NATURALS ! What's going to be your summer style?

ill be doing:
twist outs
box braids with my own hair
wash and gos
twist and curl
and hopefully ill be able to get my hair in a bun, but i dont think its long enough yet, but it will be by june:lick:

i have some braids in right now that i did on the 18th and i want to take them out now, but i can hang on for another week or two. its raining still in cali :perplexed
Last summer I was able to co-wash almost daily and put my hair in a ponytail. I am hoping to have 15-16 inches of hair this summer so I will most likely keep it in a bun or ponytail. I do wash n go's on the weekend.

When its hot out the last thing I want to worry about is being scared of wetting my flatironed hair.
Twists and twist outs, and perhaps I'll be brave enough to try a puff with TOs. Keeping it simple, manipulating less, trying to retain length and reduce trauma to the hair shaft. BSL in 2010 is my dream.
Wash n go or puffs will be my main style until I can bun. I'm hoping I'll be able to bun by the end of summer.:rolleyes:
Cornrows, braidouts and Puffs in a continuous cycle.
All summer long! boy I can hardly wait until it gets hot here!
I have no clue. I need to focus on my edges and not stressing them out. If I can get my own hair in a bun without too much stress then I'll just do buns with some added hair. I also want to henna a lot this summer so I need something easy to do.
Big hair all summer! Puffs, curly afro, wet buns, wash-n-go, etc. Flat iron for weddings & celebrations though!
im thinking of twist-outs if I can handle the humidity which I SERIOUSLY doubt. If not probably buns, box braids ...and if I do ill probably throw some extensions in. The daily spritz routine is kind of refreshing during summer.
Boy, I do wish I had the option that all of you other ladies have to wear twist out and wash and go's. My hair is only 3-4 inches from my bc in Nov. I really am upset that is it coming in so slowly! Oh well at least it's growing! I will have to keep with my 1X a wk wash and dc. And continue with my alma oil, which does my hair really well! But one day I will catch up with the rest of you lucky ladies and have other options besides my twa!:yep: