why does everybody hate LHCF??

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If you can't handle the heat, stay out the kitchen! I honestly think the longevity of your membership corresponds greatly to your personality. If you're the type of person who doesn't give a what about what anyone says, the negative comments don't affect you and you KIM. If you're a person who likes to avoid drama, you'll never put yourself in a predicament that pits you head to head with it. If you're sensitive, someone may push your buttons and that may be day you cancel your membership. If you're genuinely nice, then everyone will love you and you'll never have a reason to leave!

These are things I observed. But I care more about the health of my hair than any drama that distracts me from my goals.

I think you summed everything up quite nicely!:D
I didn't know it was that serious lol

The drama on this board is no different than any other forum. We just have more people than many forums which is why it seems as though we always have "something" going on but I am sure that if you could quantify it in a percentage, the ratio remains the same. This board has also been around a whole lot longer than other boards and blogs. This board still remains one of the most comprehensive sources for information though just from sheer levels of contribution.
I kind of understand why forums wouldn't be on there. You have thousands of users who give their hair "tips" when about half or more than half are totally wrong or give improper hair tips. (I'm speaking of all forums in general) . Not to say that a blogger or Youtuber gives correct info either...but one person giving advice versus 10,000 people and 5,000 giving bad advice...its the lesser of the two evils. ( I never listen to everything any "hair site" says- I research first)

LHCF is super popular but several people have a problem with the site. I had an issue with the name for the longest and I do have issues with the several "grow your hair one foot in a month" threads, but I just don't read or respond to them... Everyone is going to like and dislike something about sites/forums.

As far as cliques and popularity-- I had no idea there was an online popularity?! if it doesn't carry over into real life then I dont see why people think that is an issue. lol But if they think LHCF has drama...go over to BHM! They are brutal over there but I get sucked in everytime reading everything. I still love BHM too.
But back to the subject, I don't think LHCF was included because its a forum. LHCF clearly has more hair "information" then the sites listed....not even sure how 2 or 3 of them got on there but ummm...
So who came up with that list again? Clearly whoever wrote the article is homies or cousins of some of those listed.... :-) Not even trying to be mean. Just stating facts. I would've expected like AOL Black Voices or Essence Hair blog or something more official.

Everything you said is how I feel, I feel the blogs are very onesided as well. I was a member of NP when I first went natural and I was a registered member of this site but used NP only because like you mentioned the name of this site made me feel like it was for ONLY long haired indv. I wish I had done more research here because I probably would have stayed natural.

Some others may have been turned around by the name and chose not to sign up as well. I have learned more here, not just in the hair forum that has truly helped me in my personal life. I also prefer this site more because many of us like to do our own research on some of the others they just want someone to tell them what to do and they will do it, sort of like going to the stylist. She says use this and that is what people will do. I have even looked into BHM (when this site was down and at other tiimes) but whoooooo some of those women jump off with the quickness when they are misunderstood I was thinking woah. Alot of their info is from here as well so whatever.

Yes it has gotten catty, but hey that happens when dealing with such a large group of women
Raise your hand if: A) You are totally unaffected by others’ opinions of this site, its members and their online activities; B) You are totally unaffected by others’ opinions of this site, its members and their online activities; or C) You are totally unaffected by others’ opinions of this site, its members and their online activities.
If you fail to see the point that I was trying to make then its no sense in explaining. Even Ray Charles can see the point I was trying to make. Reading comprehension is truly fundamental.

Regardless of the BS you talkin now... the statement was ridiculous.
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