SBM's HONEST Profile

Thank you. Not that I'm knocking MLM, in fact, I've been a victim of it myself (why lie??), but a lot of the people who do it will just throw out the same overused phrases that someone else used to get them on the scheme. Just cause you throw out the word wealth like its candy does not mean you have any, or that you're gonna be coming into it anytime soon. :look:

In fact, it only indicates otherwise. People with wealth don't shout it from the rooftops.

He's using some of the oldest tricks in the book, and a lot of people probably fell for it too. He knows what he's doing, and he knows the effect that his words might have on some people. I know so many people like that, and trust they are extremely insecure on the inside.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your doctoral degree. There is nothing wrong with punching in a 9-5. Nothing wrong with working for somebody else. Nothing wrong with payng off your house before you look to invest in other things. A house is an investment, and great place to start if you want to build that legacy that he's going on and on about. In fact, I know many men who would be happy to date a women like that.

I'm extremely picky too, and I would not pick him.

EXACTLY !!! This is why I think it's a joke and some poor mummy's boy as you say with lofty ideals and big dreams. Igit probably does not have any real friends. He sounds real bitter like one of those male you tubers...

I do not date white women (though I probably should- I am beginning to see what other men are talking about). However, until I lose COMPLETE :grin:faith in Black women I will continue to date SISTERS ONLY.

don't do us any favors

I get contacted by men like this once in while....I got the white version of this which was a hoot! and told him I disqualfied on several points according to profile "mandates" ....
he said he'd make an exception for me ...and that I probably really was just fine...he wouldn't stop of his car...beach house

he finally said he had the big one....:grin:
tempting tho that may be.......I finally blocked him
lol...trashy is as trashy does

wonder if above profiler actually gets responses?
some women might just want to take that on as challenge..but worse
some women might intrepret this cruelty
and no mistake...about it.....
it is abusive...


instead being a big boy and hitting delete
if what comes to him doesn't match
and FYI ...a lot of people will ignore profile requests
and message you.......anyway!
it's nature of the internet beast

he's name-calling...he's ridiculing....objectifying
deliberately.....being insulting & calling
that honest? & it's just in one profile!


He's clearly deriving pleasure from this.:dizzy:

Can you imagine what he would be like on
a date? .... in conflict?.......
with your crisis...

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I've read SBM's blog for a while and I admit, I thought he was witty but his tone was condescending just like this profile OP posted was. He had a lot of women swooning because he was funny and his head blew up when his blog took off.

I hate when people have a long list of what turns them off about the opposite sex in such a rude way. He isn't doing us any favors by only dating Black, (even if he does so begrudgingly it seems)

He knocks women who have advanced degrees because he doesn't have one and has an inferiority complex because of a woman he once dated that bothered his ego.

Two years ago when I used to read his blog a lot, a poster went off on him and posted his photo and stats on his blog for everyone to see. Unimpressive. I smh at this list, especially when folks are asking others to bring things to the table when they're not that tight themselves. Hes tried to be more private/anonymous since.

That photo, whooo... I'll tell y'all one thing, he ain't single because of that list THAT'S for sure :look:

He can take his profile and shove it.
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wonder if above profiler actually gets responses?
some women might just want to take that on as challenge..
but worse
some women might intrepret this cruelty
and no mistake...about it.....
it is abusive...


* * *

Can you imagine what he would be like on
a date? .... in conflict?.......
with your crisis...


This is nothing but wisdom. Absolutely nothing more than pure wisdom and attunement to people's natures. I could not possibly agree with you more.

.He knocks women who have advanced degrees because he doesn't have one and has an inferiority complex because of a woman he once dated that bothered his ego.

:yep: I was going to cheer you for your intuition, too (which I'm sure is just as fine as kayte's) but then I saw you actually know of this person? He has an internet presence besides this odious "profile?"
All this stuff he's talking and he probably rents a room in his mom's basement & been in the same MLM for 5 years without ever making a dime:rolleyes: He sounds like the 50-11 broke MLM'ers that try to friend me everyday on facebook:lol:

Plus I find it ironic that he mentions the Secret, SOGR, etc which specifically teach you to not focus your thoughts and words on what you DON'T want, but to be positive and focus on what you DO want, yet 90% of his rant is focusing on the negative. Obviously he does not comprehend the principles he wants his potential SO to utilize.:look:

I know right? I got the distinct impression he would require you to switch your electric company or phone service.:lachen:
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I've read SBM's blog for a while and I admit, I thought he was witty but his tone was condescending just like this profile OP posted was. He had a lot of women swooning because he was funny and his head blew up when his blog took off.

I hate when people have a long list of what turns them off about the opposite sex in such a rude way. He isn't doing us any favors by only dating Black, (even if he does so begrudgingly it seems)

He knocks women who have advanced degrees because he doesn't have one and has an inferiority complex because of a woman he once dated that bothered his ego.

