Can You Be a Sexy Christian?

kbragg said:
Thanks Shimme! It's actually and old pic (hence the short hair).

When I said airbrushing I meant like most celebs are (magazine covers).

I mean, we've all seen Oprah without makeup...Mary J and Beyonce (is Beyonce' a Christian anymore? Last I checked she stopped putting gospel songs on her albums when she went Solo...) look like everybody else without make up. Brittney, Vanessa Williams, etc. Not saying they're not attractive, but a woman who loves the Lord with all her heart and loves her husband...that's sexy...not the worlds version of sexy with is just lust and perversion.

Ummmm, I knew that. :rolleyes: :blush: I need to update my beauty definitions. :lol: I walk past too many 'Asian' nail salons in the malls, so all I think of is nail jobs when I hear 'airbrush'....

Pray for me... I need a refresher course in the Entertainment world. :lol:
Shimmie said:
Ummmm, I knew that. :rolleyes: :blush: I need to update my beauty definitions. :lol: I walk past too many 'Asian' nail salons in the malls, so all I think of is nail jobs when I hear 'airbrush'....

Pray for me... I need a refresher course in the Entertainment world. :lol:

HA HA!:lol: That's ok, I thought the same thing! I never knew what airbrushing was outside of nail salons before LHCF! I actually thought they LITERALLY airbrushed the celebrities' bodies!:lachen:I was like, "Who would want paint on their bodies!?:confused: ":lachen:
kbragg said:
HA HA!:lol: That's ok, I thought the same thing! I never knew what airbrushing was outside of nail salons before LHCF! I actually thought they LITERALLY airbrushed the celebrities' bodies!:lachen:I was like, "Who would want paint on their bodies!?:confused: ":lachen:

They do physically airbrush women for some of the music videos and films. I've been airbrushed for a photo shoot before. It's simply a different way to apply makeup...imagine putting your foundation in a spray bottle and spraying it on instead of using a brush or's much more practical for applying makeup to the body and getting even coverage.

For photos, it's easy to airbrush and retouch the finished product. But for music videos, they usually airbrush the actual skin.
RelaxerRehab said:
I haven't read the entire thread but um.... I've been in church all my life and I don't know how to even begin to be sexy, esp. as I'm STILL WAITING on the sexual aspect of my life to start.... So where/how am I supposed to learn about sexiness in a healthy, non-tempting way? Yes, I have a couple of healthy marriages around me but again, because I have yet had the opportunity to be fully sexy yet, it's not like it's going to be a topic of choice in a conversation.... (Sigh)


Waiting to Exhale!

I think you have a lot more to work with than you realize. I believe that sexiness is all about the attitude, and that attitude comes b/c you are a confident woman of God. I agree with the other posters, you can be fully dressed and still very sexy.

Compared with today's women, Marilyn Monroe dressed in smocs (:lol: :lol:), but she was (and still is) viewed as one of the sexiest women in the world. She knew how to make men want to be with her. I also feel that many of the women in the bible embodied these characteristics. I agree that as Christian women, we shouldn't be trying to make men fall. However, when you do get married, that confidence will be a big part of what keeps your husband "wooed." At least that's what I think :) .
Sexiness to me is a confident woman who carries herself well. She doesn't have to be hanging outta her clothes or wearing clown makeup. She can wear a paper bag and men will flock to her because she projects herself as a sexy woman.

All these chicks glammed up to the nines don't get it-it's more the attitude than what you put on. All that is secondary.
I think more Christian women need to dress and assert themselves as attractive--dare I say sexy-women. That is sexy-not sexual. For a while I had been trying to do the covered, hide your body thing and as a single, non dating woman that made me feel even less attractive. I felt that I was robbed of my girlyness. I could not look in the mirror and see an attractive young woman. Last week I dressed more to my personal style when I went to church. No cleavage or anything like that. I wore a nice skirt that hit just above the knee (I have nice legs) and a sweater that showed my small waist. I felt more attractive and more like a women. While I am single and not dating, I need to feel like I haven't been put out pasture. I think you can be sexy-that is attractive like a "sexy new car"-without showing all your goodies.
dicapr said:
I think more Christian women need to dress and assert themselves as attractive--dare I say sexy-women.

