SBM's HONEST Profile


Well-Known Member
I found this profile on a site and I just had to share....

You know...I meet women all the time and one thing that I always hear is "I wish a man would just tell me the truth".

Ok, I'm going to tell ya A*% the truth.

I get a lot of messages in my box so let me clear the air.



I am not interested in a woman who is over weight, stretch marks all over the place, too skinny , flat behind (Do some squats woman!!) or anything like that. NO GUTS!

True Black man so I like what I like.


YES...I am extremely picky and extremely proud of it.


If you have a Doctorate, Law degree, Masters, Bachelors or whatever can add a few dollars to your paycheck good for you. That means nothing to me, I am only interested in you if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and you are looking to create a legacy for yourself and your posterity.

Tired of Educated Illiterates.

I have been in business for myself for over 15 years and I can tell you that education has nothing to do with wealth. If you have a 9 to 5 mentality and you are looking for a man that can bring you a "check" with good benefits… go to the next profile please.

I have Big Goals and I need someone who can match those.


I do not date white women (though I probably should- I am beginning to see what other men are talking about). However, until I lose COMPLETE faith in Black women I will continue to date SISTERS ONLY. I have nothing against White women its just that I am not attracted to you like that (though some of you are very beautiful). I am not interested in bringing you in from another country so kill the spam.


I am not a Holy Rolly Christian but I know the Bible backward and forward inside and out so save the lip service Spiritual talk. If you do not know the scripture you are not in a position to Judge. ( I have yet to meet a woman who really understands scripture or who has even taken the time to really read what she has placed so much faith in.)

Women who think thier religion is the right and only religion, and that God is sending everybody else to hell please take your ignorant a*% to the next profile...keep it minds only. How can you spend your entire life in the same grade?

We are NOT equally yoked and no I do not need saving nor do I need to go to your Church and talk to your minister.

One must Grow when it comes to Spiritual knowledge. If you understood the Secret, science of getting rich, think and grow rich or any other type of hermetic information then we can talk.


Looking for someone to take care of you...keep it moving. Been there done that. What are you bringing to the table?

MONEY IS important but I find that a lot of Black women are VERY superficial.

If you are materialistic then don't cry when you land someone with money who has a lot of women. You are getting exactly what you

Do you read?

No I am not talking about ZANE and any other Black Romance Novels.

No I do not watch the Flavor of Love, I Love Newyork, College Hill, American Idol, or anything on TV RELIGIOUSLY...I may be lost as to what is going on...FYI.

I Love to Travel so I hope you do to. Next stop Africa and South America.

Just a little something so I don’t waste YOUR time and you don’t waste mine.

I am not looking for anything from a sister except emotional and spiritual support. Keep your money, if you punch a clock you do not have enough anyway.

If that is beyond your capacity and you have hidden agendas or extensive conditions then please review the next profile…

In Closing...

If you understand Business Lines of Credit, Incorporations and what you can do, and the power of personal Credit and what you can do with a 700 plus score besides buy a House and a car then hit me up. If a house is your biggest investment then you dont have any.
i see why he is single

tis all.....

it actually makes me
prob got a itsy bitsy peen...lmaooo
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I can see where he is coming from with a lot of the things he posted in his profile BUT he does not sound willing to grow or be open. He doesn't sound willing to allow that (Black) woman he seeks the opportunity to grow with him. A lot of "sistahs" don't know a lot of what he is referring to because they are simply not exposed to it and, therefore, may not consider such things as entreprenuership as an option for them. I don't think there is anything wrong with a woman who can dedicate her life to a career (even if it is working for someone else and providing benefits) if it's what fulfills her and makes her happy. A lot of us need that in order to also devote ourselves fully to our other "careers" of helping to raise children and managing a household. He said "benefits" as if it's a dirty word. Yes, if I get with you and we are serious and you, as an entrepreneur do not have health insurance...I have cause to address that. That's just my opinion. We like "weekly checks" because, to many of us, that means "security". If you, as an entrepreneur, have irons in the fire but none are paying off yet or you need to wait until this job is finished to collect the rest of your money or your industry is seasonal or such where you have long periods of not having any money coming in (even if you are able to budget your finances for such occasions), I'm going to be concerned.
I would recommend for him maybe an open-minded 40-something entrepreneur with no kids, a good sense of humor and an active gym membership. She has her own house, money, investment portfolio, bank accounts and would be happy to travel with him when HER schedule permitted, use him for his company and conversation and be able to laugh off and shake her head at some of the ridiculous things he's bound to say and views he expresses.