Two years ago when I used to read his blog a lot, a poster went off on him and posted his photo and stats on his blog for everyone to see. Unimpressive. I smh at this list, especially when folks are asking others to bring things to the table when they're not that tight themselves. Hes tried to be more private/anonymous since.

That photo, whooo... I'll tell y'all one thing, he ain't single because of that list THAT'S for sure :look:
He can take his profile and shove it.

:lol: So this guy is for real?

I don't know why but when I read his profile I immediately thought....*****....or a joke....that's why I wondered if he had a pic.
Is this supposed to be the SBM blog guy? I was thinking it was just a random single black guy...

That older gentleman was wise!

His profile would have sounded so much better if he had said, "I like a woman with an active lifestyle, who enjoys traveling (the farther the better -- I'd love to have an interesting companion on my trips to Africa and South America) who loves reading everything from politics, science, religion and who has an entrepreneurial spirit."

See, if I read THAT? I'd be all over dude like white on rice!

(And like you said, the same goes for women... when I see women's profiles that say, "If you like to play games, then don't bother responding," I cringe.)

Yep, I agree. Much more positive!

The ELF cosmetics $1.00 sale was real though, I got mad stuff :giggle:

ELF always has items for $1.00. The fake part of the e-mail is saying that it's on sale b/c it was discontinued from Nordstrom. Not true.

Back on topic...
The funny thing is, I fit MOST of what he is looking for... but I wouldn't give him the time of day with that type of attitude. Any man (or woman) who posts a profile talking more about what they hate and what they don't want usually has issues.

Plus, I also say that he's largely the reason he keeps meeting the types of women that he doesn't like. There are plenty of black women that have the qualities that he's looking for, but I bet he enjoys fishing in the "hoodrat" pool and then using those women to "confirm" his theories about BW not being about ****...

Too bad, I could only thank you once. This man is a damn fool. I understand having standards, but puhleeze. I hate when brothers get something they start believing that they are too above a woman of a certain level. I am sure there will be some sisters willing to try to prove themselves to him-because unfortunately some black women feel that we have to prove our worthiness to brothers like this that place demands on us or threaten to date white. I am so turned off right now. Somebody needs to school this fool. “Sistahs, we be doing it for ourselves,” for years! There is no way to downplay having a degree- if you ask me he probably believes that because he lacks one. Ladies when brothers come off like this it is because of insecurity! I understand wanting what you want, but why insult people. I think he could have done a better job at getting his message across.

So glad I already have my chocolate prince.
I've read SBM's blog for a while and I admit, I thought he was witty but his tone was condescending just like this profile OP posted was. He had a lot of women swooning because he was funny and his head blew up when his blog took off.

I hate when people have a long list of what turns them off about the opposite sex in such a rude way. He isn't doing us any favors by only dating Black, (even if he does so begrudgingly it seems)

He knocks women who have advanced degrees because he doesn't have one and has an inferiority complex because of a woman he once dated that bothered his ego.

Two years ago when I used to read his blog a lot, a poster went off on him and posted his photo and stats on his blog for everyone to see. Unimpressive. I smh at this list, especially when folks are asking others to bring things to the table when they're not that tight themselves. Hes tried to be more private/anonymous since.

That photo, whooo... I'll tell y'all one thing, he ain't single because of that list THAT'S for sure :look:

He can take his profile and shove it.

Oh, so he has a blog???

You know, before I read your thread something told me that he didn't have a degree and was probably an entreprenegro (and no, not in the Bill Gates or even P. Diddy realm). Seeing that he put down certain qualities about women and FAILED to mention much about himself told me all I needed to know.

He's also probably downing the 9-5 clock punching worker because he doesn't have steady work like that... and therefore, has to fall back on his entreprenegro-ship... which is probably MLM, like somebody else said! :lachen:

Reminds me of the man I dated (ugh) who said that my path had been very "mainstream," not that there was anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: Yet he sure was jealous of my "mainstream" money and had lots to say about that!
... and therefore, has to fall back on his entreprenegro-ship... which is probably MLM, like somebody else said! :lachen:

Reminds me of the man I dated (ugh) who said that my path had been very "mainstream," not that there was anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: Yet he sure was jealous of my "mainstream" money and had lots to say about that!

Bunny77 you slay me all the time, BUT are always hitting the nail on the head. Girl, I have got to use "ENTREPRENEGRO-SHIP".
This is nothing but wisdom. Absolutely nothing more than pure wisdom and attunement to people's natures. I could not possibly agree with you more.

:yep: I was going to cheer you for your intuition, too (which I'm sure is just as fine as kayte's) but then I saw you actually know of this person? He has an internet presence besides this odious "profile?"

Girl, it's more than intuition. He posted it on his blog a couple years ago so now he holds a grudge against women with advanced degrees. He harps on it; to the point you wanna say "Bro, get over it."

