Same Sex Wedding

the way I see it.....Every single one of my HETERO married friends whose wedding I attended has committed some MAJOR sins ....not to mention countless other infractions against the 10 Commandments....( some Ive even witnessed and/or participated in) ... I still went to the wedding, baby showers that occurred BEFORE & AFTER the vows...

and since no sin is greater than the other....If I were to NOT attend a wedding based my belief of homosexuality being a sin, Im a liar and hypocrite and therefore and just as much doing a disservice to Christ

I pray for you... you pray for me....

There is a big difference in this logic. Many people sin. You appear to have Christian beliefs. So you know that marriage was sanctified by GOD and male and female. And you know yes, people sin. But do you rejoice in their sin or support it? No sin is above another. I woudn't support someone robbing. It is against God. I would not support homosexual marriage. It is against God. All is sin in God's eyes. And accepting sin and participating in it is a sin as well, and putting you in the same standing. So if you see someone robbing and don't call the police, or do the right thing, you are a hypocrite? Or does it just apply to the homosexual situation. Doesn't the bible tell us the way to live and what God expects?

HYPOCRISY is claiming Christ and yet participating in the VERY sin he CALLED us out from and justifying it. INTENTIONAL sin! And then excusing it as if it is God's will! We don't sin so grace abounds.

God forbid! I pray for you, you pray for me and I pray for this world that they will come to the knowledge of God.
. And you know yes, people sin. But do you rejoice in their sin or support it? No sin is above another.

since no sin is greater and yet you dont support sin...

so you've never been to a baby shower for a pregnancy conceived out of wedlock??

ever worked on the SABBATH?
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There is a law in the bible against marrying after being divorced. It is in the word that I follow. HOWEVER...NOWHERE in the bible does it say that fornicators are condemned from marrying. In fact, they say "as were some of you" You're hard pressed to find more marrying virgins then those whoo weren't.

Marriage is an honorable thing and cherished in the eyes of God when done according to His standards. So of course I would attend! They're doing right by God and His law which says the marriage bed is undefiled. So why wouldn't I? I'd in fact rejoice that they decided to take the next step instead of shacking up. :yep: After marriage, they would no longer BE fornicating. Right?

Thanks for responding. :) I've encountered more than one stance on divorce/remarriage from folks who are Christians (and I don't get into sorting people into who's truly a Christian and who is not). I have read that the one grounds for divorce is unfaithfulness. And in that case, the person would be allowed to remarry. Repentance also allows for remarriage. Some take the stance that if you are divorced, you are NEVER to remarry...

I suppose the bottom-line is that you have a personal relationship with God. It has to be personal because there is not ONE accord even within Christianity. There is not one interpretation of the Bible. Some adhere to the Old Testament, others to the new. So, if you are moved to not attend, then that is exactly what you should do. If you are moved to let these "friendships" go and love from a distance, that would be authentic as well.

Again, thanks for responding.

so you've never been to a baby shower for a pregnancy conceived out of wedlock??

ever worked on the SABBATH?

As for the baby shower, I don't know the rituals of celebration in the bible days. There are some who say you shouldn't go because of how the child was conceived.
There are some who say that the child was a gift from God and therefore, it is not right to hold the mum's sin against the child.
All of the baby showers I have attended, were of my sister, and my two cousins. And all three were married. I honestly haven't been in said situation, but I'll pray on that and get back to you.

And no, I haven't worked on Sabbath! Saturday OR Sunday, I'm not sure but certain beliefs determine which day is sabbath. And even if I did... That's not the big picture. I do,and we ALL are to do God's work ALL days of the week. Not just Sunday! Jesus, WHO MADE THE SABBATH preached, teached and HEALED on the sabbath day. And people tried to call HIM on it. If it is HE who I follow, not man and he did such things upon the sabbath and remained holy as ever, am I not following his law?

