We Could All, Be So Simple! {VENT}

Mizani_Mrs said:
Candy, I respectfully agree with your post and I respectfully disagree as well. I agree with the philosophy of keeping it simple. I think everyone knows that is true because after you've applied your 1st round of conditioners, your hair shaft is full and can't absorb and hold any of the other conds that you apply. So it really is a waste of money to be loading so much stuff into your hair... We all know this in theory, BUT just like when you first joined the hairboard and you were very excited to try all new products and routines...I expect the newbies to do the same thing. Let them have their 12months of fun. :) You have come to the realization of 'simple' on your own timeline and you can't expect everyone to jump on it just because you have bigger fish to fry in your life. The newbies have to go thru their own trials and then they will come to their own realization and they will keep it simple just as the other ladies on this site. Do you get my drift? Just like with any hobby or addiction, just because I am ready to go to AA and quit drinking, I can't talk to all other alcoholics and be like 'look u need to quit drinking today'. they are probably still having the time of their life. It doesn't work that way. They will have to come into their own realization. they will one day.... Just the same as you did. those of you who are enjoying trying new things and are slathering 50-11 products on your hair at the same time...they already know that it really is in vain, but eventually they'll get tired and be ready to take you ladies' advice!

Great post :up: I agree with everything you said here. :yep:

Simple is a relative term, too. It will always mean different things to different people, and your simplicity may still be rather tiresome and complex to me. Simple for me is wash, condition, leave in, moisturize, oil, bun. Simple for someone else may be pre-poo, wash, condition, leave in, oil, rollerset or simply skip all the games and just rinse and go. You have to experiment to find your own simplicity. Either way, I think going broke in the first 6 months to a year is kind of like a right of passage. :lol:
Sistaslick said:
Great post :up: I agree with everything you said here. :yep:

Simple is a relative term, too. It will always mean different things to different people, and your simplicity may still be rather tiresome and complex to me. Simple for me is wash, condition, leave in, moisturize, oil, bun. Simple for someone else may be pre-poo, wash, condition, leave in, oil, rollerset or simply skip all the games and just rinse and go. You have to experiment to find your own simplicity. Either way, I think going broke in the first 6 months to a year is kind of like a right of passage. :lol:

Excellent posts guys!!!
Mizani_Mrs said:
Candy, I respectfully agree with your post and I respectfully disagree as well. I agree with the philosophy of keeping it simple. I think everyone knows that is true because after you've applied your 1st round of conditioners, your hair shaft is full and can't absorb and hold any of the other conds that you apply. So it really is a waste of money to be loading so much stuff into your hair... We all know this in theory, BUT just like when you first joined the hairboard and you were very excited to try all new products and routines...I expect the newbies to do the same thing. Let them have their 12months of fun. :) You have come to the realization of 'simple' on your own timeline and you can't expect everyone to jump on it just because you have bigger fish to fry in your life. The newbies have to go thru their own trials and then they will come to their own realization and they will keep it simple just as the other ladies on this site. Do you get my drift? Just like with any hobby or addiction, just because I am ready to go to AA and quit drinking, I can't talk to all other alcoholics and be like 'look u need to quit drinking today'. they are probably still having the time of their life. It doesn't work that way. They will have to come into their own realization. they will one day.... Just the same as you did. those of you who are enjoying trying new things and are slathering 50-11 products on your hair at the same time...they already know that it really is in vain, but eventually they'll get tired and be ready to take you ladies' advice!

Very well stated. I agree.
Sistaslick said:
Great post :up: I agree with everything you said here. :yep:

Simple is a relative term, too. It will always mean different things to different people, and your simplicity may still be rather tiresome and complex to me. Simple for me is wash, condition, leave in, moisturize, oil, bun. Simple for someone else may be pre-poo, wash, condition, leave in, oil, rollerset or simply skip all the games and just rinse and go. You have to experiment to find your own simplicity. Either way, I think going broke in the first 6 months to a year is kind of like a right of passage. :lol:

