Same Sex Wedding

I dont even like who half of my HETERO friends & family are sleeping with, Im not gonna hurt a favorite relative by not attending the commitment ceremony in which she is planning with the woman she has lived with for 20 yrs and together raised 2 kids and now is raising a grandchild...

She knows my beliefs, I know hers... The God I serve says hate the ACT not the person....I pray for her & her loved ones...she prays for me & mine...

we may meet in heaven or she may look down from above & see me in hell...
If it was a GOOD, close friend or there immediate family member - yes. Otherwise - heck no. I would put my thoughts aside to support a close, good friend - ONLY.
If it was a GOOD, close friend or there immediate family member - yes. Otherwise - heck no. I would put my thoughts aside to support a close, good friend - ONLY.
What you talkin bout you gon be a bridesmaid to revive this mother of the bride. :look: I'm gon need some moral support shoot!

Ok I gotta a question in these same sex marriages. Who is supposed to pay for the wedding if its two brides? :lachen:
Yes. I go to hetero weddings even though I know that 50% of them will end up in divorce "sin" so yep. I'm equal to all sinners. :yep:
I surely won't be paying.... I refuse to pay for dates unless it's SO's birhday, let alone a 30G wedding....uh uh, not gonna happen
:lachen:See why you sound like the demonwomanchild. I'm just trying to be sure the mother of this bride can weasel outta anymore sponsored life experiences and events. I'll go half for some food and dj though cuz I wanna get my eat and boogie on.
Oh my I can see my drunk *** saying some embarrassing **** during the couple toast! :look:
Of course I would attend the same sex wedding of a friend. They would have to be really close to me, of course, because I don't even attend every hetero wedding I get invited to. But, this would certainly not be a deterrent in my going.
Of course. I'd be honored to attend a special occasion of any one I loved.

Maybe a question could be, would you be friends with someone whose lifestyle you do not agree with. Because if you feel so strongly that you would not attend their wedding, why have them in your life at all.

I dont even like who half of my HETERO friends & family are sleeping with, Im not gonna hurt a favorite relative by not attending the commitment ceremony in which she is planning with the woman she has lived with for 20 yrs and together raised 2 kids and now is raising a grandchild...

She knows my beliefs, I know hers... The God I serve says hate the ACT not the person....I pray for her & her loved ones...she prays for me & mine...

we may meet in heaven or she may look down from above & see me in hell...

I wish more people could live/feel this way on soooo many issues. But even that's out of line because it's not my place to "wish" anything for another. :)

You've simply to live what you believe. You don't need everyone to cosign with their life too.

I would not go. Nor would I insult my belief in God by saying "I'd go and support them." Ok. You say you're Christian. And according to your Christian beliefs, such thing is wrong.
But you'd still go to "support" something you see as wrong? Who is bigger in your life? Pleasing Christ or man?
I don't care WHO'S offended, I know who's side I'm standing on. And before anyone tries to play the infamous, "Well, this is a sin too" (WHO SAID IT WASN'T?:rolleyes:)I also wouldn't go to a wedding of a divorced person who's getting remarried and their spouse is in the land of the living.

God LOVES the sinner and HATES the sin as we are to do. We are NOT to hate them...we are to LOVE them. BUT we are NOT to SUPPORT their sin. I don't care WHO it is. Friend foe or in between. And trust, we are doing a disservice to them AND ourselves by supporting what the word calls an abomination. If a non believer says otherwise, I'd understand. Your beliefs and mine don't coincide and that's fine, we have free will. But for a person claiming Christ to say otherwise, I dunno. :nono:
I would not go. Nor would I insult my belief in God by saying "I'd go and support them." Ok. You say you're Christian. And according to your Christian beliefs, such thing is wrong.
But you'd still go to "support" something you see as wrong? Who is bigger in your life? Pleasing Christ or man?
I don't care WHO'S offended, I know who's side I'm standing on. And before anyone tries to play the infamous, "Well, this is a sin too" (WHO SAID IT WASN'T?:rolleyes:)I also wouldn't go to a wedding of a divorced person who's getting remarried and their spouse is in the land of the living.

God LOVES the sinner and HATES the sin as we are to do. We are NOT to hate them...we are to LOVE them. BUT we are NOT to SUPPORT their sin. I don't care WHO it is. Friend foe or in between. And trust, we are doing a disservice to them AND ourselves by supporting what the word calls an abomination. If a non believer says otherwise, I'd understand. Your beliefs and mine don't coincide and that's fine, we have free will. But for a person claiming Christ to say otherwise, I dunno. :nono:

the something they are supporting is their friend not the actual commitment ceremony and the issues behind it...thats what I think most of the Christian ladies here are saying. But since you seem to be adamantly against the gay lifestyle in it's entirety you more than likely wont have to worry about being invited to a commitment ceremony or have a gay friend for that matter :yep:
the something they are supporting is their friend not the actual commitment ceremony and the issues behind it...thats what I think most of the Christian ladies here are saying. But since you seem to be adamantly against the gay lifestyle in it's entirety you more than likely wont have to worry about being invited to a commitment ceremony or have a gay friend for that matter :yep:
And that's just fine with me. If my beliefs of not supporting what is sin is an issue for them, then no sweat of my brow. :yep: I'm not friends with anyone I clash with, so lol, you say that like it's SUCH a big loss. Gay, straight, OR otherwise.The ceremony is a BIG part of it and there are other ways of "loving and supporting" your friend. The two cannot be separated. I'd love someone to show me how it can be without compromising.
And once again, I love how you say "in it's entirety" when I said "Love the SINNER hate the sin. In it's entirety includes said people whom I have no problem with, it's the lifestyle they live.
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And that's just fine with me. If my beliefs of not supporting what is sin is an issue for them, then no sweat of my brow. :yep: I'm not friends with anyone I clash with, so lol, you say that like it's SUCH a big loss. Gay, straight, OR otherwise.The ceremony is a BIG part of it and there are other ways of "loving and supporting" your friend. The two cannot be separated. I'd love someone to show me how it can be without compromising.

I respect your beliefs because I know that the Most High is limitless and thus large enough to have a personal relationship with EACH of us. Who would any of us be to ask you to step outside of what has been spoken to YOUR heart? :)

I also want to ask out of strict curiousity (and it goes without saying feel free to ignore me LOL!): Since you would not attend the wedding of someone who was divorced, would you attend the wedding of someone who you knew had engaged in premarital sex?

And that's just fine with me. If my beliefs of not supporting what is sin is an issue for them, then no sweat of my brow. :yep: I'm not friends with anyone I clash with, so lol, you say that like it's SUCH a big loss. Gay, straight, OR otherwise.The ceremony is a BIG part of it and there are other ways of "loving and supporting" your friend. The two cannot be separated. I'd love someone to show me how it can be without compromising.
And once again, I love how you say "in it's entirety" when I said "Love the SINNER hate the sin. In it's entirety includes said people whom I have no problem with, it's the lifestyle they live.

Did I say your LOSS?:lachen: No I just meant that since you are very well into your beliefs it would be very rare for you to befriend a gay person or vice versa. Too much clashing of issues and ideals to make it a decent friendship IMO. Unless they never came out to you in the first place *shrugs*
Did I say your LOSS?:lachen: No I just meant that since you are very well into your beliefs it would be very rare for you to befriend a gay person or vice versa. Too much clashing of issues and ideals to make it a decent friendship IMO. Unless they never came out to you in the first place *shrugs*

I have gay friends. Big shock! *gasp* One does shows in the city and another is flamboyant. One is a guy who most people are shocked by. Not in the majority of my friends, but they are certainly there.
They know how I feel about their lifestyle and that I don't agree with it. But I love them dearly. And I will never STOP loving them. Nor will I compromise my beliefs and support something that is contrary to it. I wish people (not necessarily you) would stop thinking automatic disapproval with something (and people, please stop acting SHOCKED when a Christian says something that is in line with Christianity as if you've never been exposed to the faith) means OMG, I HATE THEM. BOO. HISS!!! Would I go to a gay wedding. NO. Not at ALL. Will I stop loving them? No.
the way I see it.....Every single one of my HETERO married friends whose wedding I attended has committed some MAJOR sins ....not to mention countless other infractions against the 10 Commandments....( some Ive even witnessed and/or participated in) ... I still went to the wedding, baby showers that occurred BEFORE & AFTER the vows...

and since no sin is greater than the other....If I were to NOT attend a wedding based my belief of homosexuality being a sin, Im a liar and hypocrite and therefore and just as much doing a disservice to Christ

I pray for you... you pray for me....
I'd be honoured to be invited to any wedding,

as long as it wasn't an e-vite and they aren't asking for monetary gifts.
I respect your beliefs because I know that the Most High is limitless and thus large enough to have a personal relationship with EACH of us. Who would any of us be to ask you to step outside of what has been spoken to YOUR heart? :)

I also want to ask out of strict curiousity (and it goes without saying feel free to ignore me LOL!): Since you would not attend the wedding of someone who was divorced, would you attend the wedding of someone who you knew had engaged in premarital sex?

There is a law in the bible against marrying after being divorced. It is in the word that I follow. HOWEVER...NOWHERE in the bible does it say that fornicators are condemned from marrying. In fact, they say "as were some of you" You're hard pressed to find more marrying virgins then those whoo weren't.

Marriage is an honorable thing and cherished in the eyes of God when done according to His standards. So of course I would attend! They're doing right by God and His law which says the marriage bed is undefiled. So why wouldn't I? I'd in fact rejoice that they decided to take the next step instead of shacking up. :yep: After marriage, they would no longer BE fornicating. Right?