why does everybody hate LHCF??

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Very funny! There will always be haters and unfortunately, haters are everywhere!! The internet is not protected against them! In fact, most haters are on the net because they do not have to show who they are n hate in person. They can still sneak behind people's back and hate just like they do on the streets.

I was reading something similiar saying that LHCF girls use stale pee to grow their hair and clear up their faces! I jus laughed! We get results on this board! That's what matters to me! No matter how we do it, we get the job done! I don't know of any other website that shows as many pics as LHCF does! Call us mean, catty, or stupid! But one thing u can't call us is ballheaded!! LMPAO!!!

Shout out to all the haters! Thank you for making this site number 1!!!
ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOW that should be lhcf's motto "call us what you want just don't call us ballheaded" :)

Very funny! There will always be haters and unfortunately, haters are everywhere!! The internet is not protected against them! In fact, most haters are on the net because they do not have to show who they are n hate in person. They can still sneak behind people's back and hate just like they do on the streets.

I was reading something similiar saying that LHCF girls use stale pee to grow their hair and clear up their faces! I jus laughed! We get results on this board! That's what matters to me! No matter how we do it, we get the job done! I don't know of any other website that shows as many pics as LHCF does! Call us mean, catty, or stupid! But one thing u can't call us is ballheaded!! LMPAO!!!

Shout out to all the haters! Thank you for making this site number 1!!!
Very funny! There will always be haters and unfortunately, haters are everywhere!! The internet is not protected against them! In fact, most haters are on the net because they do not have to show who they are n hate in person. They can still sneak behind people's back and hate just like they do on the streets.

I was reading something similiar saying that LHCF girls use stale pee to grow their hair and clear up their faces! I jus laughed! We get results on this board! That's what matters to me! No matter how we do it, we get the job done! I don't know of any other website that shows as many pics as LHCF does! Call us mean, catty, or stupid! But one thing u can't call us is ballheaded!! LMPAO!!!

Shout out to all the haters! Thank you for making this site number 1!!!

LOVE YOUR RESPONSE!!!! hahahah i had o laugh at that lol
I kind of understand why forums wouldn't be on there. You have thousands of users who give their hair "tips" when about half or more than half are totally wrong or give improper hair tips. (I'm speaking of all forums in general) . Not to say that a blogger or Youtuber gives correct info either...but one person giving advice versus 10,000 people and 5,000 giving bad advice...its the lesser of the two evils. ( I never listen to everything any "hair site" says- I research first)

Hairlista is a forum....hairliciousinc is the blog, which was not posted. Nappturality is a forum as well I thought?

ETA: And in reality, I think hearing from a hundred women with beautiful, healthy hair is better than hearing from ONE blogger or youtuber with healthy hair. Everyone cannot use the same products or techniques and being able to learn about multiple techniques and product reviews from a variety of people with different hair types and textures should be much more beneficial than one person. Too many people look at their hair idol's hair and expect their hair to turn out just like theirs because they copy their regimen to a tee. And that's unrealistic. Not to say that doesn't happen here as well, but on forums, you have more examples to learn from.
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Everything is not for everybody.

I agree with the post above that some posters are catty, jealous, mean-spirited (or maybe just bored) and their behavior overshadows many more normal people.

I suspect that there are far more lurkers on this site than posting members...and they lurk to avoid the drama that comes along with being an active poster (i.e. the sinking feeling that someone is writing down every personal detail mentioned and they will eventually stalk you).
Now I read some pretty bizarre comments on this board before... but really? Comparing LHCF to Jesus?

I mean... people hated Hitler too...

If you fail to see the point that I was trying to make then its no sense in explaining. Even Ray Charles can see the point I was trying to make. Reading comprehension is truly fundamental.
I don't think Whip was comparing LHCF with Jesus. Y'all need to lighten up a bit. I deciphered her post to mean that being hated doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with you. In other words, haters are gonna hate even when there's no good reason to hate.

I am pretty sure Whip understands the Almighty status of Jesus and would not confuse Him with LHCF. :lol:

ETA As far as the topic goes, er why does sh** happen? It just does. And life goes on.

Some things are not worth wasting time and energy on. It's not as if you can ever know the answer or do anything about it. It could be as simple as, "because they can". Now what?

