Sex on the first date


New Member
I've always thought of this as a :nono:...

but my best friend says if you do it now and get it out the way you will know how it will be... but the way men have been lately it seems like if you wait 3 minutes or 3 months they will still act stupid on you. So what is your opinion on having sex too soon?
What about STD's, pregnancy, etc..? All for a man you went out on one date with.:nono: How about getting to know him, his background and habits first, THEN deciding if he is even worth it.
it's a no-no..too many diseases out there and if a woman is looking for a serious relationship with the man, she should WAIT and get to know him quite a bit first...
LOL actually no... female

Okay, thanks.

Well, here's the question I would ask. How is this working for HER? Did she follow this method and end up in healthy, fulfilling relationships? What is her basis for making this determination and do you see it reaping benefits for her or other women who do this.

I would simply agree with Pretty Brown Eyes... I mean seriously, are you that into every man you date that you'd even want to have sex with him after the first date? Fo' realz? Sex doesn't even cross my mind at the end of the first date because I don't know the kneegrow from a can of paint.

It's not about values or morals for me (well, it is, but I'm speaking in general terms right now). It's about protecting myself both physically and emotionally and making sure that I get to know this man to see if he's someone that I even want around me three months later, let alone a week.

Your friend is dumb on this one. Sorry, but I'm calling it how I see it.
It's not about values or morals for me (well, it is, but I'm speaking in general terms right now). It's about protecting myself both physically and emotionally and making sure that I get to know this man to see if he's someone that I even want around me three months later, let alone a week.

Your friend is dumb on this one. Sorry, but I'm calling it how I see it.

If she has sex on the first date and get pregnant he'll be around for at least 18 years. If he helps with the child is another story.
Is your best friend a man?

Probably not, just a woman thinking like a man, i.e. buying into that crap.

LOL actually no... female

Yep. Probably a lonely one too.

PrettyBrownEyes said:
If she has sex on the first date and get pregnant he'll be around for at least 18 years.

Really? :look: Guys who have first-night stands, generally aren't the committed type.

Anyways, answer to your question, guys categorize girls who put out on the first date.
It's not fair, but if you want more from the relationship, it maybe better to hold off for a bit.
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We had a long debate about that. Like most of you I'm afraid of diseases and you never know you may put it on him too good and then you got a stalker. LOL... but she is actually engaged to a man she had sex with on the first date. I made my boyfriend wait... and according to her thats why I have so many problems with him now.
We had a long debate about that. Like most of you I'm afraid of diseases and you never know you may put it on him too good and then you got a stalker. LOL... but she is actually engaged to a man she had sex with on the first date. I made my boyfriend wait... and according to her thats why I have so many problems with him now.

Well, I'm glad it worked for her.

However, I think that women need to stay true to their standards. If your standard is waiting, then WAIT, gotdarnit. Exceptions don't make the rule, and I hope she has a good man... however, that does not mean that YOU are supposed to follow her path.

Follow YOUR heart and YOUR gut instinct and YOUR spirit and you will not go wrong. As for your boyfriend, maybe the problem is simply that he's not the one for you.
We had a long debate about that. Like most of you I'm afraid of diseases and you never know you may put it on him too good and then you got a stalker. LOL... but she is actually engaged to a man she had sex with on the first date. I made my boyfriend wait... and according to her thats why I have so many problems with him now.

how does she figure?

do not listen to your friend on this one. she is not giving you sound advice. even if we assume that her relationship with her FH is a healthy and happy one, her situation is the exception, not the rule.
I think I've answered this somewhere before. I have never wanted to drop my undies for a man on a first date, I just don't know a person that well to do it. Maybe if I weren't married, single, and was out to get some it'd be different, but I can't see myself doing it even then.
i have no real opinion on sex on the first date--im liberal when it comes to sexuality and etc--but im more disturbed on the reasonings your homegirl is tying to it---

her reasoning makes me feel like she is a blank so not sure if she is the best person to take advice from---

the whole when to have sex with a man is a very touchy topic for some.....ppl have many varying opinions on when is the right time---i myself can not answer that whats right for your situation
Its only sex,,,it aint the be all and end of a it ?!?!?!? :rolleyes:

What happened to getting to know one another, building trust, having a laugh.

I think we're mature enough to not put sex above all these.....or am I old fashioned.

Anyway as a Christian, you probably all know where I stand
We had a long debate about that. Like most of you I'm afraid of diseases and you never know you may put it on him too good and then you got a stalker. LOL... but she is actually engaged to a man she had sex with on the first date. I made my boyfriend wait... and according to her thats why I have so many problems with him now.