Hahah, yep. We all get to our "calm" point in our own due time. If you are new to the hair care game, you have to experiment in order to figure out what personal regimen will work for you, and "simple" as Sistaslick mentioned is a relative. What may be simple and sufficient for one may be insufficient for anothers haircare needs. We all get there, some sooner than others...but there's no set way for everyone due to our different needs.
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Sistaslick said:
Really the only part of haircare that takes up my time is sitting on the boards all day :look: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Amen to that! I spend 3x-5x as much time on LHCF than I do with my fingers in my head...but now that the KNOWLEDGE curve is less steep...I find myself here less often....my hope is to find right products...learn enough...achieve length....then live life the simple way with long healthy hair....

kinda like hair university...you go, learn all you can, and then leave.....
Sistaslick said:
Either way, I think going broke in the first 6 months to a year is kind of like a right of passage. :lol:

Hahaha...Im mad that LHCF is hazing people...if you dont spend $100 on products your first month...you aint never gonna get long hair....LOL!!:lachen: :lachen:

But I agree Candy...the goal is simplicity...you just have to be a PJ first :grin:

I hope your housing situation works out...that can be rough..thanks for trusting us enough to include that in your post:kiss: I am sure things will work out.
Yes, less is more,as if found out in due time.
And I also found out about products that were new to me.

I also came to terms with "overcondtioning" when long strands just hang and come out from the bottom.

Simple,yet mindful to take care of everything.

And when I'm about to good to bed without wrapping head,I remember that I'm being mindful about my hair.

Great thread!

I agree that simplicity can work. There are black women with long hair who know nothing about LHCF. I would wonder how these women can grow their hair without using the most expensive products and a complicated regimen. I was tired of my PJism and frustration with how I was going to fit my crazy regimen into a normal day. However, I stopped thinking about what products I would use and when I would wash, condition, etc...Instead I started thinking about what has inhibited my hair growth, what has helped my hair grow, and what I need to continue to do to keep this hair growing strong. Here is what I came up with.

Reasons my hair wouldn't grow
1.) Rarely washed my hair
2.) Never conditioned
3.) Frequent coloring of my hair
4.) Rarely moisturized and if I did it would be with Pink Oil
5.) Didn't understand that moisture needed to be sealed in with oil
6.) Split ends as a result of coloring and not conditioning and moisturizing properly.
7.) Constant use of heat
8.) Brushing and combing too much
9.) Sleeping without head covered

What kept my hair on my head
1.) I was always too lazy and broke to visit the salon every 6 weeks for a touchup, so normally only had a touchup every 8-12 weeks.
2.) When I stopped dying my hair so often, it grew like crazy
3.) There were months when I hated my hair so much I wouldn't comb it or brush it, I would just wear a fashionable scarf everyday. This helped my hair grow as well.

What I need to do to grow my hair and keep it healthy
1.) Wash it when it feels dirty
2.) Condition at least 2X a week
3.) Stop coloring
4.) Moisturize everyday with a REAL water based moisturizer
5.) Seal moisturizer with oil
6.) Use baggie and constant care of ends to keep them healthy. Trim when needed.
7.) Cut down and eventually eliminate use of heat.
8.) Less manipulation
9.) Wear satin scarf to bed

This could all be done with few products and little time everyday. I wish we could start another Simple Regimen challenge. Anyone want to start one?
What would be the stipulations of a simple regimine challenge??

redRiot said:
I agree that simplicity can work. There are black women with long hair who know nothing about LHCF. I would wonder how these women can grow their hair without using the most expensive products and a complicated regimen. I was tired of my PJism and frustration with how I was going to fit my crazy regimen into a normal day. However, I stopped thinking about what products I would use and when I would wash, condition, etc...Instead I started thinking about what has inhibited my hair growth, what has helped my hair grow, and what I need to continue to do to keep this hair growing strong. Here is what I came up with.

Reasons my hair wouldn't grow
1.) Rarely washed my hair
2.) Never conditioned
3.) Frequent coloring of my hair
4.) Rarely moisturized and if I did it would be with Pink Oil
5.) Didn't understand that moisture needed to be sealed in with oil
6.) Split ends as a result of coloring and not conditioning and moisturizing properly.
7.) Constant use of heat
8.) Brushing and combing too much
9.) Sleeping without head covered

What kept my hair on my head
1.) I was always too lazy and broke to visit the salon every 6 weeks for a touchup, so normally only had a touchup every 8-12 weeks.
2.) When I stopped dying my hair so often, it grew like crazy
3.) There were months when I hated my hair so much I wouldn't comb it or brush it, I would just wear a fashionable scarf everyday. This helped my hair grow as well.