Old Testament:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Exodus 31:14-15 "You shall keep the Sabbath, for it is holy unto you: every one that defiles it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever does any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever does any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

[/FONT] Jesus came to fulfill the law. Right?
Galatians 3:19
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Wherefore then serves the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made…

Jesus is the seed of promise and came to fulfill the law. I am no longer bound by it.~*Janelle~*
Thanks for responding. :) I've encountered more than one stance on divorce/remarriage from folks who are Christians (and I don't get into sorting people into who's truly a Christian and who is not). I have read that the one grounds for divorce is unfaithfulness. And in that case, the person would be allowed to remarry. Repentance also allows for remarriage. Some take the stance that if you are divorced, you are NEVER to remarry...

I suppose the bottom-line is that you have a personal relationship with God. It has to be personal because there is not ONE accord even within Christianity. There is not one interpretation of the Bible. Some adhere to the Old Testament, others to the new. So, if you are moved to not attend, then that is exactly what you should do. If you are moved to let these "friendships" go and love from a distance, that would be authentic as well.

Again, thanks for responding.

You're very welcome! :yep: It's a personal relationship with Christ and the bible is a handbook for us to live by and clearly written and no scripture negates the next. People don't PRAY enough and ask God about certain things.
If GOD says it, so shall it be, you can't pray and ask God for special preference when His word already states what shall be. However, in situations (certainly NOT this one) where one says one thing and the other says this and that? And the word isn't BOLD about it and how God views it?
Then you pray, pray, pray and BELIEVE that God will answer. He directs all of our paths. Even Christians argue among themselves instead of stepping back and saying "God, what do YOU say about it?"
But if God already said about it, don't go seeking for a new special revelation. You surely won't get it. :lachen: Some things are very clear. But people just don't want to see it and pick and choose what THEY want to believe.
Yeah, if they were a really good friend I'd go.

I'm not against same sex marriages, but I know I'd be weirded out at the 'you may now kiss the ___' part of the ceremony.

You're very welcome! :yep: It's a personal relationship with Christ and the bible is a handbook for us to live by and clearly written and no scripture negates the next. People don't PRAY enough and ask God about certain things.
If GOD says it, so shall it be, you can't pray and ask God for special preference when His word already states what shall be. However, in situations (certainly NOT this one) where one says one thing and the other says this and that? And the word isn't BOLD about it and how God views it?
Then you pray, pray, pray and BELIEVE that God will answer. He directs all of our paths. Even Christians argue among themselves instead of stepping back and saying "God, what do YOU say about it?"
But if God already said about it, don't go seeking for a new special revelation. You surely won't get it. :lachen: Some things are very clear. But people just don't want to see it and pick and choose what THEY want to believe.

I definitely agree with you about stepping back and praying (according to your faith). I'm not in complete agreement with your stance on the Bible because there can be a bit of puzzle-piecing....particularly when one considers the Old and New Testament, the different versions of the Bible and the unfortunate fact that some shady folks authorized those versions.

But here's the beautiful thing, it doesn't matter. Because the Creator is not "monogamous" in that you have a relationship and I have a relationship, etc....The bottom-line of your belief will be put on you. I'm baptized. I don't lean on the label "Christian" for my own reasons. It keeps my relationship out of man's hands.

I don't debate religion but I am sharing this with you because, though we don't agree, I sense a true sincerity in your faith. I can tell that you are working VERY hard to walk the walk as you understand it.

Be blessed in your marriage sweetie. :)

I have gay friends. Big shock! *gasp* One does shows in the city and another is flamboyant. One is a guy who most people are shocked by. Not in the majority of my friends, but they are certainly there.
They know how I feel about their lifestyle and that I don't agree with it. But I love them dearly. And I will never STOP loving them. Nor will I compromise my beliefs and support something that is contrary to it. I wish people (not necessarily you) would stop thinking automatic disapproval with something (and people, please stop acting SHOCKED when a Christian says something that is in line with Christianity as if you've never been exposed to the faith) means OMG, I HATE THEM. BOO. HISS!!! Would I go to a gay wedding. NO. Not at ALL. Will I stop loving them? No.

Hate is a very strong emotion and I have yet to feel disdain towards anyone, and of all people, I know that the majority of Christians do not feel this way:perplexed If they do they need help. So thats not what I was thinking when you said what you had to say. I know you said its not directed at only me, but I had to clear that up.

