SBM's HONEST Profile

dtachi, did you find this one too?

Actually you could say it found me. He initiated contact with me on the site. His photo looked pretty good which surprised me, considering what I was used to getting on that site. Then I read his profile and was like...ohhhh okay now I see the probem..nevermind! :lol:
Sounds like a jerk. I'm sure we could all be pompous and condescending about what we want or don't, but who wants to be around someone so pompous?

btw, what is mlm?

it stands for multi level marketing. You know those companies that promise you residual income and all kinds of wealth etc. They're pyramid schemes
Honestly I get it. If I were on a dating site I'd say it if that's how I felt. Eventually, if I tried the conventional route and I got a bunch of losers. He sounds like someone who is fed up... the only problem is I suspect he isn't that cute, which in my mind discounts his whole rant. I know that sounds mean but in my opinion you have to be a 10 to demand a 10. LOL.
A good way to catch more profile views :)
I understand where he is coming from and agree with some of what he says (though he is mad hostile). I can almost guarantee that he isn't
DO YOU READ? (pushed me over the edge):lachen::lachen::lachen:

Oh, my....sounds like he needs some gym time, big time...:lachen:
Why do I have the feeling I know the man who wrote that. It sounds just like him down to the very last line. I will say that men who claim to not be "holy rollers, but know the Bible back and forth" usually read/heard some stuff from some anti-Christian, pro Black pseudo intellectual who changed his name from DeShawn Jenkins to Dr. Mohommed Otunga and think that makes him an expert. Sad, so sad.
Wow. All of that was seriously the male version of my thought process when it comes to dating. Every single sentence.