What I need to do to grow my hair and keep it healthy
1.) Wash it when it feels dirty
2.) Condition at least 2X a week
3.) Stop coloring
4.) Moisturize everyday with a REAL water based moisturizer
5.) Seal moisturizer with oil
6.) Use baggie and constant care of ends to keep them healthy. Trim when needed.
7.) Cut down and eventually eliminate use of heat.
8.) Less manipulation
9.) Wear satin scarf to bed

This could all be done with few products and little time everyday. I wish we could start another Simple Regimen challenge. Anyone want to start one?
KhandiB said:
What would be the stipulations of a simple regimine challenge??

That's a good question. For myself it would be just making my regimen more simple than it is. Every step would have a reason and not take as long. Right now I am not happy with many of the new items I have purchased. I am a poor student and constantly going out and buying new products is killing my pocket. Also I find that with a complicated regimen I am more prone to falling off the wagon. I want something that would allow me to fit my regimen into my daily life. Simple for me would be the ability to wash and condition in the shower and moisturize, apply oils in a few minutes. I guess the point of the challenge would be to come up with new shortcuts and ways to cut down on the complexity of the regimen. Like a spray moisturizer for me would be much more time friendly than applying cream. It would also cut down on manipulation. I know some ladies here either have or know of someone with long hair who doesn't spend a lot of time on their hair. I'm sure that they could school us in the art of keeping it simple yet still getting results. Complexity works for some, but not for me.
MizaniMami said:
I think it is easier said than done when you are natural versus being relaxed. We need those protein treats. We need those deep conditioners, etc, etc. it would be nice to use water and oil moisturizer everyother day for the rest of my life, but truth be told things build-up, thus the need for a clarifying poo. Then the hair gets too mushy thus the need for protein. Then there is the whole protein/moisture balance, and so on and so on.
Candy_C has relaxed hair, not natural hair, and she's just using water and oil moisturizer...

And when I was relaxed, I didn't need protein treatments, deep conditioners, or clarifying shampoos. I had armpit length relaxed hair before. I tried all that stuff for the first time after joining LHCF. My relaxed hair did not agree with protein treatments nor clarifying shampoos...made my hair feel like straw. Conditioners were just fine but it didn't make my hair feel any different...

What works for someone with relaxed hair or natural hair may not work for a different person with relaxed hair or natural hair. Keeping it simple may not even work for someone with natural hair, so its not easier said than done for all naturals because everyone's hair is different.
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redRiot said:
That's a good question. For myself it would be just making my regimen more simple than it is. Every step would have a reason and not take as long. Right now I am not happy with many of the new items I have purchased. I am a poor student and constantly going out and buying new products is killing my pocket. Also I find that with a complicated regimen I am more prone to falling off the wagon. I want something that would allow me to fit my regimen into my daily life. Simple for me would be the ability to wash and condition in the shower and moisturize, apply oils in a few minutes. I guess the point of the challenge would be to come up with new shortcuts and ways to cut down on the complexity of the regimen. Like a spray moisturizer for me would be much more time friendly than applying cream. It would also cut down on manipulation. I know some ladies here either have or know of someone with long hair who doesn't spend a lot of time on their hair. I'm sure that they could school us in the art of keeping it simple yet still getting results. Complexity works for some, but not for me.

I'm down for a simple regimen challenge. I'm all about keeping it simple. But as another poster said, simple according to you.
Sistaslick said:
Great post :up: I agree with everything you said here. :yep:

Simple is a relative term, too. It will always mean different things to different people, and your simplicity may still be rather tiresome and complex to me. Simple for me is wash, condition, leave in, moisturize, oil, bun. Simple for someone else may be pre-poo, wash, condition, leave in, oil, rollerset or simply skip all the games and just rinse and go. You have to experiment to find your own simplicity. Either way, I think going broke in the first 6 months to a year is kind of like a right of passage. :lol:

