Serious Relationship Troubles...Really Need Support...


New Member
As many of you know, I met a guy a few months ago, and at the beginning, everything was fantastic, it was almost like being in a dream. I couldn't believe that I had finally found someone that I was excited about.

But in the past few weeks, really the last month and a half or so, we've been having lots of arguments and things are very emotional. While he has not said that he wants to break up, he's said that he's very confused and wanted to have a week completely to himself to think about things. My worst fear is that next week, he will be telling me that he doesn't think our relationship is a good idea for him (or me) at this time, and it's best that we break up. It would really feel like a dagger through my heart if this happened, because I care for this man so much, and, despite the problems, can see a future with him.

So, what happened?

Things happened too fast and a can of worms (or rather, CANS of worms) were opened up that he and I are struggling to deal with. But mostly me.

I have a long history of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. I also have a long history of emotional deprivation on the part of people who were supposed to be there for me (i.e. no one being there to listen to me when I was hurt or in need). So, as you can imagine, it's very hard for me to get attached to people, to become emotionally intimate with them. And once I do allow myself to open up to a person like that, I become attached to them very quickly because such connections happen so rarely for me. And then, another problem develops - my anxiety over being abandoned or my fear that he will be "just like" all the other people who have hurt me starts to creep in. My fear of abandonment is extremely palpable - I was adopted, and moreover, my adoptive dad, early on in my life, was virtually non-existent (for reasons I won't get into here; however you all will be happy to know that my relationship with him now is MUCH better).

It was never my intent to discuss these things with him early on in the relationship. My hope was that after we had been together for a couple of months, and after I had had sufficient time to talk with my therapist about how these things affect me in relationships, I would slowly, in my own time, open up about these things.

But it didn't happen that way. A casual conversation about something led him to ask a very intimate question that caught me off guard. I didn't want to answer it, but I knew not answering it would be just as incriminating. So, I answered truthfully (sorry, I don't want to say what, exactly, the question was about). Of course, him being him, it instantly made him curious about more about he kept asking me questions. Not necessarily in one night, but over the course of about a week or two. At first, I reacted VERY badly to the questions. I would get very upset and try to shut him out. I'd yell at him. I didn't want to GO there, and i KNEW I wasn't ready to go there. But, he told me that knowing that there were things about me that he didn't know about me made him feel distant from me. I told him, there might be answers to these questions that you will not like and will not be prepared to deal with. He said he was ready to deal with whatever may come. That he was not going to run away.

That may not be so true at this point.

At first, it was a relief to get all those things off my chest. But then, I started feeling anxious. I didn't really recognize it at first, but if I think back, I can really see where it started. Just this strange, small gut feeling that something wasn't "quite right." But I ignored it, and kept moving along. But the anxious feeling grew. The next thing I knew, I was less easygoing. I was getting upset at stuff and reacting to it in a way that was very inappropriate (i.e. I may have rightfully been upset or hurt, but the reaction was overblown). I didn't understand what was happening or why, which, of course, made me more anxious. Which, as you guys guessed it, led to me being even MORE sensitive. At that point, I KNEW something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it, which of course led to MORE anxiousness, and MORE fights. I was caught in a horrible negative feedback loop :wallbash:

We had two huge arguments last week, as well as one earlier this week. However, I'm actually grateful for those arguments now because, rather than running away from the pain in the aftermath, I really thought about the arguments. And now, I have so much clarity. I GET why I am getting upset like this. I KNOW what I need to do, and I have begun the journey to healing myself so I can be freed from the terrible grip that my emotions have on me.

But, a big part of me fears it might be too late. I'm frustrated because I know that things have been rough on him, that he's unhappy, not just because of the arguments, but because he hurts for me, that it's hard for him to understand me at times, that he feels helpless and questions if he can be the kind of person that someone like me needs. And I know that it can be very hard to stick by someone who is going through a tough process of change like this, especially when a relationship is in its infancy. And I know that in a city like New York, where there are so many (supposed) "options" out there, it can be tempting to think that you can leave someone behind and find something better, easier.

