEEDED to hear. I've found that to be true.

I've talked myself out of going to church a few times...wasn't doing anything special but after I hear my Pastor say that I went back and listened to the internet sermons from weeks that I missed and boy oh boy...they were right on target for what I was going through at the time. :rolleyes: I should have been there!

The thing is every time I've come up with reasons NOT to go I'm always very fulfilled when I go and I always feel better about having gone. That's just me. But no, one Sunday doesn't ruin me.

The other point is for most of us, it starts off as one Sunday at a time. You miss one then it becomes easier to miss others then it becomes easier to miss a prayer time you committed to or a bible study you committed to and before you know it you haven't been to church or picked up your bible in a year and some.

In Beyonce's case...okay sure...she's popular. And you're probably right that she'd be distracted BUT she gives the impression that it's the congregations fault. I mean that just sounds like an excuse for something she already wanted to do.

And her husband, well, Jigga or whatever his name is...

The Bible tells us to be very careful about giving our affections, because our heart influences everything else in our life.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life Proverbs 4:23).

We also tend to become like the company we keep. This principle is closely related to the first one and is just as important in friendships as in dating.

Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33).

So I still have to wonder what types of influences Beyonce may be getting from her husband who - well I'm not sure WHO he stands behind.
She should find a small church (one that's not high profile) to attend.

Because that's a trick of the enemy to lure her out of church.

She has no problem going to the clubs and having people come up to her and ask for her autograph so she shouldn't use it as an excuse.

There still are many church's around that care for your soul and not the autograph they can sell on ebay.

AMEN! Jesus Christ is my only superstar! She wouldn't have me all out of myself and forgetting to worship Christ. If the Holy Spirit is anywhere in that church, His presence will be felt OVER Beyonce's.
I'll pass on that. I feel that it explains itself and to expound upon it would be useless. But I will say this and it's not to you in particular: It saddens me that many Christians feel the need to sort of force or strong arm other people into going to church by making them feel like they are not a good Christian without doing so or that this is the only way. This backfires many times and pushes folks away.
I agree with you.
I have to agree with RR and adequate

There are other options. Matisyahu is a Hasidic Jew and is quite a popular artist, and makes it a point not to have concerts and such on Saturday and fellowships with a small local Hasidic congregation in the area, b/c that is is what is important to him. I saw Obama in Redemption Outreach in Greenville, SC and no one seemed to be bothering him when the message went forth.

If attending service at church is important to you, then your "fame" should not stop you. Like RR said, Jesus was mobbed in the streets over the miracles he performed, but that didn't stop him from going into the temple on the Sabbath and teaching/preaching. If the people are being bothering you after the pastor has admonisted them then maybe try a different service. In most large congregations, you have a large number of people who are not members attend the 11am Sunday Service, so it may be better to try a midweek service or an 8am service, where typically you have more members there (less visitors) who are focused on the Word, and not on who is here and who is not here.
I remember Michael Jordan saying how he had to stop going to church because they would always want him to address the congregation and stuff plus folks wouldn't leave him alone. Can you imagine how that must feel? You come to praise the Lord and hear the Word and people are taking your picture, whispering and staring at you throughout the whole service, getting mobbed once service is over etc. And y'all know that once folks found out that Beyonceor Michael Jordan belongs to such a such church there's gonna be way more folks up in there besides the congregation:rolleyes:. There won't be a calming down after a while, it'll become a tourist attraction/freakshow:nono:.

I can sympathize with Bey and MJ.

Because I'm on TV everyday, I'm considered a "local celebrity" in my area. And sometimes it does take away from my "church experience" when people are pointing and whispering and distracting me. during service.

Maybe I should do a better job ignoring them. But lemme tell you - it's hard.

I've also had experiences like MJ where the pastor or someone else "calls me out" during service to say I'm there. Or asks me to address the congregation - give them "a Word"!
That's the most annoying part EVER!
People should be there to get fed and learn about Jesus - not look at me! And someone from the pulpit announcing my presence sure doesn't help.

But I have found a church where I'm a "regular visitor" and I know the pastor well. I've told him how much I appreciate the fact that he doesn't draw attention to me. More pastors should realize those of us who are in the limelight get enough attention paid to us during the week. Sundays, while I'm in church, I'm trying to get my JESUS ON, not be treated like a "celebrity"!

Another note - Jesus is everywhere. I can have church anywhere - my car, my bedroom, work, even my bathroom. While Christians are required to fellowship together, we should expand our thinking to realize that can happen anywhere:
Mathew 18:20: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the middle of them.

So I'm not gonna waste any time judging Bey or anyone else.
I have no idea where she is on her spiritual journey. I just hopes she gets the Word somehow.
Interesting. I know several famous people who attend church regularly and who are active in their churches. Perhaps if she went regularly or to a church where a lot of celebs go then she wouldn't be bothered so much. It's just understood at these churches that this is church, not a show. I know one thing, I am not going to judge her because only God knows what's in her heart. I'm only human, so I can only see the outside. Besides, scripture admonishes us not to judge lest we be judged.

Amen hun!!! You said it all!

And again, I have never seen in the Bible where you HAVE to go to church every Sunday to be a Christian, to be saved, to walk, or to be like Christ. It is certainly something to aspire to, but I don't think I'm ready to say Beyonce is no longer saved or a Christian just because she doesn't go to Sunday service. She could be doing the work of Christ out there on the road. We don't know. Her relationship is between her and God, and none of us can say.

ITA :yep:
BTW: just thought of this, can't Bey afford a nice disguise? Disquised and coming in either earlier than the crowd or just after the crowd seems like a feasible way to attend church, I mean, only if you really wanted to attend though.

