Yeah, I guess that came out wrong. I don't understand people who say they absolutely can't miss a Sunday for fear of backsliding or losing faith, but if that is what they need to stay on their path, then I don't knock it.
It's the same for Beyonce...I don't fully understand her, and I think she probably just doesn't want to go to church, but I don't knock her for it and I hope she finds a way to get the fellowship she needs.
Okay, let me clarify.
I don't mean that if you miss ONE Sunday you are going to turn into a crack toting prostituting homewrecking murdering bank robber.
I just know...well let me put it to you this way.
A few weeks ago my Pastor said that we'd notice something. We have the benefit of listening to our Pastor on the internet if we must miss service. But one of the things he said is to reflect on those times that you are fighting yourself to go to church.
I mean you had a long week, you're tired, you don't feel good, you have a lot to do...and you can come up with a million reasons why missing church today is no big deal...he believes and I believe that for some reason...
that tends to be the Sunday Pastor preaches on something you NEEDED to hear. I've found that to be true.
I've talked myself out of going to church a few times...wasn't doing anything special but after I hear my Pastor say that I went back and listened to the internet sermons from weeks that I missed and boy oh boy...they were right on target for what I was going through at the time.
I should have been there!
The thing is every time I've come up with reasons NOT to go I'm always very fulfilled when I go and I always feel better about having gone. That's just me. But no, one Sunday doesn't ruin me.
The other point is for most of us, it starts off as one Sunday at a time. You miss one then it becomes easier to miss others then it becomes easier to miss a prayer time you committed to or a bible study you committed to and before you know it you haven't been to church or picked up your bible in a year and some.
In Beyonce's case...okay sure...she's popular. And you're probably right that she'd be distracted BUT she gives the impression that it's the congregations fault. I mean that just sounds like an excuse for something she already wanted to do.
And her husband, well, Jigga or whatever his name is...
The Bible tells us to be very careful about giving our affections, because our heart influences everything else in our life.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life
Proverbs 4:23).
We also tend to become like the company we keep. This principle is closely related to the first one and is just as important in friendships as in dating.
Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character (
1 Corinthians 15:33).
So I still have to wonder what types of influences Beyonce may be getting from her husband who - well I'm not sure WHO he stands behind.