But I am FIGHTING to work on this! And no, I am not doing it just for him - I am doing it for ME. I look at this whole thing as an opportunity for me to FINALLY get a handle on these things that have cast a palor over my life for so many years. That I can DO this and that on the other side of this, is just, this amazing freedom and peace. I want that for myself so badly because I know that once I start getting there, my life, my relationships...everything will start to become so much more fulfilling.

I care about him so much, and I want to be with him. I just don't want him to give up on me, or us. I know that it may be that God's plan for me doesn't include him long term. But, in my heart, I feel like the real possibility is there, that this person was meant to be with me for a long time. I felt it when we first met. And he even said he felt it a bit when he first met me.

Any support that you can offer - any words, insights - even if it's the kind of thing that may be hard to say or hear - please offer them. Thank you.
I am doing it for ME.

Key words. If this, or any relationship, causes so much stress and anguish, maybe it is a good idea for you to work on yourself before you try and invite someone in.

Whatever it is he tells you when you two get together again; ALWAYS put yourself and your own well-being first, don't compromise yourself and your sanity/emotional health just to be in a relationship.

((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) I wish you all the best.
Thanks for sharing your story. I will say if he decides to walk away on a tempaorary or permanent basis, I would let him. You do not want to try to hold on to someone who doesn't want to be there.

Having said that, him needing time to think may not be a bad thing....just as you've stated that you really understood what the arguments were about and such, sounds like he needs this clarity. When someone asks for space, as hard as it may be, you hsould try to give it to them. In the interim, I am glad that you seem to be working through some issues you have. You really don't want to penalize or hold someone else responsible for past hurts.

If this man is really for you, he will be there. There will ALWAYS be arguments in any relationship. The key is to know how to get a lesson from them to make the relationshp that much better. Please don't spend the week fretting.. Also, I will say this again, if someone wants to walk away from you , as much as it may hurt...let them go...learn the on self....and move forward
Perhaps you can tell him everything you told us here? Just let him know that you didn't MEAN to have things go the way they did but surely, you understand and want to fight for your relationship?
...I can relate to how you're feeling. I'm a work in progress as well. *HUGS* I hope it works out.
Also...if he feels it's a bit overwhelming,'s a lot to take in and a lot to deal with, especially constant arguments and feeling shut out. He needs time and so do you.
I think you may also need to reevaluate if you are quite ready for this.
Key words. If this, or any relationship, causes so much stress and anguish, maybe it is a good idea for you to work on yourself before you try and invite someone in.

Whatever it is he tells you when you two get together again; ALWAYS put yourself and your own well-being first, don't compromise yourself and your sanity/emotional health just to be in a relationship.

((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) I wish you all the best.

Thank you, Theo.

The one thing I am grateful for is that being in a relationship is what exposed all these things that I didn't know were there. I knew I had some issues, and I was working very hard on them, and as a single woman, I was getting along pretty well. However, I knew that certain things for me wouldn't (or couldn't) come up and be exposed until I was in another relationship. And that's what has happened here.

It's hard to say what's best. On the one hand, I do need to do a lot of "self" work, but at the same time, a lot of my "self" work has to do with how I relate to and express myself to someone, particularly in the confines of a relationship. So, it's really hard to know which is best right now. Maybe the one week distance is the best thing - it will help me to get a better sense of which one is truly best for me.
I'm sorry you are even going through all this. Are you currently seeing a counselor to help you work out your past issues? After my last bad break up I saw a counselor/therapist and started seeing where my problems were (serious past issues) and how they were affecting my relationships. I kinda wish I kept going. I really feel like if things aren't right with you, they won't be right in the union you have with someone else.
you guys are at a point now in the relationship where there were sparks where either you can ignite a fire of love or let the negativity distinguish and smother it....all of these emotions and turmoil is coming up because they need to be gotten over and you don't have to do it by yourself if you can recognize when somebody can be of help to you and the good thing is you have recognized that a negative exchange of energy has been created and it can take over the relationship and anybody who is trying to move forward on a positive tip will leave if both people aren't willing to get past the negativity involved....all of those emotions are your blockages to real love and will hold you back from it if you let it....even when people become aware of these issues and how they affect them its very common people hold onto them as their "excuse" card to keep being the way they are