:lol: So this guy is for real?

I don't know why but when I read his profile I immediately thought....*****....or a joke....that's why I wondered if he had a pic.

Yeah, he's real...real angry and jaded. I wish y'all would've read his blog two years ago and (and saw that photo of him) to see where I am coming from.

Oh, so he has a blog???

You know, before I read your thread something told me that he didn't have a degree and was probably an entreprenegro (and no, not in the Bill Gates or even P. Diddy realm). Seeing that he put down certain qualities about women and FAILED to mention much about himself told me all I needed to know.

He's also probably downing the 9-5 clock punching worker because he doesn't have steady work like that... and therefore, has to fall back on his entreprenegro-ship... which is probably MLM, like somebody else said! :lachen:

Reminds me of the man I dated (ugh) who said that my path had been very "mainstream," not that there was anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: Yet he sure was jealous of my "mainstream" money and had lots to say about that!

Yeah, it's He writes so arbitrarily and a lot of times, I feel he is sexist.

He posts to the tone of making the Black woman feel they need to fight to get a piece of a man. I hate that tone. A lot of Black male bloggers have that tone. Entreprenegro alright; this blog is his hustle. He ended up adding more bloggers to help him in his 'movement' :rolleyes:

There's a part of me that thinks this profile is a joke. Was there a pic included?
yes, there were 4 different pics.
:lol: So this guy is for real?

I don't know why but when I read his profile I immediately thought....*****....or a joke....that's why I wondered if he had a pic.
I would post his pic but I'm not sure if I would get in trouble for it...

I didnt get this from sbm blog but I saw it on an actual online dating site. this is his description in his profile. they could be one in the same though...
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Actually, I like him. :look: I've felt like him before. I've posted profiles and had all kinds of "wrong" people responding....and I mean waaaaaay wrong. I just took a long, dreep breath before actually posting my last profile so I would come off like a picky b****. He probably should have done the same :laugh:....But, I think he ultimately wants someone who's got her whole-self together (physically, mentally, spiritually) and is beyond the superficial stuff...she doesn't measure her self-worth by the $$ in the bank or her diplomas.....she's a thinker and a visionary and supportive. She'! :laugh: :lachen:
Well damn... I see why he is still single... I see where he is coming from also but he don't say what he is bringing to the table either...
He writes so arbitrarily and a lot of times, I feel he is sexist.

:yep: No need to be diplomatic! I have years of real life (and internet) experience with misogynists and I can smell them a mile away. Many repeat the same memes and themes and can't help but give themselves away. They hate to be called out on it, though.

It's sad really. He says he is seeking a woman, yet his tone and words do not suggest that he takes any genuine joy in them...even in the ones who would meet all of him "qualifications." Some people just have a fault-finding and negative spirit. My grandma/mother use the expression "people who like to fight with the fly in front of their faces."

But, I think he ultimately wants someone who's got her whole-self together (physically, mentally, spiritually) and is beyond the superficial stuff

See, I get the entirely opposite feeling. His words talk the talk of spirituality and depth, but he seems very focused on the superficial and non-eternal.
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He has a lot of good points ladies but he sounds so negative! He seems to have a major chip on his shoulder.
Yeah I would have to pass. If this was spun around in a more positive tone, sure.

And i did have a problem that i'm supposed to be blase about my advanced degree and career. Why does it matter if one person has a 9-5 and the other person doesn't. Ain't nothing wrong w/ steady money.
....But, I think he ultimately wants someone who's got her whole-self together (physically, mentally, spiritually) and is beyond the superficial stuff...she doesn't measure her self-worth by the $$ in the bank or her diplomas.....she's a thinker and a visionary and supportive. She'!

And THAT'S EXACTLY what he shoulda said~~!!

ultimately I want someone who's got her whole-self together (physically, mentally, spiritually) and is beyond the superficial stuff...she doesn't measure her self-worth by the $$ in the bank or her diplomas.....she's a thinker and a visionary and supportive. She'!

He'd have a backlog of women clamoring for a chance :)

but he dint cas that's NOT who he's better that comes out
than hide it..
yes, there were 4 different pics.

I would post his pic but I'm not sure if I would get in trouble for it...

I didnt get this from sbm blog but I saw it on an actual online dating site. this is his description in his profile. they could be one in the same though...

Really? Oh snap..
Hello Google~:grin: ....
ETA soap....
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So I went and read his blog. And it seems like he has his head on straight for the most part and just tries too hard to "keep it real." Lewis from iHustleNation can pull that kind of tone off, SBM can't.
^^^I like Lewis' written stuff but his call in show is weak. It's just him clowning folks. But I'm all for getting a hustle and making money so...
He sounds like quite an unpleasant man. I don't know anybody who meets his requirements who would tolerate his foolishness.
Wait, Nichi is this the same SBM who does the blog?
I thought OP meant (SBM) as the standard dating site line (SWF, SBF, etc). He has a gf now, so idk if that's him.