My whole thought process was if you wont go to their wedding, then more than likely you wouldnt go to their house, or celebrate anything that has to do with their relationship/milestones as a couple...because you dont believe in the lifestyle. Where there is your gay friend, there is his husband/wife right there with them. If I were gay and had you as a friend, I would be confused as to what I could invite you to, or how we could hang out knowing that you dont approve of my lifestyle.

We all know that when most couples become married, all celebrations somehow someway boil down to their relationship/commitment to eachother. And for that reason why be friends knowing that you wont be at any of them? :confused: But you know the dynamics of your relationship with your friend better than I do:yep:.

Just thinking out loud.
I definitely agree with you about stepping back and praying (according to your faith). I'm not in complete agreement with your stance on the Bible because there can be a bit of puzzle-piecing....particularly when one considers the Old and New Testament, the different versions of the Bible and the unfortunate fact that some shady folks authorized those versions.

But here's the beautiful thing, it doesn't matter. Because the Creator is not "monogamous" in that you have a relationship and I have a relationship, etc....The bottom-line of your belief will be put on you. I'm baptized. I don't lean on the label "Christian" for my own reasons. It keeps my relationship out of man's hands.

I don't debate religion but I am sharing this with you because, though we don't agree, I sense a true sincerity in your faith. I can tell that you are working VERY hard to walk the walk as you understand it.

Be blessed in your marriage sweetie. :)

In the end, we turn to God for our answers and he'll answer those who sincerely ask. What he says is what he says. Some are convicted in certain things (example some don't wear pants, while some can rock jeans and God doesn't convict their hearts of it, it's in HIS walk for them and them alone)
Some things are right in your face. Others are for God and you alone. And that surely can't be debated.

Thank you so much!! <333
Hate is a very strong emotion and I have yet to feel disdain towards anyone, and of all people, I know that the majority of Christians do not feel this way:perplexed If they do they need help. So thats not what I was thinking when you said what you had to say. I know you said its not directed at only me, but I had to clear that up.

My whole thought process was if you wont go to their wedding, then more than likely you wouldnt go to their house, or celebrate anything that has to do with their relationship/milestones as a couple...because you dont believe in the lifestyle. Where there is your gay friend, there is his husband/wife right there with them. If I were gay and had you as a friend, I would be confused as to what I could invite you to, or how we could hang out knowing that you dont approve of my lifestyle.

We all know that when most couples become married, all celebrations somehow someway boil down to their relationship/commitment to eachother. And for that reason why be friends knowing that you wont be at any of them? :confused: But you know the dynamics of your relationship with your friend better than I do:yep:.

Just thinking out loud.

Which is why I don't have gay friends or even friends that are non Christian...
Just out of curiousity, say one of your friend decided to shack up, would you still be the friend?

Yes, I would still be their friend, just like I have a friend who is bisexual. Because we are friends, I will be honest with them about it being wrong. My hope is that they will be honest with me if they see be moving in the wrong direction as well.

You don't just walk away from someone just because they have done or are doing wrong. None of us are perfect. But I do have to answer to God for the things I do, what I support. God will hold me personally responsible for supporting something that I know in His Word to be wrong.
In the end, we turn to God for our answers and he'll answer those who sincerely ask. What he says is what he says. Some are convicted in certain things (example some don't wear pants, while some can rock jeans and God doesn't convict their hearts of it, it's in HIS walk for them and them alone)
Some things are right in your face. Others are for God and you alone. And that surely can't be debated.

Thank you so much!! <333

On this post we are in COMPLETE agreement!

You're very welcome. Religiosity aside, if you and your future husband are on one accord, then there's no failing. :)

Hate is a very strong emotion and I have yet to feel disdain towards anyone, and of all people, I know that the majority of Christians do not feel this way:perplexed If they do they need help. So thats not what I was thinking when you said what you had to say. I know you said its not directed at only me, but I had to clear that up.

My whole thought process was if you wont go to their wedding, then more than likely you wouldnt go to their house, or celebrate anything that has to do with their relationship/milestones as a couple...because you dont believe in the lifestyle. Where there is your gay friend, there is his husband/wife right there with them. If I were gay and had you as a friend, I would be confused as to what I could invite you to, or how we could hang out knowing that you dont approve of my lifestyle.