That don't make no kinda sense :lachen:

If you want to have sex on the first date then fine, buy a box of condoms and do just might work out....but don't try to make it seem like sex on the first date will somehow develop into a problem-free relationship. Your friend is ridiculous.
You can have sex on the first date or wait 3 months, I don't believe its an indicator of how or if a committed relationship will pan out.
It's not MY thing. Sex to me is about a connection; one that I'd like to have with someone I am in love with.
I'd rather have a man act stupid on me before I had sex with him than afterwards :nono:

I also think you can learn a lot about how a man will be in bed even before you have sex with him. Is he caring, good hearted, does he treat you like a princess etc?

Please continue to follow your heart when it comes to your relationships.

I prefer to take advice from women who are in seemingly happy and healthy long term relationships. Is your friend that kind of woman?
I just want to know why people think you can only get a disease from a one night stand? That seems to be the big "issue" all the time.

You can get a disease from your spouse, you can get a disease from a guy you have been with for 50\11 years. STD's don't know a time frame. Puh-Leaze.

Also a first date is not that guage of how long a relationship will last.

Oh and I am not an advocate of sex on the first date.
IMHO- NO! No sex on the first date are you kidding me. I have to know a man I am dating(s) history. Sex is just to risky condoms or not. JMHO.
I just want to know why people think you can only get a disease from a one night stand? That seems to be the big "issue" all the time.

You can get a disease from your spouse, you can get a disease from a guy you have been with for 50\11 years. STD's don't know a time frame. Puh-Leaze.

Also a first date is not that guage of how long a relationship will last.

Oh and I am not an advocate of sex on the first date.

this is true but on a first date it is highly unlikely that you've discussed sexual history. And I would assume that he engages in risky behavior regularly if he didn't bat an eye at the thought of sleeping with me-- a woman he doesn't know at all.
My dad gave me similiar advice to what your friend says..

if you are really feeling somebody and desire to have sex with them sooner than later is better because then you will know if he is trying to just get sex or if he is really into you depending on how he acts afterwards....he was real clear that this was not a anybody you meet situation...somebody you are feeling who you know you want to have sex with anyways...if you are not even sure you want him or not trippin too much off of him, not sexually attracted to him etc... don't let him make sex an issue or something you are pressured into doing... do it on your own time if you ever decide to go there...he was always on being in control of your body and doing things for reasons that suit you and for everybody things are his day he has never referred to a woman in a derogatory manner ,but he got his swerve on and he says he can only recall a couple of women who weren't emotionally jacked up over sex and most were having it not because they really wanted to but for a whole host of other reasons and motives that usually caused them grief in their lives, or wanting to and feeling extremely guilty over it and there was really not much of a difference of the emotional stability of the women around sex whether they acted like they were so super sexual and loved having sex and giving it up quick or making him "wait"

one of the reasons he was always so open about sex and adamant about me holding all the power and to always be accountable and responsible for any decisions I make regarding it, know the consequences that can occur and to always know my motives behind my decisions when it comes to dealing with men and having sex....

enjoy who you are with and do it because you want to/when you want to and enjoy doing it and always take responsibility for any outcome that may occur...if you start doing it for other reasons or to try and get something back from a man then thats where all the emotional problems come in

the beauty and the curse with that was men 9xoutta 10 loved it (being sexually open even if we didn't have/never had sex) and were always like "you're the one" and then would make me the person who was either responsible for their total happiness or the person who could destroy their world, and it seemed I was doing alot of destroying of worlds by not wanting to be with them how they wanted to be with me

on one end its a nice ego booster and my ego did get boosted, however on the other end I was starting to hold myself responsible for "hurting" other people and I went from being super open, to super closed off (which sucked btw) to really just in the past few years figuring out a balance to being myself and taking into account how other people, esp men handle me and not creating more drama on my end of their end

the men i have been involved with and have a deep love and still deep relationships with are men i had sex with fairly early on in the relationship....people aren't that hard to read, even with excessive fronts up...people are very transparent when you stop paying attention to external factors and pick up on their energy...their whole self is revealed, which is what most people spend alot of time doing in the "getting to know stage" attempting to get to the core of a person, which in alot of cases people still don't after years of "knowing" somebody
My dad gave me similiar advice to what your friend says..

if you are really feeling somebody and desire to have sex with them sooner than later is better because then you will know if he is trying to just get sex or if he is really into you depending on how he acts afterwards....he was real clear that this was not a anybody you meet situation...somebody you are feeling who you know you want to have sex with anyways...if you are not even sure you want him or not trippin too much off of him, not sexually attracted to him etc... don't let him make sex an issue or something you are pressured into doing... do it on your own time if you ever decide to go there...he was always on being in control of your body and doing things for reasons that suit you and for everybody things are his day he has never referred to a woman in a derogatory manner ,but he got his swerve on and he says he can only recall a couple of women who weren't emotionally jacked up over sex and most were having it not because they really wanted to but for a whole host of other reasons and motives that usually caused them grief in their lives, or wanting to and feeling extremely guilty over it and there was really not much of a difference of the emotional stability of the women around sex whether they acted like they were so super sexual and loved having sex and giving it up quick or making him "wait"

one of the reasons he was always so open about sex and adamant about me holding all the power and to always be accountable and responsible for any decisions I make regarding it, know the consequences that can occur and to always know my motives behind my decisions when it comes to dealing with men and having sex....