And he needs to be able to accept that which he is so willing to dish out.
i see why he is single

tis all.....

it actually makes me
prob got a itsy bitsy peen...lmaooo

Um Perfect, no offense but I think you'd be his exact type...It's really a compliment. From reading your posts all these years, you seem to fit the bill :lol:

Dont like how he's coming across but he wants what he wants and aint nuffin wrong with that.
I agree - I don't mind that he wants a woman that's entrepreneurial minded (I too have that mindset). However, he sounds a little too defensive. He stated that he didn't care about a woman's money and doesn't want it - if that's really the case there's no need for him to outline such specifics of how she should think about career and finances.

I also agree that some people are not ok with the risks one has to take to be a successful entrepreneur, and that's perfectly understandable. I bet his defensive stance stems from clashes surrounding risky business decisions he's made and maybe having a woman who got nervous or questioned his decision making.

I can see where he is coming from with a lot of the things he posted in his profile BUT he does not sound willing to grow or be open. He doesn't sound willing to allow that (Black) woman he seeks the opportunity to grow with him. A lot of "sistahs" don't know a lot of what he is referring to because they are simply not exposed to it and, therefore, may not consider such things as entreprenuership as an option for them. I don't think there is anything wrong with a woman who can dedicate her life to a career (even if it is working for someone else and providing benefits) if it's what fulfills her and makes her happy. A lot of us need that in order to also devote ourselves fully to our other "careers" of helping to raise children and managing a household. He said "benefits" as if it's a dirty word. Yes, if I get with you and we are serious and you, as an entrepreneur do not have health insurance...I have cause to address that. That's just my opinion. We like "weekly checks" because, to many of us, that means "security". If you, as an entrepreneur, have irons in the fire but none are paying off yet or you need to wait until this job is finished to collect the rest of your money or your industry is seasonal or such where you have long periods of not having any money coming in (even if you are able to budget your finances for such occasions), I'm going to be concerned.
I would recommend for him maybe an open-minded 40-something entrepreneur with no kids, a good sense of humor and an active gym membership. She has her own house, money, investment portfolio, bank accounts and would be happy to travel with him when HER schedule permitted, use him for his company and conversation and be able to laugh off and shake her head at some of the ridiculous things he's bound to say and views he expresses.

And he needs to be able to accept that which he is so willing to dish out.
The funny thing is, I fit MOST of what he is looking for... but I wouldn't give him the time of day with that type of attitude. Any man (or woman) who posts a profile talking more about what they hate and what they don't want usually has issues.

Plus, I also say that he's largely the reason he keeps meeting the types of women that he doesn't like. There are plenty of black women that have the qualities that he's looking for, but I bet he enjoys fishing in the "hoodrat" pool and then using those women to "confirm" his theories about BW not being about ****...
You know what?

I don't knock the brother at all. Not a single line, not a single word.

He knows what he wants. He wants a woman who comes to the table with certain mindsets and attitudes, and he's specified some markers that might indicate you have the right attitude for him to be interested in pursuing something long-term.

He sounds like he's past 30, and has done a good bit of dating, so he is able to cull the herd early.......

Shheeeee. If I was single and skinny, I would have shot him a response. :yep:
I too can understand what he means and what he wants. There is nothing wrong with that. But the tone is very b!shy and demanding, kinda haughty and snarky to boot.

He's got such a high bar and feels it's a woman's role to jump over it. Yet he says he doesn't want a woman with a long list of qualifications!!! Um... he just posted the longest profile in human history full of very specific qualifications!
hey diva i didnt take your comment in a bad way..quite introspective if anything...

i dont even know how to take this but lol hmmmmm

i see that we share verrryyy similiar opinions on his first 3 POV's and his last POV..its interesting reading how i may come across---like a total snot...even though i am not--im moreso less filtered when it comes to my

learn something new everyday on lhcf....

my problem is with his delivery towards the sistahs-----

I think its as if he feels he can sum up every sistah he met with these blanket statements...

im not mad at what he's requesting but i get sensitive when men talk about blk woman....

now i myself can appear to be quite the uncooth person with words--and can be uber ignant when it comes to certain things..i guess its just me being offended that because he met some lame women he is now basing his mindset off of those exps about sistahs in general..and saying what he doesnt want----versus highlighting the great qualities about us and taking it from that angle.....

i dont mind his arrogance--ppl who r arrogant dont bother me--i think for me it was his delivery---i know oxymoron coming from a woman who with my own delivery just doesnt give an ***

meet the kettle---lmaooo

Um Perfect, no offense but I think you'd be his exact type...It's really a compliment. From reading your posts all these years, you seem to fit the bill :lol:

Dont like how he's coming across but he wants what he wants and aint nuffin wrong with that.
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I too can understand what he means and what he wants. There is nothing wrong with that. But the tone is very b!shy and demanding, kinda haughty and snarky to boot.

