sex with the ex......

It really depends on how soon it is after the break up and whether or not there are still feelings involved. If so, it's probably not a good idea.

I hooked up with an ex from 10 years ago when I needed some.........maintenance. :look:

Didn't feel any particular way about it. That was his only purpose, he served it and I went about my business.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend it unless you can seperate the physical and the emotional. Other than that you may have regrets about it later. That's just me.

its not the best thing to do--especially if its a recent breakup and emotions are still running high...

one thing is that its giving false hope especially if the other person has moved on and is still feeling emotionally connected and keeps coming back to you. The only time that it may turn out positive is if you and him can work out your differences and have plans of gettin back together..

ive done it and im emotional so its not the best thing for me...because i was still involving that person in my life and being able to have control over my feelings and not moving on...i had to put my foot down and say no i cant keep doing this..
As long as the woman is emotionally capable of handling it and as long as both parties are not in an relationship...a man can do that with us with no emotions as I think as long as we don't get emotional attached I don't see why not...
I am guilty of getting my freak on with the ex. Thank goodness we finally got back together and married.
I wish I could locate an ex for some right about now :look:

Girl, you and me both. :look:

I used to have an ex that served this purpose. I had moved on from the relationship, but from time to time we would call each other up for a, um, reunion. :look:

Dayum, I wish I hadn't moved out of state.
I'm guilty of doing this with one of my exes. :ohwell:

We broke up after being together for almost a year, we dated other people briefly in between the breakup and then got back to get our freak on for about a month and a half or so. It was by far one of the worst decisions I think I've ever made - aside from the fact that our breakup was just BAD, we were best friends for 6 years before we got together and now we don't talk even just as friends. Ever. He's made attempts to reestablish a friendship but I'm in such a better place now with the person that I'm with and he did too many wrong things for me to consider it.
Eww no! I went out for drinks with my old high school sweet heart. I was so naive to think he wouldn't consider it a date. I really just wanted to catch up and have a couple of rounds AS FRIENDS! Well he got mad and caught feelings...

What I was saying is, I could NEVER imagine myself EVER doing the deed with him or ANY of my old flings. EWWW...just the thought of it gives me chills. After I'm done with a guy, they are DONE!
Really, its not a question of right or wrong. Prob would stop a lot of women from drowning in promiscuity if they kept it to their ex while they are getting over the breakup. Then again, all that exposure to your ex isnt good either, plus and minus either way.
I see nothing wrong with it. Like many ladies have mentioned already, if both parties can handle it emotionally, then go for it. But remember...."accidents" do happen. What happens when the person you wanted to get rid of and only kept around to serve one purpose, serves that purpose a little too well? You guys are now connected for life. :ohwell:
Is it wrong to continue having sex after you've ended a relationship?

Yup...because in the end someone is going to end up frustrated, and it could be you.

That doesn't mean I haven't done it.

Cuz let's be real:
  • with the ex you know what you're going to get
  • with the ext there's no need to play the video vixen (like you do when you're with a new dude)
  • with the ex you know what to do
  • and with the ex, you don't have to add 1 to the "number of dudes I've slept with" count
We've all been there. It's a temporary fix.

I say as long as you go into sex with the ex with EYES WIDE OPEN, fully conscious of what you're doing and what you're trying to get out of it then go for it. But the minute you start trying to bullsh*t yourself into the "I don't care, this is just sex" knowing damn well you're feelings are involved, you're in trouble.

Just keep it real with yourself.
It really depends on the person. As for me, I wouldn't do it. Besides the fact that my ex is a douchebag half the time, I don't want to leave room for doubt with the next person I'm with that sex has carried over into the time that he and I have been getting involved. Not sure if I would care that he did it, but I just wouldn't do it myself. I have nothing against people who do it though.
Yup...because in the end someone is going to end up frustrated, and it could be you.

That doesn't mean I haven't done it.

Cuz let's be real:
  • with the ex you know what you're going to get
  • with the ext there's no need to play the video vixen (like you do when you're with a new dude)
  • with the ex you know what to do
  • and with the ex, you don't have to add 1 to the "number of dudes I've slept with" count
We've all been there. It's a temporary fix.

I say as long as you go into sex with the ex with EYES WIDE OPEN, fully conscious of what you're doing and what you're trying to get out of it then go for it. But the minute you start trying to bullsh*t yourself into the "I don't care, this is just sex" knowing damn well you're feelings are involved, you're in trouble.

Just keep it real with yourself.

One of my exes became my maintenance man after a 9 month drought for all the the reasons you stated.

However, he has since been fired for missing too many days of work. :look:
From MY experience I say NO WAY! I was basically stalked by one of my SO's exes that he chose to remain "cool" with after they broke up. The girl was PSYCHO over some good d**k! It ain't worth it!! You could be putting all of that time and energy into finding another man!!! :perplexed
Is it wrong to continue having sex after you've ended a relationship?
I don't think it's wrong per se (unless he has a girlfriend). But it is counterproductive in most cases because one of the two will still have feelings that are being activated and played with.