Thanks Nonie but you didn't have to waste any keystrokes. We were taught comprehension in grade school. :lachen:
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I don't know who "everybody" is. The list is one person's opinion. Anyway some people like lhcf others don't. Besides this is the internet - people surf around. If they get bored at one spot they move to the next. If members were married to just one discussion board there would be a lot more old timers here on the regular. It's funny when these kinds of threads come up on discussion boards coz I'm always thinking you are aware that many of the same people are members of both or multiples - right? I've looked in on just about all the major hair discussion boards at one time or another including some I can't check back on because I no longer remember their names. :) Each has it's distinct theme. I don't do many blogs but I'll click and look if something interesting shows up on twitter. I don't get the "lhcf nationalism" though. I come here because I think it's fun but I certainly don't expect everyone else to like it and I'm not insulted if they don't.
There is no such thing as bad publicity....its a thin line between love and hate....and they can only talk about you if they know about you....now enough of the colloquial b.s... let's get back to the real....should I co-wash more than 3x a week...and I would prefer for one of the popular, catty ,cliqued up, mean non-bald headed girls answer...but wait I'm a newbie so nevermind....
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I think, what they say IS true, except for your questions not being answered......but from some old threads from a couple of years ago, that was true too! :lachen: I can't remember the threads, but folks were saying that they look at you join date and if you were new, they wouldn't listen to your advice and basically ignored you.

But it's all good to me, and it all adds VARIETY, so who care's what they think?
I think, what they say IS true, except for your questions not being answered......but from some old threads from a couple of years ago, that was true too! :lachen: I can't remember the threads, but folks were saying that they look at you join date and if you were new, they wouldn't listen to your advice and basically ignored you.

But it's all good to me, and it all adds VARIETY, so who care's what they think?

Lol. I don't buy my cars the first year they come out or take financial advice from someone who just received their degree. Haha True in this case. And yes dates do influence me to a point. Did yall buy from Sue Ying in the vendors section??!! No so there ya go!!:lachen: That poor woman was really trying.
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Well I love LHCF. Those are just a few voices who may speak loud but in the end don't mean much. I can come on here any time of the day or night and there are hundreds of people logged in. Unfortunately the negative gets the press sometime and not the positive. You will find nuts anywhere, why highlight them? Most of the girls on here are great IMHO.:yep:
I think majority of it is true and I've only been subscribed for a short time. But when I lurked in here I could definitely see what was mentioned. I don't come here for that stuff anyway though and I ignore it. Despite those rumors, facts, whatever you want to call them, LHCF has a lot of valuable information in concerns for not only growing your hair long, but having healthy haiir.
I don't know who "everybody" is. The list is one person's opinion. Anyway some people like lhcf others don't. Besides this is the internet - people surf around. If they get bored at one spot they move to the next. If members were married to just one discussion board there would be a lot more old timers here on the regular. It's funny when these kinds of threads come up on discussion boards coz I'm always thinking you are aware that many of the same people are members of both or multiples - right? I've looked in on just about all the major hair discussion boards at one time or another including some I can't check back on because I no longer remember their names. :) Each has it's distinct theme. I don't do many blogs but I'll click and look if something interesting shows up on twitter. I don't get the "lhcf nationalism" though. I come here because I think it's fun but I certainly don't expect everyone else to like it and I'm not insulted if they don't.

i already stated above its an exaggeration. the nationalism comes with the territory. thats how great things happen, everyone comes together for a greater good and unify because of it. if your not loyal to just one then thats you. but this board is my favorite as far as layout and quick answers, and personalities, and so on. i saw this on another board to obviously i am apart of more too but this one is bookmarked and the rest arent!
Lawd, Lawd, LHCF is the business and that's that. Now, let me go Bigen my haiya to def (sans the front and center part I keep out sos my silver hair can show), fry me a pork chop :lick:, watch hulu, prepare for my 2-day assembly this weekend ("You Are No Part of the World") and come back and tell yaw'll 'bout it. :yep:

2-day assembly!!?? Are u a witness? me too!! woo hoo! *ok, yall can go back to the subject now, lol*
I first found about LHCF from the negative reviews on another site. I wanted to see what was getting people all bothered. 4 years later, I'm still here :)
Also remember that the owners of this board have tried hard to keep it a secret in terms of publicity. There have been many thread of people wanting to write to Oprah or black hair magazines and tell them about LHCF and Bev and her crew asked that they not. The forum has grown but there are still systems in place to keep it as private as possible. I'm glad we were not on the list because you never know who you will attract to the site with that kind of attention
I have seen how some threads can get out of hand, but I feel like any place chock full of women can get catty.

Anyplace chock full of *people* can get catty. Let's not stereotype ourselves as women. The rest of your response was right on.

Anyways, to answer the question, I think the key reasons are the following:

1) The idea of BW trying to deliberately grow their hair long might be uncomfortable and non-PC to some people, i.e. they might think we are pursuing a Euro ideal, etc etc.