ITA with you ladies.
i agree!! that's why my necessities right now are just my deep conditioners with moisture and protein. everything else is icing on the cake.
I'm a re-formed PJ, I weaned myself off the multiple products, I'm just down to what I need that also works that's it and my hair's doing better w. the simplified regime.
My reg is as simple as it comes...the only thing that adds to the complication now is daily combing :( ...as for products I just like to switch up every now and again and I get bored. The difference between my slight PJism and the next person is that I am not looking for a miracle product :lol:
ITA- when I first joined, I used everything other people mentioned. At the end of the day, the only thing that grew was the clutter in my bathroom!! Don't get me wrong, my hair has grown but with all those products, I should be butt length by now!! LOL. A lot of the supplements (vitamins, msm, biotin etc) only made me gain weight!!!! Now (and this is bad) I do nothing but sleep on my satin pillowcase and wash weekly or bi-weekly. I think I overdid it!
Thank You soooooo much for posting this. I am new to LHCF and this actually the first time I've posted anything. I've just been "lurking" around and reading what everybody else has posted. It's mind boggling reading different people's hair regimens that have like 50 million steps to them. I'm just like everyone here who wants to keep my relaxed hair healthy, but i just don't have the time to do all the thinkgs some people post, nor do I have the money to purchase all these different products. I agree totally that a hair care regimen should something simple and it shouldn't take half my day doing this and that to my hair to keep it healthy. THANKS GIRL!!!!!!!
Poohbear said:
Candy_C has relaxed hair, not natural hair, and she's just using water and oil moisturizer...

And when I was relaxed, I didn't need protein treatments, deep conditioners, or clarifying shampoos. I had armpit length relaxed hair before. I tried all that stuff for the first time after joining LHCF. My relaxed hair did not agree with protein treatments nor clarifying shampoos...made my hair feel like straw. Conditioners were just fine but it didn't make my hair feel any different...

What works for someone with relaxed hair or natural hair may not work for a different person with relaxed hair or natural hair. Keeping it simple may not even work for someone with natural hair, so its not easier said than done for all naturals because everyone's hair is different.


when i say simple, i mean leaving it alone to be what it is..HAIR. i have a deep conditioner and an oil i add to it, i use clarfiying poos when needed. but those to me are SPECIAL treats, not stuff i do everyday. it is to do with hair texture, lookily i have a fairly loose texture that doesn't cause me too many probs, but STILL why do u need a moisturizer, then a sealent then a serum...its just overboard IN MY EYES its like damn how many layers does one need to make their hair "suitable"

also, i dont want every1 to join my "religion" at all! i'm juss opening some eyes to the fact that it CAN be simple..OHHH so simple to have long healthy relaxed/natural hair. newbies HAVE to learn, thats why i mentioned how i was a newbie too...by all means i am not saying stop with the pjism! its your money do what ya like! and yes i do have "bigger fishys to fry right now" but that is not the reason i've "come up" with this theory, i've been thinking and doing this long b4 i moved home!!!!!!

take it with a pinch of salt if it doesn't apply or appeal to you. just that at the end of the day, its hair it aint gonna fall out if we dont do a this and a that, and if it DOES then maybe something needs to be re-assessed.
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redRiot said:
That's a good question. For myself it would be just making my regimen more simple than it is. Every step would have a reason and not take as long. Right now I am not happy with many of the new items I have purchased. I am a poor student and constantly going out and buying new products is killing my pocket. Also I find that with a complicated regimen I am more prone to falling off the wagon. I want something that would allow me to fit my regimen into my daily life. Simple for me would be the ability to wash and condition in the shower and moisturize, apply oils in a few minutes. I guess the point of the challenge would be to come up with new shortcuts and ways to cut down on the complexity of the regimen. Like a spray moisturizer for me would be much more time friendly than applying cream. It would also cut down on manipulation. I know some ladies here either have or know of someone with long hair who doesn't spend a lot of time on their hair. I'm sure that they could school us in the art of keeping it simple yet still getting results. Complexity works for some, but not for me.

good post! thats exactly what i would class as "simple" somethings that is not tedius, but fits you and your lifestyle. for me, sprays have always been easier too, but theres not ONE on the market that i want to buy. i so i use water ina spray bottle.

for instance, if your hair moisturizer contains water and then mineral oil, why would you need another "oil"...

