Say wha? So my hair isn't so bad after all!


New Member
......basically this is the realization I've come to since I've stopped seeing my stylist and washing/caring for my own hair. Always led to believe I could not do it on my own, because it's so thick. Anyway, this whole adventure of taking care of my own hair, has shown me that there are definitely pleasant things I've discovered ABOUT my hair as I get to know it intimately and naturally. ;P

Soooo basically this thread is about pleasant surprises you found out about your hair throughout caring for it yourself! What's something you discovered that you did not know about your hair before you embarked on your hair care journey?

For me, I never knew my hair actually reacts quite well to water. I always thought water was the enemy of my hair, but now I've come to see it loves washes! I also never knew it could be so tanglefree and smooth without any sort of chemicals or crazy products put into it.
DIY is the way to go!!!
And yay for new hair discoveries.
I liked the way you said that "get to know it intimately and naturally" :)
I always thought that my dry hair was normal for me. I thought that it was supposed to be that way , and that was just the natural nature of my hair and it would always be that way. I just became content with it.

Now after lurking and joining LHCF and learning so much, my hair is no longer dry. It's so soft, silky, and moisturized! It really amazes me!!
I thought I was the only one! I washed my own hair for the first time in years a few weeks ago. I'm glad I found this site because I learned I can be independent and no stylist can treat my hair as well as I can (especially when she's doing 20 heads a day).

After washing my hair I realized my roots stay straight and the rest of my ends curls. I didn't even know what my damn hair looked like. I plan on staying away from the iron to grow out the damage.