We Could All, Be So Simple! {VENT}

Poohbear said:
:eek: Huh? Where did this come from? :ohwell: I wasn't attacking you nor what you do. I didn't say anything about people having to do your routine nor did I say your regimen wasn't simple. Maybe you meant to quote someone elses post, I dunno. Anyway, I was responding to a post by MizaniMami. Look over what's been posted to see what I'm talking about. ;)

No, I actually think she meant that post for me and other's that disagree. But it's cool, I think she needs to understand when you are posting something when you are knocking other people's ways/actions you are going to get those who oppose your view and upift/try to explain the other side.
MizaniMami said:
No, I actually think she meant that post for me and other's that disagree. But it's cool, I think she needs to understand when you are posting something when you are knocking other people's ways/actions you are going to get those who oppose your view and upift/try to explain the other side.

She wasn't knockin people at all. what people wanna do with their hair is their business, i'm just sayin "hey i'm over here doin it simple, and it can work!"

i do understand this, but i think its a bit fiesty for whoever said it, to say i'm only saying this cuz i have bigger things in my life 2 deal with...i find it quite rude.

everybodies different anyway, and i was offended by the way it seemed i was made out to be "dissin" ppl who use a bag of stuff on there head. not by those who said "we need more than that 2 keep our hair all good"...thats what i call a difference of opinion/disagreement..whatever your word for it is.. next time i wont bother cuz on lhcf everything turns out twisted anyway..i never aimed my post at ANYBODY i was expressing why i posted this post..i am not offended by those who disagree, i'm not that sensitive its only the internet! like i said...grain of salt..
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Candy_C said:
She wasn't knockin people at all. what people wanna do with their hair is their business, i'm just sayin "hey i'm over here doin it simple, and it can work!"

i do understand this, but i think its a bit fiesty for whoever said it, to say i'm only saying this cuz i have bigger things in my life 2 deal with...i find it quite rude.

everybodies different anyway, and i was offended by the way it seemed i was made out to be "dissin" ppl who use a bag of stuff on there head. not by those who said "we need more than that 2 keep our hair all good"...thats what i call a difference of opinion/disagreement..whatever your word for it is.. next time i wont bother cuz on lhcf everything turns out twisted anyway..i never aimed my post at ANYBODY i was expressing why i posted this post..i am not offended by those who disagree, i'm not that sensitive its only the internet! like i said...grain of salt..

You know what honey, you're right it's only the internet. It seemed to me that you were pretty upset in your original post, since you said that you had been feeling a certain way therefore you haven't been frequenting lhcf in a while. I was assuming your "vent" was the reason why.

But truth be told, I can care less about what anyone else does to their hair to make it strive. I was only stating a point from the other side of view because IMO you came off pretty harsh/irritated, which for me made the intention of the very first post hard to find. From your second post, I got the feeling that you became irritated when others were challenging (I don't think that is the correct word that I want to use, but I can find no other so...) your point of view. But for real, it's not that serious to me to make an argument about it, I am glad you found something that works for you and I guess that is all that matters.
Personally, I think that the majority of the ladies on the forum, go through periodic assessments of what they are doing; weed out the extra steps that they are finding could be incorporated into one or two basic steps in their regime. As for me, I use very few bought products on my hair: Le Kair Cholesterol conditioner, Grandpa's Pine Tar soap for washing, Aloe Rid for clarifying, Apple Cider Vinegar. What I do with the conditioner is incorporate home products like honey, molasses, and left over conditioners that I have purchased a year ago and through the process of elimination labeled them as being "no future purchases"; I also have on hand essential oils, herbs; sulphur and that is basically it. I can however make any kind of conditioning pack or conditioner as needed out of these few items. My regime is simple: Shampoo once a week; deep condition; air dry; apply my hair pomade and wrap my hair and leave it for a couple of days, take down if I am going out or need to oil my ends. And I am a natural so that of course it eliminates retouching, neutralizing, and I can get by with not combing for three days or if necessary till my next shampoo. Rarely do I rollerset and I never use heat. With neatly trimmed bra strap length hair....How simple is that? Not bad. It is simple enough for me.
I arrived at this limited edition, though, overtime, through assessment, and the process of elimination. Like most, I did not start out here at LHCF, knowing what exactly would work, what I really needed or didn't. If I had known all that, I probably would never have been on the board searching for answers nor would I be a member of this board. I consider myself a lifetime learner. Once my hair is at my desired goal or near it, I will probably like the others who have arrived, cut my simple regime down even more....but not yet. bonjour
Poohbear: I am curious, as to what you use to hold your puff back. It is so perfectly perfect in shape. love your photos. bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Poohbear: I am curious, as to what you use to hold your puff back. It is so perfectly perfect in shape. love your photos. bonjour

i was thinking the same thing..also Pooh, how do you get the front so slick?