and people who truly love you will exit your life before they enable you to keep staying in a destructive state and guise it as "love" because people do refuse to move past the "hurt" and "pain" they hold onto for dear life and if one isn't willing to let it go and wants to let it run their behaviors and emotions and create all of their external realities only other people stuck in negative states will allow you to keep that negative energy exchange up....

these types of relationships move you forward and evolve u faster in life and love when the turmoil is dealt with in a constructive manner or the ones that cause people to be even more bitter and hurt and "broke down" when dealt with in destructive manners and then blame it on "love"

give him his is no time to panic...he is not gone yet
if you need to talk hit me up
Thank you, Theo.

The one thing I am grateful for is that being in a relationship is what exposed all these things that I didn't know were there. I knew I had some issues, and I was working very hard on them, and as a single woman, I was getting along pretty well. However, I knew that certain things for me wouldn't (or couldn't) come up and be exposed until I was in another relationship. And that's what has happened here.

It's hard to say what's best. On the one hand, I do need to do a lot of "self" work, but at the same time, a lot of my "self" work has to do with how I relate to and express myself to someone, particularly in the confines of a relationship. So, it's really hard to know which is best right now. Maybe the one week distance is the best thing - it will help me to get a better sense of which one is truly best for me.

until we really know ourselves, lots of things we need to know about ourselves and whats really buried in our subconscious that affects our reality, behaviors and thoughts will be brought up in relation to another person because even in self introspection we can still miss things that need to be brought to light

you are at a turning point in ur life that can really turn out to be one of your biggest blessings in life
until we really know ourselves, lots of things we need to know about ourselves and whats really buried in our subconscious that affects our reality, behaviors and thoughts will be brought up in relation to another person because even in self introspection we can still miss things that need to be brought to light

you are at a turning point in ur life that can really turn out to be one of your biggest blessings in life

Thank you. The part about "self-introspection" is what I've come to realize. There's only so much that I can see just being alone. Other things, I couldn't see until I was in a relationship with someone. I'm just so sad, terrified and angry about the possibility that I may not have the chance to work on it within my current relationship, if that's what it is that I really need :(

But I am at a significant turning point, no matter what happens. I can't waste this opportunity.
Thank you. The part about "self-introspection" is what I've come to realize. There's only so much that I can see just being alone. Other things, I couldn't see until I was in a relationship with someone. I'm just so sad, terrified and angry about the possibility that I may not have the chance to work on it within my current relationship, if that's what it is that I really need :(

But I am at a significant turning point, no matter what happens. I can't waste this opportunity.

if thats what you really need think about the possibility that you WILL get the chance to work it out and how you would really appreciate it if it was him you get to work it out with....vs being sad, terrified and angry at the possibility you won't

for all the what if's in life people tend to focus on all the "negative' ones they don't want as if all the positive what if's and possibilities don't exist....if its possible it crumbles and burns there is the possibility it grows stronger and have free will to choose which possibility to focus on
^^^ As usual Tiara you are giving some great insight and advice. Agree with you completely.

The only thing I would add is that it does concern me that he kept pushing and asking you questions so early in the relationship when it was clear it was bringing stuff up for you that was difficult and sensitive. Just as you are working through your issues he may very well be working through some of his own (e.g. control or a need to rescue perhaps) Just as you may have drawn him to you for your own self-healing, he may have drawn you in to address some issues as well. Your sharing may have triggered those issues in him and that's why he's withdrawing.

