“setting To Success” 2016

@MileHighDiva We will be in Oahu. I've been to Roy's once and never went back. I can't remember if I liked it or not...I do remember it being pricey though. LOL We have friends that we visit every year to 2 years there, and they will usually cook for us or take us to the mom and pop type restaurants that are like hidden gems....and they are super cheap but the food is like beast status! LOL

OT: I'm not even a clubbing gal, but they took us to a club in the hood (lol) and we danced until the sun came up...I mean we literally went outside and watched the sunrise over a volcano. Mannnnnnn I'm so ready to leave in a few days. :lachen:
Roy' is a little price-y, but so worth it.
Used my french babies today! I had every intention on taking before and after pics, but I finished too late and could only get before's. (My phone only takes good pictures in natural light...otherwise it's all a dark blur)

After drying, I put my hair in 2 twisted bantu knots. If I can get on tomorrow, I'll post results.

So tomorrow I'm going to do a perm rod set with the purple and the white ones. I miss my fro and my loose curls bore me. I'll update with pics

I'm thinning in my crown a tiny but due to constantly cutting off my my scalp circulation with tight pony tails and puffs so I'm not wearing either anymore. It will be hard since those are my go to styles but I'm up for the challenge!

Oh and I was having an issue with going back to school because financial aid flagged me but today I found out that my appeal went through and I can go!!! Can't wait to move to SoCal!!
So tomorrow I'm going to do a perm rod set with the purple and the white ones. I miss my fro and my loose curls bore me. I'll update with pics

I'm thinning in my crown a tiny but due to constantly cutting off my my scalp circulation with tight pony tails and puffs so I'm not wearing either anymore. It will be hard since those are my go to styles but I'm up for the challenge!

Oh and I was having an issue with going back to school because financial aid flagged me but today I found out that my appeal went through and I can go!!! Can't wait to move to SoCal!!
Congratulations! Enjoy your move and your new school!
As stated yesterday, last night I put my freshly roller set hair in 2 twisted bantu knots. Here are the results.....in all it's shrunken glory.

I don't mind the shrinkage...it's a different look then what I normally rock so it's a nice change.

I put the crown in a ponytail and just let the rest hang free.

Sorry about the choppy picture from the back. Told yall my phone takes the worst pics. Side note: Promise I'm not pregnant again...my shirt is poking out because my arm is lifted holding the phone. :lachen::look:
So tomorrow I'm going to do a perm rod set with the purple and the white ones. I miss my fro and my loose curls bore me. I'll update with pics

I'm thinning in my crown a tiny but due to constantly cutting off my my scalp circulation with tight pony tails and puffs so I'm not wearing either anymore. It will be hard since those are my go to styles but I'm up for the challenge!

Oh and I was having an issue with going back to school because financial aid flagged me but today I found out that my appeal went through and I can go!!! Can't wait to move to SoCal!!

Congrats Sis. PM'd you. :2inlove:
@toaster Thanks Sis. I'm still having issues getting my ends straight on the roller though. Yesterday I had all kinds of indentations and bends towards the ends. I'mma keep working on it though. I am finding that putting my hair in 2 bantu knots instead of 1 after setting helps with that.
I couldn't make it work with the bouffant rollers, but I know you'll be able to! I need either the halo rollers or magnetics. My ends can get straight but my roots are a different story. The two Bantu knots really helps stretch my roots further.

Safe travels!!!
Hi Ladies!! Just checking in...My hair is still braided up...I'm still unable to put my weight on my foot so it's left me pretty immobile...But, on the bright side- maybe this was a Hide Your Hair challenge in the making...Coconut oil has been my best friend... I hope everyone is doing well!;):toocool:;):drunk:
Hi, Ladies. I'm joining y'all in this roller setting game! I haven't had a true roller set in over 10 years because I was either natural or in braids or just using the curling iron (when bone straight relaxed). Those days are over, and I'm texlaxed and I plan to roller set every Thursday (my pampering day.)