But ole blog dude's head has certainly blown up. :yep: I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I don't even read anymore. :ohwell:
I agree - I don't mind that he wants a woman that's entrepreneurial minded (I too have that mindset). However, he sounds a little too defensive. He stated that he didn't care about a woman's money and doesn't want it - if that's really the case there's no need for him to outline such specifics of how she should think about career and finances.

I also agree that some people are not ok with the risks one has to take to be a successful entrepreneur, and that's perfectly understandable. I bet his defensive stance stems from clashes surrounding risky business decisions he's made and maybe having a woman who got nervous or questioned his decision making.

He also knocked a woman for choosing superficially but wants a woman to look a certain way. I am not saying there's anything wrong with that if he wasn't such a hypocrite. He wants her to dance a jig and bend over backward but love him for himself without him having to match her in return. Then complains what is she doing for him? The whole don't get mad when he has other women? Wha? Wanting a man who has his ish together means you deserve to be cheated on? Interesting. KIM buddy.
Oh, so he has a blog???

You know, before I read your thread something told me that he didn't have a degree and was probably an entreprenegro (and no, not in the Bill Gates or even P. Diddy realmBawhawhawhaw!). Seeing that he put down certain qualities about women and FAILED to mention much about himself told me all I needed to know.Exactly why I laughed when he says "what do you have to offer?" I mean what does he have? !!:lachen:

He's also probably downing the 9-5 clock punching worker because he doesn't have steady work like that... and therefore, has to fall back on his entreprenegro-ship... which is probably MLM, like somebody else said! :lachen:

Reminds me of the man I dated (ugh) who said that my path had been very "mainstream," not that there was anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: Yet he sure was jealous of my "mainstream" money and had lots to say about that!I'm sure!
Okay, this thread made me go back and find this dudes profile I came across when I was on POF. It was both offensive and hilarious (he obviously wrote this in a heated rush because there are tons of grammatical errors)....hope you don't mind me adding another one to the thread :grin: :

Im here to meet a woman that could be all that i want. Im not trying to be shallow but i think it must be said... Due to the quality of people contacting me.

1. Dont be old (35+)(Maybe if your to much to handle its ok)
2. Dont be fat (If i cant lift you i cant date you)(If you have to ask YES YOU ARE)
3. Dont be ugly (My dog would bark at you)(Dont make me bark at you!)
4. Dont be short(depends on the person but remember im 6'6 if you are please pass 1-3)
5. Dont have a kid if your under 25. (I want children just not somebody elses!!!!)(Ohh and what a waste of space you are, why have children when most of you are barely 25) (DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM!) (Buy a dog easier more fun and they dont last FOREVER)(Plus I could love a dog if it wasnt mine)

But then again its really up to me if I like the way you look!!!
Basicaly its this. Ladies know yourself and know what types of guys go for you and what types of guys are in your league. Dont get a smart *** attitude saying im an ***hole or stuck up and that im not all that because..... really it just proves my point( refer to 1-5) If you believe im passing up something great because of my views let me put it this way ladies would you want a short,fat,ugly man with 2 kids? HELL NOOO!!!
Okay, this thread made me go back and find this dudes profile I came across when I was on POF. It was both offensive and hilarious (he obviously wrote this in a heated rush because there are tons of grammatical errors)....hope you don't mind me adding another one to the thread :grin: :

Im here to meet a woman that could be all that i want. Im not trying to be shallow but i think it must be said... Due to the quality of people contacting me.

1. Dont be old (35+)(Maybe if your to much to handle its ok)
2. Dont be fat (If i cant lift you i cant date you)(If you have to ask YES YOU ARE)
3. Dont be ugly (My dog would bark at you)(Dont make me bark at you!)
4. Dont be short(depends on the person but remember im 6'6 if you are please pass 1-3)
5. Dont have a kid if your under 25. (I want children just not somebody elses!!!!)(Ohh and what a waste of space you are, why have children when most of you are barely 25) (DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM!) (Buy a dog easier more fun and they dont last FOREVER)(Plus I could love a dog if it wasnt mine)

But then again its really up to me if I like the way you look!!!
Basicaly its this. Ladies know yourself and know what types of guys go for you and what types of guys are in your league. Dont get a smart *** attitude saying im an ***hole or stuck up and that im not all that because..... really it just proves my point( refer to 1-5) If you believe im passing up something great because of my views let me put it this way ladies would you want a short,fat,ugly man with 2 kids? HELL NOOO!!!
ladies if you see more, please post.

dtachi, did you find this one too?
Sounds like a jerk. I'm sure we could all be pompous and condescending about what we want or don't, but who wants to be around someone so pompous?

btw, what is mlm?