etc etc
Candy_C said:

when i say simple, i mean leaving it alone to be what it is..HAIR. i have a deep conditioner and an oil i add to it, i use clarfiying poos when needed. but those to me are SPECIAL treats, not stuff i do everyday. it is to do with hair texture, lookily i have a fairly loose texture that doesn't cause me too many probs, but STILL why do u need a moisturizer, then a sealent then a serum...its just overboard IN MY EYES its like damn how many layers does one need to make their hair "suitable"

While I don't necessarily need all this for MY hair, my questions is how can ONE person determine this for ever other individual's hair? Everyone's hair is different, has different needs and reacts to products and methods differently. For example with what you mentioned above, I could see how I would use all of these things in moderation and it would make sense. If I decided to press my hair, I may wash, condition, then add my water based leave in (BBD Stretch) for added moisture and conditioning. I may pick an oil known for it's high levels of fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients to additionally nourish my hair as well as to seal in moisture, and to aid in pressing. Afterwards, I may not want to continuously add oils to maintain my hair through the week because I don't want the oiliness, heaviness and build up that it could cause, so I may opt to use a serum which is lighter, will help block humidity thus helping control frizzies and keep the hair shaft smooth and add sheen. Additionally, many serums contain sunscreens and with summertime in full effect and being "out" and exposed to the sun so much, that's not such a bad thing ;) As I mentioned if all is used in moderation, I don't see what is wrong or unecessary about using all of the above.

There is no one set "rule" of simple and what is a necessity for hair our hair when we look at people on an individual basis. I don't think it is fair to make this general statement about haircare for all based of of what happens to be successful for you. You also have to consider some people just make LIKE and enjoy the results they get with using the multiple products that they use. I mean, if it works for them, they are happy with using them, and they deem it "simple" I don't think it should be questiond or condemn or be told all they need based on all that I need. Not knocking your philosophy at all. You are right, simple is the key! I just think we have to be cautious about telling people what will work for them without considering individual needs and preferences. JMHO.
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so1913 said:
While I don't necessarily need all this for MY hair, my questions is how can ONE person determine this for ever other individual's hair? Everyone's hair is different, has different needs and reacts to products and methods differently. For example with what you mentioned above, I could see how I would use all of these things in moderation and it would make sense. If I decided to press my hair, I may wash, condition, then add my water based leave in (BBD Stretch) for added moisture and conditioning. I may pick an oil known for it's high levels of fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients to additionally nourish my hair as well as to seal in moisture, and to aid in pressing. Afterwards, I may not want to continuously add oils to maintain my hair through the week because I don't want the oiliness, heaviness and build up that it could cause, so I may opt to use a serum which is lighter, will help block humidity thus helping control frizzies and keep the hair shaft smooth and add sheen. Additionally, many serums contain sunscreens and with summertime in full effect and being "out" and exposed to the sun so much, that's not such a bad thing ;) As I mentioned if all is used in moderation, I don't see what is wrong or unecessary about using all of the above.

There is no one set "rule" of simple and what is a necessity for hair our hair when we look at people on an individual basis. I don't think it is fair to make this general statement about haircare for all based of of what happens to be successful for you. You also have to consider some people just make LIKE and enjoy the results they get with using the multiple products that they use. I mean, if it works for them, they are happy with using them, and they deem it "simple" I don't think it should be questiond or condemn or be told all they need based on all that I need. Not knocking your philosophy at all. You are right, simple is the key! I just think we have to be cautious about telling people what will work for them without considering individual needs and preferences. JMHO.

Great post, I agree. i was going to say the same thing, but you completely covered it for me!

I see nothing wrong with doing "extra" sometimes. Hair is about aesthetics too, sometimes we do the "extra" to make the hair look extra good. Some people make think vitamins are excessive, which both you and I take (speking to Candy). Personally I see nothing wrong with them.
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Poohbear said:
Candy_C has relaxed hair, not natural hair, and she's just using water and oil moisturizer...

And when I was relaxed, I didn't need protein treatments, deep conditioners, or clarifying shampoos. I had armpit length relaxed hair before. I tried all that stuff for the first time after joining LHCF. My relaxed hair did not agree with protein treatments nor clarifying shampoos...made my hair feel like straw. Conditioners were just fine but it didn't make my hair feel any different...