He's got such a high bar and feels it's a woman's role to jump over it. Yet he says he doesn't want a woman with a long list of qualifications!!! Um... he just posted the longest profile in human history full of very specific qualifications!

:look: Uh, I don't think his bar is all that high, personally.

He wants a black woman that is in shape, that is entrepreneurially minded, who is learned in her faith but not close-minded, who is well-read and not a slave of the boobtube, who likes to travel, and who can support herself. :look:

Is that reallllly a lot to ask for? I mean, yeah, there is a lot of other fluff and so forth around that - but really, that's the meat of what he wants.

If a woman came to him with a matching list that added something like 'no kids', I don't think that would be an extensive list of qualifications, either.

:lachen: And yeah, he was a bit haughty and snarky about it - but that seems to reflect his frustration with the results from previous profiles........ if you know what you want, and you've tried to phrase that 'prettily' and folks keep offering you other ****, you're going to get tired of that and come back REAL clear about what you want.

I won't knock him wanting what he wants, but I'm not surprised that he's single.

Who wants to be in a relationship with a drill seargent? :ohwell:
All this stuff he's talking and he probably rents a room in his mom's basement & been in the same MLM for 5 years without ever making a dime:rolleyes: He sounds like the 50-11 broke MLM'ers that try to friend me everyday on facebook:lol:

Plus I find it ironic that he mentions the Secret, SOGR, etc which specifically teach you to not focus your thoughts and words on what you DON'T want, but to be positive and focus on what you DO want, yet 90% of his rant is focusing on the negative. Obviously he does not comprehend the principles he wants his potential SO to utilize.:look:
Uhm, for someone who knows the scripture back and forward he is being quite judgmental, condescending, and really needs to clean up the language.
Uhm, for someone who knows the scripture back and forward he is being quite judgmental, condescending, and really needs to clean up the language.

Maybe by "the" he means just one:look: I bet like most Americans his favorite scripture is "God helps those who help themselves" which isn't even a scripture!:lachen:
The funny thing is, I fit MOST of what he is looking for... but I wouldn't give him the time of day with that type of attitude. Any man (or woman) who posts a profile talking more about what they hate and what they don't want usually has issues.

Plus, I also say that he's largely the reason he keeps meeting the types of women that he doesn't like. There are plenty of black women that have the qualities that he's looking for, but I bet he enjoys fishing in the "hoodrat" pool and then using those women to "confirm" his theories about BW not being about ****...

The bolded made me :rofl: for some reason!
hey diva i didnt take your comment in a bad way..quite introspective if anything...

i dont even know how to take this but lol hmmmmm

i see that we share verrryyy similiar opinions on his first 3 POV's and his last POV..its interesting reading how i may come across---like a total snot...even though i am not--im moreso less filtered when it comes to my

learn something new everyday on lhcf....

my problem is with his delivery towards the sistahs-----

I think its as if he feels he can sum up every sistah he met with these blanket statements...

im not mad at what he's requesting but i get sensitive when men talk about blk woman....

now i myself can appear to be quite the uncooth person with words--and can be uber ignant when it comes to certain things..i guess its just me being offended that because he met some lame women he is now basing his mindset off of those exps about sistahs in general..and saying what he doesnt want----versus highlighting the great qualities about us and taking it from that angle.....

i dont mind his arrogance--ppl who r arrogant dont bother me--i think for me it was his delivery---i know oxymoron coming from a woman who with my own delivery just doesnt give an ***

meet the kettle---lmaooo

LOL, I agree, especially with the bolded.
Plus I find it ironic that he mentions the Secret, SOGR, etc which specifically teach you to not focus your thoughts and words on what you DON'T want, but to be positive and focus on what you DO want, yet 90% of his rant is focusing on the negative. Obviously he does not comprehend the principles he wants his potential SO to utilize.:look:

That's exactly what I noticed. Give me a break. With that attitude he will not be attracting the woman he really wants. That's where a lot of people miss it.
This entire profile could be widdled down to "You know what your problem is?".

