Salons R Us giving a discount on Hair Steamer...

Girl you know I have been trying everything that I could think of and it's still not working. My new one will be here tuesday but you betta believe if that sucker starts working any time before then I will be steaming my a** off. Lol!
okay, so i'm under my steamer again, my second time using it since I got it. This time I adjusted the height, it was way too high last time. I had posted before that it didn't get hot enough but thats bc I wasn't really under it good! i am sitting here good and hot now, esp my ears:lachen:
I'm almost sold. I called them today just to talk about it. I'm natural (4a I think). Please somebody tell me why I can't die and go to heaven without trying the steamer LOL! BTW - Thanks ExoticMommie (and thanks IDareT'sHair)!
My steamer is broken :-( Not sure what's wrong. I need to contact Mark asap and see if I can fix the problem. I put water in it, but its not really steaming like it used to. The cup that holds the excess water is filling up to the top in 15 minutes and the water is draining right away.
What page do I need to go back to 2 find out how to put this thing together?

I'm trying to figure out how the pole goes in .

My steamer has been sitting in the box about 2 weeks. first I was busy with company and now I can't figure out how to stick the pole in the base. :spinning: :blush: :spinning:

ETA:: Ok, I went back to pg. 14 and got some instruction. I'll have to go downstairs and try it out now.

ETA2:: Ok, thanx Imani!! That was very simple. You would think they could take the time to print that on some instructions.
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Hi everyone, I am happy to report that I received my replacement steamer yesterday and tested it out today just to make sure that it was working and I must say that I LOVE IT!!!!!:grin:
I steamed 2x yesterday:

Added DC to dry hair (Using the 'relaxer technique.' It was a mix of AOWC, bananas, EVOO, Castor Oil, and honey)
Washed (Nizoral)
Added my leave in conditioner (Trader Joe's Nourish plus EVOO)
Steamed again

I brushed my hair out and let it air dry in two ponytails overnight. It looks a hot mess, as I didn't do anything to it this morning but put it in a dew drop, but it feeeeeeeeeeeeels so soft.. I'm going to flat iron it, and add pics; I found my camera and the battery is charged!

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Has anyone gotten their steamer from HairGift? Also, is SalonsRUs the company whose machine keeps breaking on people.
:burning:Has anyone noticed the difference in temp when steaming on freshly relaxed hair and hair that has a lot of new growth? When I was many weeks post(I got it when I was around 8 wks) I could steam for an hour or so with no problems but now that I'm freshly relaxed with no ng after 10 mins I'm like :burning:
I finally put my steamer together and steamed for the first time.

I think i liked it. My first time I couldn't get positioned right under the bonnet . At some points my crown was smoking hot but the sides were not warm.

I started off without a cap just clips and that was pretty good til the plastic clips started heating up .

Then I put a cap on and took out the clips.

I still have to wash out the conditioner concoction I put on my head when it cools down.

I still have high hopes for my steamer.

ETA:: I had the best detangling or I should say no need to detangle session yet. My hair was soft as a babies and just made me so happy. Once I get the technique down I should be really on to something.
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After having my steamer for over a month, I'm finally about to put it together and steam. Hopefully, it will detangle my tangles from removing my braids.
Curious, after you steam with condish do you rinse with cool water?

Its been over 2 weeks since I ordered my steamer and I still don't have it yet.
^^^Two years!!!!??

I'm sitting under the steamer now and my scalp is on fire. I will probably only steam for a few more minutes. I suppose my pores are open after removing my braids and this is causing the flaming scalp.

Also I had to tie a damp wash cloth to my forehead because it was being scorched.
^^^Two years!!!!??

I'm sitting under the steamer now and my scalp is on fire. I will probably only steam for a few more minutes. I suppose my pores are open after removing my braids and this is causing the flaming scalp.

Also I had to tie a damp wash cloth to my forehead because it was being scorched.

I was the same way:lachen::lachen:...I bought one of those headbands that you wear for sports to catch all the access water - I also use a thin turban (that I used when I was doing the homemade steaming) on my head as it felt like that thing was steaming my doggone brain....
Mine arrived today! As soon as I knock out this homework I am getting my steam on!

ETA: Hmm, I had planned on relaxing tomorrow. Do I need to wait or will steaming today be OK?

Its assembled very easily. It heats up in about 10 minutes....and now I am about to try it for the first time!

20 minutes later...OK it was nice. No miracle results, but I'm definitely thinking its a better source of heat than a dryer/cap combo for DCs.

Question: does anyone ever add a drop of essential oil to the water? I was thinking it would infuse my hair with a nice fragrance. Do you think it would work, or would it mess up the equipment?
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Those of you who bought the ultralightweight version, be very careful of the clear plastic clamp that holds the little drainage bottle onto the pole... I broke mine tonight as I was pulling my steamer out to steam:wallbash:! But alas, I taped in on with some shipping tape until I can figure out how to get a clamp that I can fit onto the pole so that I can remove the thing without having to tape it up each time I steam... Steaming now to relax my nerves!:look:

...I am determined to get my money's worht outta this thing!
since Ive started using my steamer, I have noticed that my hair isnt shedding as much.

Im using my steamer right now!
Hello ladies I am interested in purchasing the steamer but I am debating which model I should get. Just from what I've read in the thread someone mentioned that a new model is coming out in April. Does anyone know which model would be considered the new model? The two models that they have listed on the website are the Pro 150 and Pro 1037A (backorder). Any recommendations on the models would be appreciated, TIA.
:burning:Has anyone noticed the difference in temp when steaming on freshly relaxed hair and hair that has a lot of new growth? When I was many weeks post(I got it when I was around 8 wks) I could steam for an hour or so with no problems but now that I'm freshly relaxed with no ng after 10 mins I'm like :burning:

I experienced that as well. It wasn't that serious, I didn't have to stop steaming. But I definitely noticed that my scalp was more sensitive to the heat.
I would recommend this company. I bought mine off from ebay from them. I love it and I think steaming helps you with stretching your relaxers, it makes your new growth very soft. I love it. Plus there was free shipping off of ebay.
I love my steamer. My hair feels real silky after using it. Ladies if your not really happy with your steam results, try switching up your conditioner. My first post I wasn't impressed but wowsers the next time I clarified and tried again, oh boy what a difference and my hair was silky soft.

Ladies who haven't ordered one or need to be convinced, this is a great item to have when you DC weekly. I was only intending to use it every other week. For therapeutic reasons as well as healthy Hair practice I use it weekly and I love it. It is a part of my regimen.