I agree with Tiara, best to give the relationship some breathing space. But also, I wouldn't assume it's all your about you and your issues.
I don't have any advice, I just hope this works out for you in its best way possible - which may or may not be within this particular relationship. I can relate because I have certain issues that I can see coming up in a relationship as well... I hope you are able to deal and grow from those feelings as they come up to make you a better person/partner. :yep:
^^^ As usual Tiara you are giving some great insight and advice. Agree with you completely.

The only thing I would add is that it does concern me that he kept pushing and asking you questions so early in the relationship when it was clear it was bringing stuff up for you that was difficult and sensitive. Just as you are working through your issues he may very well be working through some of his own (e.g. control or a need to rescue perhaps) Just as you may have drawn him to you for your own self-healing, he may have drawn you in to address some issues as well. Your sharing may have triggered those issues in him and that's why he's withdrawing.

I agree with Tiara, best to give the relationship some breathing space. But also, I wouldn't assume it's all your about you and your issues.

its definitely about each person and opportunity to face and deal with things of the self...all relationships are about self growth...if two people can grow together, they stay together....if they grow apart with love they part with love and understanding and an inner knowing that each person will evolve faster on a different path/different people than staying "stuck" with each other

this particular relationship in the present time seems to be ample opportunity to grow together
I could not help but to reply to your posting. The person writing this is not Liki51 who is my wife but Liki51’s husband. I feel your pain and frustration of having the guilt of being at fault for causing a temporary separation, between you and someone you feel close to and could be with long term. I must also say that having insufficient knowledge of what transpired or the question asked to start the problem will greatly limit any advice as to helping or analyzing the situation. From a man’s point of view and also from someone who would not take sides, I will give a little to help to steer you in the right direction.

Something that is hard is to “get a good man’s heart.” Once you have it you want to keep it. Relationship equals no secrets or hold backs. You as a woman in the relationship have more power to forward or end the relationship then you may know. Men are logical and women are emotional and this I preach to all of my female friends and wife. You may have some self issues deriving from past experiences, and to extinguish them won’t be easy. If you wait to get over them before you go and get your man back, I am sorry but it will take you a life time and you will lose him. Being totally honest comes with adulthood. You must be able to divulge any information if you are expecting to be in a relationship and possibly get married.

If your man is actually a boy then he will run from you based on past occurrences. If he is a man he will love you more for facing embarrassing past experiences at his request. Sometimes guys are like women. We may know the answer before we ask the question. We want to see if you are willing to disclose past information. What I can not accept about, is that they believe that the past should be kept in the past. LOL. Well, what would happen when you are married to this guy and the past comes up? You will have a major problem on your hand.

Space is not as good for a guy as it is for a woman. When I was dating when ever I requested space… some ex would call or I would find something else which would lead to a breakup. Call your man, take control, go out to dinner or make dinner, apologize for any wrong doings or mishaps on your end and respectfully discuss any issues you may have. DO NOT put him on the offensive with “YOU statements”(i.e. But you did it too, you always asking questions). Use a lot of I statements (i.e. I don’t feel too good when I have to revisit my past, but since you asked I will answer your question). You will also feel good about yourself and stronger when it is off your chest. Respect and communication are key in a relationship. Everything in a relationship falls under those two. Deviate at any time you will always find yourself by yourself. Listening to people telling you “oh well if he doesn’t come back them find another” should always sound silly to you. You should always fight for something or someone who is good to you because that thing or person may be the last that is out there for you.
I'm sorry you're going through this and I've been following what you've shared about this relationship. From what I have read, I hope that you are not making the relationship into a "pet project." I don't believe you are, but the opportunity for you to do so (e.g. because you know that you'll have a better chance of dealing with your issues within the confines of a relationship) is there.

I think space is necessary and a good idea. You posted this: "But, in my heart, I feel like the real possibility is there, that this person was meant to be with me for a long time. I felt it when we first met. And he even said he felt it a bit when he first met me."

