SEX: When yor SO becomes your DH.....


New Member
People are always saying that marriage changes things? Does the sex change too? For ladies that are married has the sex gotten better, went down hill, or stayed the same ever since you married your SO? If it changed (either for better or worse) how long did it take before you noticed/ it kicked in? Inquiring minds wanna know!! This should be juicy.....:popcorn:
It took a few months but the sex is steadily getting better.
I think trust just has alot to do with it,besides there are things I wouldn't do for my man if we weren't married.
I'm not talking about extrordinary things here but in my opinion some things... not only sexually should be kept for marriage.
That's just my opinion for my personal life tough:yep:
I just got married and our sex life is better. I feel since we are married now it feels more special. I actually thought it would be less. My husband and I are high school sweethearts so we have been together awhile.
I've been with my husband for going on 18 years, and the sex is still FANTASTIC!!!!!! :grin: We're not over here hanging from the chandelier or anything (never was that type), but there is a lot of love and being in sync that was there from the beginning and has only gotten better with time.

So, no, it doesn't necessarily go downhill or become routine as time goes on. There can be something very sweet and enjoyable about being with and knowing the person year after year that keeps the lovin' very special.
I'd say it's better but then again we didn't date that long. The sex is great and I love getting it!

When you get married there are things that your gonna do because it's your DH atleast I would hope so or should I say he's gonna hope so. You might want to ask some men too. They might give you different answers :ohwell:
I've been with my husband for going on 18 years, and the sex is still FANTASTIC!!!!!! :grin:

See, now...this is what I wanted to hear!!!!

Do you have to work at it??

How does it NOT become routine?? I mean seriously - you know his tricks, he knows yours. Do you create new tricks?? Or does it hit a point where your content with his resume of offerings (kinda like when you've found that perfect restaurant - there's no need for them to EVER change the menu)??
Actually, "routine" isn't a bad thing if the routine is one that everybody's happy with :lachen:

We really are very old fashioned over here and there are not any tricks, props, or visual aids involved, so to speak. Like you said, sometimes the "menu" is perfect just the way it is, especially if everyone is content with what's being served :rolleyes: So, no, we don't really have to work at it. Things just kind of flow.

Also, life truly is a lot simpler when you are in a good committed relationship. You don't have to "prove" anything. If there is a problem sexually, let the person know what you would like. You don't have to fake it or go all dramatic. Just keep the communication open.

See, now...this is what I wanted to hear!!!!

Do you have to work at it??

How does it NOT become routine?? I mean seriously - you know his tricks, he knows yours. Do you create new tricks?? Or does it hit a point where your content with his resume of offerings (kinda like when you've found that perfect restaurant - there's no need for them to EVER change the menu)??
I'm happy with what I'm hearing! I figured it shouldn't get that bad after marriage! Me and my SO have been together 3 years (plan on getting married if all goes well), and we still enjoy our sex life. Of course there are bad days (or nights), but I think it's getting better overall. I think spicing it up is a good idea. I've danced for him (great foreplay) and I try to think of different ways to initiate it so that he's not ALWAYS initiating it (it can get like that sometimes with us). I also agree that I think our sex life will get better when we get married because I will personally become less inhibited.
Sex has gotten WAAAAAY better since we've been married (6yrs) as opposed to when we were BF/GF!:grin:

There's something inexplicable about it...I guess a "comfortable-ness" for lack of a better word. Once married, it seems that you let your "sexual guard" down and when you do, you wind up having a whole new level of trust in your partner. In a good marriage, you feel more comfortable around your husband that practically anyone else and this enables you to feel safe, loved, and comfortable enough to explore and do whatever makes you feel good.

and I'mma be honest, IMHO, there's nothing like knowing that no one on Earth could have any reason to object to what you're doing! You can be the freak of the week as long as it's in the confines of your marriage you get a big :up: :up: from society...

Also... ideally, once you become married, there's no worries about getting knocked up. You never realize how much of a damper fear of an unwanted pregnancy can put on your sex life.
Well from a religious standpoint (and this is my opinion) sex is better in marriage. When I was dating my husband and we were fornicating...the fact that I was sinning was always in my mind. It felt good to the flesh but not to my soul. If you get what I'm trying to say. But now it's beautiful because I know that this was in HIS plan for us!!!! And then I don't feel bad screaming out "Thank ya, Jesus!!!!!":lachen:

Okay...maybe that was TMI:look:

*high-tailing it out the thread*:cowgirl:
I remember it being much better once we got married. I always felt kind of guilty about having sex with him and not being married. So once we got married there was no holding back.