We all know that when most couples become married, all celebrations somehow someway boil down to their relationship/commitment to eachother. And for that reason why be friends knowing that you wont be at any of them? :confused: But you know the dynamics of your relationship with your friend better than I do:yep:.

Just thinking out loud.

and to sum all that up, that would not be a real friend. past or present.
Hate is a very strong emotion and I have yet to feel disdain towards anyone, and of all people, I know that the majority of Christians do not feel this way:perplexed If they do they need help. So thats not what I was thinking when you said what you had to say. I know you said its not directed at only me, but I had to clear that up.

My whole thought process was if you wont go to their wedding, then more than likely you wouldnt go to their house, or celebrate anything that has to do with their relationship/milestones as a couple...because you dont believe in the lifestyle. Where there is your gay friend, there is his husband/wife right there with them. If I were gay and had you as a friend, I would be confused as to what I could invite you to, or how we could hang out knowing that you dont approve of my lifestyle.

We all know that when most couples become married, all celebrations somehow someway boil down to their relationship/commitment to eachother. And for that reason why be friends knowing that you wont be at any of them? :confused: But you know the dynamics of your relationship with your friend better than I do:yep:.

Just thinking out loud.
It's kind of like that druggie in someone's life. You don't accept them using drugs and you certainly are not a part of their lifestyle. But you are (if tolerant because that situation seems as if it's DRAINING and I don't blame for loving them from afar!) in their lives you still love them as a person and a living soul. They are a soul.

I will love them. And if they introduced _______ as their "boyfriend" (I only had male gay friends) then I say pleased to meet you, I'm Janelle. I don't say "Hey!" *handshake* Guess what, I'm bible thumper number 23736235243154 and I DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!" They know beforehand I'm Christian.

And to end that situation off, I'm sure you or anyone else on this board has friends that are just that. Friends. That doesn't mean you are automatically friends with their significant other. Does it? No, it doesn't. I see many posts here about "My girl's man is this and that" and they can't STAND the man, so they just associate with their girl and the man isn't a part of their life or friendship. Would you end a relationship with YOUR friend because you don't agree with HER relationship? No, I doubt you would.

I let people know who I am and what I stand for. I don't yell it from the rooftops. It's a big part of my life. I sing on the choir, I attend church several times a week so it would come up in conversation. It's apparent. And THEM, knowing what I feel against homosexuality would be the ones to say "I don't want to be your friend because of how you feel about MY lifestyle." But they choose to stay.And even if they left, I'd still be praying for their souls. They choose to stay and I pray for them.

I won't ever go to their drag shows, or do makeup or help them zip up a dress. I won't go guy watching with them. I wouldn't go to a club and have them teach me the newest vogue mix. But if they need someone to talk to, I'm there. If they need prayer, I'm there. It won't ever, no matter what they do, stop me from loving the fact that they are God's children. And as God loves me, I am to love them. Not what they do, but because who they are. :yep:
and to sum all that up, that would not be a real friend. past or present.
Considering your circumstance, this thread is touchy for you, understandably so.:yep: And I respect that.

But who are YOU to define ANYONE'S friendship? A true friend agrees with whatever goes down with said friend? There are many levels of friendship. There are friends that are a part of each other's life, from man, to children to each other's parents. Friends who remain tight from the cradle to the grave. There are friends who call each other on the phone in a blue moon and are still JUST as tight as ever. There are friends who can finish each other's sentences because they are practically twins. Not associates. They define THEMSELVES as friends. That is THEIR relationship. And that is real to THEM.

If THEY, as a homosexual knowing MY beliefs choose to remain MY friend, once again, knowing MY beliefs that no, I don't believe this is right in God's eyes want to keep that line of communication open? They are very well entitled to and I'd love for you to tell them they shouldn't and what "true" friendship is. I don't need to be in agreement with their lifestyle. Because that's all that's part of friendship right? Is that all a homosexual is? Homosexuality? Is that all a person is defined by? Sexual status?? Or is their more to that person than who they sleep with?
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Considering your circumstance, this thread is touchy for you, understandably so.:yep: And I respect that.