2) Since the site is long hair care forum, it makes it obvious that growing long hair is the main purpose, and there is the *perception*, partially based on some trends on here in the past, that people will go to any lengths to achieve this goal, even at the expense of their health, hygiene etc. People, especially publications like magazines, may be uncomfortable with this and unwilling to expose themselves to being accused of promoting snake oil remedies, vitamin overdosing, horse products, etc. for hair growing. Now we all know that most of the info on here is solid, basic - moisture, protein, oils/lipids/ceramides, protective styling and low-manipulation, and that's how most of the long-haired ladies have achieved their goals, but the site has a reputation for what others may *perceive* to be extreme solutions (some of which are basic and solid too, when you get down to it), e.g. MTG, anti-fungal creme (for some reason some call it coochie cream like it has coochie juice in it and not just a fungicide), whale sperm, placenta, baggying, etc.

3) There was admittedly a time in the site's past (I remember it from my lurking days and from before I finally joined) when there were a lot of type 4s claiming type 3, and a small but visible minority of people leaning their heads back to take length-check pictures. There were a lot more threads with those "alternative" solutions too. Those kinds of antics invite derision and accusations of being wannabes, and will linger in people's minds when they think of the board. I actually think, (recent events aside) the board has gotten a lot more mainstream and "respectable" over the years.

It's just the way of the world that any group will somehow be identified by its most extreme, rather than it's most common, characteristics, and people will often judge on that basis rather than getting to know the full, complex picture themselves.
I just wanted to chime in and say I love LHCF. They are not as militant as some hair boards. The complaint of the cattyness, cliques and questions being unanswered sound familiar from another board I will not mention but, I don't get that when I'm on here, and I log on multiple times for the day.
I understand what you're saying Whip. But just because someone is new to THIS board, doesn't mean that they are new to HAIRBOARDS....or to great haircare practices.

When I came here, I was APL. I have always had at least APL-MBL hair BEFORE I even HEARD of hair boards.
I have always had healthy relaxed hair.

So just because someone is new, it doesn't mean they don't know about haircare.

And as for Sue. If she had something I really wanted, for a good price, I would have purchased from her.

So there YOU go!:lachen:

Lol. I don't buy my cars the first year they come out or take financial advice from someone who just received their degree. Haha True in this case. And yes dates do influence me to a point. Did yall buy from Sue Ying in the vendors section??!! No so there ya go!!:lachen: That poor woman was really trying.
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I've had a few threads unaswered even after bumping. I was slightly aggravated but I didn't give up. I took responsibility by chalking it up to I didn't word the thread correctly to prompt input.

My join date doesn't mean I'm a newbie to understanding hair, it simply means I'm a newbie to LHCF. Therefore a person's join date doesn't impact my decision to heed their advice or respond to their thread.

I've witnessed some ppl coming at me in a strong manner but I ignore them b/c it's not worth my time or energy. Overall, I enjoy LHCF. I think the material is layed out eloquently and filtered in a user-friendly manner. I don't get this feel with lurking other forums, thus I frequent LHCF 95% of the time.
Its not about if you always had hair. Its about sharing pictures and other stuff to prove that something worked for you. A lot of people came to the board with healthy hair but failed to document it until they came here. That's a main reason for a lot of stuff. People are like, show me the proof. They want inspiration to continue or start on their hair journey. And sometimes, people like to look at progress in one year or more. No one started popping in my threads until I started seeing progress. Its just the way of the world at large. I'm not taking advice from no one without documented progress. lol

Also, some people just have online personalities that attract people to them. :::shrugs:::
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What were their reasons? Maybe it's because this site isn't totally free and those sites are? Idk.

Yeah, bugs the heck out of some of them to pay $6.50...come on already..they pay more for jacked up hair care. LHCF is where I can find people who have some experience with hair products, hair care and willing to express an adult opinion!!
LOL I just came in here to say I love Nonie. She's so classy and always on point. Thanks for clarifying to the peeps that didn't understand.

SN: (Whaaat? I just realized I spelled a "c word" without the K...Nonie must be special)
I was on another board and someone asked what boards was everyone on. I said this site and got cursed out!:lachen:

If you can't handle the heat, stay out the kitchen! I honestly think the longevity of your membership corresponds greatly to your personality. If you're the type of person who doesn't give a what about what anyone says, the negative comments don't affect you and you KIM. If you're a person who likes to avoid drama, you'll never put yourself in a predicament that pits you head to head with it. If you're sensitive, someone may push your buttons and that may be day you cancel your membership. If you're genuinely nice, then everyone will love you and you'll never have a reason to leave!

These are things I observed. But I care more about the health of my hair than any drama that distracts me from my goals.
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