Let him gauge his feelings (and you do the same) without constant contact. If you truly believe what you posted, have faith. You also mentioned that you accept that it may or may not be God's will for this relationship to continue. Instead of continuing to be anxious, angry and resolute to "salvage" the relationship, I would pray. First for direction (and to be in God's Will) and secondly for clarity on this relationship. Pray for peace as well because I know how it feels for your mind to be going a million miles a minute. If this is NOT "THE" relationship you are meant to be in, know that there is a healthy relationship that you will be apart of (with a man who will not push your boundaries). I hope it works out just the way it should and wish you good luck :)
I only have a small piece of advice, read Men are from Mars, Women are from may help...I can say I identified some past relationship "mishaps" from reading the book. Let him go in his "cave" as he may feel like he's becoming too intimate and he'll "bounce back" when he's ready to talk, then you can have the heart-to-heart and work on fixing it...just my $.02. :bighug: I hope it works out!
Give him space, but if he's not willing to open up and work on what's wrong, then you may need to reconsider the relationship. The same goes for you. Perhaps you could consider some therapy to help you sort out your own issues?

Wishing the very best for you... :blowkiss:
Again this is LIki51's husband and not Liki51. Many times women may default to the availability of single men and believe each and every man is replaceable. Wrong. This guy may not be the best guy for you, but he has played his way into your life and into your heart. Many professional and single women believe that they don’t need a man because they pay their own bills. Wrong. We all need each other. In fact, we are not complete until we share our lives with someone. This may sound harsh and mean spirited but it is truth…These people who are telling you to step, are people who grow old and lonely in run down apartments, working till their last days on earth. Don’t listen to strangers who if you could see their lives would realize that they are not relationship experts. Take it from someone of the opposite sex who is well equipped to see how your situation can be turned around.

Also in these times two paychecks are better than one. You have to walk hand in hand in a relationship and observe your commitment to each other. It is a relationship not a runlationship. What will set you apart from others is your ability to deal with problems you are involved in; your ability to apologize and bend to forward your relationship. If you run from this then what will you learn or take out of it. You have to be an adult about the situation and that involves talking and coming to some understanding. You know the guy you are with better then anyone. Approach with intent to solve, not with doubt. He will understand if you had a rough past.
What will set you apart from others is your ability to deal with problems you are involved in; your ability to apologize and bend to forward your relationship. If you run from this then what will you learn or take out of it. You have to be an adult about the situation and that involves talking and coming to some understanding. You know the guy you are with better then anyone. Approach with intent to solve, not with doubt. He will understand if you had a rough past.

From your first post, there seems like there may have been some confusion about who asked for space. He's the one who said that he needed some time to think. I intend to respect his wishes and boundaries, so I will not be contacting him at all. I know that I personally would get upset if I really needed time to myself, and a person refused to give it to me.

However, when we last spoke yesterday, I communicated clearly to him that, at this point, I am committed to trying to make things work. Because neither of us knew the reasons underlying the arguments (especially me in terms of my overreactions), we were, in essence, powerless to do much to change what was happening. But, as I am gaining more clarity, I see exactly what kinds of things I can do to put us back on the right track. It may be a slow process, but I can definitely see things improving if we're both willing to give it a try.
From what I have read, I hope that you are not making the relationship into a "pet project." I don't believe you are, but the opportunity for you to do so (e.g. because you know that you'll have a better chance of dealing with your issues within the confines of a relationship) is there.

I understand what you mean, and it's something that I've considered.

I don't think I'm making it a "pet project" because I'm being driven by how I feel around this man when we're together. He's the first guy I've met in a loooong time that I've felt this way for, and that's why I'm so willing to at least give it a fighting chance if I can.
Also, for those of you who are curious, I am currently in therapy and have been for a bit. It's through therapy that I was able to figure out a lot of things that I'm figuring out. My one regret was that there was a period of time where I couldn't get to therapy because of work and the holidays, and sadly, that was a very tense period for the relationship :( I wish I'd done more to make time for therapy at that point, but I just didn't know what I know and understand now...
Also, for those of you who are curious, I am currently in therapy and have been for a bit. It's through therapy that I was able to figure out a lot of things that I'm figuring out. My one regret was that there was a period of time where I couldn't get to therapy because of work and the holidays, and sadly, that was a very tense period for the relationship :( I wish I'd done more to make time for therapy at that point, but I just didn't know what I know and understand now...