What works for someone with relaxed hair or natural hair may not work for a different person with relaxed hair or natural hair. Keeping it simple may not even work for someone with natural hair, so its not easier said than done for all naturals because everyone's hair is different.

Oh, I know she is relaxed. I was staing my opinion hypothetically, not about her, just in general.
so1913 said:
While I don't necessarily need all this for MY hair, my questions is how can ONE person determine this for ever other individual's hair? Everyone's hair is different, has different needs and reacts to products and methods differently. For example with what you mentioned above, I could see how I would use all of these things in moderation and it would make sense. If I decided to press my hair, I may wash, condition, then add my water based leave in (BBD Stretch) for added moisture and conditioning. I may pick an oil known for it's high levels of fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients to additionally nourish my hair as well as to seal in moisture, and to aid in pressing. Afterwards, I may not want to continuously add oils to maintain my hair through the week because I don't want the oiliness, heaviness and build up that it could cause, so I may opt to use a serum which is lighter, will help block humidity thus helping control frizzies and keep the hair shaft smooth and add sheen. Additionally, many serums contain sunscreens and with summertime in full effect and being "out" and exposed to the sun so much, that's not such a bad thing ;) As I mentioned if all is used in moderation, I don't see what is wrong or unecessary about using all of the above.

There is no one set "rule" of simple and what is a necessity for hair our hair when we look at people on an individual basis. I don't think it is fair to make this general statement about haircare for all based of of what happens to be successful for you. You also have to consider some people just make LIKE and enjoy the results they get with using the multiple products that they use. I mean, if it works for them, they are happy with using them, and they deem it "simple" I don't think it should be questiond or condemn or be told all they need based on all that I need. Not knocking your philosophy at all. You are right, simple is the key! I just think we have to be cautious about telling people what will work for them without considering individual needs and preferences. JMHO.

I agree. I don't think anyone was knocking the post at all, Candy. A few were just saying "the more you have to do to it, the more damaged your hair must be" theory is an unfair assumption. Though I agree, it is true in many cases.

People have to figure out based on their hair type and hair status what constitutes simple for them. Whether they are relaxed, natural, color treated, frequent heat users, protective stylers or not--- all factor into the equation at some point. People have to figure out what simple is for maintaining their own hair under those different conditions. And again it will vary because we haven't even touched on factors like climate, hair type, age, styling tools, etc. A 4a, color treated, relaxed, heat users simple regimen will probably look drastically different from a heat free, color free, 3a natural persons. You just have to find where you stand.

candy_c said:
when i say simple, i mean leaving it alone to be what it is..HAIR. i have a deep conditioner and an oil i add to it, i use clarfiying poos when needed. but those to me are SPECIAL treats, not stuff i do everyday

. . . and somebody may think thats totally overboard too. There are folks who rinse daily water and use one product. :lol: I've seen it argued that simply relaxing the hair in the first place is going overboard and not leaving the hair alone to be . . . hair. But, I can see where you are coming from too, 5 shampoos, 15 conditioners, and 237 indian oils is overboard in anyone's book especially if you HAVE to use every single one. :lol:
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Candy_C said:

when i say simple, i mean leaving it alone to be what it is..HAIR. i have a deep conditioner and an oil i add to it, i use clarfiying poos when needed. but those to me are SPECIAL treats, not stuff i do everyday. it is to do with hair texture, lookily i have a fairly loose texture that doesn't cause me too many probs, but STILL why do u need a moisturizer, then a sealent then a serum...its just overboard IN MY EYES its like damn how many layers does one need to make their hair "suitable"

also, i dont want every1 to join my "religion" at all! i'm juss opening some eyes to the fact that it CAN be simple..OHHH so simple to have long healthy relaxed/natural hair. newbies HAVE to learn, thats why i mentioned how i was a newbie too...by all means i am not saying stop with the pjism! its your money do what ya like! and yes i do have "bigger fishys to fry right now" but that is not the reason i've "come up" with this theory, i've been thinking and doing this long b4 i moved home!!!!!!

take it with a pinch of salt if it doesn't apply or appeal to you. just that at the end of the day, its hair it aint gonna fall out if we dont do a this and a that, and if it DOES then maybe something needs to be re-assessed.