I totally agree with you SuperNova. If I were Beyonce, I would buy a short red wig, hat, loose fitting dress like granny would wear (so you can't see her bootylicious), flat shoes, and glasses. And that way, no one would probably look her way and she could go to any church undetected.
And her husband, well, Jigga or whatever his name is...

We also tend to become like the company we keep. This principle is closely related to the first one and is just as important in friendships as in dating.

Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33).

So I still have to wonder what types of influences Beyonce may be getting from her husband who - well I'm not sure WHO he stands behind.

He also calls himself "hova" while telling people to lift their hands. Strange; but that's just me.
Thanks JR. I agree with you...I'm sure she's doing God's work in ways that we probably don't see or hear about, and I hope she's getting the fellowship and guidance she needs. But I won't sit here and say that someone in her position NEEDS a church home and NEEDS to be in it every Sunday.

ITA with all of your posts.
She should find a small church (one that's not high profile) to attend.

Because that's a trick of the enemy to lure her out of church.

She has no problem going to the clubs and having people come up to her and ask for her autograph so she shouldn't use it as an excuse.

There still are many church's around that care for your soul and not the autograph they can sell on ebay.

You cannot possibly compare going to a church and going to a club. At a club it is irritating to be asked for autographs, at a church, you want serenity and space to hear the sermon, worship & pray.
I think it would've worked out better if she had a church she had attended before she got famous to go back to regularly.

I would say her best option would be to have small fellowship Sundays ( a mini-service) with a pastor and her band, crew, friends and fellow celebrities.

With her level of celebrity, whether or not the pastor and congregation left her alone, you know the paparazzi would be waiting every Sunday without fail. Also "new" members who want to see her.
I used to attend a church that had celebrities attend on a regular basis, football players, musicians etc, and generally speaking they sat in the front and a point was made that they could/would not be distrubed. (sp?) i think as a celeb, she can have body guard or have it blocked off if she sat in a certain area just like anywhere else. i just dont think that is an excuse...sorry

i think what she means is she doesnt want to go to church.
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I used to attend a church that had celebrities attend on a regular basis, football players, musicians etc, and generally speaking they sat in the front and a point was made that they could/would not be distrubed. (sp?) i think as a celeb, she can have body guard or have it blocked off if she sat in a certain area just like anywhere else. i just dont think that is an excuse...sorry

i think what she means is she doesnt want to go to church.

ITA. If she wanted to go, then she would put forth the effort to find a church that would help her to make a way to attend and fellowship without becoming an idol right there in the church. As Christians, we need to get the Word in us regularly. We also need to fellowship with one another regularly together and bring the glory to God corporately.
There are celebrities and then there are CELEBRITIES. We have a few that attend my church(mainly entertainers) some more often than others but they're no where near Beyonce or Michael Jordan staus. They less frequent attendies get a few stares but I think they are pretty much left alone. I don't know what kind of chaos would be let loose on us if a mega celeb joined the church. Between the paparrazi and folks just attending to get a glance at them:nono:. If they joined a small church how long do you all think it would remain small:ohwell:. The sectioning of an area and bodyguard thing MAY work but how sad to be in the house of the Lord and have to be separated and worry about your safety:nono:. Maybe the can get sick and shut in visits from one of their church's ministers. Still sad though.
I'm not making the comparison in that way.

If you have body guards surrounding you non stop at a club that means that you want your privacy, (no autographs, pictures etc) but it still doesn't stop them from going out to the club.

So if you really want to do something you'll find away. (Denzel Washington and Angela Basset don't use that as an excuse)

I attended a few churches in LA that had many celebrities and I never say anyone walk down in the middle of service and do that, but then it has alot to do with the kind of church you attend, what the Pastor will allow and of course what the people are there for.

Upgarder I think you're right maybe she doesn't want to go to church.
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I'm not making the comparison in that way.

If you have body guards surrounding you non stop at a club that means that you want your privacy, (no autographs, pictures etc) but it still doesn't stop them from going out to the club.

So if you really want to do something you'll find away. (Denzel Washington and Angela Basset don't use that as an excuse)

I attended a few churches in LA that had many celebrities and I never say anyone walk down in the middle of service and do that, but then it has alot to do with the kind of church you attend, what the Pastor will allow and of course what the people are there for.

Upgarder I think you're right maybe she doesn't want to go to church.

I agree. Because to God, we are all his children. God is a respector or no one person over another and so Beyonce needs to find a church where her pastor shares that belief. I hope she is getting the Word somehow/somewhere though. There are a lot of churches that broadcast live services on Before I joined the church I attend, that is how I got my word, not because of her reasoning, but just because I was waiting for God to send me to my church. In the meantime, I wasn't going to miss out on the word for any thing.
YAAAAA KNNOOOWW WHAAATTT!! She needs to give it a rest! As many of you have said, there are lots of famous people who attend church, I mean even TYRESE goes to church on Sunday!!! If he can go in the mists of all the (please excuse this) church hoes:perplexed (you know every church has 1 or 2, hopefuly no more than that) then she should have no problems. Why not try joining a church and talking to the pastor about the people who come up to her for the wrong reasons. (i know MY pastor would say something)

We recently lost a musical legend who was a member of my church, Spanky Alford (a guitarist who played for some of EVERYBODY, from 2Pac to Joss Stone. He's mostly known for his work with Tony Toni Tone and most reciently Raphel Saddiq) We were expecting a large turnout for the homegoing service that would include a few famous folks. Well, the first thing my pastor said at the beginning of the service was "I just want you all to know that NO ONE who walks in here today is famous! If you feel like you just have to have an autograph, suck it up!" He basicly made it know to the people in attendance that no one would out shine the presence of God nor the pourpose of the Service.

She has no excuse!!!