Yeah daddy, I love when a stranger tells me I'm probably not ish, that's so sexy! :spinning:

Oh yeah and thanks for giving my black a-- a chance even though you said in one line no white women and in the next line that you'd probably be better off with one. :spinning:

BTW - I realize that this is probably one of those circulated emails like A black man responds to a white woman or ELF cosmetics $1.00 sale after being dropped from Nordstroms.
The funny thing is, I fit MOST of what he is looking for... but I wouldn't give him the time of day with that type of attitude. Any man (or woman) who posts a profile talking more about what they hate and what they don't want usually has issues.
An older gentleman told me that I always was stating what I don't like and that is a complete turn off. He said to state what I do like. He told me that they are very simple creatures and if they want to make you happy then will do whatever you like.
This entire profile could be widdled down to "You know what your problem is?".

Yeah daddy, I love when a stranger tells me I'm probably not ish, that's so sexy! :spinning:

Oh yeah and thanks for giving my black a-- a chance even though you said in one line no white women and in the next line that you'd probably be better off with one. :spinning:

BTW - I realize that this is probably one of those circulated emails like A black man responds to a white woman or ELF cosmetics $1.00 sale after being dropped from Nordstroms.
Hey CPhinn,
this could have possible been a previous email originally but it's actually what is listed in his profile.
Men are so funny when they get all "kiss the ring h**" :giggle: That's my main issue with him.. get over yourself son.

This entire profile could be widdled down to "You know what your problem is?".

Yeah daddy, I love when a stranger tells me I'm probably not ish, that's so sexy! :spinning:

Oh yeah and thanks for giving my black a-- a chance even though you said in one line no white women and in the next line that you'd probably be better off with one. :spinning:

BTW - I realize that this is probably one of those circulated emails like A black man responds to a white woman or ELF cosmetics $1.00 sale after being dropped from Nordstroms.

The ELF cosmetics $1.00 sale was real though, I got mad stuff :giggle:
An older gentleman told me that I always was stating what I don't like and that is a complete turn off. He said to state what I do like. He told me that they are very simple creatures and if they want to make you happy then will do whatever you like.

That older gentleman was wise!

His profile would have sounded so much better if he had said, "I like a woman with an active lifestyle, who enjoys traveling (the farther the better -- I'd love to have an interesting companion on my trips to Africa and South America) who loves reading everything from politics, science, religion and who has an entrepreneurial spirit."

See, if I read THAT? I'd be all over dude like white on rice!

(And like you said, the same goes for women... when I see women's profiles that say, "If you like to play games, then don't bother responding," I cringe.)
All this stuff he's talking and he probably rents a room in his mom's basement & been in the same MLM for 5 years without ever making a dime:rolleyes: He sounds like the 50-11 broke MLM'ers that try to friend me everyday on facebook:lol:

Plus I find it ironic that he mentions the Secret, SOGR, etc which specifically teach you to not focus your thoughts and words on what you DON'T want, but to be positive and focus on what you DO want, yet 90% of his rant is focusing on the negative. Obviously he does not comprehend the principles he wants his potential SO to utilize.:look:

Thank you. Not that I'm knocking MLM, in fact, I've been a victim of it myself (why lie??), but a lot of the people who do it will just throw out the same overused phrases that someone else used to get them on the scheme. Just cause you throw out the word wealth like its candy does not mean you have any, or that you're gonna be coming into it anytime soon. :look:

In fact, it only indicates otherwise. People with wealth don't shout it from the rooftops.

He's using some of the oldest tricks in the book, and a lot of people probably fell for it too. He knows what he's doing, and he knows the effect that his words might have on some people. I know so many people like that, and trust they are extremely insecure on the inside.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your doctoral degree. There is nothing wrong with punching in a 9-5. Nothing wrong with working for somebody else. Nothing wrong with payng off your house before you look to invest in other things. A house is an investment, and great place to start if you want to build that legacy that he's going on and on about. In fact, I know many men who would be happy to date a women like that.

I'm extremely picky too, and I would not pick him.
Seen so many ads like this when I was "dating". This sh*t is not real there are men like this all over the internet (I know some of them). They are not serious they are just jaded and experimenting.

Not even a fool would attract flies with Vinegar.