((((hugs)))) I think he'll be back and will try to work things out with you. If not, trust that there is another wonderful man out there who will love you and be courageous and loving enough to take this journey with you. Just stick with the therapy and focus on taking good care of yourself for now. And no regrets either, you missed some therapy appointments because you are human and we all slip up sometime.
I am sorry to hear u r going through this. I don't have any profund words of wisdom except to do whatever u need to do to have peace of mind. Sometimes just taking care of u is more than enough. However, don't push anyone away who wants to be there for u as long as its healthy and helps u both.
The only thing I would add is that it does concern me that he kept pushing and asking you questions so early in the relationship when it was clear it was bringing stuff up for you that was difficult and sensitive.

It's interesting that you mention this. I told my best friend about this, and after hearing about this she became EXTREMELY pissed at him. The way she sees it, she believes that the relationship wouldn't have followed the trajectory that it followed had he left me alone to tell him about my past and my issues in my own time. In fact, she thinks that his behavior was kind of manipulative - he told me that me not telling him about my past makes him uncomfortable, and that it's hard for him to feel like he's close to someone if he doesn't feel like they're being completely open with him. The reason why she's pissed is because she believes that he strong armed me into talking about things that I wasn't really ready to talk about, and now that those things are out and have caused problems in the relationship, he's suddenly contemplating running away. Whereas, in her mind, had he left me alone, we wouldn't be having these problems, or at least, far less likely. I.e. - he opened up a can of worms, and now that he realizes it's difficult to deal with, he wants to either shove them all back in or just drop the can and run.

I don't think he was being manipulative however - if anything, I think he was being naive. I think he thought that hurrying up and getting everything out there would make things easier because we'd see what was all there, but he never really stopped to think about the emotional fallout from it. I knew there could be serious emotional fallout, but I fooled myself into thinking I was ready to talk about it.

But I do agree with her that this was the action that steered our relationship on its current path. :nono:
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It's interesting that you mention this. I told my best friend about this, and after hearing about this she became EXTREMELY pissed at him. The way she sees it, she believes that the relationship wouldn't have followed the trajectory that it followed had he left me alone to tell him about my past and my issues in my own time. In fact, she thinks that his behavior was kind of manipulative - he told me that me not telling him about my past makes him uncomfortable, and that it's hard for him to feel like he's close to someone if he doesn't feel like they're being completely open with him. The reason why she's pissed is because she believes that he strong armed me into talking about things that I wasn't really ready to talk about, and now that those things are out and have caused problems in the relationship, he's suddenly contemplating running away. Whereas, in her mind, had he left me alone, we wouldn't be having these problems, or at least, far less likely. I.e. - he opened up a can of worms, and now that he realizes it's difficult to deal with, he wants to either shove them all back in or just drop the can and run.

I don't think he was being manipulative however - if anything, I think he was being naive. I think he thought that hurrying up and getting everything out there would make things easier because we'd see what was all there, but he never really stopped to think about the emotional fallout from it. I knew there could be serious emotional fallout, but I fooled myself into thinking I was ready to talk about it.

But I do agree with her that this was the action that steered our relationship on its current path. :nono:

this path is not a bad path at all
this path is not a bad path at all

Thanks for reminding me that there are different ways to look at the situation:yep:

The one thing that he did say to me in our last conversation which I found somewhat encouraging was that he felt that the space would be a good thing for me too, and the fact that he gave a definite period of time for this "space." I've talked to other people with similar situations, and they've noted that there are many instances where people say they need space, but they have no idea for how long. Not the best sign.