enjoy who you are with and do it because you want to/when you want to and enjoy doing it and always take responsibility for any outcome that may occur...if you start doing it for other reasons or to try and get something back from a man then thats where all the emotional problems come in

the beauty and the curse with that was men 9xoutta 10 loved it (being sexually open even if we didn't have/never had sex) and were always like "you're the one" and then would make me the person who was either responsible for their total happiness or the person who could destroy their world, and it seemed I was doing alot of destroying of worlds by not wanting to be with them how they wanted to be with me

on one end its a nice ego booster and my ego did get boosted, however on the other end I was starting to hold myself responsible for "hurting" other people and I went from being super open, to super closed off (which sucked btw) to really just in the past few years figuring out a balance to being myself and taking into account how other people, esp men handle me and not creating more drama on my end of their end

the men i have been involved with and have a deep love and still deep relationships with are men i had sex with fairly early on in the relationship....people aren't that hard to read, even with excessive fronts up...people are very transparent when you stop paying attention to external factors and pick up on their energy...their whole self is revealed, which is what most people spend alot of time doing in the "getting to know stage" attempting to get to the core of a person, which in alot of cases people still don't after years of "knowing" somebody

Your DAD told you that. Damg.
Your DAD told you that. Damg.

one of my dad's biggest fears was that i was gonna turn out to be an emotional hot mess over men and those were the two things he discussed openly, honestly and repeatedly with me when i was younger

he was big on self love, responsibility of emotions, accountability of actions and behaviors, knowing the good,the bad the ugly of life but not making anything about "good girls do this" or "bad girls do that"....dont attach self worth to sex or seek validation from men of who you are....said shame and guilt were the most destructive emotions one could indulge in and to never feel ashamed about anything...take every experience that is not so "great" as a learning lesson, take the positive out of it and move on, and find ways to enjoy your life and feel good about yourself
I overheard a conversation with some young ladies and men. One girl who was about 22 has three children was going on about how men are going to be men. Men cheat and talk to various females, because sometime you can't talk to your significant other. She says she knows her man talks to other females and what not, but she wouldn't leave him for nothing. She has not problem sleeping with a guy she has known all of a week, if they are vibing. She still will remain with her guy.

The guys were so loving her and her perspective on men. One of the guys remarked, how she was the first woman he ever heard get men. He said she really understood a man and how he thinks. I'm thinking, "How sad that she has bought into that crap!" Dude was on her like flies on you know what! I feel so sorry for these young girls these days!
Have sex when YOU are ready. Not because a friend or a man pressures you. Not because it is the first date, or the 50th date.

That means you have to learn to get in touch with your own feelings and emotions and know yourself and your sexuality really well... You also have to be clear about what you want in a relationship, and what your religious/spiritual inclinations are regarding sex. It is detrimental to have sex with people if in the back of your mind, you're thinking you're a bad person or doing something immoral.

Unfortunately, most people are not clear enough about these inner criterias to make this decision clearly so they have to rely on certain rules like not on the first date, etc... It's okay. It's a process.
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ditto on the bolded

and my dad also kept it very candid with me in regard to many topics including sex---

i think women hold soooo much weight tryna figure out a mans intentions based on how soon or not soon they sleep with them--when that is just a small facet of how/what will determine how a man feels about you or how the rlp will end up

when woman are in control of their mind/body and in control of their emotions --life is so much easier---

the men i have been involved with and have a deep love and still deep relationships with are men i had sex with fairly early on in the relationship....people aren't that hard to read, even with excessive fronts up...people are very transparent when you stop paying attention to external factors and pick up on their energy...their whole self is revealed, which is what most people spend alot of time doing in the "getting to know stage" attempting to get to the core of a person, which in alot of cases people still don't after years of "knowing" somebody
I can say I havent had sex on the first date but I've been in situations where it was pretty early and I've been in some that I made him wait. Shes one of my friends I love to debate with because she has this "hoe mentality" that I love to hear about. It honestly makes me laugh. I know the issues I have in my relationship have nothing to do with when we had sex. I guess I just wanted everyone elses opinion on this matter. I wish you all could hear some of things she says... we definitely agree to disagree. Shes a great friend just a little misguided.