See...this is why I don't tell people about LHCF


Active Member
I don't mind helping people, but I guess maybe I should've just minded my own business on this one.

Ok, so there was this girl in the cafeteria at work, I saw that her hair is natural and she had on a pretty scarf that was tied around it like a headband. We started talking and I asked her how long she's been natural...

Well I should've known right then and there to leave the conversation alone after seeing her puzzled look when I used the word "Natural".

So I go on and ask her what she uses to moisterize her hair and she says," Nothing really, but I do use pink oil moisterizer sometimes"...

Now I know sometimes we forget how WE didn't know as much about healthy haircare also (pre LHCF) but some people just DON'T listen.

I told her about LHCF and to check it out because there is some good info/hairstyles for naturals....

That was over a month ago and I saw her today and her hair looked dry as a desert...I giveup...I'll let people find out about LHCF on their own.
Some people don't care like that. They will have to arrive at their own hair care journey. So many people wants to know what I do to my hair but very few actually want to do it.
The info is out there, when she is ready one google search can bring her here. Even people on the board sometimes don't handle business when it comes to their hair.
I agree Keen. I have an aunt whose been natural for years and years, but her hair is 4 inches long. I tried to school her on moisture to prevent breakage, but I got resistance.

I didn't stress it. I just let my hair speak for me.
Yeah... that's why sometimes its better to eat too much than say too much, some folks don't want any advice/help....
Well you know, some people are jst set in their own ways ESPECIALLY when it come down to a sensitive subject such as hair care, so you can't expect for them to utilize the info you give them (no matter how helpful/beneficial it would be) right away.
She may come around eventually though :yep:
I simply cannot understand ppl who don't even bother. My hair was a dry HAM, too but it wasn't for lack of trying! I just didn't know that there was more I could do & that some of the things I was doing [not DCing often enough & no prot/moisture balance] or NOT doing were the things hindering me. Now that I know all of this, my relaxed hair is almost as long as my natural hair was when I was younger! I'm hair-crazed & unemployed so I have plenty of time to nurse my hair back to health, but if I worked all the time, I would STILL have time to m&s & DC at least once per week.
It's ridiculously easy..

::sigh:: I dooo not get ppl who don't think the hair on their heads can look as good as (if not better than) those that we see on tv. I know mine can & it's all mine, not a weave (which theirs def may be)
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Agree with the other ladies! I no longer offer advice unless someone is reading my blog, people always want to refute then wonder why their hair "grew" 2 inches in a year and a half! I'm done with them, they can just start drooling when I'm running around with my moist, supple, bsl curls!!!
I don't offer advice either. If you ask, I will tell you where to look and find out for yourself.

OT: EllePixie love your hair. Very pretty and GREAT results.
This is a board for hair hobbyist/enthusiasts. Not everyone cares about hair all that deeply. There are other hobbies in the world for what it's worth. The world is full of people who can't imagine reading a board about hair and if they came they wouldn't hang out here for longer than 3 minutes before they click away in boredom. Nobody knows everything about hair just coz they hang out here, but the knowitallism might put some people off. The lhcf way is not the only way (what is the lhcf way anyway?? - there are thousands of ideas, methods and bandwagons recorded here - and a lot of them contradict each other). Hanging out here doesn't guarantee that you'll never have a bad hair day. There's way more to life than hair so lets not judge people just coz they're not interested in hair boards.
You can't help people who don't wan to help themselves *KanyeShrug* thats her loss.
@mzteaze Thank you boo!

@Tiye I see what you are saying, but I think more of the ladies on here get confused, so to speak, when people are okay with running around looking a HAM. Before I went natural I wasn't really into hair (just products, and had no idea what they did), but I def wouldn't say my hair was dry and breaking. I mean it's like, if you have acne, you're going to attempt to minimize it right? So why would you walk around with ashy sad hair, or let your hair get to the point of Naomi above? It's called self qualms with people if they don't wanna have the longest hair in the world but I often just wanna buy them some VO5 or slap some EVOO and honey in their heads. Hehehe...okay I was half joking...

ETA: I'm sorry this topic is near and dear to me...people will come up to you and COMPLAIN about their hair, and whine forevAH like..."Why doesn't my hair look like yours?!?!?!" then don't listen to a dang word you say to them. Now I just give people my URL.
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The only advice I give is for them to deep condition and moisturize. Simple to understand, easy to do and it makes a big impact to the hair.

If they don't take that advice they won't take any other advice, so no need for me to waste a whole lot of time talking hair with them.
Some people just have to learn the hard way in order to have that hairpiphany. It might take 1 bad experience at the salon or for all their hair to break off for them to finally realize why they never quite met their hair goals. Until then any hair care concept on a deeper level will seem foreign to them.
lol I gave up on pressing other people of LHCF. I think out of all my friends that Ive told, my mom is the only 1 that has taken heed (sp?). I mean its just like another poster put it a while back. Some things some people just dont care about. Like we all care about our hair so thats why we're here, but not everyone is like that. Just like some people want 6 pack abs but others could care less and will just eat a cheeseburger and call it a day u know :)
Okay yall. I know i'm new here but yall are being to hard on that person. I have been lurking on this site and many others I've even read Chicoro's book and Thank God I'm natural. I just BC'd almost two weeks ago and my hair is dry dry dry dry. :wallbash: Ive been dcing every week for years. I prepoo with oil. I sleep on a silk pillow case. I cowash/wash everymorning and go because my hair is only 3 inches long. It starts out soft but drys hard. I've tried many different mositurizing methods.
1. S-curl
2. S-curl with castor oil to seal
3.S-curl-->cantu shea leave in-->castor oil
4. CD Hair Milk
5. CD Hair Milk-->castor/coconut oil
6. S-curl-->CD hair milk-->castor oil
7. nothing-(tried this becuase I have the same hair as my dad. His hair is soft but after washing it he does nothing to it)

None of this methods work. I just ordered a mositurizer from bearfruit idk if that will work.