That is sexy-not sexual.

For a while I had been trying to do the covered, hide your body thing and as a single, non dating woman that made me feel even less attractive. I felt that I was robbed of my girlyness. I could not look in the mirror and see an attractive young woman. Last week I dressed more to my personal style when I went to church.
You made an excellent point with that statement (bolded above) "Sexy-not Sexual". I like that and it gives me a peace in my heart.

I know that I personally go to the 'extreme.' I admit it. I do. But you do make a point, about being 'yourself' and if we be in Christ Jesus, and if He dwells in us...we can only be more like Him as we dress.

I'm still 'married' to the idea of saving the best of me for only my husband to see...I have dresses, Intimate apparel, gowns, beautiful Indian Sari gowns, and Dance costumes that are for him and him alone.

Just last night, my closest friend (who is also my Dance Mentor) blessed me with a beautiful new Sari gown that she purchased just for me - to wear - 'just for him'....;) Most of my motivation is to have some very special things so intimate of me... just for him, that no one else has seen me in. ;). My gift to him of Celibacy...

That's just how much I trust God and just how much I believe in the man that I marry. ;)

This thread below is 'for him.' Some fun things that are his and his alone. Yet I shared them here for other marriages (current and future) to be just as blessed. And because love doesn't die, there will be lots's more to share ...

Here's to happy marriages...
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StrawberryQueen said:
Shimmie you posted that soooo many times! :lachen:
No, I didn't ...something wierd must have happened to the thread. :confused: I just deleted the duplicate post.... ;) I even had the 'white' screen come up that the 'system' was down. :(

ETA: I sure glad you said something about this. Gee whiz, I just went back and deleted 4 duplicates of my last post. It actually posted 5 times. :shocked: Something happened to the 'system'. When I hit the 'submit' button, the white screen came up.

Hmmmmm, I must have a powerful way with words.... :lol: Just kidding..... Ahhhh, no I'm not...:lol:

Anyway, I took care of it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Strawberry......;)
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dicapr said:
I think more Christian women need to dress and assert themselves as attractive--dare I say sexy-women. That is sexy-not sexual. For a while I had been trying to do the covered, hide your body thing and as a single, non dating woman that made me feel even less attractive. I felt that I was robbed of my girlyness. I could not look in the mirror and see an attractive young woman. Last week I dressed more to my personal style when I went to church. No cleavage or anything like that. I wore a nice skirt that hit just above the knee (I have nice legs) and a sweater that showed my small waist. I felt more attractive and more like a women. While I am single and not dating, I need to feel like I haven't been put out pasture. I think you can be sexy-that is attractive like a "sexy new car"-without showing all your goodies.

I couldn't had agreed with you more. Even as a married woman I can still dress like a ladies without covering everything up. I am not looking for a man because I have the right man of God for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to dress like I'm old and tired.
I've always thought that sexiness was more subtle. It's in your attitude, the way you carry yourself, your confidence. I used to like this guy, and I thought it was sexy that he explained physical chemistry to me when we studied together, or that he told his mom that he loved her every day. Okay, maybe not sexy, but attractive... you all get what I'm saying.

If you have to "prove" that you're sexy by dressing scantily or acting a certain way, by my definition, you're probably not sexy.

I guess I use 'sexy' that way because I've never learned that being a good Christian meant being homely or plain, but it included being modest in everything... attitude, dress, ambition, whatever.
LadyR said:
I couldn't had agreed with you more. Even as a married woman I can still dress like a ladies without covering everything up. I am not looking for a man because I have the right man of God for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to dress like I'm old and tired.

:lachen: I agree with you.
LadyR said:
I couldn't had agreed with you more. Even as a married woman I can still dress like a ladies without covering everything up. I am not looking for a man because I have the right man of God for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to dress like I'm old and tired.
:cry3: Lady R... I don't dress old and tired... :cry3: I just cover it up...:yep:

:rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

Love you, sis :kiss: ...I hear you though. I'll change up when I'm married...I promise. :lol:

He'll have plenty of Yeeeoooowwwza to see that he didn't see before. :spinning:
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