“setting To Success” 2016

Here's my latest. On dry hair, I moisturized and put my hair in 3 sections, then heavily wetted the hair with water before rolling. The front and back section had 4 perm rods and the middle section had 6 perm rods. Then I pinned up the back. I have to get better at separating to prevent too much frizz, though. Overall, I'm very happy with it.

I set my hair last night. Went back to my old faithful it's a 10 leave in and my hair is so soft and bouncy. I was dry in 70 minutes too! I'm loving my cool cap bonnet attachment. I may buy a backup in case they disappear...

Going to pick up some olive oil at the grocery store after my workout and try using that on my hair throughout the week.
I set my hair last night. Went back to my old faithful it's a 10 leave in and my hair is so soft and bouncy. I was dry in 70 minutes too! I'm loving my cool cap bonnet attachment. I may buy a backup in case they disappear...

Going to pick up some olive oil at the grocery store after my workout and try using that on my hair throughout the week.

With summer just around the bend, I think I will go ahead and pick one up.
I'm still on vacation and I am having a blast! I'm super tanned too! LOL

How have you Ladies been?

I've started my normal summer routine and will be back to setting around September'ish.

My summer routine:

Washing & DC'ING every week. Towel dry for 30 minutes. Put hair in 2 to 3 braids and air dry. 3 days later take braids down. Moisturize, finger comb/remove shed hair. Rebraid in 2 goddess braids, 1 french braid or wear in a pineapple or bun until wash day.

As always I'll still check in with you guys from time to time.
I'm still on vacation and I am having a blast! I'm super tanned too! LOL

How have you Ladies been?

I've started my normal summer routine and will be back to setting around September'ish.

My summer routine:

Washing & DC'ING every week. Towel dry for 30 minutes. Put hair in 2 to 3 braids and air dry. 3 days later take braids down. Moisturize, finger comb/remove shed hair. Rebraid in 2 goddess braids, 1 french braid or wear in a pineapple or bun until wash day.

As always I'll still check in with you guys from time to time.
Nice summer regimen! I will keep this in mind for days when I don't feel like roller setting.

Enjoy your vacation and your summer tan!
I honestly think anyone setting or sitting under a dryer regularly needs one. My only concern is whether the elastic will stretch out. I haven't noticed anything and I've been using it for 3 or 4 weeks, but I'll keep an eye out with prolonged use.

I went ahead and ordered one from Amazon. Can't wait to try it!
I went ahead and ordered one from Amazon. Can't wait to try it!
Woohoo! Let me go ahead and leave how to get the thing on, before you get under the dryer and start cursing me out. You have a Pibbs right?

I rollerset my hair and put on my triangle hair net (this reminds me that I need another one). Then I take the bonnet attachment and put the whole thing over my head, with the smaller elastic first and the wide elastic on top. They stretch over the rollers easily, so no problem. Once it's around my neck I bring it up so the small elastic is around my hairline and the large elastic is kind of sitting on top.

Sit under the Pibbs. Close the flap of the Pibbs. And I just slide the large elastic over the Pibbs from the back to the front. The bonnet attachment comes with a little elastic string that I secure over the flap hinge of the Pibbs. This way the attachment is around the Pibbs and around your hairline, creating an area for the best to m circulate but keeping it from getting on your neck and ears. I just reach up and turn the Pibbs on (I leave the temperature setting at 65 so I don't touch that nozzle).

Once you do it once, it's incredibly easy. Looking at the picture makes it seem like you can leave the cool cap on the Pibbs and just shimmy underneath it, but I can't fit in my Pibbs unless the flap is open first.

Thank you so much sis!!! I was wondering if it came with some sort of instruction manual and even then, I was trying to figure out the best way to use it. I saved your instructions and thank you so much for taking the time to help!

This is my set I did yesterday. The products I used this time were my spray mix, macadamia oil and ORS Hairepair intense moisture cream. No setting lotion this time. This turned out to be a great combo. My hair is soft, bouncy, moisturized, nice sheen, and had hold. I'm going to keep this combo going.

I braided my roots and the rolled on flexis. I still haven't separated them much.


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hey ladies. I haven't posted very much in here because I've been alternating between twist and curls and straightening. I haven't even bothered practicing my magnetic sets. This routine is working out well so I'm going to keep at it. Maybe I'll post some twist and curls even though they don't really count as a rollerset...do they?
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I'm contemplating twist and curls too. I'd like to see your pics and steps.
hey ladies. I haven't posted very much in here because I've been alternating twist and curls straightening. I haven't even bothered practicing my magnetic sets. This routine is working out well so I'm going to keep at it. Maybe I'll post some twist and curls even though they don't really count as a rollerset...do they?
I'm contemplating twist and curls too. I'd like to see your pics and steps.
My hair is short so there's really nothing special about my technique. Lol I have been experimenting with products though. So I notice that my hair likes curl creams and creamy moisturizers for this style because the softness and curl pattern is always on point. But of course without some gel or something I have no hold. Which I don't really mind since the style lasts a few days and I wash/cowash every 3-4 days.

I just did a twist and curl on straightened hair. Why I thought it was a good idea to straighten my hair in this heat I don't know but it was too frizzy to wear anywhere. I used its a 10 leave in with keratin and then Shea moistures coconut and hibiscus curl and style milk. No gel even though thinking about it now I probably should have since my hair was straight and will have a hard time holding a curl. Oh well. Air drying because too hot to pull out the dryer. I'll post pics after it dries.
hey ladies. I haven't posted very much in here because I've been alternating between twist and curls and straightening. I haven't even bothered practicing my magnetic sets. This routine is working out well so I'm going to keep at it. Maybe I'll post some twist and curls even though they don't really count as a rollerset...do they?

I consider that setting. You are setting the ends so that counts lol
Hey everyone!!

Finished up my hair for the week and it's up in a top knot. I'm really in my roller setting groove.

:yep: It shows with your beautiful luscious locks.

I'm doing a henna rx tonight, so I'll be doing a braid out set (Five Celies).

I'll roller set in two weeks, during my next cleansing session. I'm excited to try the 1.6" French Rollers.
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Arrived home from vacation to a box of new goodies! Rollers, rollers, rollers!!!! Woot woot! New french lovies added to my beauty closet.


I may use them briefly before the fall. I need to dust and I'm thinking about doing it the first day of the summer. I'm trying to sync my dusting and product buying schedule to dates I can remember without alerts from my phone. The first day of the new season is easy to remember so I'm going with that.
@lulu97 @MileHighDiva Thanks ladies!:D I just checked IG and I was like yaaaaaaas:toocool:

I knew you was gone win something!!! LOL You are so active in the Periscopes...I'm always thinking...that's my GIRL!!! Are you and @MileHighDiva thinking about joining the Facebook group?

Sadly, the lhcf is becoming more about health and fitness for me than hair. So I may join the FB group more so for hair. I like how she talks about everything and not just products (which is what the hair side has become)
Hey everyone!!

Finished up my hair for the week and it's up in a top knot. I'm really in my roller setting groove.

You are in and I am beat out. After 5 straight years of setting, I'm so glad to take a break. Setting has taken my hair from shoulder length to tailbone and beyond and I am thankful...but Lawd I'm glad for this summer break. I am heavily debating keeping my hair curly throughout the year and only setting every 4 months when it's time to dust....or whenever the mood strikes. I's tied boss! LOL Longer lengths surely brings that mood where...."Chile I done put in the work...I'm retired and ONLY maintaining" :lachen:
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