So I wrote all of that to vent and to say that she may not have found the right solution for her yet. Not saying that's def the case but its another point of view
At least you tried to help! I have mentioned it to a few people at work but that is about it. I'm open to ask questions if they want to ask but usually I will just mention " the hair forums that I am on" and if they want to know more they can ask.

Off topic, but I have been seeing a influx of really bad weaves lately, it might be new freshmen though, since there is a HBC here in town.
lol people to whom i tell about LHCF make fun of me HARD! I have a friend who tells people i'm part of a hair cult :rolleyes: :lol: i guess it's cause i still don't have long hair :lachen:

also i TOTALLY agree with transitioning? Cause after i decided to relax again after being natural for a year i had no idea how to care for my newly again relaxed hair, i dc'd, tried all sorts of moisturizers, did protein treatments, trimmed and cut my hair but it was still breaking all over the darn place! It took a long a$$ time for my hair to stabilize! (and to find products that worked)
Yeah, you should have left that one alone. I don't give people advice unless they ask for it. I had to learn the hard way, too. I think most of us did.
You tried! I know I have had friends and family to applaud my hair growth and the rate at which its growing. They've even gone so far as to ask how I did it, what I used, methods, products etc! Well of course I told them everything that I've found out and directed them to but then I get crazy looks & reactions of that point I just do like Willow Smith said " i whip my hair back and forth" and go on...they'll get it in time!
This is a board for hair hobbyist/enthusiasts. Not everyone cares about hair all that deeply. There are other hobbies in the world for what it's worth. The world is full of people who can't imagine reading a board about hair and if they came they wouldn't hang out here for longer than 3 minutes before they click away in boredom. Nobody knows everything about hair just coz they hang out here, but the knowitallism might put some people off. The lhcf way is not the only way (what is the lhcf way anyway?? - there are thousands of ideas, methods and bandwagons recorded here - and a lot of them contradict each other). Hanging out here doesn't guarantee that you'll never have a bad hair day. There's way more to life than hair so lets not judge people just coz they're not interested in hair boards.


:amen: Your spot on, I am 7 weeks post and will look like I am having a bad hair day until relaxer week 12. I know I am taking care if my hair & stretching but to non LHCF the protective style & re-growth will make me look a lil jacked up :lachen:

I will only give advice when I reach my goal & they can see the truth!! & ask for it
Before LHCF I would cut my hair, grow my hair, kill it with heat, color my hair, braid my hair, and wear hair extensions. I really never worried or cared about my hair because I could always buy some hair to cover it up. Since I have found LHCF, I am just trying to retain my length and see how long my hair will grow. It is just a matter of choice. Sometimes I want long and healthy hair, but other times I miss my short and easy hair. Don't worry about her not caring about her hair. I have been there and done that.
Okay yall. I know i'm new here but yall are being to hard on that person. I have been lurking on this site and many others I've even read Chicoro's book and Thank God I'm natural. I just BC'd almost two weeks ago and my hair is dry dry dry dry. :wallbash: Ive been dcing every week for years. I prepoo with oil. I sleep on a silk pillow case. I cowash/wash everymorning and go because my hair is only 3 inches long. It starts out soft but drys hard. I've tried many different mositurizing methods.
1. S-curl
2. S-curl with castor oil to seal
3.S-curl-->cantu shea leave in-->castor oil
4. CD Hair Milk
5. CD Hair Milk-->castor/coconut oil
6. S-curl-->CD hair milk-->castor oil
7. nothing-(tried this becuase I have the same hair as my dad. His hair is soft but after washing it he does nothing to it)

None of this methods work. I just ordered a mositurizer from bearfruit idk if that will work.

So I wrote all of that to vent and to say that she may not have found the right solution for her yet. Not saying that's def the case but its another point of view
have you tried reading this?
I'm sorry. Unlese u have a perfect body, teeth, nails and hair like Rapunzel you have no right to judge the girl at work. We are all lacking in certain areas.
About the woman at the cafeteria using Pink Oil Moisturizer - of all the products that have been discontinued why couldn't this one be discontinued too?
Okay yall. I know i'm new here but yall are being to hard on that person. I have been lurking on this site and many others I've even read Chicoro's book and Thank God I'm natural. I just BC'd almost two weeks ago and my hair is dry dry dry dry. :wallbash: Ive been dcing every week for years. I prepoo with oil. I sleep on a silk pillow case. I cowash/wash everymorning and go because my hair is only 3 inches long. It starts out soft but drys hard. I've tried many different mositurizing methods.
1. S-curl
2. S-curl with castor oil to seal
3.S-curl-->cantu shea leave in-->castor oil
4. CD Hair Milk
5. CD Hair Milk-->castor/coconut oil
6. S-curl-->CD hair milk-->castor oil
7. nothing-(tried this becuase I have the same hair as my dad. His hair is soft but after washing it he does nothing to it)

None of this methods work. I just ordered a mositurizer from bearfruit idk if that will work.

So I wrote all of that to vent and to say that she may not have found the right solution for her yet. Not saying that's def the case but its another point of view
Condition washes may work better for you. They kept my hair moisturized when I has just transitioned.
What do you use to dc? Are you sure you're not using too much protein? SOme people's hair is sensitive to glycerin, maybe you should try using a diffferent moisturizer ( ORS carrot creme, Hollywood Beauty carrot creme ...). I can't give you exact recommandations because I don't live in the US and I don't know what you have access to.

WIsh you the bestof luck on your hair care journey;