Candy, let me say that I have been using homemade moisturizers on my texturized hair since March. I got a touch in July. I was looking at CH book and she said when you get a relaxer/touchup for the next two weeks deep condition your hair to put the moisture back into your hair so for the next two weeks that is what I am doing. But I must say, what you said made sense. I use to spray my homemade moisturizer on my hair AM/PM and then either put in bun or braids and leave it alone. But since reading your post I started spraying distilled water only on my hair and then putting on a oil moisturizer and my hair does look alot better. We all know that water is moisture and what better moisture to get in your hair then water and then seal it with an oil/oil moisturizer. I have only been doing it this week and I don't know what it is, but I feel that this will work for me! Now I just have to find the right oil moisturizer that will work for my hair. Like all the other expressions, to each their own, but I'm excited about doing this. How many of our parents/grandparents use plain ole water and grease on their hair and they really didn't have too many problems. Well we have come a long way since then and I personally want to "revisit" this method of plain ole water and oil to see how my hair will respond. I'm losing long strands of hair at my ends due to perhaps overconditioning and I want to see if this will stop. After my two weeks is up of deep conditioning, I will start rinsing my hair when I shower everyday and then spray my hair with distilled water and add oil moisturizer throughout. I just want to say "thanks" Candy for the great suggestion.
Well I do agree that the less you find you have to do the better. But if there is one thing I have learned about my hair from this board it is that one size does NOT fit all. So while I think it is ideal to understand what your hair needs and give it only that, I also think that the routine must be custom to the hair. it must be. I cannot stretch relaxers. I lose less hair when I have a heat style. I can go almost a week without a drop of oil on my hair. I need to clarify more often than many. This is what keeps my strands on my head. For others on this board, that may destroy the hair.

But it really comes down to finding the routine that works best for the individual.
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Candy_C said:

when i say simple, i mean leaving it alone to be what it is..HAIR. i have a deep conditioner and an oil i add to it, i use clarfiying poos when needed. but those to me are SPECIAL treats, not stuff i do everyday. it is to do with hair texture, lookily i have a fairly loose texture that doesn't cause me too many probs, but STILL why do u need a moisturizer, then a sealent then a serum...its just overboard IN MY EYES its like damn how many layers does one need to make their hair "suitable"

also, i dont want every1 to join my "religion" at all! i'm juss opening some eyes to the fact that it CAN be simple..OHHH so simple to have long healthy relaxed/natural hair. newbies HAVE to learn, thats why i mentioned how i was a newbie too...by all means i am not saying stop with the pjism! its your money do what ya like! and yes i do have "bigger fishys to fry right now" but that is not the reason i've "come up" with this theory, i've been thinking and doing this long b4 i moved home!!!!!!

take it with a pinch of salt if it doesn't apply or appeal to you. just that at the end of the day, its hair it aint gonna fall out if we dont do a this and a that, and if it DOES then maybe something needs to be re-assessed.
:eek: Huh? Where did this come from? :ohwell: I wasn't attacking you nor what you do. I didn't say anything about people having to do your routine nor did I say your regimen wasn't simple. Maybe you meant to quote someone elses post, I dunno. Anyway, I was responding to a post by MizaniMami. Look over what's been posted to see what I'm talking about. ;)
Poohbear said:
:eek: Huh? Where did this come from? :ohwell: I wasn't attacking you nor what you do. I didn't say anything about people having to do your routine nor did I say your regimen wasn't simple. Maybe you meant to quote someone elses post, I dunno. Anyway, I was responding to a post by MizaniMami. Look over what's been posted to see what I'm talking about. ;)

I think she was agreeing with you, Pooh when she quoted you and said "precisely." :lol: The latter part was addressing other posters.
Sistaslick said:
I think she was agreeing with you, Pooh when she quoted you and said "precisely." :lol: The latter part was addressing other posters.
Oh okay! :lol: I was confused there for a moment. Candy_C, you can disregard my last post. :)
Sistaslick said:
I think she was agreeing with you, Pooh when she quoted you and said "precisely." :lol: The latter part was addressing other posters.

:lol: pooh bear u silly sausage i was agreein with ya! :D