“setting To Success” 2016

What about humidity?
What should I set with the prevent lots of frizz?

Not to deter you but I just can't set in the late spring to early fall. I like to wear my hair down when I can and the humidity, heat, and hair touching my skin won't let me be great. Plus sitting under a hooded dryer to dry my set is like torture during these months. I just stopped fighting Mother Nature and take a break.

Unless you are one of those members (as many are) that set and wear buns or braids...then you should be fine just using a leave in alone or a leave in and serum. How do you prefer wearing your hair?
Not to deter you but I just can't set in the late spring to early fall. I like to wear my hair down when I can and the humidity, heat, and hair touching my skin won't let me be great. Plus sitting under a hooded dryer to dry my set is like torture during these months. I just stopped fighting Mother Nature and take a break.

Unless you are one of those members (as many are) that set and wear buns or braids...then you should be fine just using a leave in alone or a leave in and serum. How do you prefer wearing your hair?

I prefer to wear it out. But this humidity give me an Afro. I thought roller setting would help and I'm not doing wash and go's. I guess I'm stuck with tuck and pins all summer :(
I prefer to wear it out. But this humidity give me an Afro. I thought roller setting would help and I'm not doing wash and go's. I guess I'm stuck with tuck and pins all summer :(
I'm in Miami often (right now!) because my boyfriend lives here. If I wear my hair out at night it definitely poofs. I can remedy it by putting a light coating of oil on my hair and sleeping in two Bantu knots. This resets the hair. But it's not a perfect solution. I usually go for a high ponytail braid.
It's been a hot minute since I posted. I'm back girls! Things got a little crazy in the middle of spring, but now I feel like I can breathe again. I got a Dominican blowout last Monday and discovered I'm now midback length! I'm right at MBL, and fully past bra strap length. ^_^ I'm so happy, this has been a long journey. I can't pass a mirror without smiling at my hair. I got my hair all curled up - it looks like shoulder length in the curls.

This is the first time I've straightened my hair all year. I've been doing the same routine -- wash + DC every Sunday, then curlformers. I think I'll stop DCing with heat since it's summer now.

I don't really have any hair goals at the moment, just enjoying the journey and peacefully growing to hip length. My original goal was waist, but Waist length is seeming like a small goal now that I'm so close to it. I'd like to stretch myself further and get all the way down to my hips ;)

I'd love to see photos of how you ladies style your rollersets on a day to day basis - your regular go-to styles. My go-to style is a plain ole bun with a black silk scrunchie and some bobby pins. Boooooring. hahaha. I can't lie though - it's helped me retain length like no other.
@lulu97 LOVE the bob!

Slightly off topic: who did your sewin and how much did it cost? I want to get a sewin but I don't know how much is a fair price nor what type of hair I should get.

Thank you Sis! I was visiting San Diego this weekend for my best friends son's graduation so I got it done by my west coast stylist. She had done a sew-in similar to this one before so the hair is one we re-used from a previous sew-in. I purchased it from this company almost 5 years ago:


I'm not a weaving expert as I rarely get them, so I dont know if this is considered good hair or not. LOL

She charged me $85 for the install and in between appts usually run $30. (Wash, condition & style) I've been a client for over 7 years so I think it may be more for anyone else...not sure but I've seen her charge $150 plus for similar styles. I dont have much of my hair left out...just my edges and a small horseshoe in the crown to cover the tracks.
Was craving a short summer style. Yall know I aint cutting my hair, so I got a bob sew in weave instead. I'm shooting to keep it in 8 weeks. Will go back in, in one month and get it cut a tad bit shorter.

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Looove this wiggy!! It's SO cute! You're making me want to get a wig haha but I'm too scurrrred. I was traumatized by a no-edges tragedy after I got Brandi braids and took them out in high school 10 years ago. My forehead was cleeeean, almost no hair. :lachen: Haven't gotten braids since then, or any wig or sew-in of any kind.
Thank you Sis! I was visiting San Diego this weekend for my best friends son's graduation so I got it done by my west coast stylist. She had done a sew-in similar to this one before so the hair is one we re-used from a previous sew-in. I purchased it from this company almost 5 years ago:


I'm not a weaving expert as I rarely get them, so I dont know if this is considered good hair or not. LOL

She charged me $85 for the install and in between appts usually run $30. (Wash, condition & style) I've been a client for over 7 years so I think it may be more for anyone else...not sure but I've seen her charge $150 plus for similar styles. I dont have much of my hair left out...just my edges and a small horseshoe in the crown to cover the tracks.

Thank you so much!!