But who are YOU to define ANYONE'S friendship? A true friend agrees with whatever goes down with said friend? There are many levels of friendship. There are friends that are a part of each other's life, from man, to children to each other's parents. Friends who remain tight from the cradle to the grave. There are friends who call each other on the phone in a blue moon and are still JUST as tight as ever. There are friends who can finish each other's sentences because they are practically friends. Not associates. They define THEMSELVES as friends. That is THEIR relationship. And that is real to THEM.

If THEY, as a homosexual knowing MY beliefs choose to remain MY friend, once again, knowing MY beliefs that no, I don't believe this is right in God's eyes want to keep that line of communication open? They are very well entitled to and I'd love for you to tell them they shouldn't and what "true" friendship is.

mmkay. whatever makes you feel good.

You have a good night :drunk:
mmkay. whatever makes you feel good.

You have a good night :drunk:
Being friends with various people, circumstances aside and not mistaking that living the life of Christ means hating them, but loving them beyond everything does make me feel good. :yep: It shows me that I am becoming more and more like the God I serve.

You have a good night as well! :)
I would not go. Nor would I insult my belief in God by saying "I'd go and support them." Ok. You say you're Christian. And according to your Christian beliefs, such thing is wrong.
But you'd still go to "support" something you see as wrong? Who is bigger in your life? Pleasing Christ or man?
I don't care WHO'S offended, I know who's side I'm standing on. And before anyone tries to play the infamous, "Well, this is a sin too" (WHO SAID IT WASN'T?:rolleyes:)I also wouldn't go to a wedding of a divorced person who's getting remarried and their spouse is in the land of the living.

God LOVES the sinner and HATES the sin as we are to do. We are NOT to hate them...we are to LOVE them. BUT we are NOT to SUPPORT their sin. I don't care WHO it is. Friend foe or in between. And trust, we are doing a disservice to them AND ourselves by supporting what the word calls an abomination. If a non believer says otherwise, I'd understand. Your beliefs and mine don't coincide and that's fine, we have free will. But for a person claiming Christ to say otherwise, I dunno. :nono:

I feel EXACTLY how you feel about EVERYTHING you said. :yep:

Thanks for mentioning the divorce/remarriage thing. People gloss over that like the Bible doesn't say to remain unmarried or reconcile. :perplexed
My parent's church used to frown on that, but not so much now. God's word never changes. Yet folks become more lenient over time allowing stuff like divorce/remarriage, gay marriage and committment ceremonies.
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Oh my Fing Goodness :wallbash:
There's no need to get uptight about it, so please don't.
If I wanted to be big and bold, I'd say "I KNOW YOU'RE GAY(she doesn't hide that she does, so I'm not "calling her out)

This IS a touchy subject. It is a subject that many would equate to the thread of "black love" and a certain poster getting a bit offended since the thread didn't cover interracial get the point.:lachen:

If barbiesocialite didn't get up in arms about it, and she is the one I was addressing, I doubt she needs a second hand conversationalist to rile things up. So since you pointed that out, let me rectify the situation before it becomes something it shouldn't.

Barbie, since it was you who I addressed, if you were offended by what I said then I sincerely apologize. I was actually trying to show sensitivity in the situation and how you would be feeling about this thread and your lifestyle. :yep:
And as per your edit, I love them despite their sins. I'm not the one who forgives sin. GOD does. So please take that up with him, not I. I will, once again (since it seems to be forgotten quickly by some) love you no matter what. NO matter who you are, what you've done or are currently doing. I won't accept it. I'm in no position to forgive unless I was wronged. They aren't wronging ME by their lifestyle so what am I forgiving? As for God, he forgives all.
I'm surprised to see someone who can forgive 200 sins come in here and say they cant forgive 1.

ditto cept change forgive to support... and when they wanna support the sin of choice, as long as its not homosexuality, they say well the bible isnt clear on that or the bible can be misinterpreted or the bible is often misquoted...

Agendas people...