I have not roller set my own hair in about 17 years. :eek: This feels all so new to me. I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but I'm not going to be disappointed; I'm just going to use it as a learning experience to get better.

I'm sitting under my LCL dryer now and I feel so luxurious!:bdance:I did the back as ponytails (doubt I'll do that again), and I did the front as individuals. I was using those large green flexi rods, but I ran out and had to pull out the magnetics in the front -- so more reason this set may be a disaster!

Today was a major wash day meaning chelating and Aphogee 2-step. I DC'd with the Aphogee Balancing conditioner for 5 minutes, then I DC'd again with my all-time love Joico Treatment Balm for 30 minutes with heat. I moisturized with my own spray mix followed by Aphogee Curlific leave-in. I ended with Lottabody liquid setting lotion (old school!)

Anyway, I have Bible study tonight, and I prayed that it will be dry in time. We'll see! Off to read this thread from page one for tips!
Current hair length: APL+
Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Loc'd: Texlaxed
Current Setting method and styling choices: Not sure yet.
Current Setting products: Own leave-in, Aphogee Curlific Moisture Rich Leave-in, Lottabody liquid setting lotion
Thing(s) you would like to work on/are hoping to achieve: Better technique. Hope to achieve length and thickness since I'm forgoing direct heat.
How long do you plan to set?: As long as possible on a weekly basis.
Post a beginning picture: Post# 1441
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I've been doing daily cowashes and wet bunning and while I'm enjoying it, I really want to do a perm rod set. I might do one Monday or Tuesday with white and purple perm rods. I really want some green ones but I can never find them.
It's time to cut off what's left of my relaxed ends and give myself a trim so I'll be flat ironing soon. Just have to time it right.

My hair has been doing a lot better by staying in an updo all week. Sometimes I forget I have hair. I ran into a coworker and she barely recognized me with my hair down and told me I need to wear it like that for work. Never :lol: I only get cute for the weekends.
So here's the result of my first rollerset after all these years. The front came out nice, but the back wasn't fully dry so it was frizz city. I used 1" green flexis and 1.25" magnetics, but I didn't spiral roll them. This caused too much hair on the rollers. Next time when I don't spiral roll, I think I better go up to my yellow and magenta rollers.

The second pic is the next day after I dry rolled it on about 9 gray flexi rods. I'm realizing that those may be too small also now for my length because it gives me curls that are a little too tight for my liking. I'll definitely save those for when I spiral roll instead of traditional roll. Since it was so curly, I put it up in a ponytail which was perfect for the gym. On to the next rollerset on Thursday!

Which brand of perm rods do you ladies find are best based on quality, rubber string, smoothness of the roller (no manufacturing imperfections causing unnecessary high seems or roughness of the roller, etc)? So far I'm finding Annie, Diane, Conair, Hairart, Salon Care, any other brands you know.
I know this is an old post, but I'm reading through this thread, and this is exactly the look I want to achieve. Thanks for posting!
Yesterday I washed, conditioned and deep conditioned with the Joico Moisture Recovery line.

Used Camille Rose Moisture Milk as a leave in and Camille Rose Aloe whip as a styler.

Did a flexi rod set

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Separated this morning and put my hair up in a pony puff with faux bangs. I got 99 Bobby pin's but I couldn't find one :giggle: so I had to hold the bangs back with a head band.

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Took DS to music class this morning and this is when I got home.

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It rained yesterday and all of last night so there is quite a bit of moisture in the air. My hair did frizz and puff up a tiny bit but it's cool.
I've got the roller setting bug so bad that I'm setting again tonight! :eek: I would do it right now, but I'm on (self-imposed) punishment because I've been reading this thread and watching roller setting videos all day (along with binge watching Grey's Anatomy) instead of filling out my scholarship papers that are due Monday. Am I really passing up free money for roller setting! Darn, I've got it bad. Let me go get this money, honey, and I'll post pics of the new set tomorrow!